Final Projects Lesson Plan I



FL 790 CALLT for ESL/EFL Teachers

Dr. Sehlaoui


Elaine Rojas

June 10, 2010

CALLT for ESL/EFL Teachers

6 Grade

45 minutes to 1 hour


The lesson is intended to meet the needs of non-native English speakers by teaching them the information with the use of gestures, actions, visuals, different

CALLT, and activities. It is also an extremely important unit for students to understand due to its direct relation to their lives and ability to live. This lesson is on nouns and pronouns. Students will learn the difference between a common noun and a proper noun.

It is important for students to understand and identify nouns when speaking, listening, writing, and reading. This unit is part of the unit addressing these concepts.

The class has 2 Chinese speakers, 2 French speaker, 7 Spanish speakers, 3 native speakers, and 1 Japanese speaker. The English language is within the intermediate level.

The majority have academic skills in their own native language.


After presenting the structure of sentences, TLW use this structure by briefly writing in order complete sentences.

After presenting meaning of subject and predicate, TLW use this meaning by finding subject and predicate on sentences from a Photo Story about Jean Jacques Rosseau.


Photo Story -

Final Project Photo Story.wmv

A computer will be needed for the student

Overhead Projector


Students will be able to learn how to write correctly vocabulary pertaining to the biography of Jean Jacques Russeau.


T: Read a couple of pages from

S: Search on the computer site about Jean Jacques Rousseau.

S: Write down some new words that they heard and they didn’t know what they were.

S: Partner up and use the dictionary to find the meanings to the new words.

S: Read their new words and meanings to the rest of the class.

S: Read the rest of the story and have them write down any noun and pronoun that they saw.

T: Discuss why pronouns and adjectives are important.

Provision for Special needs: Students might need using the dictionary or thesaurus.

Teachers will walk around and assist anyone that needs it.


A. Introduction and Motivation

Teacher will explain that the noun Elaine has been replaced by the pronoun she; therefore a pronoun is a word meant to take the place of a noun. Since Elaine is a person, this type of pronoun is called a personal pronoun. Students will be asked to name any other personal pronouns that they may know.

B. Lesson Body

There are common nouns and proper nouns. A noun names a person, place, or thing. For example, ball, bat, toy, boy, girl, Adam, Nancy, Kansas, building, and others. These are all nouns.

Proper Nouns

A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing. Let's look at some proper nouns:

Mrs. Jones, Tommy, Wichita, Colorado, Nancy, Bill, and so on. All of these name someone or something specifically.

Besides common and proper nouns, there are singular and plural nouns. Let's look at these.

Singular Nouns

Singular nouns are nouns that name one person, place, or thing. Here are some singular nouns: boy, girl, toy, game, cat, dog, and so on.


Plural Nouns

Plural Nouns are nouns that name more than one noun. These are plural nouns: boys, girls, toys, games, cats, dogs, etc.


Pronouns take the place of nouns.


Anna went to the store to buy some groceries. Then, she went to the gas station and back home.

Sherry is the noun. She is the personal pronoun. It takes the place of the noun, Sherry.

That way you don't have to use the word Sherry all the time. You need to use pronouns to break the repetition of the noun. However, you want to vary the words.


In dialogue, you wouldn't want to continue using the personal pronouns of more than one person.

Sherry went to the store. She met Kari there. "Hi Kari. How are you?"

"I'm okay. What about you?" She asked

"I'm doing great. How about getting together sometime?"

"Sounds good," she replied

"Would you like to go to a movie?"


"Okay. Give me a call sometime soon," she said

"I will," she replied.

When the conversation keeps going, readers tend to lose track of who's talking.

This dialogue is confusing because you may don't always know who's speaking.


In this type of situation, you want to vary the nouns and pronouns. Occasionally, you need to use the nouns so readers will know who is speaking instead of having to go back to the beginning of the dialogue.

Other Pronouns

Other pronouns are she, he, it, him, her, himself, herself, them, themselves, and other pronouns.

These pronouns all stand for the nouns.

The word "it" is a pronoun that stands for a common noun such as in these sentences. The cat liked to play with a ball of yarn. The cat ran after it has it rolled across the floor. The word it stands for the noun, yarn.

First, you will teach the study sheet that I provided in the previous section.

Then, you will give the students the following exercises to see what they understand or don't understand.

Worksheet on Nouns

Part One - Common and Proper Nouns

Directions: Write common noun or proper noun in the blanks.

1. The mystery show was intriguing. _______________

2. School will soon start. ______________________

3. I enjoy creative writing. _____________________

4. The dogs bark when someone comes to the door. __________

5. The dogs bark when I am on the phone. _________________

Part Two - Common and Proper Nouns

Directions: Write common noun or proper noun in the blanks.

1. I enjoy reading Agatha Christie's books. __________________

2. I enjoy watching television every day. ____________________

3. I finally sent my book to the publisher.____________________


4. I lived in Spain all of my life. ______________________

5. My dogs all like to play together. ____________________

Part Three - Singular and Plural Nouns

Directions: Mark S or P above the singular or plural nouns.

1. The television show was great today.

2. The boys came over to our house to play futball.

3. We went to the futball game.

4. We got to adopt a kitten today.

5. The new boy in school was shy at first.

Directions: Underline the plural nouns in these sentences.

1. The boys went to the park today.

2. The futball players were excited about playing in their first tournament.

3. The cats chased each other around the house.

4. The rabbits were scattered all over the yard.

5. The squirrels like to come on the porch and eat their peanuts

Worksheet on Pronouns

Part One - Directions: For each of these nouns, write a pronoun.


Nancy –


Hussain –


car –

4. dog -

5. pencil -


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D


Below 60 = F

You can grade the students according to the total number correct over the total number of questions.

Will play "Pass the Pencil" for the rest of the class. Students will stand in a circle; one student should be in the middle with their his/her closed. A pencil will be passed around the outside of the circle and stop when the student in the middle claps his/her hands. The student in the middle will then choose a letter of the alphabet. The student left holding the pencil then has to say five nouns (no proper nouns!) before the pencil completes one rotation of the circle and ends up back at them. If they succeed, the person in the center stays there. If the person can't come up with five nouns, they then switch places with the person in the center of the circle.

C. Lesson Closure

Students will have exercises for homework: a) Ten sentences where they identify the nouns (proper and head nouns). b) Ten sentences where they identify head nouns and their dependants. c) Ten sentences that concentrate on replacing nouns with pronouns.


A. Student Assessment

Students qill work in groups of three following the procedures of the WebQuest

for small groups and about nouns. Also students will take an actual test provided by the teacher.

