Office of Academic Programs • 1000 East Victoria St. • Carson, CA 90747 UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Thursday, May 29, 2015 Notes 1. Curriculum Proposals for Review a. UCC 14-15 -119 Graduate Education- School Leadership Program Professional Administration Credential MP b. UCC 14-15 -120 SLP 580 MC c. UCC 14-15 -121 SLP 581 MC d. UCC 14-15 -122 SLP 582 MC 2. On Thursday, May 21, 2015, Tracey Haney sent an email to the members of the UCC on behalf of the chair, Cathy Jacobs requesting they review and submit their votes to the School Leadership Program (SLP) proposals via email to Maya Medina by Friday, May 29, 2015. 3. The credential program and course modifications were submitted in time to the Office of Academic Programs for review during the spring semester, and were scheduled to be on the April 22, 2015 UCC meeting. a. That meeting was cancelled because the UCC would not reach quorum. 4. The late request to vote by email was necessary for the university as the revisions were required by the CCTC and must be in effect by fall 2015. 5. UCC members were provided with a summary of changes and the full proposals for review. 6. UCC members M. Carrier and K. Esposito had some questions regarding the proposal, however they both did support the proposal. FC = frozen course, MC = modified course, NC = new course, RC = retired course FP=frozen program, DP=discontinued program, MP = modified program, NP=new program a. Their questions were forwarded to proposing faculty Antonia Issa Lahera who provided responses. (attached) 7. On May 26, 2015, Maya Medina sent a reminder email to UCC members to submit votes by Friday, May 29, 2015. 8. UCC members responded and votes of support were received before May 29th for the proposals to be approved by the committee. There were no objections. Questions and Response Regarding the Tier II Proposal Discussion (May 27, 2015) Question #1: (M. Carrier) “I was confused about the SLP 581 course. The syllabus does not list any assignments and I could not tell how taking the class the 2nd time would be different than taking it the first time.” Questions #2: (K. Esposito) …..”Would it be better for the students to have two separate classes rather than repeating the same one?” For example, how are students impacted if they need to switch SLP programs or move out of state? Of what if students would like to submit the units for salary points? Is it better to have the same class for 6 units, or to have the class labeled 580a, 580b or to choose a difference sequence? Response from Antonia Issa Lahera: EAD 581 is a course to address the California Tier II Credential requirement of the development and implementation of their Individual Induction Plan (ILP). As coaching is central to EAD 580 based on all 11 standards; experiences is central to EAD 581; and assessment the core of EAD 582. SLP 581 provides thirty hours of Administrative Practice Seminars and field experiences each year (hybrid delivery). The ILP is developed in collaborative with the candidate, candidate’s supervisor, and faculty member. While the 11 Leadership standards are grouped by semester, if a candidate needs more focus on specific standards, the ILP must accommodate. The overall goal of the Tier II credential is to help assure the success and longevity of the new administrator. Research shows individual coaching with guided experiences based on professional standards are the best way to assure a new administrator’s success in the challenging environment of urban school site leadership. At the level of the professional credential, the candidates have completed their Preliminary Credential (4 semesters, 22 graduate units), have been a teacher for a minimum of 5 years (new FC = frozen course, MC = modified course, NC = new course, RC = retired course FP=frozen program, DP=discontinued program, MP = modified program, NP=new program requirement), and have most probably already earned a masters degree. There is no sequencing of skill development at the Professional Credential level. EAD 580a, EAD580b, through “d” was discussed by the Tier II faculty an option. After careful consideration by the faculty and discussion with the state regulators, the faculty recommended repeatable courses. They viewed an “a” through “d” option would connote a less individualize program. To accommodate university grading and attendance policy and best meet the intent of the state’s new Professional Credential Program, Tier II faculty recommend a repeatable course. Faculty agreed this would best allow flexibility with a program that is a required timecertain program (2 years) without sequence content. This will give faculty a vehicle for accountability and to address each candidates needs. The University’s Tier II program has been audited 3 times over the last five years and each time the program has received no recommendations. The University will need to best show the auditor that the candidate has been in the same course for 4 semesters addressing his/her ILP based on unique needs. Should the Tier II candidate switch programs, it is a state requirement that he/she be coached for 2 years. All licensed programs must have this requirement within their approved program. Candidates at the administrative level cannot submit units for salary points. Thank you UCC Committee members for considering our responses. We will be happy to answer any further questions and receive any recommendations. FC = frozen course, MC = modified course, NC = new course, RC = retired course FP=frozen program, DP=discontinued program, MP = modified program, NP=new program