Pierce College Planning Committee Report to Pierce College Council 2012 -2013 Self-Evaluation Validation Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 The shared governance committee annual self-evaluation for 2012-2013 began with a review1 of the self-evaluation tool and the process of self-evaluation by the College Planning Committee (CPC). The assessment of the self-evaluation process resulted in two recommendations to Pierce College Council (PCC). 1. The self-evaluation tool should be modified to include the gathering of quantitative data to help determine the effectiveness of governance committees. The following elements were added to the tool: a. Review of website b. Meeting attendance rates c. Planning document goal alignment (integrated planning) d. Membership terms 2. Self evaluations would undergo an external validation. Validation teams would be composed by randomly pairing 2 members of shared governance committees2 with a member from the college planning committee. Once the new tool had been approved by College Council it was distributed and all committees conducted and completed the self-evaluation. 100% of the governance committee selfevaluations were submitted to the PCC prior to the end of the spring 2013 term in May. Validation teams met and conducted their reviews using the form developed by the (CPC). The following is a general summary and recommendations for each committee. ACCREDITION STEERING COMMITTEE: Committee meets regularly and meetings are well attended. Agendas are posted but do not correspond to meeting minutes which posted. Some meeting minutes are missing. Committee membership on self-evaluation does not correlate to the website data. Meeting dates are noted, summarized, and posted on website. Website may want to align with other PCC website design for ease of use. Membership list is not current with active members. Consider separating or removing names of emeriti members. Validation team cited that the term of entire membership is 2013. The committee did not list any prioritized goals for the coming year. The committee is working within the scope of its charter. The validation team commends the committee for its well organized work and for 1 The review was prompted by the unsolicited feedback received after the 2011-2012 self-evaluation period. The evaluation tool was modified to include quantitative as well as qualitative data elements to assess for committee effectiveness, integrated planning, and to determine whether the committee was working within the scope of its charter. 2 Each shared governance committee would recommend 2 members to participate in the validation of selfevaluations. 1 communicating it appropriately to the college community in a wide variety of methods and venues. The validation team makes the following recommendations: 1. Update the website with current information. 2. Ensure continuity of membership, it may be prudent to stagger term end dates. 3. Prioritize unmet goals for the 2013-2014 year. BUDGET: Committee meets regularly and meetings are well attended. Documents are posted and website is maintained. Validation committee speculates integrated planning, “The Committee’s work impacts most areas of the campus, and thus integrated planning seems to be unavoidable.” COLLEGE PLANNING: Meetings were regularly scheduled but some were cancelled because lack of attendance. Website is not maintained and page does not adhere to the PCC recommended format. Committee cites unmet goals and unfinished projects are due to incomplete membership. Prioritized goals are within the scope of the committee may be too many to accomplished in one academic year. The validation team recommends: 1. Revision of charter, modification of membership, fill all positions 2. Update website 3. Review goals and assign appropriate objectives/tasks to other committees DIVERSITY: Committee meets regularly and meetings are well attended. Current meeting minutes and agenda were not posted and the website was not up to date. Committee goals were vague and unspecific and it was not clear how the goals helped achieve the mission of the college or how they aligned with or integrated with college strategic goals. The lack of a charter makes it difficult to ascertain the relationship of Pierce Diversity Committee with other college governance committees. The validation team makes the following recommendations: 1. The committee develops and posts a charter on the website. 2. PCC - review the charter to explore how the Student Equity Plan can be incorporated into the work/activities of the committee ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT: Meeting minutes were posted but some agendas were missing. Information on the website regarding meeting schedules is inaccurate; homepage says the committee meets the third Thursday of every month, but it appears the meetings are scheduled for first and third Thursday. Meetings were held regularly and well attended. The committee cited personnel turnover in the research office as well as limitations on the availability of data as the cause of unmet goals. Validation team confirms that the Enrollment Management Committee was functioning within the scope of its charter and their work reflects integrated planning. The validation team makes the following recommendation: 1. Update the website to include all meeting agenda. FACILITIES ADVISORY: Meeting dates were posted. Agenda and minutes were not updated. There were some coding mistakes on the website so some of the information appeared 2 as garbled. Though meetings were held regularly attendance could not be confirmed by the posted minutes. Reported accomplishments seem to be more task-oriented and less tied to strategic or college goals. The validation team acknowledges the committees work and accomplishment of some impressive tasks however; they are not clearly tied to prioritized college goals. The committee’s overarching goals were somewhat unclear. The validation team recommends the following: 1. Update the website and monitor regularly 2. Clarify and clearly integrate committee goals to strategic or other college planning goals PIERCE COLLEGE COUNCIL: Committee meets regularly and minutes and agendas are posted; however, the naming convention for some files is inconsistent. College Council Charter could not be found on the website. Membership listing needs to be updated as membership changes occur. Posted membership includes members who have retired or separated from the college. College Council has effectively tracked all issues which were brought forward for discussion and action. Additionally, the council has been successful in attaining a quorum on a routine and regular basis, and was successful in instituting actions to include ASO representation on shared governance committees. The validation team makes the following recommendations: 1. Establish data warehousing practices (design template) for all committees to ensure that shared governance committee websites can be easily navigated to obtain information. 2. Create active links on the PCC page for all shared governance committees’ documents and websites. RESOURCE ADVISORY: Agenda, minutes, and meetings dates from January 2013 through the end of the spring term, June, are not posted. Meetings are generally well attended. Website is not up to date. Membership roster is incomplete: term, term end date, and constituent group were not included. The Resource Allocation Committee has demonstrated efficiency in achieving its primary task of prioritization of resource requests in a timely manner. However, the website may not reflect or provide documentation of the committee’s accomplishments. Additionally, the committee membership updates, annual goals and linkages to planning documents, and other information is not easily found on the website. The annual goals are expressed in very broad terms and do not have accompanying objectives/activities specified. Goals are not linked to other college planning documents or processes nor are they expressed in ways that confirm that they are attainable, measureable, and sustainable. The validation team commends the Resource Advisory Committee for routinely assessing it processes and implementing improvements. 3 The validation team makes the following recommendations: 1. It is recommended that RAC update and organize its website. 2. It is recommended that RAC revise/restate its 2013-2014 annual goals to ensure that they are attainable and measurable. 3. Elect a co-chair TECHNOLOGY: The website was updated, and the goals reflect some thought given to integrated planning. It would be helpful to see the self-evaluation posted along with the meeting location. Also, we wonder if there is any kind of mid-cycle evaluation that can be done by each committee so they can ensure that they are on track. CLOSING SUMMARY AND GENERAL COMENTS: The summaries and recommendations will be forwarded to the various committees. The committees are responsible to addressing the recommendations. The self-evaluation for 2013-2014 will require that the committee comment on how the CPC recommendations were handled. It will be College Council’s responsibility to assist committees work towards greater effectiveness. The Planning Committee has observed that there were some recurring issues present in the validation reports and expresses the following concerns to College Council for consideration and or action. Vice presidents or designees are on just about every shared governance committee. An assumption is that the VP would select an administrator to serve as his/her designee. There are not enough administrators to fill the requests for administrators on committees. Many committees have perpetual members. In some cases committees have listed nearly the entire committee as perpetual. If the practice of perpetual membership continues and remains unchecked the possibility of a committee with a permanent membership may become a reality. There is clear distinction between the work of the Budget committee and Resource Advisory Committee. It seems that the work of the Resource Advisory is specifically a singular task; could this be a subcommittee/taskforce of the Budget committee assembled annually for the purposes of prioritizing resource requests? Committees and new committee members may not understand the college governance processes and have no resource to reference. Committees may need additional guidance regarding meeting attendance and reporting non attendance to appointing group; process to request appointment from constituent groups; guidelines for websites design; templates for minutes and or agenda; or guidelines for reporting to PCC; and appropriate forms to use. A shared governance handbook would be useful. 4