School Uniform - Amazon Web Services

Belgrave Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 7AG
Ms. M. E. Byrne
A note from the Headteacher
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the New School Year. I hope
you had a wonderful summer; the children
certainly look well and have settled back in
immediately. I am looking forward to the year
God Bless.
Ms. M. E. Byrne
Prayer to St. Matthew
O Glorious St. Matthew, in your Gospel you
portray Jesus as the longed-for Messiah who
fulfilled the Prophets of the Old Covenant and as
the new Lawgiver who founded a Church of the
New Covenant. Obtain for us the grace to see Jesus
living in his Church and to follow his teachings in
our lives on earth so that we may live forever with
him in heaven.
School Dinners
Please note:
 Dinner money MUST be in on a
 Cost for the week is £10 and this is
only applicable to KS2 (Years 3-6)
 Cheques MUST be made payable to
St. Michael and St. Martin school
 Children MUST either choose school
dinners or packed lunch as a
preference for the FULL week
Please look out for further information in the
newsletters for next half terms costs.
Well done Reception!
Congratulations to the 60 Reception children
who have settled in well to their new
classrooms. We have a busy few weeks
ahead learning classroom routines, sounds,
numbers and lots more. Thank you to all the
other children who have helped Reception to
find their way around their new area.
Phonics and Reading Workshop for Parents
Early Years and Year 1
Wednesday 1st October at 9.00am
Thursday 2 October at 2.30pm
These workshops will provide opportunities to share useful strategies and ideas to support
your child at home.
On arrival Parents will be given a raffle ticket; if your child presents the ticket to their teacher
the following day they will receive 100 house points.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Tel: 0208 572 9658
Fax: 0208 572 1982
Email :
Parent Readers Wanted!
If you are a current Parent reading volunteer at our school or are interested in
becoming a reading helper, we invite you to meet with the Headteacher and Literacy
co-ordinator on Wednesday 24th September at 9 am to discuss how you can help at
our school. Looking forward to seeing you!
Pupil of the week
Congratulations to the following children…
1R: Liam and Mahalla
1P: Fiona and Samuel
2W: Ajay and Rebecca
2M: Elisha and Benedict
Certificates of achievement
Congratulations to the following children…
3M: Jia and Adam
3W: Daria and Joy
4G: Catherine and Jayden
4M: James and Riyanna
5B: Callum and Morgan
5C: Nathan L and Edela
6B: Chuckwudi and Gloria
6R: Jerome and Annelise
School Uniform
Please ensure ALL pieces of school uniform are clearly
Children are allowed to wear their summer school uniform until
October half term. After half term boys and girls must wear their
full winter school uniform.
Tel: 0208 572 9658
Fax: 0208 572 1982
Email :
Dates for your diary
Monday 22nd September: Celebration of languages week
Thursday 25th September: Year 6 PGL meeting for Parents 2.45pm
Friday 26th September: European Day of languages
Friday 26th September: Macmillan coffee morning
Friday 26th September: 5B assembly 2.30pm
Monday 29th September: KS2 Mass for St. Michael
Friday 3rd October: 2M assembly 9.30am
Friday 3rd October: 4M assembly 2.30pm
Wednesday 8th October: Year 4 trip to Kew Gardens
Thursday 9th October: 4G assembly 2.30pm (Please note THURSDAY)
Friday 10th October: 1P Assembly 9.30am
Friday 10th October: Year 4 trip to Sky Sports
Monday 13th October: Year 4 trip to the Battle of Britain museum
Friday 17th October: 1R Assembly 9.30am
Friday 17th October: 6B assembly 2.30pm
Thursday 23rd October: 3W assembly 9.30am (Please note THURSDAY)
Thursday 23rd October: Half term School closes at 3.15pm
Monday 3rd November: School re-opens
Tuesday 4th November Year 2 and Year 3 trip to cinema
Thursday 6th November: Years 4, 5 and 6 trip to cinema
Friday 7th November: 6R assembly 2.30pm
Monday 10th November: E-safety week
Tuesday 11th November: Open evening 4-6pm
Wednesday 12th November: Open evening 4-6pm
Friday 14th November: 3M assembly 2.30pm
Tuesday 9th December: Year 2 Christmas play 2pm
Thursday 11th December: Year 1 Christmas play 2pm
Friday 12th December: Reception Christmas play 10am
Tuesday 16th December: Nursery AM Christmas play 9.30am
Tuesday 16th December: Nursery PM Christmas play 1.30pm
Thursday 18th December: KS2 Carol service at St. Michael and St. Martin Church 1.45pm
Friday 19th December: Christmas holidays. School closes at 1.30pm.
Tel: 0208 572 9658
Fax: 0208 572 1982
Email :