Scene 4 and 5 and Interlude

Worksheet 5
Scene 4: At the Ranger’s House. Scene 4 is amusing because the audience knows that Peggy is teasing
her father.
The Ranger is frustrated because Peggy catches him out with his own words.
The Ranger tells Peggy that she shouldn’t get too friendly with Aboriginal people. He says some
things just don’t mix.
Peggy challenges how her father could know this as he doesn’t know any Aboriginal people.
Activity Task 5: What is Peggy’s response to her father in the following situations?
1. When the Ranger says some Aboriginal people can’t be trusted.
2. When the Ranger says all the talk about him not liking certain people, and racism is ‘just plain dumb’.
3. When the Ranger says the Winalli family wouldn’t feel comfortable coming to the house.
4. When the Ranger says the Winalli family might do something to Peggy, or steal things from the house.
5. How do you think Peggy would respond if her father ordered her not to see Tim or the Winalli family?
Year 8: Drama Unit
Honey Spot
Scene 4, Interlude, 5
An interlude is a short performance between the acts of the main performance. An interlude sometimes
breaks tension with some light entertainment, or it can remind the audience about some detail in the
main story.
In Honey Spot, the interludes take the form of mimes (the performers act out the scene without speaking)
and are accompanied by music.
The interlude between Scenes 4 and 5 shows a snapshot of the Winalli’s life at this moment in the play:
times are tough. Mother looks after the boys as best she can, but William shows that the hard times make
him unhappy.
Draw a picture in your workbook showing what the stage might look like during the interlude. Include
characters, lighting, props and costume.
Year 8: Drama Unit
Honey Spot
Scene 4, Interlude, 5
Worksheet 6
Scene 5: At the honey spot.
• The action focuses on Tim and Peggy who get to know more about each other’s background.
• Peggy invites Tim to her place and asks him to bring Mother and William with his didgeridoo.
• Peggy reassures Tim that the Ranger will be at a fire brigade meeting.
Activity Task 6
Answer the following questions about Scene 5.
1. Why does Tim hesitate to accept the invitation to Peggy’s place?
2. How does Peggy persuade Tim to come around to her place?
Year 8: Drama Unit
Honey Spot
Scene 4, Interlude, 5