Saturday, June 14, 2014 - In Town games

Friday, June 13, 2014 Game
Cushing Field behind the Peabody Middle School 1231 Old Marlborough Road, Concord
3838 GIRLS 12 2/B
FRIDAY 6/13/2014 6:00 PM
C-C Voltage (Matthew Kidder 978-371-5522) vs Holliston Lunakicks (Karen Stamatakos 508-429-2770)
center: Abraham W (978-318-7914)
AR: Meredith R
AR: Brenda R
Saturday, June 14, 2014 - High School Turf U11/U12/U14 games
CCHS Turf Behind Concord Carlisle High School at 500 Walden Street, Concord
5189 GIRLS 14 2/C
6/14/2014 9:00 AM
CCHS Turf 1
C-C Breakers (John Shipe 978-857-8877) vs Brookline Cardinal (Morgan Redman 317-414-1154)
center: Steve Robinson (978-287-4666)
AR: Jack F
AR: Kimberly M
7642 GIRLS 14 4/A1
6/14/2014 9:00 AM
CCHS Turf 2
C-C Charge (Erik Jarnryd 978-287-5464) vs Framingham Flyers (Scott Penrod )
center: Michael C (978-369-2023
AR: Myles O
AR: Luke O
4648 GIRLS 12 3/J
6/14/2014 10:30 AM
CCHS Turf 2B
C-C Majestics (David Hosford 978-318-0475) vs Wellesley Lightning (Kyle Bettigole 781-235-0014)
center: Steve Robinson (978-287-4666)
AR: Jack F
AR: Kimberly M
GIRLS 11 1/A
6/14/2014 11:45 AM
C-C Spirit (??) vs Winchester (??)
center: Jackson B (978-369-5372)
AR: Henri B
CCHS Turf 2A
AR: Payton V
6398 GIRLS 11 4/C1
6/14/2014 11:45 AM
CCHS Turf 2B
C-C Edge (Dave Jackson 617-388-3511) vs Winchester Wildcats (Chris Corvi 617-852-7307)
center: Michael C (978-369-2023)
AR: Garrett M
AR: Isabel R
2308 BOYS 11 1/A
6/14/2014 1:00 PM
CCHS Turf 2B
C-C Fire (Keith Jones 9783716484) vs Medway United (Tim Fagerson 508-533-1417)
center: Jackson B (978-369-5372)
AR: Henry B
AR: Payton V
4799 BOYS 14 4/A
6/14/2014 2:30 PM
CCHS Turf 2
C-C Impact (Dan Doherty 978 254 5370) vs A-B Colonials (Joost Quaadgras 978-263-4868)
center: Stephen Keele (978-371-7127)
AR: Cyrus B
AR: Russell G
5458 BOYS 14 3/E
6/14/2014 4:00 PM
CCHS Turf 1
C-C Surge (Charles Williams 617-719-8879) vs Belmont Bulldogs (Lisa Gartland 617-484-1467)
center: Stephen Keele (978-371-7127)
AR: Alex R
AR: Cyrus B
3928 BOYS 12 2/C
6/14/2014 4:00 PM
CCHS Turf 2A
C-C Heat (James Rice 978-371-9953) vs Belmont Gorloks (Ximena Soto Landry 617-484-8923)
center: Matt S (978-371-6664)
AR: Cole E AR: Russell G
Pam Rockwell – 978-369-8512 or 978-808-9609
Saturday, June 14, 2014 - U9/10 games
Banta Davis Fields, 304 Bedford Road-Route 225, Carlisle
1289 GIRLS 10 2/B
6/14/2014 9:00 AM
Banta Davis referee: Aidan NC (978-254-5412)
C-C Sounders (Brian Gareau 978-610-6183) vs Wellesley Warriors (Gerry Cimino 617-293-4760)
1257 GIRLS 10 1/B
6/14/2014 9:00 AM
Banta Davis 2 referee: Tucker NC (978-254-5412)
C-C Expos (Tim Dibble 978-369-9918) vs Parkway United Blue (Kristen Ryan 617-327-0904)
6/14/2014 10:30 AM
Banta Davis referee: Tucker NC (978-254-5412)
C-C Lightning (William Barton 9783696933) vs Winchester Scorpions (Lex DiMatteo 617-780-2437)
6/14/2014 10:30 AM
Banta Davis 2 referee: Aidan NC (978-254-5412)
C-C Wildcats (Christopher Todd ) vs Watertown Irish Fluffy Cheetahs (Richard Howard 617-923-4920)
1649 GIRLS 10 4/D
6/14/2014 11:45 AM
Banta Davis referee: James S (978-610-6292)
C-C Ambush (Chris Leary 978-254-5859) vs Winchester Revolution (Brandon Bergstrom 781-721-1035)
1917 BOYS 10 2/G
6/14/2014 1:00 PM
Banta Davis referee: James S (978-610-6292)
C-C Royals (Tim Donohue 978-369-0948) vs Sudbury Storm (Peter Cope 978-443-5604)
BOYS 10 4/A
6/14/2014 1:00 PM
Banta Davis 2 referee: Ryan R (978-287-4666)
C-C Tornados (Brad Hubbard-Nelson 978-369-3858) vs Southboro Express (Matt Berger 508-303-2001)
1737 BOYS 10 4/E
6/14/2014 2:30 PM
Banta Davis referee: Harley M (978-610-6210)
C-C Phantoms (Benjamin Cariens ) vs Sudbury Hurricanes (Matt Murphy 508 294-5153)
BOYS 9 3/M
6/14/2014 2:30 PM
Banta Davis 2 referee: Josef M (978-610-6210)
C-C Fisher Cats (John Dow 978-369-8991) vs Sudbury Blaze (Ruth Anne Adams 617 283-3509)
1767 GIRLS 10 2/E
6/14/2014 3:45 PM
Banta Davis referee: Harley M (978-610-6210)
C-C Pioneers (David Hosford 978-318-0475) vs Winchester Dynamos (Rick Emanuel 781-729-1884)
BOYS 9 3/B
6/14/2014 3:45 PM
Banta Davis 2 referee: Josef M (978-610-6210)
C-C Lynx (John Longmire ) vs Lexington Lions (Nick Clarke 781 862 4546)
Pam Rockwell – 978-369-8512 or 978-808-9609
Saturday, June 14, 2014 - In Town games
Cushing Field behind the Peabody Middle School 1231 Old Marlborough Road, Concord
Sanborn School Fields, 835 Old Marlborough Road, Concord
Ripley School Fields, 120 Meriam Road, Concord
Spalding Field, 83 School Street, Carlisle, also accessible from Church Street
2nd grade boys at 9am
6/14/14 9:00 AM
2B Merlins vs. 2B Peregrines at Ripley C
referee:Davio C
6/14/14 9:00 AM
6/14/14 9:00 AM
2B Osprey vs. 2B Falcons
2B Kestrels vs. 2B Owls
at Sanborn D referee:Allie W
at Sanborn E referee:Nathan H
6/14/14 9:00 AM
2B Hawks vs. 2B Eagles
at Spalding C referee:Fiona S
3/4th grade boys at noon
6/14/14 12:00 PM
3-4B Ireland vs. England
6/14/14 12:00 PM
3-4B Wales vs. Scotland
at Ripley B referee: Dylan H
at Spalding A referee:Jeffrey Z
2nd grade girls & 3/4th grade girls at 1:30pm
6/14/14 1:30 PM
3-4G Germany vs. 3-4G Italy at Ripley B
6/14/14 1:30 PM
2G Starlings vs. 2G Cardinals at Ripley C
referee:Dylan H
referee:Aliana P
6/14/14 1:30 PM
2G Blue Jays vs. Chickadees
6/14/14 1:30 PM
6/14/14 1:30 PM
3-4G Argentina vs. 3-4G USA at Spalding A referee:Jeffrey Z
2G Sandpipers vs. Blue Herons at Spalding C referee:Gretchen C
5/6th grade
6/14/14 10:15 AM
center:Ryan A
at Sanborn D referee: Hayden M
AB3 Shade vs 5-6G CC Red Stars at Cushing
AR: Michael W
AR: Mark B
6/14/14 1:15 PM
AB3 Kaminski v CC6 Revolution at Cushing
center:Jack F AR: William P
AR: Sarah L?
Pam Rockwell – 978-369-8512 or 978-808-9609