StrangJamesJ 1847 11 11 Catholic Discussion Gospel Herald Vol 2 No 34 pp 145-146 Tags: MAAP Documents, Strang James J., Catholic Discussion, Gospel Herald, 1847, 0163 Gospel Herald, 11 November 1847, volume 2, number 34, pp 145-146 Catholic Discussion Answer to Mr. Rafferty. – No. 6. (Continued from last week.) “United together by the profession of the Same Faith.” In my last number I showed the consequence which, according to the Scriptures, should befall the church of Christ from a want of the priesthood which God set therein. I also showed that, according to the constitution of the Roman church, it was defective in that priesthood. It behooves me now to show that those consequences have actually befallen that church. I shall therefore show that, as children; they have been tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine till they have lost the faith committed to the saints, as well as departed altogether from the foundation of Christ and the Apostles. What, sir, is the first and most important fact to ascertain in determining the truth of the divine mission of Christ and of the christian religion? What is the grand fundamental truth upon which hangs the authority of the christian religion? What is the foundation stone of the christian faith? It is that Jesus Christ came in the flesh as the Messiah, in Fulfillment of the Word of God by the Jewish Prophets. And that fact is most Distinctly and Explicitly Denied in the Creeds of the Roman Catholic Church. The very confession of your creeds is a denial of the faith, and a proclamation that Christ is an imposter and christianity a lie. The whole course of prophecies was that the Messiah should come of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah and of the lineage of David. And the mass of testimony by the Apostles was that he did thus come. Not so the Catholic church. Ashamed of his parentage in the times of the decay of Hebrew royalty, and unwilling that the founder of their church should be the son of a poor carpenter, they have resorted to the heathen fable of children begotten of gods on beautiful women, and filled all their books and creeds with a story, fit only for heathen mythology, of the liason of the God of heaven with a Hebrew peasant girl. The Apostolic creed runs,” I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary.” I quote also from the Poor Man’s Catechism, page 28, 30, 31, 32: – “Q. What is the signification of the name Christ? A. The anointed. Q. What mean those words, His only Son our Lord? A. That he is by nature the only Son of God the Father, born of him from all eternity; and that he is our Lord and our God. “Q. What means the incarnation? A. It means that God the Son, the second person in the blessed Trinity, was made man. – Q. How was he made man? A. He assumed human nature, a body and soul, like ours, which subsisted together with the divine nature, in one and the same person of the Son of God. Q. When was he made man. A. At that instant when he was conceived in the womb of his blessed mother, the Virgin Mary, when she gave her consent, saying, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word. “Instruc. – The unity and trinity of God whereby we understand that one and same divine nature subsists in three persons, really distinct; and the incarnation of the Son of God; whereby the two natures, divine and human were united in one person, are mysteries of mysteries; and two principal mysteries of the Christian faith; and the ground-work upon which our religion is built. “So great and incomprehensible is this mystery, that we have all reason to say with St. Paul, O! depth of the riches and wisdom of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways beyond finding out!! Why should we doubt or fear to submit to all the other mysteries of the Christian faith, while we have this before our eyes, and believe it, that God the Son was made man, was born of a woman, lived in poverty, suffered and died as man, even the death that was due to sinners. “Q. How was he conceived? A. Not by human generation, but by the power and virtue of the Holy Ghost. Q. When was he conceived? A. At the instant the Virgin Mary gave her consent, saying, behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word. “Instruct. – The conception of our blessed Savior was purely a work of God, beyond our comprehension. It was all miraculous, full of mystery; far different from the ordinary conception of other men, by human generation: his conception was the immediate work of the Holy Ghost, and not of any man. That his body was formed by the substance of his mother, is indeed a natural thing, for all men are in like manner formed; but that a virgin, who never knew man, should conceive a son; that his human nature should subsist in a divine person; that his mother, remaining a virgin, was also a mother of God, mother of man, are mysteries beyond the reach of nature, and capacity of our understanding, and peculiar to none but himself.” Now if this account be true, Christ was not of the lineage of David. Jewish genealogies are always reckoned in the male line; never in the female. Moreover if we should reckon in the female line, we have not one iota of evidence that Mary, the mother of Christ, was of the lineage of David, nor even of the tribe of Judah. Two of the evangelists, Matthew and Luke, have given the genealogy from Abraham to Joseph, the Husband of Mary, for the especial purpose of showing that in the Male Line Jesus Christ was a literal descendent of Abraham, Judah and David. If the husband of Mary was not the father of Christ, what have we to do with his genealogy? And for what purpose was it written? Matthew begins his gospel, “The book of the generation (genealogy) of Jesus Christ, the son of David the son of Abraham,” and concludes the genealogy, ver. 16, “And Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.” Why is this, if Joseph did not beget Jesus? How is this, his genealogy, if Joseph is not his father? How is it evident, as Paul says, “that our Lord sprung out of Judah,”Heb. vii. 14. If it does not appear by these genealogies, neither of which runs to Mary, but both to Joseph? – Ah! Would Paul dare thus in writing to the Jews boldly assert that Christ was of the tribe of Judah, if the doctrine had then gone forth that Joseph was not his father? Aye; would not the Jews of answered, “how is it evident that he came out of Judah? wherein does it appear? By what line did he descend from Judah?” (To be continued.)