Music in Our Schools Month 2015 30th Anniversary Overview: This lesson is modeled after the Grades 3-5 Model Cornerstone Assessment for Create. Students begin the steps to creating by practicing echoing patterns and call and response. Using the melodic pattern in Always Sing, students manipulate musical elements to create their own composition with or without accompaniment. Task 1 Course Grade Level(s) Process Anchor Standard 1 Enduring Understanding Essential Question(s) MU:Cr1.1.5a Imagine General Music 5th grade Creating Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources. How do musicians generate creative ideas? Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical). The purpose and context for this song is the 30th anniversary celebration of NAfME’s Music in Our Schools Month. The melodic theme of this song is m-s-t-d-m. 1. Echo: Teacher creates new quarter note melodic combinations of m-s-t-d-m for students to echo. 2. Call & Response: Teacher calls m-s-t-d-m using a variety of rhythms for students to respond to using their own rhythm combinations of quarter note, quarter rest, eighth notes, and half notes. Example: m s Criteria Level 1 Novice Echo Echoes a small portion of the phrase. Responds with limited creativity mostly Call and Response t d m Level 2 Approaches Standard Echoes most of the phrase. Level 3 Meets Standard Level 4 Exceeds Standard Echoes phrase with accuracy. Echoes the phrase with precision and expression. Responds with some creativity which may or Responds creatively with the proper length of the call. Responds is unique and captivating with the proper length of the call. 1 copying parts of the call with possibly no sense of matching the length of the call. may not be the appropriate length of the call. Task 2 Course Grade Level(s) Process Anchor Standard 1 Enduring Understanding Essential Question(s) MU:Cr1.1.5a Imagine General Music 5th grade Creating Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources. How do musicians generate creative ideas? Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical). MU:Cr1.1.5b Imagine Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes. 1. Students improvise and generate 3 musical ideas using the melodic pattern m-s-t-d-m by manipulating choices from the chart below. Note that students are not limited to 3 musical ideas. Rhythmic use of repetition rhythmic patterns Expression – variety Timbre/Tone Color and contrast. dynamics – loud and voice soft tempo – Allegro and Andante recorder incorporate silence - rests Criteria Level 1 Novice Musical Ideas articulation – legato and staccato Level 2 Approaches Standard Needs assistance Musical ideas creating musical may not all ideas. reflect the choices from the chart. Accompaniment Patterns mallet: tonic and dominant tones of A, E, and D chords mallet: octaves (similar to left hand of piano accompaniment mallet instruments 2 Level 3 Meets Standard Level 4 Exceeds Standard Musical ideas reflect the choices from the chart. Musical ideas reflect the choices from the chart and are used in an imaginative manner. Melodic Pattern Needs assistance using correct pitches from the melodic pattern. Uses some of the pitches from the melodic pattern. Uses the correct pitches from the melodic pattern. Uses the correct pitches from the melodic pattern in an imaginative manner. Task 3 Course Grade Level(s) Process Anchor Standard 2 Enduring Understanding General Music 5th grade Creating Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent. Essential Question(s) How do musicians make creative decisions? MU:Cr2.1.5a Demonstrate selected and developed musical ideas for improvisations, Plan and Make arrangements, or compositions to express intent, and explain connection to purpose and context. MU:Cr2.1.5b Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to Plan and Make document personal rhythmic, melodic, and two-chord harmonic musical ideas. 1. Students video/audio record or notate 3 musical ideas to be used in the first draft of their composition. 2. Once students have documented their 3 musical ideas, they explain (written or orally) how these relate to the purpose and context of the 30 year celebration of Music in Our Schools Month orally or in writing. Criteria for Plan Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 and Make Emerging Approaches Meets Standard Exceeds Standards Standard Connection to Needs assistance Provides limited Identifies Connects creatively to purpose and connecting to ideas about connection to purpose and context. context purpose and connecting to purpose and context. purpose and context context. appropriately. TASK 4 Course Grade Level(s) Process Anchor Standard 3 Enduring Understanding Essential Question(s) MU:Cr3.1.5a Evaluate and Refine General Music 5th grade Creating Refine and complete artistic work. Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria. How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work? Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback, and explain rationale for changes. 3 1. Student creates a composition with their 3 musical ideas making sure there is a clear beginning, middle, and ending. 2. Student perform for the teacher or peers and gathers feedback for improvement. 3. Using the feedback, students refine ideas to create draft 2 of the composition. Note: if needed, students may repeat these steps and may have a draft 3, 4 etc. 4. Students journal the changes made and how their draft 2 better represents the purpose and context. Criteria for Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Evaluate and Emerging Approaches Meets Standard Exceeds Standards Refine Standard Selection of 3 Needs assistance Chooses 1-2 Chooses three Chooses three or Elements of selecting appropriate appropriate more appropriate Music that appropriate elements of elements of elements of music represents the elements of music to music to using them in a unique purpose and music to represent the represent the and creative manner context. represent the purpose and purpose and to represent the purpose and context. context. purpose and context. context. Structure Needs assistance Develops the Develops the Develops the creating a clear composition composition with composition with a beginning, with an attempt a clear beginning, strong and rich middle, and end to create a clear middle, and beginning, middle, to the beginning, ending. and ending. composition. middle, and ending. Feedback used Needs assistance Gathers limited Gathers feedback Gathers feedback to refine ideas gathering feedback to from many from many sources to for draft 2. feedback to make sources to make make improvements make improvements improvements for for draft 2 which also improvements for draft 2. draft 2. influences new unique for draft 2. ideas of the composer. Needs assistance Journals limited Journals Journals information Journaling in journaling how information information about about how draft 2 draft 2 better about how draft how draft 2 better better represents the represents the 2 better represents the context of the context of the represents the context of the composition in a vivid composition. context of the composition. and descriptive composition. manner. 4 Task 5 Course General Music Grade Level(s) 5th grade Process Creating Anchor Standard 3 Refine and complete artistic work. Enduring Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through openness to new ideas, Understanding persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria. Essential Question(s) How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work? MU:Cr3.2.5a Present the final version of personal created music to others that Present demonstrates craftsmanship, and explain connection to expressive intent. 1. Students present the final composition which is evaluated with the Final Composition Rubric below. Students explain how their musical ideas relate to the specific purpose and context. Criteria for Final Composition Use of 3 musical elements. Connection to purpose and context Level 1 Emerging Chooses one element of music which may or may not be appropriate. Connection to purpose and context is inappropriate. Musical Ideas Musical ideas are basic. Structure Musical ideas are present but may lack clear beginning, middle and end. Level 2 Approaches Standard Chooses two appropriate elements of music. Level 3 Meets Standard Level 4 Exceeds Standards Chooses three appropriate elements of music. Choose four or more appropriate elements of music. Provides limited ideas about connecting to purpose and context. Includes a few interesting musical ideas. Provides appropriate ideas about connecting to purpose and context. Includes several interesting musical ideas. Has some of the expected beginning, middle and end components. Has clear beginning, middle and end. Provides rich and unique ideas about connecting to purpose and context. Includes original, unusual, or imaginative musical ideas and/or creative use of sound. Has creative use of organization. 5