Year 2 - 3rd - Unit 3 - Genetics

Unit title:
Unit 3. Genetics
2 DP
3ro BACH
Group 4
SL Biology
Date to start the unit
Date to end the unit
5 weeks (25
Hours for the development of the
Construct Punnett grids to show Mendel´s
monohybrid crosses, co-dominance, multiple
alleles and sex linkage.
Construct Punnett grids to evaluate the
inheritance of genetic diseases with recessive, codominant and dominant alleles (color blindness,
hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, Huntington´s,
cystic fibrosis)
Analyze pedigree charts to deduce the pattern of
inheritance of genetic diseases in humans.
Describe methods of DNA profiling
(Electrophoresis, PCR) and their use in real life
Describe GMO (genetic modification) and cloning
and discuss the ethics of these technologies.
Summative assessment tasks
Design an investigation to assess one
factor affecting the rooting of stemcuttings and carry out the experiment.
This unit will have many small activities
that will provide the skills needed to
evaluate genetic diseases and patterns of
inheritance, as well as the use of genetic
Students will be working in the conclusion
of the internal assessment.
Unit test 3
Evaluation criteria
 The root stem cuttings’
experiment will be evaluated
with the laboratory checklist
 Internal assessment will be
worked simultaneously and
graded, with the analysis
rubric, as a lesson.
 The unit test will receive a
summative grade.
a) Inheritance
Construct Punnett grids to show different types of inheritance (monohybrid Mendelian cross, co-dominance, multiple alleles, sex linkage)
Analyze pedigree charts
b) Genetic modification and biotechnology
Evaluate DNA profiles to stablish paternity or criminal issues.
Describe GMO technologies and their applications.
Design of experimental procedures and conduction of an experiment without teacher´s assistance.
Making connections
How can this unit support other subject areas?
Syllabus and cross curricular links:
Technology: use of virtual labs
Language: reading of book “Lincoln´s DNA and class discussion to
check for understanding.
How can this unit be supported by other subject areas?
Syllabus and cross-curricular links:
Links with ToK : ¿How will we reflect over the forms of knowledge,
Strategies to develop the IB Profile through the unit?
Topic 1.6 Cell division
Topic 2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation
areas of knowledge and transversal questions?
Aim 8: Social implications of diagnosis of mutations, including the effects on
the family and stigmatization.
Aim 8: The ethics of genetic modification.
Mendel’s theories were not accepted by the scientific community for a long
time. What factors would encourage the acceptance of new ideas by the
scientific community?
The use of DNA for securing convictions in legal cases is well established, yet
even universally accepted theories are overturned in the light of new evidence
in science. What criteria are necessary for assessing the reliability of
Discussions of the ethics of genetic screening and genetic
modification will give students the opportunity to be principled
and good communicators
The design of a rooting experiment will allow students to be inquirers
and show that they are knowledgeable.
Learning experiences and teaching strategies (Developed according to the learning cycle)
Exploring and processing (include the diagnosis evaluation and all learning experiences that promote inquiry from previous knowledge and real
life experiences)
 In a lecture learn about Mendel and his pea plants.
Use Punnett grids to show a monohybrid cross inheritance. Give students the possibility to complete the grids and evaluate
possible outcomes.
Repeat the same procedure with test crosses, co-dominance, ABO inheritance (multiple alleles) and sex linkage.
In a lecture discuss the source of genetic diseases
o Use Punnett grids to show that most genetic diseases are recessive and those that possess the gene in an heterozygous form are
Use Punnett grids to show that some genetic diseases may be co-dominant (Sickle cell anemia) or dominant (Huntington’s)
In a lecture discuss the different techniques used for DNA profiling.
o Electrophoresis
o DNA fingerprinting
o Gene transfer
o Cloning
Generalize and abstract (Include formative activities that allow the processing, organization and systematization of information)
 DBQ coat color in the house mouse (evaluated as a classwork)
Critical considerations: consequences of a genetic disease: evaluate the inheritance of different diseases and discuss what advice
should be given in each case (evaluated as classwork.
Identify genotypes, phenotypes and genetic conditions using pedigree charts (not evaluated)
Provide each student a copy of one chapter of the book Lincoln´s DNA, the book provides information about different genetic
diseases and methods to evaluate them. Students will share with the class their findings (written summary evaluated as homework)
Apply and create (include experiences that will allow students to use the acquired knowledge in a creative manner to generate actions that will
facilitate learning)
 Garden peas experiment: provide a bag with 10 green peas and 10 yellow peas, extract two peas at the time, fifty times. Collect the
genotypes. Process the phenotypic information using chi-squared analysis (evaluated as classwork)
 Make a pedigree from a given condition. (evaluated as classwork)
 Study a case of Alkaptonuria, build the pedigree chart, suggest possible treatments (evaluated as classwork)
 Virtual labs: electrophoresis, PCR and CSI web adventures (not evaluated)
Formative assessment (describe activities that will allow to monitor the learning process of students through the unit)
Mid unit quiz (theoretical genetics)
Resources (use a variety of resources)
Computer, projector, whiteboard, markers, notebooks, colors.
Books, web pages and other references:
Allot, A., & Mindorff, D. (2014). Biology Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Allott, A., & Mindorff, D. (2014). IB Study Guides. Biology for the IB Diploma. New York: Oxford University Press.
Damon, A., McGonegal, R., & Tosto, P. (2007). Biology Standard Level. New Jersey: Pearson.
Garber, S. (2002). Biology: A self teaching guide. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Kent, M. (2000). Advanced Biology. In K. Michael, Advanced Biology (p. 624). New York : Oxford University Press.
Taylor, S. (2014). i-Biology. Retrieved from
Videos and virtual labs:
 CSI Web adventures
 Learn Genetics (nd) Electrophoresis virtual lab, University of Utah Health Sciences,
 Learn Genetics (nd) PCR virtual lab, University of Utah Health Sciences,
With advanced learners (if applies)
Affirming identity and building selfesteem
Valuing prior knowledge
Extending learning
Flexible group work.
On-going assessment of student
readiness and growth
Active exploration for students
With students with special needs (if
 Affirming identity and building selfesteem
 Valuing prior knowledge
 Scaffolding
 Extending learning
 Flexible group work.
 On-going assessment of student
readiness and growth
 Active exploration for students
With students that present language difficulties (if
 Affirming identity and building selfesteem
 Valuing prior knowledge
 Scaffolding
 Extending learning
 Presenting written material in brief and
direct terms
 Omitting non-essential details and double
Quizzes and exams will have 10
extra minutes.
Students with special needs will sit
near the teacher and will receive
more guidance.
Allowing extra time for students to listen
to, think about, and form their own
thoughts about written and spoken
materials used in class
 Allowing students to discuss assignments
with each other and with teachers to get
clarification; and
 Using visual models and hands-on projects
when possible to allow students to gain
understanding of material using their
visual learning skills.
(Logsdon, A. (2014) Strategies for Language
Processing Problems.
Planning time
Objectives (based on
Effectiveness of learning
Other reflections
Ongoing reflection and evaluation
Successes or positive experiences
Improvements to be made
Planning time went in general according to
Planning time had to be extended because of
expectations (considering real class time)
Christmas activities.
All benchmarks were completed
Virtual labs were very useful for the
understanding of this unit
One non mandatory lab activity was left out
because of timing.