June 2013
June 2013
EUDP, Amaliegade 44, 1256 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Telephone: +45 33 92 67 00 www.ens.dk/eudp
1. Objectives
2. Energy Policy objectives
3. Activities eligible for funding
4. Technologies
5. Who can apply?
6. How much support
7. Submission of applications
Criteria for assessment of applications
9. Procedure for processing applications
10. If funding is awarded
11. Statutory basis and total funding
12 Other documents
13. Other funding schemes
The primary objective of the EUDP programme is
to support primarily development and demonstration of energy technologies
to collaboration between public and private actors and
to promote involvement in international activities within the area.
EUDP is also to contribute to exploiting and developing the commercial potential of Danish energy technologies in order to benefit growth and employment. EUDP funding is therefore awarded with an expectation that the projects funded will lead to market deployment of the new technologies developed by the project, and the EUDP programme expects to receive a concrete plan for this at the time of the application.
Furthermore, EUDP projects must support the Danish energy-policy objectives and have clear commercial potentials.
In this call for proposals available EUDP funding will be approx. 100 mill. DKK.
The closing date for applications is Thursday September 12, 2013 at 12:00 pm
CET 1 . Applications for this round will not be accepted after this deadline.
Decisions of support will be made medio December.
Please note that the programs ForskEL and Elforsk are calling for proposals with the same deadline.
The primary objective of the EUDP programme is to underpin Danish energy-policy objectives for security of supply, climate, the environment and cost effectiveness and to facilitate the realisation of the objective of rendering Denmark independent of fossil fuels by 2050.
With the energy agreement of March 2012 regarding Danish energy policy 2012-20 the govern ment and a majority of the political parties in Parliament have agreed upon a number of energy policy initiatives and objectives in order to develop a energy efficient society, a
Applications for the Nordic Built call have a different deadline: October 1, 2013, 16.00 CET, cf. p. 4
green and sustainable energy supply and a number of initiatives to develop the electricity system to a smart electricity system.
The Government’s energy strategy “Our Future Energy” set up long term objectives including that fossil fuels will not be used for production of electricity and heat from
2035 and that Danish energy supply will be based 100 pct. on renewable energy from
Development and demonstration
The EUDP programme is to provide funding chiefly to development and demonstration of new energy technologies.
Development means utilisation of knowledge in order to to produce new or improve exixting materials, products, processes, methods, systems or services
Demonstration projects mean projects that involve experimental testing of a technology, a system or a method under conditions as close to reality as possible, with the aim of subsequent introduction to the market or, if the demonstration so requires, further development before introduction to the market.
As a general rule, research projects as such are referred to other funding schemes within the area, firstly the Danish Council for Strategic Research, as well as the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation and the PSO programmes ForskEl (Environmentally friendly technologies for electricity generation) and Elforsk (Efficient utilisation of electricity).
However, the EUDP programme can supply funding to research which prepares or directly supports demonstration activities. In this case, concrete plans for the demonstration activity must be available. If research is part of the application this must be indicated in section 1.3 of the application form and item 8 of the application formular must be filled in.
Research means original projects aiming at getting new knowledge and understanding in relation to specific goals and applications.
Development and demonstration projects requiring support of 100 mio. DKK or more
The programs EUDP, ForskEL and Elforsk are prepared in co-operation to support large projects, meaning projects applying for support of 100 mill. DKK or more. Consequently, applicants may receive support from one or several of the programs for the same project. Applicants are expected to finance at least 50 % of the total cost.
Projects must underpin the Danish policy objectives with respect to climate and energy policy and the project participants must share a mutual vision to carry through the project and to establish a business cooperation with a view to bringing the technology further on towards commercialization. A further condition is that that the goal of the project falls within the objectives of the programs in question.
Applicants considering such applications should contact one of the program administrators EUDP, Energinet.dk or Dansk Energi and present a preliminary short description of the project. Representatives from the programs involved will consider the practical aspects relating to an application.
A full application must be forwarded before the deadline September 12, 2013 at 12.00
CET. A more specific time schedule towards a common decision by the programs will be laid down.
When considering applying for support, possibilities of financing from EU or others should be taken into consideration. Support from the programs mentioned above will be in accordance with EU rules regarding state aid
International collaboration
Applicants can apply for funding for international collaboration on research, development and demonstration of new energy technologies, including in particular:
The EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (the SET plan)
The EUDP programme can fund applicants’ participation in larger joint European projects which contribute to implementing European industry initiatives (EII) under the EU’s
Strategic Energy Technology Plan (the SET plan) . The projects must be in line with the plans of implementation for wind power, bioenergy, fuel cells including FCH JU (Fuel
Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking), Smart Grid, solar energy and CCS and at the same time be in accordance with the objectives of EUDP.
The International Energy Agency.
The EUDP programme can co-fund international collaboration under the International rgy Agency.
Nordic Built
Project proposals to the Nordic Built initiative may apply for support for EUDP. In order to apply applicants must have forwarded letters of interest to Nordic Innovationin June
2013 and have been invited to forward a full application for phase 2.
Applications to phase 2 consist of two parts: a general part the full Nordic project and a more specific part describing the part for which EUDP support is applied. The latter part must be in accordance with the EUDP general conditions for support described in this call and the application must be filled in and forwarded on Tilskudsportalen https://tilskudsportal.ens.dk
Applications relating to Nordic Built must be sent to EUDP
not later than October 1, 2013 at 16.00 CET.
Preliminary EUDP commitments for support are expected to be available medio December 2013 and final commitments for the full projects are expected to be available not later than February 2014 (depending on decisions taken by other Nordic programmes).
Further information regarding Nordic Built is available on www.nordicbuilt.org
EUDP secretariat contact person is Rikke Marie Hald rmh@ens.dk
, directphone 3392
Partnerships, analyses and dissemination
The EUDP programme can provide funding to
specific initiatives arranged in order to develop public-private collaboration, for example strategies, action plans, market surveys, etc.
dissemination of research results and other relevant technological knowledge.
Activities not eligible for funding
Funding is not awarded to projects which aim to
development of new markets including promotion of existing technologies and operation of plants.
development of infra structure
the implementation of preproduction planning, or to streamlining production or control processes and similar.
EUDP supports all new energy technologies. Major areas are energy technologies aiming at more efficient use of energy, all kinds of renewable energy and technologies for conversion and storage of energy. Included are:
biomass technologies and –systems for transport of energy
wind energy and other renewable energy technologies
low energy buildings
energy efficient solutions, including final consumption and flexible energy consumption
combined energy systems (integration of technologies) including transport of energy
more efficient methods for production of oil and gas
other more efficient and environment friendly production (electricity and heat), including CO2 storage
Specific in this context, energy technologies include concepts involving several technologies as well as solutions that involve using existing products in new ways.
Following the Energy Agreement of March 2012 the EUDP Board has identified the following technological focus areas:
See the OECD Frascati Manual
Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Smart Grid and
Energy Storage as being of of particular importance for the realisation of the long term objective to convert the Danish energy system to being 100 % based on renewable energy
Public and private enterprises or knowledge institutions can apply for funding under the
EUDP programme. This includes universities and approved technological service (in Danish ‘GTS’) institutes.
The EUDP programme can co-fund foreign participants in projects which contribute to advancing technological development in Denmark as long as the commitment holding company is registered in Denmark.
Each participant in the project must fill in a budget showing budgeted expenses and financing, including support applied for.
Support (DKK)
No provisions are provided for minimum or maximum support in DKK. For your information former projects have received support from a few hundred thousand DKK to almost 80 mio. DKK pr. project.
Support intensity (pct)
No provisions are provided regarding support intensity except that support must be in accordance with EU rules regarding state aid. Support are decided on by the EUDP Board for each project participant as a result of company size, project type, commercial aspects and technical and economic risk involved. Support is decided based on an evaluation on the incentive effects of the support granted.
Public funding of research and development activities carried out by universities and public research institutions, not working in order to profit, is generally not covered by EU state aid rules for R&D&Innovation. Such activities may be supported with up to 90 %.
For development and demonstration projects at least 50 % financing by the applicants should be aimed at.
Applications must be submitted via the funding portal https://tilskudsportal.ens.dk
(only available in Danish).
See also link to guidelines for application form in section below regarding other documents
The applicant must register as a user on the funding portal (Tilskudsportalen).
The applicant must fill in
an application form (a text form), to be filled in on the portal
a budget form (an Excel sheet); to be edited on your own PC and uploaded when finished
a timetable (an Excel GANTT chart); to be edited on your own PC and uploaded when finished
as a minimum, the CV of the project manager must be enclosed. For research projects, CVs must be enclosed for participants of importance to the research part of the project. CV’s may be up-loaded in section 9 of the application form.
Annexes may be enclosed with the application form, for example a more detailed project description, a project management description, financing agreement, rights agreement, a more detailed business plan, the CVs of other personnel. Note that submission of the application form may fail in case the attached annexes in item 9 exceed 20 MB
All fields in the application form must be filled in substantially. Annexes cannot replace filling in all of the fields in the application form..
Note that submission of the application form is not possible if too many words are written in the text fields.
The application form must be prepared in English so that foreign experts can be used in the assessment of applications. Applications for funding of less than DKK 3 million per project may be submitted in Danish.
Applicants are expected to be familiar with previous and existing projects receiving public funding within the relevant field, through, amongst other things, the annual report
Energi12 and list of funded projects on www.energiforskning.dk
, searches in project databases within the energy area, etc., see list of links below. A list of existing energy technology funding schemes is available in Danish at www.vækstguiden.dk
and www.ens.dk/da-DK/NyTeknologi/om-eudp .
Research-technical assessment
If a project proposal entirely or if part of the project concentrates on research, the project will be subjected to a research-technical assessment by the Danish Council for Strategic Research. For this purpose a description of the research activities must be included in section 8, normally as an appendix. CV’s must be attached for all central participants.
If support applied for exceeds 3 mill. DKK for the full project, the applicaton must be filled in in English in order to make it possible to apply foreign evaluators.
Applications applying for less than 3 mill. DKK for the full project may be filled in in Danish or English.
Project objective
Project time schedule and structure
Budget and financing
Incentive effect and feasibility
Market potential
Value proposition
R esearch-technical assessment
Description of the project’s objective and the state of art of the technology, including the proposed project’sl maturity and risk.
Description of the projects different work packages and milestones as indicated in the Gantt chart. What activities will be carried in each project part? Who will be involved in the activity? What equipment/external deliverables must be delivered in each project part? What results are expected from the project?
Project potential in relation to the objectives of the EUDP act, including energy policy goals.
Description of how the project results will be disseminated.
Description of the the professional competences of the project participants, including the managerial competences of the project manager, a presentation of each of the enterprises participating in the project and in case
EUDP funding is requested for foreign participants in the project, a description of the need for the foreign participation in the project.
When assessing the application, emphasis will be given to projects in which private enterprises participate with the subsequent commercialisation process in mind.
Project budget compared to project content. Assumptions for budget expenses. Are parcipants’ financing confirmed?
How funding for the project will lead to increased efforts from the recipient with regard to scope, extent, speed or costs, compared with a situation without funding.
Is the project feasible?
Market competition, expected market (where, when, how large), plans for marketing etc
Account for the added value (value proposition) the technology will provide for the target group compared to existing technologies (lower price, comfort, design, functionality etc.).
Project proposals entirely or if part concentrating on research must include a description of the research activities for the purpose of a research-technical assessment.
Public/private collaboration
Researcher training is part of the evaluation criteria but it is not a required part of the projects.
The degree the project is based on collaboration between private and public actors.
Project proposals are processed following the procedure below:
Call for proposals
Project proposals
Evaluation of project proposals, see section on evaluation criteria.
During processing of applications, the EUDP Secretariat will consult with external experts. The external experts must not have a conflict of interest and will be under obligation to process all application material with confidentiality.
The assessment of applications for funding of projects involving research takes place in collaboration with the
Danish Council for Strategic Research. Decisions by the
EUDP Secretariat as to whether an application is to be sent for research-technical assessment are mainly based on categorisation by the applicant on the application form.
Some project proposals such as projects regarding partnerships, international co-operation, dissemination etc. are normally evaluated by the secretariat without external assistance.
The subsequent hearing of parties will provide the applicant opportunity to comment on any external assessments.
medio June 2013
September 12, 2013 12.00
September-October 2013
Second half of October 2013
November 2013 Based on external evaluations and own evaluation a recommendation of support or rejection is produced to the Board
The EUDP Board makes decisions about funding for projects on the basis of a recommendation prepared by the EUDP Secretariat.
Medio December 2013
Project proposals will be rejected if
the project not sufficiently contribute to the goals of the program
the application form is not filled in according to requirements in the guidelines
the budget form is not filled in according to requirements in the guidelines
the application with the required attachments
Project proposals are treated confidential within the rules of Lov om offentlighed i forvaltningen (Act on a public administraton
Publication of information about the project proposals received will take place as follows:
- a list showing all project titles, applicants and support applied for in this round,
Information about the project receiving support will be available on the Danish Energy
Agency’s home page www.ens.dk
including a short description of the goal of the project, project participants and budget.
Information will later be available on www.energiforskning.dk
together with all EUDP projects.
Having received a commitment for support, a number of requirements have to be met when carrying out the project The requirements are described in a set of rules (regelsæt) regarding payment of support, see section on other documents.
The requirements include:
Project agreement o The responsible company not later one month after having received the project agreement accept the agreement and return ia signed copy
(signed by the responsible company)
Obligation to Coordination, reporting and accounting obligations o The commitment holder (enterprise/institution responsible for the project) is financially and professionally responsible for completion of the project. This means that the enterprise/institution responsible for the project coordinates all financial and technical/professional relationships with any collaboration partners.
Dissemination and utilisation of results achieved as well rights o Project results must be made public, however considerations may take place when patent rights are being acquired. In specific cases EUDP may allow that results are not published. When terminating the project the responsible company forwards a project report that is suitable for publication. o The responsible company may during the project be asked to forward pictures of project results to be used on the web portals.
Payment of support o Support is paid based on a statement of actual, eligible expenses and the support intensities stated in the project agreement for each participant.
o When asking for payment of support, a short statement describing project advancement according to Gantt diagram and/or milestones must follow the statement og expenses. As a starting point payments are made twice a year, but payments each quarter may agreed upon. o It is a condition for receiving support that the activity in question has not been begun before the commitment for support has been given and that an agreement describing co-operation and distribution of rights between participants has been made. A copy must be forwarded to EUDP for information.
A full description of the rules is found in the document regelsæt, se section on other documents.
The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (the EUDP) was adopted by the Danish Parliament with Act no. 555 of 6 June 2007. It was subsequently approved by the European Commission. The Act was revised in 2010.
The 2013 Finance Act appropriates DKK 369,4 million for development and demonstration projects under the heading ”29.22.01 Tilskud til energiforskning” (Funding for energy research).
In compliance with the EUDP Act the programme is administered by an independent board with its own secretariat made available by the Danish Energy Agency. The Board has been set up on 27 September 2011 for a four-year period, see the composition of the Board at http://www.ens.dk/da-DK/NyTeknologi/om-eudp (only available in Danish).
Pursuant to Act no. 405 of 28 May 2003 with subsequent changes, the Danish Council for Strategic Research must approve the award procedure and conduct a researchtechnical assessment of the applications received. It has been agreed with the Ministry of Education that only research projects are to be sent for research-technical assessment. Research projects deemed not to qualify for funding by the Danish Council for
Strategic Research cannot receive funding from the EUDP.
Rules for payment of EUDP support (regelsæt)
Guidelines for filling in application, budget and Gantt
There are a number of funding schemes within energy technology, which provide funding for research, development, demonstration and/or market maturation. Applicants should consider which is the most relevant scheme for them. A list of existing energy
technology funding schemes is available in Danish at www.vækstguiden.dk
and at www.ens.dk/da-DK/NyTeknologi/om-eudp . For more detailed guidance please contact the EUDP Secretariat.
General guidelines.
Applications that focus on energy systems using smart grids, or on environmental improvement and efficiency activities aimed at existing electricity and combined heat and power plants should be submitted under the ForskEL program.With respect to large development and demonstration projects in this field it may be considered to apply for funding from ForskEL as well from
Applications for research and development projects within environmentfriendly electricity production technologies should be submitted under the ForskEL programme, whereas applications for demonstration projects and more commercial projects should be submitted under the EUDP programme.
Applications for research and development projects within efficient use of energy should be submitted under the ELFORSK programme, which focuses on electricity use, whereas applications for demonstration projects should be submitted under the EUDP programme
Energiteknologisk Udviklings- og Demonstrations Program
JUNE 2013
An application consists of three documents and this document falls accordingly in three sections:
1. Application form
2. Appendix: Project budget (to be up-loaded to the application form)
3. Appendix: Gantt diagram (to be up-loaded to the application form)
The two appendixes (budget and Gantt) are obligatory.
Further appendixes e.g. business plan may be up-loaded in section 9 in the application form.
The application form and files to be filled in are found on Tilskudsportalen: https://tilskudsportal.ens.dk
New applicants have to create a user account on Tilskudsportalen. Former users must use their existing account.
The main applicant (project responsible) may allow other projekct participants to edit the application.
The application form can not be submitted if more words than allowed have been filled in the text fields of the form (shown in the form)
The application must be in English if applied for support of more than 3 mill. DKK in total for a project.
The application must be as short and precise as possible but at the same time be so informative that technical and financial evaluations can be carried out. As a starting point it can not be assumed thar evaluators are familiar with former projects related to the application. The application must therefore include a description of state-of-the art for the technology.
The applicant must respond fully to all fields in the application form. –Referring to appendixes is not considered an acceptable application.
If the applicant finds some of the criteria irrelevant with regard to the project in question, an explanation for this must be given in the application form.
1.1 Project title in Danish and English
Give the project a short, meaningful and readily comprehensible title in both
Danish and English.
1.2 Technology area
Select a technology area from the list. For projects concerning international cooperation please choose the relevant technology field.
1.3 Project type
State project type (development, demonstration, research and/or other). If ‘research’ is selected, the application will be assessed by the Danish Council for
Strategic Research. Consequently, it is important that item 8 is carefully described.
1.4 Short description of the objective of the project both in Danish (1.4) and English
(1.4.1) , intended for external publication.
Describe the project’s objective in non-technical and readily understandable language in both Danish and English
NB: Please note that this description wi ll be used on EUDP’s website if the project obtains the grant.
1.5 The project budget
State the project’s total financingin DKK millions in accordance with the information stated in the budget form (Excel file), see Section C.
1.6 Are other programmes being applied to?
State whether the application for funding for the project has been sent to other programmes as well.
2. Applicants
2.1 Main applicant/project manager enterprise/institution:
State the enterprise responsible for communication with the EUDP on behalf of the complete group of applicants.
State the name of a contact person.
State the type of organisation.
State the size of the enterprise using the EU definition of small and mediumsized enterprises, see the guideline on the funding portal or at www.ens.dk/eudp (only available in Danish.
2.2 Professional project manager
State the name of the person who will be responsible for project management.
The project manager will often be the same person as the contact person from the project managing enterprise/institution.
2.3 Other participating enterprises/institutions
State any other participating enterprises/institutions. Information to be given on participating individuals is explained under item 7.1.
State the type of organisation and the size of the enterprise, see the guideline on the funding portal or at ens.dk/eudp (only available in Danish).
State the size of the enterprise using the EU definition of small and mediumsized enterprises, see the guideline on the funding portal or at www.ens.dk/eudp (only available in Danish.
3.1 Executive summary in English (3.1) and Danish (3.1.1)
The following should be included in a summary of no more than one page:
the objective of the project;
the main activities of the project;
the target of the project as regards the energy-technology and commercial output of the project; and;
The text will be published if EUDP funding is achieved.
3.2 Gantt chart
Se section below on Gantt chart.
4. Objective and content of the project
The assessment of applications will emphasise:
the project’s relevance and potential in relation to the objectives of the EUDP programme, including in particular whether the project directly supports the long-term objective to divert the Danish energy system 100 pct. to renewable energy. Consequently, EUDP encourages to develop projects regarding: energy efficiency in buildings, Smart Grid and energy storage.;
that the project involves innovative technological development, compared with existing technologies and solutions;
that the project contributes to meeting strategy goals, where strategy goals are present. See www.ens.dk/da-DK/NyTeknologi/strategier/Sider/Strategier.aspx (in
that the project is well-defined and technically implementable;
that the project solutions can be replicated and are scalable.
The EUDP programme wishes especially to encourage applicants to develop projects that include the entire process up to market introduction, including, if required, projects that include several steps in the development and demonstration of the technology to get there. Such projects often involve a broader and larger group of players, a larger budget and a longer time horizon.
4.1 Description of the technology, its present development stage and its development towards market
Describe the energy technology which the project is to concentrate on. What is the current development stage of the technology (state of the art)?
Describe the projects maturity and risk
Describe the innovative and energy-technical content of the project. Why is this content relevant? Why can it be expected to be of adequate quality? Does the project build on other projects which have previously received funding?
Describe the whole process up to final market introduction/commercialisation of the technology. This description of market-oriented activities, marketing the technology, sale, collaboration, etc must be under item 6.
4.2 Project content and activities
Describe the projects main objective and the different work packages as indicated in the Gantt chart (item 3.2). What activities will be carried in each project part? Who will be involved in the activity? What equipment/external deliverables must be delivered in each project part? What results are expected from the project?
Describe what is contained in the milestones indicated in the Gantt chart.
4.3 Allocation of rights
Account for any plans to patent results of the project.
Account for the allocation of rights in the project, possibly as a draft agreement/contract.
Final agreement on the legal delimitation of project participants as well as delimitation of matters concerning existing and future patent rights must be clarified before the project can commence. The agreement must reflect the respective interests of the participants, as well as their work and contribution to the project. If project work is begun when the grant has been received without an agreement on distribution of rights, no payments of EUDP funding will take place until an agreement has been laid down.
5.1 Contribution to energy-policy goals
Explain how and to what extent the project will contribute to supporting energy-policy objectives for security of supply, Danish independence of fossil fuels, climate/cleaner environment and cost-effectiveness.
Account for how the technology can be incorporated into the Danish energy system.
The significance of the project for realisation of the energy-policy goals must be quantified as far as possible.
5.2 Research, development and demonstration strategies in the energy field
The applicant must explain how the project relates to existing technology strategies. See www.ens.dk/da-DK/NyTeknologi/strategier (only available in
5.3 Dissemination
Account for how project results will be disseminated. To whom will the project results be communicated (target groups)? How will the project results be communicated (communication products and activities)?
6 . Market
When assessing in particular development and demonstration projects, emphasis will be on whether concrete plans are available for market deployment of the technologies developed and of new products, including the degree to which:
the project meets a demand in the market and has a well-defined customer aim;
there is an economic growth potential and a potentially competitive product;
the project involves technology that is patentable;
the private enterprises have a clear involvement in the project and aim to commercialise the results of the project;
the project can help provide a basis for new jobs in Denmark;
there is potential for exports to global emerging markets;
assessments of commercial perspectives have been made probable in the application.
When evaluating project proposals EUDP will on attach decisive importance to the commercial aspects of the proposals and to whether these aspects are fully described and supported in the application.
For projects mainly consisting of research, there is no requirement for a proper market analysis in section 6, but it is expected that the applicant describes how the project can bring new solutions to the market, and outlines the process that follows the research stage.
6.1 Target group and added value for users
Who is the ultimate target group for the technology developed in the project?
Consumers/users? Other enterprises?
Describe the demands the technology will help meet in the target group after introduction to the market (the target group may be divided into end users and intermediaries).
Account for the added value (value proposition) the technology will provide for the target group compared to existing technologies. This could be a financial added value such as lower price, or a non-financial added value in terms of comfort, design or functionality.
6.2 Analysis of competition
Describe the competitive situation for the relevant technology:
Who are the competitors? And the competing technologies?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the technology relative to competing technologies?
The applicant can also include a SWOT analysis (a strengths/weaknessesopportunities/threats analysis) The SWOT analysis in the form of a matrix provides a framework for analysing internal strengths and weaknesses in the enterprise, and it can illustrate the opportunities and barriers for entrance to the market.
6.3 Market potential
Describe the size of the expected market upon market introduction as well as the future potential (scope and turnover).
Indicate when the technology is expected to be competitive on the market .
Describe the technology demand trends in qualitative as well as quantitative terms.
Account for the technology’s potential in global emerging markets.
6.4 Marketing
Describe the plan for the continued work with the technology after completion of the project and up to final market introduction/commercialisation.
Account for when the technology is to be introduced.
Account for where the technology is to be introduced (locally/regionally, nationally/internationally).
Account for how the technology is to be introduced to the target group upon market introduction. Sale and distribution channels etc. must be included.
Account for which participant(s) is/are to commercialise the project results after project completion.
Account for the existence of any barriers to introduction/sale and how these will be overcome.
7. Organisation and funding
The assessment of all applications will emphasise the degree to which:
relevant competences are involved, including both research-based, industrial and application-oriented knowledge;
business competences are involved, possibly in the form of consultancy assistance;
project participants demonstrate an ability to realise the potentials;
several enterprises and/or institutions take part in the project, and whether relevant parts of the value chain are represented;
the projects contribute to knowledge sharing and further development of specialist environments in the energy technology field, e.g. through a clear plan for the dissemination of project results.
7.1 Organisation/management and professional competence
Provide a short presentation of each of the enterprises participating in the project.
Account for the participants main activities, turnover and number of employees
Account for the organizational structure of the project and the areas of responsibility of the participating enterprises.
Account for the professional competences of the project participants, including the managerial competences of the project manager. Provide documentation for the management experience of the project manager and possible key project participants.
In case EUDP funding is requested for foreign participants in the project, the applicant must describe separately the need for the foreign participation in the project.
7.2 Funding
For development and demonstration projects, considerable co-funding by the project participants is required. A level of at least 50% co-funding is preferable, however the level of cofunding depends on the group of participants and assessments of how close the project is to subsequent commercialisation. The indiv idual participant’s funding rate is determined individually by the EUDP Board within the maximum funding rates set out in the EU state aid regulations, see Annex 1.
Account for the private own-funding of the project.
Each participant must enclose a declaration with the application concerning the applicant’s own funding obligation in the project.
Is it expected that a third party will co-finance the project? Have you entered an agreement about this? If this is the case please enclose the agreement.
Funding agreements must have been entered into before project start.
7.3 Public/private collaboration and researcher training
To what degree is the project based on collaboration between private and public actors?
Does the project include researcher training (PhD programme).
7.4 Capital expenditure and operating costs in the project
Account for capital expenditure and operating costs in the project period for which funding is being applied. With respect to equipment , costs may be included in the project budget to the extent the equipment will be used in the project. Costs included must be based on expected depreciation during the project. For demonstration plants being built in the project, the expected value at project termination must be excluded from the eligible costs. The assumptions used regarding depreciation of equipment and expected value of a demonstration plant at the end of the project must be reported in the proposal.
7.5 Conditions after the project period
Account for the operation and possible expansion of the installations set up by the project and/or conversion after the project period as well as any alternative applications of the installations after the project period.
7.6 Incentive effect
Funding from the EUDP programme must have an incentive effect. This means that funding is only awarded to project participants if, as a consequence of the funding, the recipient increases the scope, extent or speed of efforts, compared to a situation where funding is not awarded. The likelihood of an incentive effect must be demonstrated in the application to the EUDP. EUDP may require further documentation.
Each recipient of funding must account for how funding for the project will lead to increased efforts from the recipient with regard to scope, extent, speed or costs, compared with a situation without funding.
Grants exceeding 7.5 mill. euro for each company and for each project are dependent of approval from the EU Commission based on a detailed evaluation on the basis of the framework for R&D and Innovation.
8. Research
Research projects must be eligible for funding from a research-technical perspective. If the applicant in item 1.3 states in the application form that the project involves research, the application will be assessed by the Danish Council for Strategic Research from a researchtechnical perspective. This assessment will be based in particular on the applicant’s response to item 8 in the application form. Research projects that the Danish Council for
Strategic Research deems not to be eligible for funding, cannot obtain funding.
If the project includes researcher training (a PhD programme), this will be assessed as a positive element.
The business-related requirements are less extensive for research projects than for development and demonstration projects. However, the applicant’s ability to demonstrate a concrete commercial potential is still decisive.
In order to make it possible to evaluate project budgets, proposals including research should explain to what extent research is part of the project. The percentage share of the total budget should be specified in the application budget file (for each applicant).
8.1 Research-technical assessment - only for research projects
Projects for which, in item 1.3 in the application form, the applicant has indicated that the entire project, or a part of the project, concentrates on research, will be subjected to a research-technical assessment by the Danish Council for Strategic Research. The researchtechnical assessment is primarily based on item 8.
In item 8 and annexes the applicant must therefore account for the following points for use in the research-technical assessment:
description of the state of the art in the field based on the problem formulation and with reference to central publications in the field;
the project’s research-technical content relative to ‘state of the art’; statement of to which extent research is part of various parts of the project;
the problem formulation and hypothesis, and the theoretical foundation and method of how the project/the research part of the project will be structured in relation to the work packages/activities of the project;
the research qualifications of the project participants, including, in particular, of the project manager and heads of individual project parts, as well as relevant information on the division of responsibilities. CVs must be enclosed for the persons most relevant to the research part of the project;
number of PhD’s, if a PhD programme is a part of the project;
any additional information to items 7.1 to 7.3 concerning participants in the project in relation to research content.
Annexes concerned with the research part must not exceed ten pages, and CVs must not exceed 2 pages. CVs should show the research-technical status of the persons involved with respect to central publications in the field.
9. Appendices
Additional documents may be up-loaded in this section of the application form. As an example a short version of relevant CVs of key project participants should be up-loaded.
Project financing is accounted for in section 7.2 of the application form.
The project budget must be filled by using the file on Tilskudsportalen (to be found below on the portal side of the application form),
Support may be granted for actual expenses for salaries and other costs directly associated with the project. Profit elements can not be included in eligible costs.
Only costs necessary for the implementation of the project are allowed in the budget.
A substantial self-financing by the project participants is required for development and demonstration projects. The level is dependent on participants, and on how close the project is estimated to be to a subsequent commercialization. The funding rate for each participant is determined individually and may be lower than the maximum support intensities laid down in the EU state aid rules.
Costs beyond the budgeted are the project participants’ responsibility.
Budget items
Budget specicications are:
(A) Salaries
(B) Instruments and equipment
(C) Buildings
(D) Other operating costs, including materials
(E) External services
(F) Overhead expenses
(G) Revenue (from commercial prototype / demo plant)
(H) Travel, Dissemination of results, other
Ad A)
Support may be granted to actual wage costs (calculated on the basis of annual gross salary incl. Holiday pay) (if it is not possible to determine a marketdetermined wages, it may exceptionally be agreed an hourly rate with the program).
Two types of salary are used (research/administrative)
Hourly wages are calculated on the basis of a fixed number of hours pr. year of 1500 hours for a full-time employee.
Time consumption is used for the evaluation of the application (is time consumption proportionate to the tasks in the project).
Taxameter cost of a Ph.D. (see section H)
The budget should include expected wage and price increases during the project
The program may require proof of payment of salaries and the calculation of the overhead rate.
Ad B)
Costs of equipment and instruments are eligible to the extent that they are necessary for the project. If such equipment and instruments are not used for the
project throughout their life, include only costs in accordance to depreciation during the project period.
Ad C)
Cost of acquisition and construction of buildings is basically an eligible cost, to the extent they are used for the project. However, costs of buildings will only be financed if special circumstances warrant it.
Purchase of land is not considered an eligible cost.
Ad D)
Other operating expenses, including consumables such. fuels, steel pipes, insulation, etc., are eligible costs to the extent that they are attributable to the project.
Ad E)
External supplies are eligible costs. However, subcontracting should only represent a small part of the project.
If the delivery is 10% of the grant applied for or more (but less than 500,000 DKK) the supplier should be included as a partner in the project. Only in cases where the supplier has no direct interest or benefit from participating, may be dispensed with them.
External supplies are included in the budget at market price, and they must be delivered to the participant in the project that is closest to apply it.
A project partner cannot also be a subcontractor in the same project
The application must provide explanations on what the external supply includes, and how estimates of the cost are provided.
Ad F)
Overhead is defined as: actual additional overhead costs that are directly attributable to the project.
- For companies is max. allowed overhead 150% of labor costs.
- For universities, research institutions, etc. a fixed overhead to 44% of all costs is allowed.
Ad G)
Income from commercially usable prototypes and demonstrator plants, developed in the project must be deducted from the eligible costs in the project budget.
Ad H)
This category covers primarily travel and communication activities.
PhD taximeter cost of £ 80,000 can be included to the training of a Ph.D. (if the student is attached fully to the project).
Travel expenses must follow state regulations for travel for state employees.
Expenses for "other" must be specified.
Support is not granted for:
establishment of new institutions or continuation of existing institutions through operating expenses etc.
Operating expenses in connection with partnerships, as these would be covered by the participating parties.
Acquisition of land and related costs
Cost related to handling of matters by the authorities in connection with building projects, environmental approvals and the like.
Acquisition of patents and similar rights.
Support intensity
The aid is in line with EU state aid rules.
For projects that fall under EU state aid rules, grants may be awarded up to the maximum level allowed under these rules. Public funding of research and development activities undertaken by universities or public research agencies, which are non-profit-making and basic research carried out independently of these are generally not covered by the EU Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation . For such activities outside EUDP grant of up to 90 per cent.
Each project participant states in its budget, how the financing is expected to occur and, in that regard the grant requested. The program has not defined a lower or an upper limit to how much can be sought in support. Funding rate is determined by the program board for each participant within the framework of
EU rules and taking into consideration company size, type of project, the commercial aspects and involved technical and financial risks
For development and demonstration projects should aim for a degree of selffinancing of at least 50 per cent.
State Supports rules and link to this is described in more detail in the regulatory framework. When entering information on the company size and nature of the project, calculated the maximum aid intensity in the budget file.
The EU definition of firm size can be seen in the EU guidance on SME definition of grants portal.
If support from EUDP paid in breach of EU guidelines on state aid for research and development and innovation aid can be recovered.
Project Components: The project should be divided into work packages. Sheet no.1 should be completed with the name of work packages. The duration of each work package is specified.
Milestones: Develop relevant milestones in the project. Name milestones and enter them as vertical columns in the Gantt chart.
A milestone is a planned, measurable and visible event which indicates that a task or big delivery from the project is completed. There will generally be a limited number of key milestones in the typical project, typically about 3-5 milestones over a three-year project cycle
There must be milestones for both technical and commercial activities.
Commercial milestones relate to activities relating. market introduction, pricing, distribution channels, competition analysis, risk analysis, etc., and describes the events that help to introduce the technology in the market. They must be specific and precise and indicate how the technology will be developed and demonstrated through the project, can survive in the market in the future.
If the project is awarded funding, the milestones will be used by EUDP to assess the progress of the project
In sheet no. 2 indicate the individual project participants' budgets by employment packages.