Cognitive Empowerment

. – Cognitive Empowerment
The general aim of the course is to give the student the theoretical and practical
understanding of the processes of cognitive and emotional-motivational
empowerment in the adult and the elderly.
More precisely the course intends to:
- provide a theoretical picture within which to conceptualize the process of
cognitive empowerment, from the neurophysiological bases of neuronal plasticity
to the meta-cognitive dimensions;
- analyse the principal techniques and strategies of cognitive empowerment and
their applications in psycho-educational and rehabilitative contexts;
- provide an overview of the conceptual and practical tools for the design,
implementation and assessment of procedures for cognitive and emotionalmotivational empowerment;
- to study in depth the role of interactive technologies, such as new social media,
virtual realities and mobile devices, in planning services and applications of
cognitive empowerment.
The first part of the course will provide a framework of the neuropsychological
bases of the cognitive empowerment process, with special reference made to
neuroplasticity and its implications in rehabilitation contexts. The principal
models of cognitive empowerment and neuronal degeneration will also be studied
in depth.
Subsequently the cognitive and meta-cognitive aspects of the empowerment
process will be considered, developing further the implications for individual
wellbeing according to the most recent theoretical perspectives formulated by
Positive Psychology.
The third stage of the course will be devoted to an in-depth consideration of the
applicative aspects of the notions learnt, through carrying out a collaborative
project. The objective will be to provide the practical tools for the planning,
implementation and assessment of the cognitive and emotional-motivational
empowerment procedures; in this context, special attention will be devoted to
analysing the role of interactive technologies, such as the new social media, virtual
realities and mobile devices. The principal opportunities for professional
introduction of the skills learnt during the course, involving if necessary
organizations working in the sector of rehabilitation and health services.
The exam will consist of four compulsory tests both for students attending the course and
for those not attending (information on possible variations will be given at the beginning
of the course).
FEDERICO COLOMBO, La Psicologia Positiva, applicazioni per il
benessere. Edizioni Erikson, Trento, 2010.
2. MARISA MUZIO, GIUSEPPE RIVA, LUCA ARGENTON, Flow, benessere e prestazione eccellente. Dai
modelli teorici alle applicazioni nello sport e in azienda, Franco Angeli, 2012.
3. S. MACRÌ , S. CAPOGROSSI, Cos’è lo stress, Carocci, 2011.
One text to be chosen from the following:
DONALD NORMAN, Il cervello infinito. Storie di conquiste personali alle frontiere della neuroscienza,
Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2007.
DANIEL J. SIEGEL, Mindfulness e Cervello, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2009.
The course will consist of lectures in the lecture room, combined with multi-medial
presentations and of material made available on-line, practical lessons and role play,
interventions and seminars held by experts.
Assessment will consist of an oral exam combined with a project paper to be given in at
the end of the course.
Oral exam
The oral exam will consist of in-depth development and discussion of the reading list
The project paper
The project may be carried out individually or in a group and will consist of research/indepth study of one of the topics covered in the course. For students not attending the course,
the project paper will be undertaken individually and the subject should be agreed with Prof.
Gaggioli. For all students, a Word model including specific instructions for compiling the
paper will be made available on the Blackboard platform.
Seen the theoretical and practical nature of the course that will have various
demonstrations and practical lessons in the lecture room, attendance at lectures will be the
fundamental factor for exam preparation.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice