Fundamental Physical Constants - table or chart of the electrical and physical constants used in a variety of ways including in electronics design. Physical & fundamental constants pages include: • • • • • • • • Fundamental physical constants Universal constants Electromagnetic constants Atomic constants Electron constants Proton constants Neutron constants Physico-chemical constants There is a large number of physical constants and fundamental that are used in physics and electronics engineering. These constants can be used in a variety of electronics calculations and may be very useful on occasions. Although not widely used in electronics design, they may nevertheless be used on occasions. A physical constant is a quantity that is generally believed to be universal in nature and constant over time. In other words, apart from improvements in measurement accuracies, it will remain the same. These physical constants appear in many areas of science and they take many forms. Common examples of some fundamental physical constants are the speed of light in a vacuum and it has the dimensions of speed, i.e. length divided by time. Other physical constants have different dimensions, or some can be dimensionless. Physical constant groupings In order to be able to refer to the different physical constants and fundamental constants more easily, we have split them into different groups as seen below: Universal constants: Universal constants are those which are used in many areas of science. They include some of the fundamental constants such as the speed of light, permittivity and permeability in a vacuum, gravitational forces and Planck's constant. Read more . . . Electromagnetic constants: The electromagnetic constants are those constants within the overall physical constants that pertain to electromagnetic aspects. They include such items as the elementary charge, magnetic flux quantum, the Josephson frequency-voltage quotient and the like. Read more . . . Atomic constants: There are many fundamental physical constants associated with atomic level physics, etc. These atomic constants include values such as Rydberg constant, Bohr radius, Hartree energy, etc Read more . . . Electron constants: There are many physical or fundamental constants associated with electrons. These electron constants include values such as electron specific charge, electron molar mass, electron specific charge, etc. Read more . . . Proton constants: These physical constants are applicable to proton characteristics and include characteristics such as proton mass, proton specific charge, proton molar mass, proton magnetic moment etc. Read more . . . Neutron constants: These physical constants are related to neutrons, and include parameters such as neutron mass, neutron-electron mass ratio, neutron molar mass, etc.. Read more . . . Physicochemical constants & parameters: These physical constants include parameters related to physic-chemical characteristics and include items such as Avagadro constant, Faraday constant, Boltzmann constant, standard atmosphere and many more. Read more . . . Navigation:: Home >> Formulae and data >> this page Universal Constants - table or chart of universal physical constants including symbol, value and units for values such as speed of light, permittivity, etc Physical & fundamental constants pages include: • • • • • • • • Fundamental physical constants Universal constants Electromagnetic constants Atomic constants Electron constants Proton constants Neutron constants Physico-chemical constants The universal constants are physical constants that are widely used in science. The physical constants that come under the universal constants heading include items such as the speed of light, permeability of a vacuum, permittivity of a vacuum, Planck's constant and the Newtonian constant of gravity. Details for these universal constants and more are given below. The constant name, symbol, value, units and the relative uncertainty are provided. CONSTANT NAME SYMBOL OF CONSTANT VALUE Speed of light in vacuum c Permeability in a vacuum µ0 299 792 458 4π x 10^-7 = 12.566 370 614 Permittivity in a vacuum ε0 1/(µ0 ⋅ c^2) 8.854 187 817 Newtonian constant of gravitation G 6.672 59 Planck constant h Planck's constant in electron volts h/{e} UNITS RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY m/s N ⋅ A^-2 10^-12 F &sdot m^-1 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-1 128 6.626 0755 10^-34J⋅ s 0.60 4.135 6692 10^-15 eV s 0.30 10^-34 J s 0.60 10^-16 eV s 0.30 h/2π 1.054 572 66 h/2π in electron volts 6 582 1220 Planck mass mp 2.176 71 10^-8 kg 64 Planck length lp 1.616 05 10^-35m 64 Planck time tp 5.390 56 10^-44s 64 Electromagnetic Constants - table or chart of electromagnetic constants including symbol, value and units for values such as elementary charge, magnetic flux quantum, Josephson frequency voltage quotient, etc. Electromagnetic constants are used in many areas of science and electronics for a variety of calculations. The electromagnetic constants that come under the universal constants heading include items such as the elementary charge, magnetic flux quantum, Josephson frequency voltage quotient, etc. Details for these electromagnetic constants and more are given below. The constant name, symbol, value, units and the relative uncertainty are provided. CONSTANT NAME SYMBOL OF CONSTANT VALUE UNITS RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY Elementary charge e 1.602 177 33 10^-19 C 0.30 Elementary charge e/h 2.417 988 36 10^14 A J^-1 0.30 Magnetic flux quantum φ0 2.067 834 61 10^-15 Wb 0.30 10^14 Hz V^-1 0.30 Josephson frequency-voltage quotient 2e/h 4.835 9767 Quantised Hall conductance e^2/h 3.784 046 14 RH 25.812 8056 Ω 0.045 Bohr magneton µB 9.274 0154 10^-24 J T^-1 0.34 Nuclear magneton µN 5.050 7866 10^-27 J T^-1 0.34 Quantised Hall resistance 0.045 Atomic Constants - table or chart of atomic constants including symbol, value and units for values such as Rydberg constant, Bohr radius, Hartree energy, etc. Atomic constants are used in many areas of science and electronics for a variety of calculations. The atomic constants that come under the universal constants heading include items such as the Rydberg constant, Bohr radius, Hartree energy, etc. Details for these atomic constants and more are given below. The constant name, symbol, value, units and the relative uncertainty are provided. CONSTANT NAME SYMBOL OF CONSTANT Rydberg constant R VALUE UNITS RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY 10.973 731 534 m^-1 0.0012 Rydberg constant in hertz 3.289 841 9499 10^15 Hz 0.0012 Rydberg constant in Joules 2.179 8741 10^-18 J 0.60 Rydberg constant in eV eV 0.30 Bohr radius a0 13.605 6981 0.529 177 249 10^-10 m 0.045 Hartree energy Eh 4.359 748 2 10^-18 J 0.60 27.211 396 1 eV 0.30 α 7.297 353 08 10^-3 0.045 α^-1 137.035 989 5 Hartree energy in eV Fine structure constant Inverse fine structure constant 0.045 Navigation:: Home >> Formulae and data >> this page Electron Constants - table or chart of electron constants including symbol, value and units for values such as electron specific charge, electron molar mass, electron specific charge, etc. Electron constants are used in many areas of science and electronics for a variety of calculations. The electron constants that come under the universal constants heading include items such as the electron specific charge, electron molar mass, electron specific charge, etc. Details for these electron constants and more are given below. The constant name, symbol, value, units and the relative uncertainty are provided. CONSTANT NAME Electron mass SYMBOL OF CONSTANT Me Electron mass in electron volts Electron-proton mass ratio Electron α particle mass ratio VALUE 9.109 389 7 UNITS RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY 10^-37 kg 0.59 0.510 999 06 MeV 0.30 me/mp 5.446 170 13 10^-4 0.02 me/m&almpga; 1.370 933 54 10^-4 0.021 Electron specific charge -e/me -1.758 819 62 10^11 C kg^-1 0.30 Electron molar mass M(e) 5.485 799 03 10^-7 kg/mol 0.23 λc 2.426 310 58 10^-12 m 0.089 Classical electron radius re 2.817 940 92 10^-15 m 0.13 Thomson cross section σe 0.665 246 16 10^-28 m^2 0.27 µe 928.477 01 10^-26 J T^-1 0.34 Crompton wavelength Electron magnetic moment Electron-proton magnetic moment ratio µe/µp << Previous | Next >> Physico-Chemical Constants & Parameters 658.210 6881 0.010 Proton Constants - table or chart of electron constants including symbol, value and units for values such as proton mass, proton specific charge, proton molar mass, proton magnetic moment etc.. Proton constants are used in many areas of science and electronics for a variety of calculations. The proton constants that come under the universal constants heading include items such as the proton mass, proton specific charge, proton molar mass, proton magnetic moment etc.. Details for these electron constants and more are given below. The constant name, symbol, value, units and the relative uncertainty are provided. CONSTANT NAME SYMBOL OF CONSTANT Proton mass mp Proton mass in electron volts Proton-electron mass ratio mp/me Proton specific charge e/mp VALUE UNITS RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY 1.672 623 1 10^-27 kg 0.59 938.272 31 MeV 0.30 1836.152 701 0.020 9.578 830 9 10^7 C kg^-1 0.30 Proton molar mass Mp 1.007 276 470 10^-3 kg/mol 0.012 Proton Crompton wavelength λc,p 1.321 410 02 10^-15 m 0.089 µp 1.410 607 61 10^-26 J T^-1 0.34 Proton magnetic moment Neutron Constants - table or chart of neutron constants including symbol, value and units for values such as neutron mass, neutron-electron mass ratio, neutron molar mass, etc.. CONSTANT NAME Neutron mass SYMBOL OF CONSTANT Mp Neutron mass in electron volts VALUE UNITS RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY 1.674 928 6 10^-27 kg 0.59 939.565 63 MeV 0.30 Neutron-electron mass ratio mn/me 1838.683 662 Neutron proton mass ratio 0.022 mn/mp 1.001 378 404 Neutron molar mass Mn 1.008 664 904 0.009 Neutron Crompton wavelength λcn 1.319 591 Neutron magnetic moment µn 0.996 237 07 Neutron electron magnetic moment ratio µn/µe 1.040 668 82 10^-3 0.24 Neutron proton magnetic moment ratio µn/µp 0.684 979 34 10^-3 kg/mol 0.014 10^-15m 0.014 10^-26 J T^-1 0.41 Navigation:: Home >> Formulae and data >> this page Physico-Chemical Constants & Parameters 0.24 - table or chart of physicochemical / physic-chemical constants, parameters & properties including symbol, value and units for values including Avagadro constant, Faraday constant, Boltzmann constant, standard atmosphere and many more.. Physical & fundamental constants pages include: • • • • • • • • Fundamental physical constants Universal constants Electromagnetic constants Atomic constants Electron constants Proton constants Neutron constants Physico-chemical constants Physico-chemical constants parameters and properties are used in many areas of science and electronics for a variety of calculations. The physicochemical parameters & properties that come under the universal constants heading include items such as the Avagadro constant, Faraday constant, Boltzmann constant, standard atmosphere and many more. Details for these physico-chemical parameters and more are given below. The constant name, symbol, value, units and the relative uncertainty are provided. CONSTANT NAME Avagadro constant Atomic mass constant SYMBOL OF CONSTANT Na, L 6.022 136 7 Mu 1.660 540 2 Atomic mass constant in electron volts Faraday constant Molar Planck constant VALUE 931 494 32 F Nah 96.485 309 3.990 313 23 UNITS 10^23 mol^-1 RELATIVE UNCERTAINTY 0.59 0.59 MeV 0.30 C mol^-1 0.30 10^-10 J s mol^-1 0.089 Molar gas constant R 8.314 510 J mol^-1 K^-1 8.4 Boltzmann consant k 1.380 658 10^-23 J K^-1 8.5