SCI 8 Fluids Unit Te..

SCI 8 Fluids Unit Test Outline
, October 6th 2011
Curriculum Outcomes Addressed:
• Describe qualitatively the difference between mass and weight (309-1)
• Explore and compare objects that describe movement in terms of balanced and unbalanced forces (210-13, 210-14, 309-2)
• Describe and explain qualitatively the relationships among pressure, volume, and temperature of fluids when compressed or heated and quantitatively the
relationships of force, area, and pressure (309-3, 309-4)
• Question, investigate, and analyze qualitatively and quantitatively in a laboratory, the relationships among mass, volume, and density of solids, liquids, and
gases using the particle model of matter (208-2, 211-3, 307-8)
• Explain and describe situations where the density of substances are affected by changes in temperature, natural, or intentional (307-9, 307-10)
• Compare the viscosity of various liquids and describe factors that can modify the viscosity (307-6, 307-7)
Be sure to study your class notes and refer to the PowerPoint presentations etc. posted on my website if needed.
This information can be found at <<>>.
Provide definitions for the following key terms
o Density
o Mass
o Weight
o Volume
o Buoyancy (Negative, Positive, Neutral)
o Viscosity
o Mass
Know and understand the equation used to calculate density:
List and describe at least three differences between mass and weight (see class notes – comparison chart)
Name and describe the forces acting on an object when it is sinking and when it is floating (gravitational force vs. buoyant
force – which acts in which direction and which is stronger when something floats vs. sinks)
Explain the differences between solids, liquids, and gases, using the Particle Theory of Matter in relation to…
o Particle speed (moving fast or moving slowly?)
o Particle distribution (spread out/far apart or close together?)
o Particle bonds (bonds between particles strong or weak?)
Explain how temperature affects the following properties of fluids (i.e., what is the relationship between temperature and….)
o Density
o Particle speed
o Particle distribution
o Particle bonds
o Volume
o Viscosity
Describe viscosity and how it is affected by temperature
o Viscosity is a fluid’s resistance to flow. A high viscosity fluid (molasses) flows very slowly or hardly at all,
while a low viscosity fluid (water) flows very easily and quickly. Only fluids (liquids and gases) have the
ability to flow - solids do not.
o Be able to state a simple relationship: “As temperature increases, viscosity decreases”
o Be able to describe this relationship step by step: “When the temperature of a fluid increases (becomes
warmer), the bonds between the particles weaken; when these bonds weaken, the particles are able to
move farther apart, so they spread out/are distributed more and take up more volume; the weaker the bonds
between these particles are and the farther apart these particles are, the lower the viscosity, which means
that the more easily the fluid can flow”.
Explain the relationship between force, area, and pressure, and describe how temperature affects pressure
Density = Mass