Water Situation

1. Water and The Importance of Water
One of the important elements of life is water. Water is in addition to being a nutrient in our
possession and compounds with mineral that the body plays a role in the realization of all kinds
of incredibly biochemical reactions. By starting from the protection of the body’s pH balance, the
molecules in cells and organelles disperse to create the environment; nutrients, it takes many of
the tasks related to the transport of the waste places. So, a life without water can not be thought.
Water is everything for living creatures and vitality. Also, water is a habitat for creatures. % 75 of
the earth is covered with water is giving the appearance as if the World is the abundance of
water, potable water rate but is around % 0.74. Very rapid growth of the world population,
excessive development of industry and technology, as well as cause widespread inability or
failure to settle enough environmental awareness has led to a progressive reduction of the
amount of potable water in the world. As well as, irresponsible contamination of the potable
water supply is the basis for the experience of the problem for recycling. Forecasts indicate that
the dwindling fresh water supply curve will intersect with the increasing need for water in 2030.
That means naturally it will be a universal crisis. In this study, due to its importance for the water
of life, fresh water potential of our country, which is water based on basin distribution, quantify
and dirtiness of the basin at issue was intended to remove a profile summary use of existing
literature sources.
2. Water Potential In Turkey
The average annual precipitation in Turkey is 643 mm and this corresponds is to an
average rainfall of 501 billion m³ of water. 274 billion m³ water go back to atmosphere
from rivers, lakes and seas by evaporating. 158 billion m³ of rainfall water are
transported to large and small many rivers and seas or lakes. The remaining water of 69
billion m³ is underground water. Rainfall of 158 billion m³ surface waters and
underground waters of spring water in the form of surface again reaching 28 billion m³
and water neighboring countries rivers from 7 billion m³ waters (158+28+7=193) are our
country gross water potential. According to the technical calculations, In various ways
in the top of removable the amount of water is around to 14 billion m³. Studies shows
that consumable surface and underground water’s potential is per year 112 billion m³ in
Turkey. At these moments we can benefit 27.5 billion m³ surface water of 95 billion m3
(%29) surface water. Countries are classified with usable amount of water. Today if we
consider population of Turkey is 72 million, we can say that Turkey is per capita 1555 m³
year available water amount of water scarcity of living in a country. In Turkey of cities
and the number of as well as the population by going quickly increase, consisting of
cities water needs only source and underground waters are met impossible to make. So,
fast growing cities water needs, the source and underground water, as well as large part
of the river, dam and lakes treatment made available expectations are made.
3. Hydrological Basins
Turkey is divided into 26 hydrological basin depending on the topography.
Total annual average flow of the basin is 186 billion m³. Fırat Basin has a
maximum of water efficiency with 31.61 billion m³. Dicle Basin ranks second
with 21.33 billion m³. Fırat and Dicle basins constitute about % 28.5 of the
country’s water potential. Akarçay Basin with 0.49 billion m³ and Burdur Lake
Basin with 0.50 billion m³ are the lowest water potential of the basins. Although
it seems more water in Turkey, the precipitation falls in the basin and in
different amounts at different times always reasons to get needs met
precipitation. Acccording to the topographic structure created 26 hydrological
basin names are given in the table.
Basins In Turkey And Water Potantial
4. The Result
Our water is necessary for all kinds of biological and
physiological activities continue with our lives has
essential importance. The protection of our water is very
valuable to be our primary task. It should be noted that
we will entrust our water for future generations.