Family Newsletter
Greetings 4-H Families
This is your NORMAN COUNTY FAIR 4-H NEWSLETTER! Please hang onto this
information about county fair, your 4-H entry forms, and even some updates about the
state fair. We would like to encourage EVERY member to plan to exhibit at least one
or more projects and also prepare to take trips to the state fair, if offered. Our goal is
to offer more state fair trip experiences for youth through both projects and share the
fun. Please keep in mind the entry deadline of June 10th for ALL entries.
4-H Federation Meeting
The upcoming meeting of the 4-H Federation will be held Tuesday evening, June 16th ,
7:00 p.m. at the 4-H Building in Ada. All 4-H adult and junior leaders are encouraged
to attend this meeting with discussion of County Fair, Minnesota State Fair,
Achievement Day and Summer Camps. Lunch is to be served by the 4-H
Food Stand Managers for 2015
Mary Ann Bell (Hegne) has agreed to serve as the food stand manager for the 4-H
Food Stand at the Norman County Fair. We have enclosed a tentative work schedule in
this newsletter for your review and feedback. Also be thinking about menu items and
equipment needs. We know that Mary Ann will appreciate your support and full
The 4-H Premium List will not be listed in the County Fair Premium List that is
sent out to residents, instead the 4-H Premium list will be available on the
Norman County Extension website at or
by calling 218-784-5550 and requesting a paper copy. Club leaders will also have
a copy.
Calendar of Events
16th – 4-H Building & Livestock Set up and Clean up, 6:00 p.m.
16th – 4-H Federation, 7:00 p.m. – 4-H Building, Ada
23rd – All booths must be in place by 7:00 p.m.
June 24th – 4-H exhibit entry and conference judging between 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
– Norman County Fair Parade 5:30 p.m.
– Livestock Interview 6:00-8:00 p.m.
– Livestock Weigh In 8:00-9:00 p.m.
- After the Grandstand – Dedication for Tommy Roesch Memorial Stage
– Horse Show, 9:30 a.m.
-“4-H Farmer for a Day ” 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
– 4-H “Learn By Doing” 2:00-3:30 p.m.
– Dog Show, 4:00 p.m.
– Pet/Cat Show, 5:00 p.m.
– Fashion Revue, 5:00 p.m., show to follow
– Swine Show, 8:30 a.m
– Beef Show, 10:00 a.m.
– Sheep Show, 1:00 p.m.
- Market Goat, 2:00 p.m.
– Rabbit Show, 8:30 a.m.
– 4-H Demonstration Day, 9:00 a.m.
– Open Horse Show 10:00 p.m.
– Dairy & Goat Show 10:30 a.m.
– Premier Showmanship (immediately to follow the dairy show) 12:00 p.m.
- Jackpot Market Lamb Show 2:00 p.m.
- 4-H Share the Fun 4:00 p.m.
– Norman County 4-H Awards Program, 5:00 p.m.
– All Exhibits released at 6:00 p.m. No Exceptions!
- – Teen Dance 9 p.m. -12:00 a.m.
- 4-H Federation Meeting 7:00 p.m. & After Fair Clean-up 6:00 p.m.
Fair Entry Information
Entry Deadline is June 10th! All 4-H entries are due in the County Extension Office on or before June 10th, 2015.
Members are allowed to enter as many exhibits as you wish for the projects enrolled in. Refer to the 4-H Premium lists
for classes and lots. Extra entry blanks and premium lists will be available at the County Extension Office.
4-H’ers must be enrolled in specific projects in order to exhibit at the County Fair. Example: member must be enrolled
in Vegetable gardening in order to exhibit a garden display at the fair. Non-livestock lots are based upon the grade
recently completed.
Members may enter MORE THAN ONE EXHIBIT PER LOT, please list lot number and description for each exhibit.
Example N-1-1, childcare, toy; N-1-1, childcare babysitting kit; N-1-1, childcare, puppet. You may use your own idea or
one of the suggestions listed. Note the lot numbers are a LETTER followed by at least two numbers (N-1-1). Lots are
divided by grade. Members must be present for conference judging or they can place no higher than a blue ribbon.
5. All exhibits in the 4-H Building will be accepted
only on Wednesday, June 24th between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. No exhibits will be judged after 7:00 p.m. The
exhibits will be conference judged, which means that the judge will meet with both the 4-H member and his (her)
exhibit, talk to the member about the exhibit and then place the exhibit—Blue, Red, White, etc. Conference Judging
is to be a learning experience for the 4-H member. The judge will ask questions about the project and provide
information about why the exhibit is receiving its placing, as well as provide the 4-H member helpful tips on
improving their project for the future years. Parents may be present, but are asked to remain silent when the judge is
discussing the member’s exhibits with them. 4-H members who have a conflict with the general project conference
judging in their county of membership may be eligible for absentee judging. To be eligible to exhibit a project while
being absent from the conference judging process the following must be in place:
 Absence pre-approved with 4-H staff prior to scheduled date of judging (or other county competitive
event). The request will be allowed only in extreme situations such as:
o Death in the family
o Once in a lifetime educational opportunity
o Optional event with no flexibility (e.g. wedding of immediate family)
o Illness/Injury
 Exhibit(s) at the county fair (or other county competitive event) within scheduled timelines.
If you cannot be present for Conference Judging at the Norman County Fairgrounds on June 24th you have
the following options:
1.) Have a fellow 4-H member or family member enter your project. Attach a written or typed letter explaining your
project, why you did it, what went well, challenges faced, what you learned through completing it, what you might
do differently, how you plan to use it or the knowledge and skills gained from it.
2) Conference judging with judge at a pre-arranged time by cell phone call or other technology-based option (e.g.
Skype, Google Hangout). The 4-H family must make the arrangements for all connections and technology; staff is
not responsible if fairground situation does not allow for connectivity.
3) Pre-recorded interview with 4-H member utilizing a standard set of project-based questions. 4-H family must
make arrangements for all technology needed; staff is not responsible for technology needed to listen to or view
conference judging experience.
6. 4-H Club Exhibits will be conference judged between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. on June 24th . Please check in at the
4-H office located in the 4-H building to contact judge for time. The 4-H Club Community Pride Displays, and
Banners should be presented by one/two 4-H members who have been involved with them. These do not have to be
the same members for all club exhibits.
When you arrive with your project(s) at the fairgrounds on entry day, you will first check in at the Information Desk
in the 4-H Building. Here you will be asked to verify all your entries. You will then be given your entry cards to
take with you to each project area for judging. The time allotment for entering exhibits on entry day, Wednesday,
June 24th, 2015, will be between 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Release time for ALL exhibits, including all livestock, will be 6:00 p.m., Saturday, June 27th . No exhibits are
allowed to be released prior to that.
We encourage “Science Fair” displays for exhibit at the fair; but they will not be eligible for state fair unless they
meet the science displays guidelines as listed in the premium list and the members must be enrolled in the
appropriate projects.
Fair Set-Up
All 4-H superintendents are asked to come in on Tuesday, June 16th, at 6:00 p.m. to organize and set-up the exhibit
display & livestock area—as this is one of their duties as superintendents
Tuesday, June 16th , at 6:00 p.m. We plan to clean the 4-H Building and Food Stand on the fairgrounds. All 4-H
clubs are asked to have both adult and junior leaders help clean up and arrange the exhibit area.
4-H Livestock
Livestock Entry Policy: Livestock exhibits will be accepted from 3:00 –8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24th.
Exhibitors must be present for weigh-in and identification! Livestock weigh-in times are:
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
4-H Livestock Interviews: All 4-H livestock exhibitors are encouraged to participate in an oral interview on
Wednesday, June 24th , 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m., in the Kroshus Livestock Pavilion. This is a learning process…but 4H members must participate in order to place higher than a blue ribbon in livestock competition and also be eligible
for state trips. The 4-H interview species are: beef, sheep, swine, horse, dairy, goat, poultry and rabbit.
Trips for State Fair will be determined at County Fair.
Vet Check: Make sure that exhibitors check with veterinarians for necessary health requirements for public
exhibition. Health papers are required for swine, poultry, horse (EIA Coggins), and dog (Rabies). Also check with
vet for dairy and beef heifers. Health papers will be collected by the vet on Entry Day, June 24th .
We will have the ID Information on hand.
All these livestock species (except horses and dogs) will be exhibited at the Minnesota State Fair August 26-30,
The University of Minnesota encourages and endorses policies designed to enhance the welfare and care of farm
animals. We advocate humane treatment of animals. We advocate humane treatment of animals in all aspects of
their handling…on the farm, in transit and at the point of sale. Policies for the handling of animals are constantly
being reevaluated and improved by those in all aspects of the livestock sector. We support this constant
reevaluation and the goal that all animals are handled with a minimum of stress and discomfort.
Set up for the livestock area for the county fair will be Tuesday, June 16th , 6:00 p.m.
4-H members who desire to enter their livestock in the open class/FFA are asked to check regulations with show
clerks and pre-register with fair secretary, Gerrie Aasland, or Danette Gwin, Ada on or by June 10th by using the
Livestock entry form from the premium list for open class/FFA.
I hope that you are preparing for the County Fair, June 24-27. Here are a few things to be aware of for your
exhibiting at the fair.
1) Exhibits should be something that you have been working on this year.
2) The exhibit can relate to any of the mini-lessons in your activity sheets or it could be a poster, any of the activity
sheets, or something that you helped to make.
3) You will show your exhibit to a judge and they will ask you what you did and what you learned.
4) Each youth will receive an award medal and premium.
5) Cloverbuds are not covered under 4-H insurance for livestock exhibits or any other projects areas-check your
family insurance!
The age guideline for Cloverbuds is K-2nd grade.
Youth that are enrolled in Cloverbuds will be limited to the Cloverbuds project, plus livestock. What does this mean?
There will be no need to enroll in other projects (foods, gardening, creative arts, etc.) because ALL the Cloverbuds must
sign up the livestock species they plan to exhibit, but only one animal per specie. They can sign up for more than one
species, (rabbit, pets, sheep, etc.)
Cloverbuds can bring their activity sheets and additional exhibits for display regardless if it’s foods, rockets, arts, etc.
These projects will ALL be judged by the Cloverbud judge, the exception is livestock.
6) Cloverbud enrolled in any livestock projects cannot be counted to determine state fair quota.
7) Cloverbud Horse participants can only bring their Horse in the day of the Horse Show. No stalls are available.
8) Cloverbud animal exhibitors must have an adult in control of the animal at all times in the show ring.
4-H Pet Show & Cat Show
Thursday, June 25th, 5:00 p.m.
Members must be enrolled in the pet and or cat project to be eligible to participate. The show will consist of
grooming, care of pets and knowledge about your pet. Only one pet per member enrolled.
*2015 – Senior 4-H Premier Showmanship
Saturday, June 27th , after the Dairy Judging.
The top senior showman in Beef, Dairy, Horse, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Rabbits & Goat will be eligible to participate
in this event. Each top class senior showman will be judged in showmanship in all eight classes. You will need to
prepare yourself by seeking information on the classes you are not so familiar with. For example; Gestation period,
Breed characteristics, Birth weights, etc. Youth are only eligible to show/represent one species. For more
information, please call the Extension office at 784-5550.
Premium Lists Available
The 120th Norman County Fair Premium Lists will be mailed to every box holder in the county but the 4-H Fair
Entry Premium List information will only be available on the Norman County Extension Website and/or mailed
out to the 4-H families, per request, and will not be in the County Fair Premium List.
Demonstration Day
4-H Demonstration Day will be held on Saturday, June 27th, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Demonstrators will receive
notice of the times of their demonstrations. We encourage all FCCLA presenters to participate. Notices will also be
posted in the 4-H building on the fairgrounds.
Rather than champion and reserves, there will be a purple ribbon group along with a plaque for the top individual or
team demonstrators.
All Demonstrations
For 2015, $30 cash awards are provided to 4-Hers who complete a 4-H demonstration during 4-H at the Minnesota
State Fair. Each county will receive one additional livestock trip for a demonstrator with livestock. Consult your
local 4-H staff for details and start planning those exciting livestock demonstrations today! ** Note: An animal is
required for the livestock demonstrations!
Conference Judging
As 4-H’ers start working on their projects for the fair, here are a few questions they can think about. These are
questions the judge may ask them.
Why did you choose this idea/item as your exhibit?
How much time, money, materials, effort and skill did you use in preparing this exhibit?
How and where did you find the information and materials, effort and skill did you use in preparing this exhibit?
How and where did you find the information and materials for this exhibit?
What have you learned by preparing this exhibit?
What other activities could you do in this project?
Why is this a good rocket, birdhouse, poster, or whatever the specific exhibit is?
Awards Program
The 4-H Awards Program will be held at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, June 27th, at the free stage outside the 4-H Building
(In case of inclement weather, it would be held in the 4-H building). Champion and Reserve Champion exhibitors in
each major project area will receive recognition. The plaques, trophies and other awards will be presented at this
time. Pictures will be taken of Champion and Reserve Champion exhibitors in the project areas.
4-H Food Stand Work Schedule
Wednesday, June 24th
2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – 4 -H Alumni
5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – 4-H Alumni
9:00 – 10:30 p.m. – Volunteers Needed
Thursday, June 25th
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Riverside & Lockhart Larks
2:45 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. – Hegne Hustlers
Friday, June 26th
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m – Woodland
2:45 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. - IXL
Saturday, June 27th
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Marsh River
Lions will serve a supper.
*Morning shifts, workers need to be present by 8:00 a.m.
** It is important for everyone to work at the Food Stand to help support the County 4-H program. If you are unable
to help during the assigned time, please help out on another shift.
** Note – Pie fillings CANNOT contain any dairy product such as; eggs, cream cheese, sour cream, cheese etc.
Please keep this in mind when bringing a pie to the fair. No crème pies!
4-H Premium List
Please note: The premium list has changed somewhat. Each area Livestock and general project areas are listed in
alphabetical order.
Premium checks for exhibitors will not be given out the last day of the county fair. The checks will go to exhibitors
after the county fair.
Minnesota State Fair Update
Minnesota State Fair Date:
4-H Livestock: August 26-30, 2015
4-H Building Encampment: Sept. 1-3, 2015
State fair trip winner alternates will be posted in the 4-H Building. State fair packets will be available at the State
Fair Meeting on Wednesday July 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the Ag Country Meeting room.
State Fair Eligibility:
Must have completed at least 6th grade (exception: if in Share the Fun or County Arts-In)
Community Pride is a premium-based project, meaning the youth cannot take another project trip.
Exhibit sizes: we still have the basic size guidelines for exhibits. The guidelines remain:
Posters may not exceed 22” wide x 28 high
Three dimensional displays: may not exceed
12” deep x 24 wide x 36” high
No more than 20 sq ft. of floor space for home environment, shop and electric.
Dual Trip Policy
Each year a state fair aged 4-Her can exhibit both a livestock project and a general project at the Minnesota State
Fair. Additionally, a 4-Her can utilize non-premium group activities such as Judging team demonstrations and
Share The Fun. 4-Hers would pay only one program fee and receive only one premium.
Livestock Quality Assurance & Ethics Training
July 29th at the Family Service Center in Moorhead, MN from 7-10 p.m.. Please contact Lisa Kasson-Bauer
@ 218-299-5020 or for more information. Registration is due by July 22.
$5 registration fee
The State 4-H Policy states:
All youth participating at the Minnesota State Fair as 4-H livestock exhibitors in beef, dairy, sheep, swine, poultry,
rabbits or goats AND all regular (non-Cloverbud) 4-H swine county fair exhibitors must have completed a Livestock
Quality Assurance and Ethics workshop. Certification is good for three Fair seasons. The level of training required
is determined by the grade of the youth at the time the training takes place.
Contact the Norman County Extension Office for more information at 218-784-5550.
Certification Levels
4-Hers completing grades 3-5 must be certified in Level I. 4-Hers completing grades 9-13 must be certified in Level
II. 4-Hers completing grades 6-8 may be certified in either Level I or Level II. The determination of which Level to
certify at for grades 6-8 should be based on the livestock project experience the 4-Her possesses. It is expected that
6-8 graders with very little exposure to livestock projects will certify in Level I. Others will prefer to certify in
Level II.
Please call for more information.
July 13th , Level I & II will be held at the Messiah Church, Roseau, MN from 12:30 – 4 p.m.. Please contact
Sandy Weiland for more information at 800-450-1052.
August 3rd Level I & II will be held at the Ottertail Power building, Fergus Falls, MN. Please contact Tammy
Nordick @ 218-998-8760 at the West Ottertail Extension Office or
The workshops are open to EVERYONE in any of our surrounding counties.
Fashion Review
Fashion Review will be held during the Norman County Fair on June 25th, 2015. All clothing project members are
encouraged to participate in this fun event featuring both Clothes You Make & Clothes You Buy. Judging will start
at 5:00 p.m. in the 4-H Building. Public Review will follow judging at the Free Stage by the 4-H Building. Letters
have been sent out to Clothing project members with details about the event. Please call the Norman County
Extension Office if you have any questions.
The Mighty Thomas Carnival
**NEW THIS YEAR! The Mighty Thomas Carnival is making Multi session tickets available in advance from
June 1st – 24th for the Norman County Fair.
For $50 the holder of the Multi session punch card will be able to ride any and all rides during the 5 regular sessions
at the Norman County Fair.
The sessions are:
Wednesday June 24th, 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Thursday June 25th, 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Friday June 26th , 4 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Saturday June 27th 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday June 27th 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
The holder’s name will be written on their pass, and they will get a new bracelet for each session. The Multi session
pass will NOT be honored on Dollar/Youth Day from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. as all rides will be available for $1.00.
Single session passes will still be available for $22 per session at the carnival ticket window only.
Tickets will be available in Ada thru KRJB, McCollum Hardware, Ada Auto Value, In Halstad at Valley Hardware,
in Twin Valley at First National Bank or NCAS. Tickets are also available from 4-H Club members. Checks
payable to the Norman County Fairboard.
4-H Horse Project Members—Attention!
If you are enrolled in the 4-H Horse Project and expect to be showing your horse in any public shows this year
(including at the fair), you do need to have your horse tested for EIA (Equine Infectious Anemia). This test is called
the “Coggins Test” and will need to be done by your veterinarian. You will need to certify that your horse has a
negative Coggins test by producing the Veterinarian’s certificate at any of our 4-H Horse project training and at the
County Fair this summer. This is a state law in Minnesota now, so don’t neglect to contact your vet and get this
taken care of. Please turn in the “Coggins Test” into the Extension Office with your entry forms if you have not
already done so.
The Minnesota 4-H Horse Association has adopted a policy that will require 4-Hers to use helmets when riding
horse at 4-H events and activities. The Center for 4-H & Community Youth Development strongly supports this
policy and applauds the 4-H Horse Association for their commitment to providing safe activities for all 4-Hers. The
policy states…
All 4-Hers participating in any 4-H sponsored mounted activity are required to wear properly fastened ASTM/SEI
approved protective headgear. Helmet use is required when mounted. This policy also extends to 4-H volunteers
when they are working with 4-H youth in a 4-H volunteer role during mounted activities.
County Fair Horse Show Update!
County Fair Horse Show Update
We are excited to announce some changes for the County Fair Horse Show. Minnesota 4-H was looking to have
more consistency throughout the state in the County 4-H Horse Shows. The Norman County Horse Committee met
and determined the following: Norman County 4-H will be utilizing a six point system for earning points for
qualification for State Horse Show trips. Points can be earned in Performance in: Western Pleasure, Western
Horsemanship, Western Showmanship, Hunt Seat Pleasure and Trail. Points can be earned in Games in: Barrels,
Poles, Key Hole & Jumping Figure 8. Points will be allocated in both Games & Pleasure according to age divisions.
The age divisions are: Novice (Grades 3-5), Junior (Grades 6-8), and Senior (Grades 9 & up). State Horse Show
trips will be allocated by even distribution (50-50 games and performance). If an odd number of Horse Shows
available then the extra trip goes to discipline with the most participation. Points earned for the Novice group will
used for County awards only. State Horse Show trips are for Grade 6-13 completed. If a tiebreaker would be
needed for determination it would be: 1. Person with the most 1 st places, 2. Person with the most 2nd places, 3.
Person with the most 3rd places, and 4. Draw out of a hat. If you have any questions, please call the Extension
Another exciting change for the Norman County 4-H Horse Show is that Cloverbuds may participate with a horse in
all three classes: Cloverbud Halter/Showmanship, Cloverbud Western Pleasure or Cloverbud Barrels. If the horse is
used in a riding setting, the Cloverbud may sit on the back of the horse with a responsible person in control of the
horse at all times. Helmets are required for the Cloverbud in any riding setting. A “responsible person” is defined
as a screened adult volunteer, youth leader 6th grade and older, parent or other adult who may appropriately assist
with the group.
Plaques for 2015 Norman County Fair
There will be more than 45 plaques for the Norman County Fair. Keep in mind that awards are appropriate for
recognition-but learning and active participation are the keys to success. Good Luck!!
Self Determined; Family Living; Clothing (2); Creative Arts (3); Natural Resources; Foods; (3) Personal Growth &
Development; Health & Safety; Horticulture (2); Mechanical Sciences; Photography (3); Plant and Soil Science; and
Shop (2). Jr. and Sr. Showmanship in the following areas: Swine; Sheep; Beef; and Rabbit.
Champion Livestock: Dairy; Beef Steer; Sheep; Breeding Goat; Market Goat; Swine; Beef Heifer; three Horse
Show Champions. Dog Show; Rabbit; Poultry; Pet Shows,Champion Demonstration and Senior 4-H Premier
Swine Members--Attention!
State Fair Health Requirements for Swine which must be tested must be individually identified by ear tag number,
tattoo number, registry number, or other identification satisfactory to the Minnesota Board of Animal Health. All
swine must:
A. Have a negative official psuedorabies test conducted within 30 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition;
B. Originate directly from a qualified psuedorabies-negative herd; or
C. Originate (born) directly from a Stage IV or V county or area.
So what does this mean for us? Currently, all 50 states are currently considered State V. Also, please note that Stage
status can vary between now and State Fair. We’ll do our best to keep you posted of any changes that occur. We will
not, however, monitor the psuedorabies status of counties and areas outside Minnesota – that will be the
responsibility of the owner.
**There will NOT be a Poultry show at the fair this year due to the H5N2 HPAI outbreak.
Herdsmanship Judging Criteria
Animals and exhibit area should be kept clean and neat in appearance.
Equipment/tack/bedding/feed should be neatly arranged in available space, but not blocking aisles or gates.
Bedding in pens should not be excessive.
Aisles should be kept free of bedding/feed/paper/water/etc.
Manure must be removed from pens and dumped outside of building.
Decorations will not increase scores, but may reduce scores if not properly maintained.
Exhibitors should be friendly and willing to answer questions from judges and/or fair visitors. Extra consideration is
given for exhibitors attending their pens during herdsmanship judging.
The following will not be tolerated at Norman County Fair: alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco, other illegal drugs, or
any misbehavior actions.
Herdsmanship may be judged any time between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.; except the first morning and last afternoon of
the county fair.
10. All decisions are final by the livestock committee of the Norman County Fairboard. Winners will be announced at the
Awards Program.
11. Wood Shavings for Fair – The Norman County Fairboard has asked that all Swine & Horses use only wood
shavings in their stalls. Livestock exhibitor are responsible for their own shavings & straw. For any questions
please call the Extension Office at 218-784-5550.
“4-H Learn By Doing”
Youth will have the opportunity to work with and learn about 4-H projects during the 2015 Norman County Fair on June 25th
from 2:00-3:30 p.m. If you have a project you would like to share with others, please call the Extension Office.
Norman County 4-H/FFA “Farmer For A Day”
Thursday, June 25th, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
The Norman County “Farmer for a Day” is an agricultural interactive education exhibit for kids. Children (ages 3-12) are
provided the opportunity to experience the agricultural process, beginning at the farm and ending at the market. If you would
like to help with this fun activity, please contact the Norman County Extension Office.
Help Stock the Food Shelves!
Norman County 4-H Ambassadors want you to help! The Norman County 4-H Ambassadors want to help give back to the
communities! Please bring non-perishable food items to the County Fair. The food items will be collected to distribute to the
food shelves of Norman County. The collection site will be in the 4-H Building! Please help the Ambassadors & the
Norman County 4-H make an impact to help in Norman County’s communities! If you have any questions, please call the
Extension Office.
Norman County Extension Committee
 Lynn Bitker, Halstad
 Alan Grunhovd, Fertile
 Bryan Hest, Perley
 Sheila Capistran Murphy, Ada
 Dave Jenson, Twin Valley
 Debra Bain, Twin Valley
 LeeAnn Hall, Ada
 Nathan Redland, Commisioner, Halstad
Youth Representative
 Heidi Purrington, Twin Valley
 Mason Kitchell, Ada
 Adam Sip, Ada
 Laura Jossund, Perley (Alternate)
 Elizabeth Birkemeyer, Ada (Alternate)
 Melissa Riepe, Twin Valley (Alternate)
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