Pathology 20 p955-963 [5-11

Pathology 955-963 The Kidney
Congenital Anomalies
CAKUT = congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract
o Structural
Genetics effect tubular transport
Bilateral Agenesis = incompatible with life (stillborn)
Unilateral Agenesis = compatible without other abnormalities; compensatory hypertrophy with
progressive glomerular sclerosis
Hypoplasia = bilateral leads to early failure, more common unilateral; true hypoplasia has no
scars but reduced # (<6) of renal lobes and pyramids
o Oligomeganephronia -> hypoplastic, few nephrons that are hypertrophied
Ectopic Kidney = lie above pelvic brim or in pelvis, unremarkable
o abnormal position kinks ureters -> bacterial infection
Horseshoe Kidney = anterior to great vessels, 90% fused at lower pole
Multicystic renal dysplasia = histologic persistence in kidney of abnormal structures (cartilage,
undifferentiated mesenchyme, immature collecting ducts) and abnormal lobar organization
o Associated with other lower UT anomalies
o many nephrons have immature collecting ducts
o unilateral -> flank mass leading to nephrectomy; good prognosis
o Bilateral -> renal failure
Cystic Diseases of the Kidney
Autosomal-dominant (Adult) Polycystic Kidney Disease = multiple expanding cysts of both
kidnes destroying renal parenchyma and causing renal failure; bilateral
o Mutations of both alleles of PKD gene
 PKD1 mutation = 85% and more severe; PKD2 mutation in rest
o Renal function retained until 40-50
o Systemic (cysts in other organs)
o Genetics and Pathogenesis:
 PKD1 encodes polycystin-1 localised in distal nephron
 PKD2 encodes polycystin-2 (Ca permeable cation channel) localized in all
 Both polycystin’s localized in primary cilium
 Change in intracellular Ca level -> change in cell proliferation, apoptosis,
ECM interaction, and secretory function of epithelia
o Cyst enlargement results
 Affected Cilia-centrosome complex regulating ion flux of tubular epithelium
underlies cyst formation
o Morphology:
 Kidneys bilaterally enlarged with cysts externally
 Functioning nephrons between (clear or red/brown fluid-filled) cysts
o Clinical:
 Asymptomatic until renal insufficiency; hemorrhage or dilation may have pain
 Onset of hematuria then proteinuria, polyuria and hypertension
 Accelerated in blacks (sickle-cell trait), males, and hypertensives
 40% have asymptomatic cysts in liver
 Other anomalies = intracranial berry aneurysms in circle of Willis, mitral valve
 Azotemia and uremia for many years
 Most die from coronary/hypertensive heart disease, infection or ruptured
Autosomal-Recessive (Childhood) Polycystic Kidney Disease = perinatal and neonatal most
o Mutation of PKHD1 gene encoding fibrocystin -> localized to primary cilium of tubular
o Morphology:
 Enlarged kidney with smooth external appearance
 Spongelike appearance inside
 Dilation of collecting ducts
 Liver has cysts
o Clinical:
 Survivors develop congenital hepatic fibrosis
Cystic Disease of Renal Medulla =
o Medullary Sponge Kidney = lesions of multiple cystic dilations of collecting ducts in
 adults, incidental finding or secondary complications
 dilated papillary ducts
o Nephronophthisis and Adult-Onset Medullary Cystic Disease = cysts in medulla,
concentrated at corticomedullary junction
 cortical tubulointerstitial damage causes renal insufficiency
 3 variants: sporadic/nonfamilial, familial juvenile nephronophthisis (most
common) and renal-retinal dysplasia
 Most common genetic cause of ESRD in children/young adults
 Present with polyuria and polydipsia, sodium and tubular acidosis
 Pathogenesis:
 NPH1, 2, 3 (produce nephrocystins) mutated in juvenile
 MCKD1, 2 cause medullary cystic disease
 Morphology:
 Small kidney
 Cortical atrophy and thickened basement membrane
 Strongly consider in kids with unexplained chronic renal failure, family
history and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis
Acquired (Dialysis-Associated) Cystic Disease = cysts with clear fluid and calcium
oxalate crystals
 Complication -> renal cell carcinoma in cyst walls
Simple Cysts = translucent, smooth membrane, clear fluid
 No clinical significance unless hemorrhage into them (pain)
 Mistaken for tumors
 Cysts have smooth contour, avascular and fluid signals on US
Urinary Tract Obstruction (Obstructive Uropathy)
Obstruction increases susceptibility to infection and stone and unrelieved leads to permanent
renal atrophy (hydronephrosis or obstructive uropathy)
Common causes:
o Congenital anomalies, calculi, benign prostatic hypertrophy, tumors, inflammation,
sloughed papillae/blood clots, pregnancy, uterine proplase and cystocele, functional
Hydronephrosis = dilation of renal pelvis and calyces with atrophy of kidney from obstruction
o Diminution in inner medullary blood flow
Obstruction triggers interstitial inflammatory reaction -> interstitial fibrosis
o Sudden, complete obstruction -> reduced glomerular filtration -> dilation of
o Subtotal, intermittent obstruction -> normal filtration -> progressive dilation
o Interstitial inflammation
o Cortical tubular atrophy with interstitial fibrosis
o Blunting of pyramid apices and thinning of renal parenchyma
o Acute obstruction -> pain
o Unilateral complete or partial hydronephrosis may remain silent for long
 Ultrasound good for diagnosis
o Bilateral partial obstruction -> polyuria and nocturia, hyposthenuria; typical picture of
chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, hypertension
o Complete bilateral obstruction -> oliguria/anuria, must relieve; postobstuctive diuresis
Urolithiasis (Rneal Calculi, Stones)
Men > women, 20-30
Gout, cystinuria, primary hyperoxaluria = hereditary diseases associated
Cause and Pathogenesis:
o Four types (all have mucoprotein matrix)
calcium stones (70%) -> radiopaque; hypercalcemia with hypercalciuria
(hyperparathyroidism, bone disease, sarcoidosis) or without hypercalciuria
(hyperabsorption), increased uric acid secretion (hyperuricosuric calcium
nephrolithiasis), hyperoxaluria (vegetarians), hyypocitraturia (acidosis, chronic
 triple/struvite stones (15%; magnesium ammonium phosphate)-> after bacterial
infection (convert urea to ammonia), large stones (staghorn calculi)
 uric acid stones (5-10%) -> hyperuricemia (gout), leukemia, > ½ have neither
hyperuricemia nor increased uric acid excretion; radiolucent
 cysteine (1-2%)-> genetic defect in AA reabsorption, low pH
o most important determinant is increased urinary concentration of stones’ constituents
(exceeds solubility); also low urine volume
o formation enhanced by deficiency in inhibitors of crystal formation
o Unilateral (80%)
o Favored within renal calyces/pelves or bladder
o May damage kidney
o Smaller are more hazardous (pass into ureters -> colic)
o Large stones -> hematuria