Crime and Punishment Character List

[indicates first occurrence of person]
Raskolnikov: (Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov) The main
character, a 23 year old former student of law at the University
in Petersburg. Sometimes referred to as Rodya. "Exceptionally
handsome, above the average in height, slim, well built, with
beautiful dark eyes and dark brown hair."
Alyona Ivanovna: (the old woman) Pawnbroker. "Diminutive,
withered old woman of sixty, with sharp malignant eyes and a
sharp little nose."
Lizaveta Ivanovna: Half sister of Alyona Ivanovna. Single and
35 years of age.
"Tall, clumsy, timid, submissive, and almost idiotic."
Marmeladov: (Semyon Zaharovitch Marmeladov) Person in
tavern whom strikes up a conversation with Raskolnikov.
Husband of Katerina Ivanovna.
Father and former military officer.
Katerina Ivanovna: Wife of Marmeladov. Daughter of an
officer. Widow when married to Marmeladov. "Tall, slim, and
graceful woman, terribly emaciated." Dark brown hair.
Mr. Lebeziatnikov: (Andrey Semyonovitch Lebeziatnikov) Beat
Katerina Ivanovna. A friend of Pyotr Petrovitch; Both staying in
a flat rented from Madame Lippevechsel. A clerk in the
ministry. "stout, with a full, fair, almost whitish beard."
Amalia Fyodorovna Lippevechsel: (Amalia Ludwigovna,
Amalia Ivanovna)
The landlady of Marmeladov and Katerina.
Sonia: (Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladov) Daughter of
Marmeladov and Katerina. Staying with Kapernaumov, a tailor.
"Small thin girl of 18 with fair hair, rather pretty, with
wonderful blue eyes." "thin very thin, pale little face, rather
irregular and angular with a sharp little nose and chin."
Ivan Ivanitch Klopstock: Boss of Sonia who did not pay Sonia
for the shirts she made for him citing that the collars were
Darya Frantsovna: A prostitute. "a woman of evil character and
very well known to the police" Had tried to get Sonia into her
Nastasya Petrovna: "cook and only servant" where Raskolnikov
Praskovya Pavlovna: (Pashenka) The landlady of Raskolnikov.
40 years of age.
"not at all bad looking, fat and buxom, with black eyes and
eyebrows, good-natured from fatness and laziness, and absurdly
Dounia: (Avdotya Romsnovna) Sister of Raskolnikov now
living with her mother. "remarkably good looking, tall,
strikingly well proportioned, strong and self reliant, dark brown
hair; almost back eyes."
Vassily Ivanovitch Vahrushin: (Afansasy Ivanovitch) Merchant
in the town where Pulcheria Raskolnikov lives. Lent money to
her (15 roubles).
Mr. Svidrigaïlov: (Arkady Ivanovitch Svidrigaïlov) Employer of
Douncia. Took a liking to her while he was married and she was
employed by him. Spent two years in the cavalry then knocked
about Petersburg then married Marfa Petrovna. "Stout, with a
full, fair, almost whitish beard. Strange face, like a mask; white
and red, with bright red lips, and a flaxen beard and still thick
flaxen hair. Blue eyes."
Marfa Petrovna: Wife to Arkady Svidrigaïlov. Ruined Dounia's
reputation but came around to restoring her reputation after a
misunderstanding was worked out.
Pyotr Petrovitch Luzhin: (Avdotya Romanovna) Distantly
related to Marfa Petrovna. Has the rank of Counselor and suitor
to Dounia. He holds two posts in the government and is 45 years
of age. "Seems a little morose and somewhat conceited"
Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikov: Mother of Raskolnikov.
43 years old.
"Hair has begun to grow gray and thin. Little crow's feet
wrinkles around her eyes. Cheeks were hollow and sunken."
Razumihin: (Vrazumihin; Dmitri Prokofitch) Old comrade of
Raskolnikov at the University. Has known him a year and a half.
"Good-humored and candid, extremely intelligent, tall, thin,
black haired and always badly shaved. Reputed to be of great
physical strength. No failure distressed him."
Mikolka: In one of Raskolnikov's dreams, he was the owner of
the horse being beaten.
Pokorev: Student that gave Raskolnikov the address of Alyona
Koch: Man who was banging on the door of Alyona Ivanovna,
not knowing that she was dead and her killer was still in the
room with her.
Ilya Porfiry Petrovitch: Assistant superintendent at the police
headquarters where Raskolnikov was summoned to. Head of the
investigation department in Petersburg. 35 years old. "Hair cut
short, large round head. Soft, round, rather snub-nosed face was
a sickly yellowish color. Clean shaven. Stout even to
Luise Ivanovna: Second lady standing in the police
headquarters. "Gaily dressed, purple face lady"
Nikodim Fomitch: Superintendent of the district where
Raskolnikov is living.
Zossimov: Twice came to examine Raskolnikov when he had
lost senses. 27 years old. "Tall, fat man. Straight flaxen hair.
Puffy-colorless clean shaven face. Wore spectacles and a big fat
ring on his fat finger."
Alexey Semyonovitch: (Andrey Semyonovitch Lebeziatnikov)
Other agent who brought Raskolnikov; worked for Shelopaev.
Lived in a place where Pyotr Petrovitch stayed. "Anaemic,
scrofulous little man with strangely flaxen mutton chop
Natalya Yegorovna: Daughter of Praskovya Pavlovna.
Raskolnikov had promised to marry her but she died before a
wedding could take place.
Zametov: Head clerk.
Tolstyakov: A friend of Razumihin.
Dushkin: Keeps a dram shop across from the residence of
Alyona Ivanovna. Bought the gold earrings from Nikolay
Nikolay Dementyev: Journeyman housepainter. 22 years old.
Comes from the district of Zaraïsk. Painted along side of Dmitri.
Lied about finding the earrings in the street and once tried to
hand himself. Accused of the murder of Alyona Ivanovna.
Dmitri: (Mitka) The second painter along with Nikolay
Dementyev working in the house where Alyona Ivanovna lived.
Kryukov: Gentleman who got out of a cab to enter the building
of Alyona Ivanovna when Nikolay and Dmitri were having a
playful fight.
Yushin: A merchant who rents two storeys of rooms in
Bakaleyev's house on Voskresensky.
Duclida: Lady whom Raskolnikov gave 15 copecks to at a dram
between the market place and Sadovy Street.
Afrosinya: The woman drowning beneath the X----Bridge.
Tit Vassilitch: The eldest of the painters that were painting at the
former apartment of Alyona Ivanovna.
Alyoshka: The youngest of the painters who were painting the
former apartment of Alyona Ivanovna.
[part 2 chapter 6 page 152]
Polenka: (Polya) Eldest daughter of Katerina Ivanovna. 10 years
Ivan Mihailovitch: The father of Katerina Ivanovna. A civil
colonel and only a step from being a governor.
Prince Schegolskoy: Danced the mazurka with Katerina
Ivanovna at a dance. He also once asked her to marry him.
Lida: youngest child of Katerina Ivanovna.
Kolya: Another child of Katerina Ivanovna
Vasya: The messenger boy in Afanasy Ivanitch's shop.
Lieutenant Potanchikov: A friend of Raskolnikov's father.
Aniska: Dressmaker. One of the former Serf girls of
Filka: Former Serf of Svidrigaïlov who died.
Resslich: A foreigner. He had a niece who was deaf and mute.
She was not more than 15 and was beat mercilessly by Resslich.
Found hanging in the garret.
Philip: Serf of Svidrigaïlov that died of ill treatment. Committed
suicide that was thought to be caused by the systematic
persecution and severity of Svidrigaïlov.