CPT CODES & MPFS, NCCI EDITS, MEDICARE 8-23 MINUTE RULE, & STUDENTS I. Coding a. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) can be found at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/PFSlookup/ and choose b. c. “Physician Fee Schedule Search” at top left of page. Timed codes are per 15 minutes and can be billed in numerous units (2, 3, etc.) Non-timed codes can only be billed once per day. REHAB CPT CODES & MEDICARE PHYSICIAN FEE SCHEDULE (MPFS) Metropolitan Kansas City, MO Region As of: February 24, 2012 DEFINITION DESCRIPTION TIMED? CPT 4 MPFS Non-Facility / Facility TENS Application Biofeedback Biofeedback UROGENITAL Evaluation – PT Re-Evaluation – PT Evaluation – OT Re-Evaluation – OT Evaluation – AT Re-Evaluation – AT Hot / Cold Pack Traction – Mechanical Electrical Stimulation UNATTENDED Electrical Stimulation Stage ¾ Wound UNATTENDED Electrical Stimulation Non-Wound Care UNATTENDED Vasopneumatic Devices Paraffin Whirlpool Diathermy Infrared Ultraviolet Electrical Stimulation – Manual Iontophoresis Contrast Bath Application of surface (trancutaneous) neurostimulator Biofeedback training by any modality Biofeedback training, perineal muscles, anorectal or urethral sphincter, including EMG and/or manometry Physical therapy evaluation Physical therapy re-evaluation Occupational therapy evaluation Occupational therapy re-evaluation Athletic training evaluation Athletic training re-evaluation The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas hot or cold packs The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas; traction, mechanical The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas; electrical stimulation (unattended) The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas; electrical stimulation for Stage ¾ wounds MEDICARE ONLY (unattended) The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas; electrical stimulation MEDICARE ONLY (unattended) The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas vasopneumatic devices The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas paraffin bath The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas whirlpool The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas diathermy (e.g., microwave) The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas infrared The application of a modality that does not require direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider; application of a modality to one or more areas ultraviolet The application of a modality that requires direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider: application of a modality to one or more areas electrical stimulation (manual), each 15 minutes The application of a modality that requires direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider: application of a modality to one or more areas iontophoresis, each 15 minutes The application of a modality that requires direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider: application of a modality to one or more areas contrast baths, each 15 minutes February 24, 2012 / Page 1 of 11 15.63 / 8.82 38.05 / 20.21 83.51 / 44.58 Non-Timed Non-Timed 64550 90901 $ $ Non-Timed Non-Timed Non-Timed Non-Timed Non-Timed Non-Timed Non-Timed Non-Timed 90911 97001 97002 97003 97004 97005 97006 97010 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 72.46 40.17 80.90 49.58 -0-0-0- Non-Timed 97012 $ 15.42 Non-Timed 97014 Non-Timed G0281 (Medicare ONLY) Medicare uses G0281 & G0283 for 97014 $ 13.03 Non-Timed G0283 (Medicare ONLY) $ 13.03 Non-Timed 97016 $ 17.90 Non-Timed 97018 $ 9.92 Non-Timed 97022 $ 21.45 Non-Timed 97024 $ 6.35 Non-Timed 97026 $ 5.71 Non-Timed 97028 $ 7.04 Timed 97032 $ 18.01 Timed 97033 $ 29.71 Timed 97034 $ 16.65 DEFINITION Ultrasound Hubbard Tank Unlisted Modality Therapeutic Exercise Neuromuscular Re-Ed, Balance, Coordination Aquatic Therapy Gait Training Massage Unlisted Therapeutic Procedure Manual Therapy GROUP (2+ people) Therapeutic Activities Cognitive Training Sensory Integration DESCRIPTION The application of a modality that requires direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider: application of a modality to one or more areas ultrasound, each 15 minutes The application of a modality that requires direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider: application of a modality to one or more areas Hubbard tank, each 15 minutes The application of a modality that requires direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider: Unlisted modality (specify type and time if constant attendance) A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact: therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes therapeutic exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion and flexibility A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact: therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes neuromuscular re-education of movement, balance, coordination, kinesthetic sense, posture, and/or proprioception for sitting and/or standing activities A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact: therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes aquatic therapy with therapeutic exercises A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact: therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes gait training (includes stair climbing) A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact: therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes massage, including effleurage, petrissage and/or tapotement (stroking, compression, percussion) A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact: Unlisted therapeutic procedure (specify) A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Manual therapy techniques (e.g., mobilization/manipulation, manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction), 1 or more regions, each 15 minutes. A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Therapeutic procedure(s), GROUP (2 or more individuals). Group therapy procedures involve constant attendance of the physician or therapist, but by definition do not require one-on-one patient contact by the physician or therapist. A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Therapeutic activities, direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider (use of dynamic activities to improve functional performance), each 15 minutes A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Development of cognitive skills to improve attention, memory, problem solving, (includes compensatory training), direct (one-onone) patient contact by the provider, each 15 minutes. A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Sensory integrative techniques to enhance sensory processing and promote adaptive responses to environmental demands, direct (one-on-one) patient contact by the provider, each 15 minutes. February 24, 2012 / Page 2 of 11 MPFS TIMED? Timed CPT 4 97035 $ 12.11 Timed 97036 $ 30.06 Non-Timed 97039 Timed 97110 $ 30.01 Timed 97112 $ 31.31 Timed 97113 $ 39.72 Timed 97116 $ 26.69 Timed 97124 $ 24.66 Non-Timed 97139 Timed 97140 $ 28.03 Non-Timed 97150 $ 19.34 Timed 97530 $ 32.91 Timed 97532 $ 25.13 Timed 97533 $ 27.72 Non-Facility / Facility Not in MPFS Not in MPFS DEFINITION Self Care Management Training (ADL Training) Community/Work Reintegration Wheelchair Management Work Hardening/ Conditioning Work Hardening/ Conditioning Each Add’l Hour Debridement-Selective First 20cm2 or less Debridement-Selective >20cm2 Debridement – NonSelective Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Wound Vac) <=50cm2 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Wound Vac) >50cm2 DESCRIPTION A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Self-care/home management training (e.g., activities of daily living (ADL) and compensatory training, meal preparation, safety procedures, and instructions in use of assistive technology devices/adaptive equipment) direct one-on-one contact by provider, each 15 minutes A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Community/work reintegration training (e.g., shopping, transportation, money management, avocational activities and/or work environment/modification analysis, work task analysis, use of assistive technology device/adaptive equipment)), direct one on one contact by provider, each 15 minutes A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Wheelchair management (e.g., assessment, fitting, training), each 15 minutes A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Work hardening/conditioning; initial 2 hours A manner of effecting change through the application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function. Physician or therapist required to have direct (one on one) patient contact. Work hardening/conditioning; each additional hour (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Active wound care procedures are performed to remove devitalized and/or necrotic tissue and promote healing. Provider is required to have direct (one-on-one) patient contact. Debridement (eg., high pressure waterjet with/without suction, sharp selective debridement with scissors, scalpel and forceps), open wound (eg., fibrin, devitalized epidermis and/or dermis, exudate, debris, biofilm), including topical application(s), wound assessment, use of a whirlpool, when performed and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session, total wound(s) surface area; first 20 sq cm or less Active wound care procedures are performed to remove devitalized and/or necrotic tissue and promote healing. Provider is required to have direct (one-on-one) patient contact. Debridement (eg., high pressure waterjet with/without suction, sharp selective debridement with scissors, scalpel and forceps), open wound (eg., fibrin, devitalized epidermis and/or dermis, exudate, debris, biofilm), including topical application(s), wound assessment, use of a whirlpool, when performed and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session, total wound(s) surface area; each additional 20 sq cm, or part thereof (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Active wound care procedures are performed to remove devitalized and/or necrotic tissue and promote healing. Provider is required to have direct (one-on-one) patient contact. Removal of devitalized tissue from wound(s); non-selective debridement, without anesthesia (e.g., wet-to-moist dressings, enzymatic, abrasion), including topical application(s), wound assessment, and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session Active wound care procedures are performed to remove devitalized and/or necrotic tissue and promote healing. Provider is required to have direct (one-on-one) patient contact. Negative pressure wound therapy (e.g., vacuum assisted drainage collection), including topical application(s), wound assessment, and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session; total wound(s) surface area less than or equal to 50 square centimeters Active wound care procedures are performed to remove devitalized and/or necrotic tissue and promote healing. Provider is required to have direct (one-on-one) patient contact. Negative pressure wound therapy (e.g., vacuum assisted drainage collection), including topical application(s), wound assessment, and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session; total wound(s) surface area greater than 50 square centimeters February 24, 2012 / Page 3 of 11 MPFS TIMED? Timed CPT 4 97535 $ 32.60 Timed 97537 $ 28.39 Timed 97542 $ 29.04 Initial 2 hours 97545 $ -0- Add’l 1 hour 97546 $ -0- Non-Timed 97597 $ 72.98 / 24.00 Non-Timed 97598 $ 24.35 / 11.37 Non-Timed 97602 Non-Timed 97605 $ 40.57 / 27.27 Non-Timed 97606 $ 43.43 / 30.13 Non-Facility / Facility Not in MPFS DEFINITION Physical Performance Test Assistive Technology Assessment Orthotic Mgmt & Training Prosthetic Training Orthotic/Prosthetic Checkout Unlisted Physical Medicine/Rehab Procedure Education & Training; Individual Patient Education & Training; 2-4 Patients Education & Training; 5-8 patients DESCRIPTION Requires direct one-on-one patient contact. Physical performance test or measurement (e.g., musculoskeletal, functional capacity), with written report, each 15 minutes Requires direct one-on-one patient contact. Assistive technology assessment (e.g., to restore, augment or compensate for existing function, optimize functional tasks and/or maximize environmental accessibility), direct one-on-one contact by provider, with written report, each 15 minutes Orthotic(s) management and training (including assessment and fitting when not otherwise reported), upper extremity(s), lower extremity(s) and/or trunk, each 15 minutes Prosthetic training, upper and/or lower extremity(s), each 15 minutes Checkout for orthotic/prosthetic use, established patient, each 15 minutes Unlisted physical medicine/rehabilitation service or procedure Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family) each 30 minutes; individual patient Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family) each 30 minutes; 2-4 patients Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family) each 30 minutes; 5-8 patients MPFS TIMED? Timed CPT 4 97750 $ 31.82 Timed 97755 $ 34.69 Timed 97760 $ 36.04 Timed 97761 $ 31.50 Timed 97762 $ 42.66 Non-Timed 97799 Not in MPFS Timed 98960 Not in MPFS Timed 98961 Not in MPFS Timed 98962 Not in MPFS Non-Facility / Facility Non-Facility / Facility The Medicare non-facility allowable reimbursement applies when the professional service is performed in a physician’s office or any place of service other than those listed above (PT private practice). The Medicare facility allowable reimbursement applies when the professional service is performed in a hospital (inpatient, outpatient, and emergency room), ambulatory surgical center, and/or skilled nursing facility setting. Sources: CPT codes and definitions American Medical Association (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Manual, 2012 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) http://www.cms.hhs.gov/PFSlookup/ Current codes not being paid by K.C. area insurers, usually due their being deemed “experimental” or “investigational”: I. 97010 = Hot/Cold Pack A. Health Access TriCare also does not pay for any services B. TriCare provided by Physical Therapist Assistants II. 97014 = Unattended Electrical Stimulation (PTA’s). A. Blue Cross Blue Shield of K.C. III. 97033 = Iontophoresis Medicare does not pay for any services A. Aetna provided by techs/aides in the outpatient B. Blue Cross Blue Shield of K.C. setting. IV. 97113 = Aquatic Therapy A. Firstguard V. 97124 = Massage A. Coventry VI. 90901 = Biofeedback and 90911 = Biofeedback – Urogenital A. Coventry February 24, 2012 / Page 4 of 11 SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY CODES DEFINITION Evaluation – ST Treatment of Speech GROUP (Treatment of Speech) Treatment of Swallow Eval Oral/Pharyngeal Swallow (Bedside) Fluoro Video Swallow Evaluation FEES Evaluation of Swallow Aphasia Assessment Per HR Development Testing – Limited Development Testing – Extensive Education & Training; Individual Patient Education & Training; 2-4 Patients Education & Training; 5-8 patients DESCRIPTION Evaluation of speech, language, voice, communication, and/or auditory processing Treatment of speech, language, voice, communication, and/or auditory processing disorder; individual Treatment of speech, language, voice, communication, and/or auditory processing disorder; group, 2 or more individuals Treatment of swallowing dysfunction and/or oral function for feeding Evaluation of oral and pharyngeal swallowing function Motion fluoroscopic evaluation for swallowing function by cine or video recording Flexible fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing by cine or video recording Assessment of aphasia (includes assessment of expressive and receptive speech and language function, language comprehension, speech production ability, reading, spelling, writing, e.g., by Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination) with interpretation and report, per hour Developmental testing; limited (e.g., Developmental Screening Test 2, Early Language Milestone Screen), with interpretation and report Developmental testing; extended (includes assessment of motor, language, social, adaptive and/or cognitive functioning by standardized developmental instruments) with interpretation and report Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family) each 30 minutes; individual patient Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family) each 30 minutes; 2-4 patients Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family) each 30 minutes; 5-8 patients MPFS TIMED? CPT 4 Non-Timed 92506 $ 159.50 Non-Timed 92507 $ 74.11 Non-Timed Non-Timed 92508 92526 $ $ 22.03 81.96 Non-Timed 92610 $ 88.06 / 66.65 Non-Timed 92611 $ 96.65 Non-Timed 92612 $ 164.56 / 66.93 Per HOUR 96105 $ 100.17 Non-Timed 96110 Non-Timed Timed 96111 98960 Timed 98961 Not in MPFS Timed 98962 Not in MPFS Non-Facility / Facility Not in MPFS $ 124.08 / 118.89 Not in MPFS Non-Facility / Facility Sources: CPT codes and definitions American Medical Association (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Manual, 2012 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) http://www.cms.hhs.gov/PFSlookup/ February 24, 2012 / Page 5 of 11 National Correct Coding Initiative Edits CPT Code 92507 Description Timed? Treatment of Speech GROUP (Treatment of Speech) N Treatment of swallow Developmental Testing – Extensive PT Eval PT Re-eval OT Eval OT Re-Eval Hot / Cold Pack Mechanical Traction Electrical Stimulation Vasopneumatic device Paraffin Bath Microwave Whirlpool Diathermy Infrared Ultraviolet Electrical Stimulation Iontophoresis Contrast Bath Ultrasound Hubbard Tank Physical Therapy Treatment Therapeutic Exercises Neuromuscular Re Education Aquatic Therapy/Exercises Gait Training Massage Physical Medicine Procedure Manual Therapy N 97150 Group Therapeutic Procedures N 97530 Therapeutic Activities Y 97532 Cognitive Skills Development Sensory Integration Self Care Management Training Community/work Reintegration Y 92508 92526 92611 97001 97002 97003 97004 97010 97012 97014 97016 97018 97020 97022 97024 97026 97028 97032 97033 97034 97035 97036 97039 97110 97112 97113 97116 97124 97139 97140 97533 97535 97537 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Effective 1/1/2012 - 3/31/2012 Mutually Exclusive Column1/Column2 m=modifier possible; n=modifier NOT possible 97110m, 97112m, 97150m, 97530m, 97532m, 97533m 97110m, 97112m, 97150m, 97530m, 92507m 97532m, 97533m 97032m, 97110m, 97112m, 97150m, 97530m, 97532m 97003n 92610m 97750n; 97755n; 97762n 97750n; 97755n; 97762n 97750n; 97755n; 97762n 97750n; 97755n; 97762n 97140m 97002m; 97004m; 97018m 97022m 97002m; 97004m; 97018m; 97026m 97002m; 97004m 97001n 97018m; 97022m 97022m 97002m; 97004m, 97602m 97002m; 97004m; 97018m; 97026m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m; 97018m; 97026m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m Y Y 97002m; 97004m; 97022m; 97036m 97002m; 97004m; 97022m; 97036n; 97110m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m Y Y Y Y Y 97530m 97110m; 97112m; 97113m; 97116m; 97140m; 97530m Y Y 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m; 97018m; 97124n; 97750m 97002m; 97004m; 97124m; 97532m; 97533m; 97535m; 97537m; 97542m; 97760m; 97761m 97002m; 97004m; 97113m; 97116m; 97532m; 97533m; 97535m; 97537m; 97542m; 97750m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m Y 97002m; 97004m February 24, 2012 / Page 6 of 11 National Correct Coding Initiative Edits Description 97542 97545 97597 97598 97601 97602 97605 97606 97750 97755 Wheelchair Management Training Work Hardening Debridement-Selective <=20cm2 Debridement-Selective >20cm2 Wound Care Selective Debridement – NonSelective Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Wound Vac) <=50cm2 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Wound Vac) >50cm2 Physical Performance Test Assistive Technology Assessment Timed? Y Y N N 97002m; 97004m 97002m; 97004m; 97140n 97602n, 97605m, 97606m 97602n, 97605m, 97606m 97761 97002m; 97022m 97002m N 97602n 97002m 97602n 97002m; 97605n N Y Y Orthotic Management & Training Prosthetic Training Y Development of Cognitive Skills Y 97762m Y 97762m 97770 97002m; 97022m N N 97762n 97760 Effective 1/1/2012 - 3/31/2012 Mutually Exclusive Column1/Column2 m=modifier possible; n=modifier NOT possible 97150n 97035m, 97110m, 97112m, 97140m, 97530m, 97532m, 97533m, 97535m, 97537m, 97542m, 97545m, 97750n, 97760m, 97761m 97002m; 97004m; 97016m; 97110m; 97112m; 97116m; 97124m; 97140m 97002m; 97004m; 97016m; 97110m; 97112m; 97116m; 97124m; 97140m; 97760m Source: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/NationalCorrectCodInitEd/ then choose “NCCI Edits - Hospital Outpatient PPS” at top left. On next page, at bottom choose the link titled, “Medicine Evaluation and Management Services 90000-99999”. n = cannot bill these codes together and cannot use a modifier m = can use a modifier to bill these codes together. Should document in medical record in sequential language if using a modifier. Example: After performing gait training we then performed re-evaluation. Mutually Exclusive If you use one (primary, on the left), it precludes you from using the other (secondary, on the right) if the code on the right has a “n”. Column 1/Column 2 The Column 2 code is considered to be a component of the column 1 code. Cannot bill them on same day if an “n” but can bill together if followed by a “m”. Example: Notice that 97002 (Re-Eval) is in almost every line. That means that while you are performing gait training with a patient, you cannot bill for gait training (97012) and re-eval (97002) with your argument being that while performing gait training you are constantly reassessing their gait pattern. However, if you perform gait training for 15 minutes, THEN perform a 15 minute re-evaluation of whole body strength, ROM, coordination, balance, etc. with thorough documentation that the re-eval occurred and that it occurred after the gait training, and you use the -59 modifier, then you can bill for both of them. These NCCI edits are now applicable to all facilities that bill for Part B Medicare services, including rehab agencies, CORF's (Certified Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities), etc. February 24, 2012 / Page 7 of 11 MEDICARE BILLING, 97150 (GROUP), & STUDENTS Sources: Medicare Claims Processing Manual (Pub. 104), Chapter 5, Section 20 Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 102), Chapter 15, Sections 220 and 230 2012 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Manual; American Medical Association BILLING FOR MEDICARE OUTPATIENTS 1. "When only one service is provided in a day, providers should not bill for services performed for less than 8 minutes. For any single timed CPT code in the same day measured in 15 minute units, providers bill a single 15-minute unit for treatment greater than or equal to 8 minutes through and including 22 minutes. If the duration of a single modality or procedure in a day is greater than or equal to 23 minutes through and including 37 minutes, then 2 units should be billed. Time intervals for 1 through 8 units are as follows:" Pub. 104, Chapter 5, Section 20.2, subsection C 2. For timed codes, the following scale is used to determine number of units to bill: a. 1 unit: ≥ 8 minutes through 22 minutes b. 2 units: ≥ 23 minutes through 37 minutes c. 3 units: ≥ 38 minutes through 52 minutes d. 4 units: ≥ 53 minutes through 67 minutes e. 5 units: ≥ 68 minutes through 82 minutes f. 6 units: ≥ 83 minutes through 97 minutes g. 7 units: ≥ 98 minutes through 112 minutes h. 8 units: ≥ 113 minutes through 127 minutes 3. “When more than one service represented by 15 minute timed codes is performed in a single day, the total number of minutes of service (as noted on the chart above) determines the number of timed units billed.” Pub. 104, Chapter 5, Section 20.2, subsection C a. Examples (from Pub. 104, Chapter 5, Section 20.2, subsection C) 1. Example 1 i. 24 minutes of neuromuscular reeducation, code 97112 ii. 23 minutes of therapeutic exercise, code 97110 iii. Total timed code treatment time was 47 minutes. iv. The 47 minutes falls within the range for 3 units = 38 to 52 minutes. v. Appropriate billing for 47 minutes is only 3 timed units. Each of the codes is performed for more than 15 minutes, so each shall be billed for at least 1 unit. The correct coding is 2 units of code 97112 and one unit of code 97110, assigning more timed units to the service that took the most time. 2. Example 2 i. 20 minutes of neuromuscular reeducation (97112) ii. 20 minutes therapeutic exercise (97110), iii. 40 Total timed code minutes. iv. Appropriate billing for 40 minutes is 3 units. Each service was done at least 15 minutes and should be billed for at least one unit, but the total allows 3 units. Since the time for each service is the same, choose either code for 2 units and bill the other for 1 unit. Do not bill 3 units for either one of the codes. 3. Example 3 i. 33 minutes of therapeutic exercise (97110), ii. 7 minutes of manual therapy (97140), iii. 40 Total timed minutes iv. Appropriate billing for 40 minutes is for 3 units. Bill 2 units of 97110 and 1 unit of 97140. Count the first 30 minutes of 97110 as two full units. Compare the remaining time for 97110 (33-30 = 3 minutes) to the time spent on 97140 (7 minutes) and bill the larger, which is 97140. 4. Example 4 i. 18 minutes of therapeutic exercise (97110), ii. 13 minutes of manual therapy (97140), iii. 10 minutes of gait training (97116), iv. 8 minutes of ultrasound (97035), v. 49 Total timed minutes vi. Appropriate billing is for 3 units. Bill the procedures you spent the most time providing. Bill 1 unit each of 97110, 97116, and 97140. You are unable to bill for the ultrasound because the total time of timed units that can be billed is constrained by the total timed code treatment minutes (i.e., you may not bill 4 units for less than 53 minutes regardless of how many services were performed). You would still document the ultrasound in the treatment notes. February 24, 2012 / Page 8 of 11 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. Example 5 i. 7 minutes of neuromuscular reeducation (97112) ii. 7 minutes therapeutic exercise (97110) iii. 7 minutes manual therapy (97140) iv. 21 Total timed minutes v. Appropriate billing is for one unit. The qualified professional ( See definition in Pub 100-02/15, sec. 220) shall select one appropriate CPT code (97112, 97110, 97140) to bill since each unit was performed for the same amount of time and only one unit is allowed. b. The above examples of times “is intended to provide assistance in rounding time into 15-minute increments. It does not imply that any minute until the eighth should be excluded from the total count. The total minutes of active treatment counted for all 15 minute timed codes includes all direct treatment time for the timed codes.” Documentation requirements in the medical record: a. Total timed minutes = only minutes from timed codes is what 8-23 minute scale will apply to b. Total treatment minutes = timed minutes + untimed minutes Only active treatment time can be billed for. “Providers report the code for the time actually spent in the delivery of the modality requiring constant attendance and therapy services. Pre- and post-delivery services are not to be counted in determining the treatment service time. In other words, the time counted as “intra-service care” begins when the therapist or physician (or an assistant under the supervision of a physician or therapist) is directly working with the patient to deliver treatment services. The time the patient spends not being treated because of the need for toileting or resting should not be billed. In addition, the time spent waiting to use a piece of equipment or for other treatment to begin is not considered treatment time.” Pub. 104, Chapter 5, Section 20.3 “If a single patient is treated simultaneously by two practitioners (therapist, therapy assistant, or a physician), then only a single unit of another procedure, modality, or test and measurement code can be billed for each 15 minute unit." In other words, if co-treating with an OT for 30 minutes, the most that can be billed by both disciplines is 2 units. Typically PT bills one unit and OT bills one unit. Providers are required to report one of the following modifiers to distinguish who performed the outpatient treatment: a. GN ==> service delivered personally by a speech language pathologist under an outpatient SLP plan of care. b. GO ==> service delivered personally by an occupational therapist or under and outpatient OT plan of care. c. GP ==> service delivered personally by a physical therapist or under an outpatient PT plan of care. PAYMENT 1. The Medicare allowed charge for the services is the lower of the actual charge or the MPFS (Medicare Physician Fee Schedule) amount. “Allowable” is defined as that which Medicare (or any other payor) will pay for a service. 2. The Medicare payment for the services is 80% of the allowed charge (fee schedule amount) after the Part B deductible is met. 3. Co-insurance (patient responsibility) is made at 20% of the lower of the actual charge or the MPFS amount. 4. The general coinsurance rule (20% of the actual charges) does not apply when making payment under the MPFS. WHO CAN BILL Only PT’s and PTA’s can bill for physical therapy, including when it is incident-to a physician’s service. Only OT’s and OTA’s can bill for occupational therapy, including when it is incident-to a physician’s service. Only SLP’s can bill for speech language pathology, including when it is incident-to a physician’s service. Anyone other than a PT/PTA, OT/OTA, SLP, MD, DO, NP (Nurse Practitioner), CNS (Clinical Nurse Specialist), or PA (Physician Assistant) is considered an aide and those PT/OT/SLP services cannot be billed to Medicare. Services delegated by a PT/PTA, OT/OTA, SLP, MD, DO, NP, CNS, or PA to someone classified as an aide cannot be billed to Medicare. A physical therapist in Medicare’s eyes is someone who graduated from an accredited PT education program. No one else can claim to be a PT when billing Medicare. MD = Medical Doctor DO = Doctor of Osteophathy PA = Physician Assistant CNS = Clinical Nurse Specialist NP = Nurse Practitioner February 24, 2012 / Page 9 of 11 GROUP CHARGE Applies to ALL patients, not just Medicare since definition below is out of the CPT manual and not Medicare documents. 97150 = Therapeutic procedure(s), GROUP (2 or more individuals). This is a non-timed code. 1. “Group Therapy Services. Contractors pay for outpatient physical therapy services (which includes outpatient speechlanguage pathology services) and outpatient occupational therapy services provided simultaneously to two or more individuals by a practitioner as group therapy services (97150). The individuals can be, but need not be performing the same activity. The physician or therapist involved in group therapy services must be in constant attendance, but one-on-one patient contact is not required.” Section 230, subsection A, www.cms.hhs.gov/manuals/downloads/bp102c15.pdf 2. Charge group when performing timed codes on 2 or more patients at the same time (simultaneously), such as gait training, aquatics, therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, therapeutic activities, etc. a. Patient 1 arrived at 0900 and from 0900 – 0915 the physical therapist performed manual therapy. From 0915 – 0930 the PT supervised patient 1 performing therapeutic exercise in the gym. From 0915 – 0930 the PT also supervised patient 2 performing therapeutic exercise in the gym, then from 0930 – 0945 the PT performed therapeutic activities with patient 2, and from 0945 – 1000 performed neuromuscular re-education with patient 2. Patient 1 Patient 2 0900 – 0915 97140 (Manual Therapy) 0915 – 0930 97110 (Ther. Ex. on mat supervised by PT) 97110 (Ther. Ex. on mat supervised by PT) 0930 – 0945 97116 (Gait Training) 0945 – 1000 97112 (Neuromuscular Re-Education…) Patient 1 is billed 1 unit of 97150 (group) and 1 unit of 97140 (manual therapy – 59 modifier needed) Patient 2 is billed 1 unit of 97150 (group) + 1 unit of 97116 (gait training – 59 modifier needed) + 1 unit of 97112 (neuromusc. reed – 59 modifier needed) b. If the therapist had seen both patients for a full half hour and supervised therapeutic exercise simultaneously for the entire half hour, then the therapist would have billed Patient #1 one unit of group (97150) and Patient #2 one unit of group (97150) and nothing else. c. If you do a one hour aquatics class with 5 people and bill using CPT codes, each patient would be billed one (1) unit of 97150 (group) and nothing else. 3. If performing a timed code on one patient (e.g., manual therapy) and non-timed code on another (e.g., mechanical traction), you can bill each patient for each individual code manual therapy (97140) for one and mechanical traction (97012) for the other. 4. The Group Therapy code (97150) should NOT be used if simultaneous supervision is not being provided. a. Example: In a 45-minute period, a therapist works with 3 patients - A, B, and C, providing therapeutic exercises to each patient with direct one-on-one contact in the following sequence: 1. Patient A receives 8 minutes, patient B receives 8 minutes and patient C receives 8 minutes. 2. After this initial 24-minute period, the therapist returns to work with patient A for 10 more minutes (18 minutes total), then patient B for 5 more minutes (13 minutes total), and finally patient C for 6 additional minutes (14 minutes total). 3. During the times the patients are not receiving direct one-on-one contact with the therapist, they are each exercising independently. b. The therapist appropriately bills each patient one 15 minute unit of therapeutic exercise (97110) corresponding to the time of the skilled intervention with each patient. 1. The therapist does NOT bill for the time when the patients were exercising independently since there was no therapist supervision. 5. Medicare "…group activities led by personnel who are not therapists, therapy assistants, or physicians should not be billed as group therapy." When any service is provided by a non-PT, PTA, or physician then it cannot be billed to Medicare. February 24, 2012 / Page 10 of 11 THERAPY STUDENTS Medicare Benefit Policy Manual 100-02, Chapter 15, Section 230, subsection B, 1; www.cms.hhs.gov/manuals/downloads/bp102c15.pdf “Only the services of the therapist can be billed and paid under Medicare Part B. The services performed by a student are not reimbursed even if provided under “line of sight” supervision of the therapist; however, the presence of the student “in the room” does not make the service unbillable. Pay for the direct (one-to-one) patient contact services of the physician or therapist provided to Medicare Part B patients. Group therapy services performed by a therapist or physician may be billed when a student is also present ‘in the room’.” EXAMPLES: Therapists may bill and be paid for the provision of services in the following scenarios: The qualified practitioner is present and in the room for the entire session. The student participates in the delivery of services when the qualified practitioner is directing the service, making the skilled judgment, and is responsible for the assessment and treatment. The qualified practitioner is present in the room guiding the student in service delivery when the therapy student and the therapy assistant student are participating in the provision of services, and the practitioner is not engaged in treating another patient or doing other tasks at the same time. The qualified practitioner is responsible for the services and as such, signs all documentation. (A student may, of course, also sign but it is not necessary since the Part B payment is for the clinician’s service, not for the student’s services). DIAGNOSIS CODING ICD-9 International Classification of Diagnoses, Version 9 is the international standard for classifying and documenting diagnoses. This is what private insurers and Medicare/Medicaid use for diagnosis documentation and reporting. http://icd9.chrisendres.com/ online ICD-9 code definitions In hospital or facility settings usually are assigned by Certified Coders, but sometimes therapists will do so, especially in smaller private practices. ICD-10 will be implemented in the United States on October 1, 2013. listed below: ISSUE ICD-9 Volume of Codes Approximately 13,600 Composition of Codes Mostly numeric, with E and V codes alphanumeric. Valid codes of 3, 4, or 5 digits. Duplication of Code Sets Currently, only ICD-9 codes are required. No mapping is necessary. The differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10 are ICD-10 Approximately 69,000 All codes are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter and with a mix of numbers and letters thereafter. Valid codes may have 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 digits. For a period of up to two (2) years, systems will need to access both ICD-9 codes and ICD-10 codes as the country transitions from ICD-9 to ICD10. Mapping will be necessary so that equivalent codes can be found for issues of disease tracking, medical necessity edits, and outcomes studies. Source: www.aapc.com/ICD-10/faq.aspx#different February 24, 2012 / Page 11 of 11