Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. Effect of antipsychotic drugs on LMA in sub-chronic memantine treated rats: Habituation phase 3-way ANOVA on total distance travelled during the habituation phase revealed a main effect for anti-psychotic drug treatments (haloperidol: F(3,108) = 115, p<0.001; olanzapine: F(3,108) = 33, p<0.001; risperidone: F(3,108) = 27, p<0.001). Trends were observed for sub-chronic x drug treatment interaction (haloperidol experiment, Table 4) and for interactions sub-chronic x drug treatment and sub-chronic x drug treatment x assigned challenge (olanzapine experiment). One-way ANOVA detected a main effect for anti-psychotic drug treatments in both sub-chronic vehicle treated rats (haloperidol: F(3,56) = 62, p<0.001; olanzapine: F(3,56) = 18, p<0.001; risperidone: F(3,56) = 17, p<0.001), as well as in sub-chronic memantine treated ones (haloperidol: F(3,56) = 61, p<0.001; olanzapine: F(3,56) = 17, p<0.001; risperidone: F(3,56) = 12, p<0.001). In sub-chronic vehicle treated rats, haloperidol treatment resulted in dose-dependent statistically significant reductions in total distance travelled at all doses tested, but only at the highest dose in sub-chronic menantine treated rats. Olanzapine and risperidone also showed statistically significant reductions in total distance travelled at the two highest doses tested in the sub-chronic vehicle treated rats, and again only at the highest dose tested in the sub-chronic menantine treated rats. Acute memantine challenge phase Three-way ANOVA revealed main effects for sub-chronic (haloperidol: F(1,108) = 135, p<0.001); olanzapine: F(1,108) = 57, p<0.001; but not for risperidone: F(1,108) = 0, p = ns), drug treatment (haloperidol: F(3,108) = 33, p<0.001; olanzapine: F(3,108) = 40, p<0.001; risperidone: F(3,108) = 27, p<0.001), acute memantine challenge (haloperidol: F(1,108) = 189, p<0.001; ); olanzapine: F(1,108) = 133, p<0.001; but not for risperidone: F(1,108) = 0, p = ns) and several interactions (Table 4). Post hoc comparisons showed highly significant effects of acute memantine administration on total distance travelled (hyperlocomotion response) in each of the three drug trials in both sub-chronic memantine (haloperidol experiment: t(18) = -8.4, 1 Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. p<0.001; olanzapine experiment: t(18) = -15.8, p<0.001; risperidone experiment: t(18) = -6.2, p<0.001) and sub-chronic vehicle treated rats (haloperidol experiment: t(18) = -4.9, p<0.001; olanzapine experiment: t(18) = -2.3, p=0.038; but not in the risperidone experiment), Consistent with the observations reported in Table 3, this was associated with a significantly higher total distance travelled induced by acute memantine administration in sub-chronic memantine treated rats compared to the sub-chronic vehicle treated ones (haloperidol experiment: t(18) = -6.9, p<0.001; olanzapine experiment: t(18) = -9.0, p<0.001; risperidone experiment: t(18) = -5.5, p<0.001). This is indicative of a sensitisation of sub-chronic memantine treated rats to an acute memantine induced hyperlocomotion response. Haloperidol dose-dependently inhibited memantine-induced hyperlocomotion in both sub-chronic vehicle treated rats (F(3,36) = 24, p<0.001) and in sub-chronic memantine treated ones (F(3,36) = 9, p<0.001) (Table 4). Lowest active dose (LAD) in sub-chronic vehicle treated animals was 0.04 mg/kg whereas in sub-chronic memantine animals a LAD of 0.02 mg/kg was observed. However, haloperidol does not completely reverse acute memantine-induced hyperlocomotion in the sub-chronic memantine group in contrast to the sub-chronic vehicle group. Similar observations were made in olanzapine and risperidone treated rats (Table 4). Olanzapine dose-dependently inhibited memantine-induced hyperlocomotion in both sub-chronic vehicle treated rats (F(3,36) = 4, p=0.014) and in sub-chronic memantine treated ones (F(3,36) = 43, p<0.001). In sub-chronic vehicle treated animals a trend effect against acute memantine induced hyperlocomotion was observed at 0.63 mg/kg whereas the LAD in sub-chronic memantine animals was 0.16 mg/kg. Risperidone dosedependently inhibited memantine-induced hyperlocomotion in sub-chronic memantine treated ones (F(3,36) = 7, p=0.001: LAD = 0.08 mg/kg), but not in sub-chronic vehicle treated rats. Haloperidol (0.08 mg/kg), olanzapine (0.63 mg/kg) and risperidone (0.16 mg/kg) each significantly reduced total distance travelled vs. vehicle controls in non-challenged animals of both sub-chronic groups, indicating reduced spontaneous locomotor activity at these doses. 2 Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. Table 1: Experimental design of the behavioural experiments Cohort Acute doseresponse (7 groups) Sub-chronic testing (6 groups) Antipsychotic testing (36 groupsl; n=12rats per antipsychotic drug) Sub-chronic etreatment - Drug pre-treatment Acute challenge - VEH VEH - PCP (3 doses) MEM (3 doses) VEH VEH MEM MEM PCP PCP - VEH MEM VEH MEM MEM PCP VEH - VEH Low-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS MEM MEM MEM MEM MEM MEM MEM MEM Medium-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS High-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS High-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS VEH VEH Low-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS Medium-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS High-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS High-dose: HAL, OLAN or RIS MEM MEM VEH VEH MEM MEM MEM MEM VEH Abbreviation and doses: VEH: vehicle for respective treatment, PCP: phencyclidine [acute doses: 0.63, 1.25 or 2.5 mg/kg, SC], MEM: memantine [acute doses: 10, 20, 40 mg/kg, IP], Sub-chronic VEH (saline IP, 5 consecutive days), Sub-chronic MEM (20 mg/kg, IP/day, 5 consecutive days), Sub-chronic PCP (1.25 mg/kg, SC/day, 5 consecutive days), HAL: haloperidol (doses: 0.02, 0.04, 0.08 mg/kg, SC), OLAN: olanzapine (doses: 0.16, 0.31, 0.63 mg/kg, SC), RIS: risperidone (doses: 0.04, 0.08, 0.16 mg/kg, SC). Based on the outcome from acute dose-response study, 3 Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. challenge dose of MEM and PCP was (20 mg/kg, IP) and (2.5 mg/kg, SC) respectively for all subsequent testing in the sub-chronic and antipsychotic testing cohorts. Table 2: Effect of acute PCP or memantine (MEM) on total distance travelled (TDT) in rats: dose response study in nonpretreated rats; total distance travelled during 30 min in the habituation phase prior to administration of PCP or memantine and during 60 min after administration. Data are mean±SEM, n=10/group. Challenge (mg/kg) PCP MEM TDT (cm) Habituation Challenge 0 0.63 1.25 2.5 4416 4672 4086 4178 ± ± ± ± 167 216 143 163 3802 3365 3214 5801 ± ± ± ± 323 277 283 636 0 10 20 40 4416 4488 4372 4599 ± ± ± ± 167 232 123 191 3802 2764 6289 4597 ± ± ± ± 323 267 463 643 * vs dose 0, ** p ≤ 0.01 4 ** ** Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. Table 3: Effect of acute PCP or memantine (MEM) total distance travelled (TDT) in sub-chronic PCP or memantine treated rats: total distance travelled during 30 min in the habituation phase prior to administration of PCP or memantine and during 60 min after administration of PCP (2.5 mg/kg) or MEM (20 mg/kg) or vehicle. Data are mean±SEM, n=10/group (n=20/group in habituation) because similar treatment groups were pooled for analysis); ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 vs. vehicle; +++ p<0.001 vs. corresponding treatment group in sub-chronic vehicle treated rats. TDT (cm) Subchronic (mg/kg) Habituation Challenge Vehicle MEM 20 Vehicle 3981 ± 109 3737 ± 279 7681 ± 496 MEM 20 3888 ± 132 3455 ± 528 11745 ± 894 PCP 1.25 3841 ± 86 Vehicle1 4178 ± 163 PCP 2.5 *** ***/### ### 13165 ± 857 16093 ± 1613 5801 ± 636 * vs vehicle challenge in respective sub-chronic group, *** p ≤ 0.001 + vs sub-chronic PCP-MEM challenge, +++ p ≤ 0.001 # vs sub-chronic vehicle-MEM challenge, ### p ≤ 0.001 1 data form separate study 5 +++ Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. Table 4: Effect of treatment with haloperidol (HAL), olanzapine (OLAN) or risperidone (RIS) on memantine (MEM, 20 mg/kg)-induced hyperlocomotion in sub-chronic vehicle or MEM (20 mg/kg) treated rats. Total distance traveled (TDT) during 30 min in the habituation phase prior to administration of acute MEM and TDT during 60 min after administration of MEM (20 mg/kg) or vehicle. Data are mean±SEM, n=10/group, except in habituation data where n=20/group when similar treatment groups were pooled for analysis; * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 vs. vehicle treatment; + p<0.05, ++ p<0.01, +++ p<0.001 vs. vehicle treatment in acute MEM challenged treatment groups; ### p<0.001 vs. corresponding treatment group in sub-chronic vehicle treated rats. 6 Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. TDT (cm) Habituation Challenge Sub-chronic Sub-chronic Vehicle MEM Vehicle Treatment (mg/kg) HAL 0 3887 ± 139 0.02 0.04 3301 ± 173 2974 ± 114 0.08 1713 ± 99 OLAN 0 RIS Vehicle 3441 ± 86 * ** *** ## *** 3323 ± 118 0.16 3582 ± 239 3056 ± 102 0.31 2069 ± 242 *** 2591 ± 141 *** 0.63 2151 ± 148 *** 2230 ± 126 *** 0 3687 ± 193 3432 ± 152 0.04 0.08 3419 ± 293 2974 ± 225 3398 ± 174 3022 ± 242 0.16 2071 ± 122 *** 3676 ± 265 5614 ± 293 4875 ± 457 3960 ± 288 3537 ± 182 * MEM 20 3378 ± 159 3111 ± 158 1774 ± 87 2306 ± 136 MEM 796 ± 130 *** 3197 ± 380 1812 ± 217 ** 3423 ± 512 Acute Challenge Vehicle *** MEM 20 3532 ± 274 ++ 1854 ± 238 +++ 4968 ± 676 * 927 ± 105 *** 1740 ± 237 7 11857 ± 779 10517 ± 569 + 8611 ± 748 ++ +++ ***/### 5963 ± 819 10320 ± 638 + 4445 ± 323 7253 ± 368 +++ 4858 ± 521 +++ 3148 ± 358 4285 ± 478 * ***/### 12543 ± 501 (+) 3584 ± 265 1377 ± 173 *** 3808 ± 363 10344 ± 991 4264 ± 518 3156 ± 385 *** 15088 ± 1351 3292 ± 304 8909 ± 880 6653 ± 945 2185 ± 190 *** 5381 ± 410 ***/### ++ +++ Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. Habituation data * vs dose 0, * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001 # vs dose 0 in sub-chronic vehicle ## p ≤ 0.01 Challenge data * vs dose 0 + vehicle challenge, * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001 + vs dose 0 + MEM challenge, (+) trend, + p ≤ 0.05, ++ p ≤ 0.01, +++ p ≤ 0.001 # vs dose 0 in sub-chronic vehicle-MEM chall, ### p ≤ 0.001 8 Subchronic memantine effects revealed by multimodal MRI Sekar S et al. 9