9.5 Notes (Completed)

P.o.D. – Find the next 3 terms
1.) −2,
−2 −2
2.) 5x+7, -10x-14, 20x+28, …
3.) Find the 10th term in the
sequence √3, 3, 3√3, …
4.) Write a sequence that has
two geometric means between
6.4 and 12.5
5.) Find the sum of the first six
terms of the geometric series
6.) If r=-2 and π‘Ž8 = −384, what is
the first term of the geometric
−2 −2 −2
27 81 243
2.) -40x-56, 80x+112, -160x-224
3.) 243
4.) 6.4, 8, 10, 12.5
5.) -1638
6.) 3
9.5 – The Binomial Theorem
Learning Target: I will be able to
use the binomial theorem to
calculate binomial coefficient;
use Pascal’s triangle to calculate
binomial coefficients.
Combination – a selection of
objects where the order is not
important. The number of n
objects taken r at a time is
denoted by C(n,r) or π‘›πΆπ‘Ÿ
𝐢 (𝑛, π‘Ÿ) =
[(𝑛 − π‘Ÿ)! π‘Ÿ!]
EX: C(8,4)
𝐢 (8,4) =
(8 − 4)! 4!
4! 4!
= 70
*There is a combination feature
on your calculator.
EX: Find C(6,3) on your own.
We will use this property of a
combination with the Binomial
EX: Expand (π‘Ž + 𝑏)2
We would most likely use FOIL.
(π‘Ž + 𝑏)(π‘Ž + 𝑏) =
π‘Ž2 + π‘Žπ‘ + π‘Žπ‘ + 𝑏 2
= π‘Ž2 + 2π‘Žπ‘ + 𝑏 2
EX: Expand (π‘Ž + 𝑏)3
(π‘Ž + 𝑏)(π‘Ž + 𝑏)(π‘Ž + 𝑏)
= (π‘Ž2 + 2π‘Žπ‘ + 𝑏 2 )(π‘Ž + 𝑏)
= π‘Ž3 + 2π‘Ž2 𝑏 + π‘Žπ‘ 2 + π‘Ž2 𝑏 + 2π‘Žπ‘ 2 + 𝑏 3
= π‘Ž3 + 3π‘Ž2 𝑏 + 3π‘Žπ‘ 2 + 𝑏 3
We can continue this pattern for
any higher exponent, but how
long would it take to find
(π‘₯ + 𝑦)12 ?
There is a quicker way to
perform binomial expansion –
Pascal’s Triangle.
(draw Pascal’s Triangle on the
EX: Find (π‘₯ + 𝑦)5 using Pascal’s
1π‘₯ 5 + 5π‘₯ 4 𝑦 + 10π‘₯ 3 𝑦 2 + 10π‘₯ 2 𝑦 3 + 5π‘₯𝑦 4 + 1𝑦 5
Pascal’s Triangle can also be
written using combinations.
(show this on the whiteboard)
EX: Use Pascal’s Triangle to
expand (π‘₯ + 2)4
The 4th row of Pascal’s Triangle
is 1,4,6,4,1.
1(π‘₯)4 (2)0 + 4(π‘₯)3 (2)1 + 6(π‘₯)2 (2)2
+ 4(π‘₯)1 (2)3 + 1(π‘₯)0 (2)4
= π‘₯ 4 + 8π‘₯ 3 + 24π‘₯ 2 + 32π‘₯ + 16
Try the following on your own:
a.) Expand (𝑦 − 2)4
b.) Expand (2π‘₯ − 𝑦)4
a.) 𝑦 4 − 8𝑦 3 + 24𝑦 2 − 32𝑦 + 16
b.) 16π‘₯ 4 − 32π‘₯ 3 𝑦 + 24π‘₯ 2 𝑦 2 − 8π‘₯𝑦 3 + 𝑦 4
EX: Write the binomial
expansion for (3 − π‘₯ 2 )4
1(3)4 (−π‘₯ 2 )0 + 4(3)3 (−π‘₯ 2 )1 + 6(3)2 (−π‘₯ 2 )2 + 4(3)1 (−π‘₯ 2 )3 + 1(3)0 (−π‘₯ 2 )4
= 1(81)(1) + 4(27)(−π‘₯ 2 ) + 6(9)π‘₯ 4 + 4(3)(−π‘₯ 6 ) + 1(1)π‘₯ 8
= 81 − 108π‘₯ 2 + 54π‘₯ 4 − 12π‘₯ 6 + π‘₯ 8
For the next few questions, we
will want to use the
combination method for Pascal’s
EX: Find the 5th term of (π‘Ž + 2𝑏)8 .
Begin by determining the
variable component.
The 5th term must have variables
π‘Ž4 𝑏4 .
Now find the coefficient of the
5th term.
𝐢 (8,4)(π‘Ž)4 (2𝑏)4 = 70π‘Ž4 (16𝑏 4 )
= 1120π‘Ž4 𝑏4
EX: Find the third term in the
expansion of (2π‘Ž − 3𝑏)11
𝐢 (11,2)(2π‘Ž)9 (−3𝑏)2
= 55(512π‘Ž9 )(9𝑏 2 )
= 253440π‘Ž9 𝑏 2
Expand each binomial on your
a.) (π‘š + 𝑑)6 b.) (4π‘š + 2𝑦)4
c.)(2 − π‘ž)5 d.)(π‘₯ − 𝑦)3
a.) π‘š6 + 6π‘š5 𝑑 + 15π‘š4 𝑑 2 +
20π‘š3 𝑑 3 + 15π‘š2 𝑑 4 + 6π‘šπ‘‘ 5 + 𝑑 6
b.) 256π‘š4 + 512π‘š3 𝑦 + 384π‘š2 𝑦 2 +
128π‘šπ‘¦ 3 + 16𝑦 4
c.) 32 − 80π‘ž + 80π‘ž2 − 40π‘ž3 +
10π‘ž4 − π‘ž5
d.) π‘₯ 3 − 3π‘₯ 2 𝑦 + 3π‘₯𝑦 2 − 𝑦 3
Find the indicated term of each
expression on your own:
Fourth term of (2π‘Ž + 𝑏)5
Fifth term of (𝑦 − 5)6
40π‘Ž2 𝑏 3
9375𝑦 2
Let’s write a program to find
each row in Pascal’s Triangle.
Now let’s write a program to
find a specific coefficient in
Pascal’s Triangle.
Upon completion of this lesson,
you should be able to:
1. Evaluate a combination.
2. Expand polynomials using
the Binomial Theorem.
3. Expand polynomials using
Pascal’s triangle.
For more information, visit
HW Pg.688 3-60 3rds, 76