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Where in the World?
A FlipCam – Movie Maker Project
Center #1
Developed by Brenda DeFelice
Sam Houston High School
10. Form and test conjectures concerning geometric relationships including lines, angles, and polygons (i.e., triangles,
quadrilaterals, and n-gons), with and without technology. (G-1-H) (G-4-H) (G-6-H)
Not applicable at this time.
There are 14 basic terms to be mastered at the beginning of any course in geometry:
Vertical Angles
Linear Pair
Complementary Angles
Line Segment
Supplementary Angles
Adjacent Angles
You will review these concepts, find real-world examples of these basic geometrical terms, and present your findings in a
video presentation.
Big Question: What are the definitions and uses of the 14 basic terms in the study of geometry?
Sam Houston High School is in the middle of the largest expansion project in our school’s history. The architectural firm,
Cool Schools, has asked you and your team members to create a video presentation to be shown at next week’s Open
House to showcase the use of geometrical concepts in the architectural design of our school. Your task will be to use the
FlipCam to record scenes on our campus that exemplify the basic geometric terms listed above. For the final product,
you will use MovieMaker to create the presentation to be shown to our community at the Open House.
To accomplish this task, you and your team will complete the following step-by-step instructions:
1. To review the basic geometric terms, open the video Geometry Basics from Discovery Education Streaming on
the web and watch with your team.
2. Print Geometry Study Guide to use as a resource for your basic terms.
3. Your team will now film, edit, and produce a final video showcasing the 14 basic geometric terms as found across
the campus of Sam Houston High School.
4. Take a walk around the campus of Sam Houston and find examples of at least 8 of the 14 basic geometric terms.
5. Individual team members will take turns in the following roles:
 Videographer: You will use the FlipCam to film another team member showing and describing examples
of the geometric terms.
 Reporter: You will stand at a location on campus and show and describe examples of the geometric
 Each team member should appear on camera at least once, and your film should include examples of at
least 8 of the 14 basic geometric terms.
6. Plug the FlipCam into your computer.
7. To load your video into MovieMaker, refer to Movie Maker QuickTips.
8. To complete your final product, each team member should choose one of the following tasks to do:
 Title Slide: Add a title slide to the beginning of the movie.
 Term Slides: Add a slide before each video clip with the names of the geometric terms found within that
 Credits Slide: Add a slide listing each team member’s name to the end of the movie.
9. As a team, review your final movie for accuracy. Be sure all team members are acknowledged for their work on
the credits slide.
10. Save your work using the title of your project.
11. Save the final project onto your desktop.
Reflective Question
Upon completion of this learning center, you should be able to identify the 14 basic geometric terms by definition and
Based on the examples in your movie, explain the definitions of each of the 14 basic geometric terms. Provide real-life
examples of each of the terms found throughout the community of Moss Bluff.
Place the response to your reflective question in an email to your instructor.
Adapted from resources found at the following website
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page