Counselor’s Newsletter From the Desk of Brook Fleshman, Guidance Counselor La Plata High School - 660-332-7001 - October 4, 2012 Hello Students and Parents! I will periodically be sending out a newsletter with information about important upcoming test dates, workshops, scholarships, and college related material. If you are reading the hard copy of this letter, know that the newsletter will also be posted on my web page of the school’s web site each time a new one is available. There is even more information and links on my web page about the above topics. Staying up-to-date by checking the website or daily bulletin is a great first step to ensure you are getting prepared for life beyond high school. If you are exploring the option of college, it is best if you can take the ACT at least once during the first semester so you can have the opportunity to improve your score before reporting it on scholarship and college applications. A couple of points can make a big difference! There is only ONE test date left in this first semester (see below)! If your score is still not satisfactory, retaking it in the spring will certainly still benefit you if your score improves. For more information on the ACT, the rest of the test dates, or to register online, go to ACT Test Date Registration Deadline December 8, 2012 November 2, 2012 **If needed, you can always register a few weeks after the deadline and pay a late fee.** Okay, great, so you know to take the ACT and maintain a good grade point average if you are interested in college. Then what? Begin your post-secondary search now, no matter what your plans after high school are: jobs, additional training needed and where, technical schools, or colleges/universities. I recommend applying to all likely options as soon as possible to ensure you meet all necessary deadlines. Once you have applied, consult with me on where to send your high school transcript. Please be aware that many schools will not consider your application complete until they have received a transcript. The next step after you have started the application process is to take a visit to your top choice schools, attend all senior meetings, and begin the financial aid/scholarship search. Many institutions have separate deadlines and applications for their financial aid awards – check your school’s website or call their financial aid office for questions. Another excellent resource for post-secondary information will be the SENIOR INFORMATION & FINANCIAL AID NIGHT in the high school commons on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18TH AT 6:00 PM. Specific information on the FAFSA will be presented that evening along with other useful material. Both parents and students are highly encouraged to attend. It should answer several of your worrisome questions about financial aid and give you the information you’ll need to start preparing financially. College application and scholarship season are here whether you are ready for it or not! Do not let it overwhelm you. Make small goals and work on applications periodically instead of at the time of the deadline. It is easier said than done, I know! There are thousands of great scholarships offered on the internet and local scholarships will be available in the spring. On the following pages you will find a list of all current scholarships available that have come across my desk. This list will continually be updated as the year progresses and a list can also be found on the guidance website. Read over all eligibility requirements first and double check that all parts of the application are complete. Some scholarships ask for recommendations or counselor verification. This will require the application be completed ahead of time to ensure the extra requests have ample time to be finished and returned to you in time to meet the deadline. Lastly, I want to inform you about the steps I have taken to help your student start their post-secondary search. During the past few weeks I met with every senior individually and explained the college application process, showed them how to access all of the available scholarships, and discussed with them the upcoming opportunities that are listed below. Upcoming Opportunities: COLLEGE FAIR AT KIRKSVILLE Kirksville High School is holding a college fair for area juniors and seniors on Monday, October 15, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Almost all of the area colleges and universities will be represented as well as various military branches. This event is free for students and their parents to come meet the representatives from various schools and learn more information back the schools that interest you. LA PLATA SENIOR INFORMTION AND FINANCIAL AID NIGHT Thursday, October 18th at 6:00 pm all La Plata seniors and their parents are encouraged to attend an informational meeting about financial aid, the FAFSA, scholarships, and college admissions. MACC & MU Tour I will be taking the senior class to Moberly Area Community College and the University of MissouriColumbia to tour their campuses on Thursday, December 6th. Students will see a glimpse in to what it is like to be a student at these schools and use it as a comparison for their other interested schools. (Students are allowed two personal college visit days throughout the year, however please inform me ahead of time about these trips in order to be excused from school.) Senior year is very exciting and memorable, enjoy each minute while still staying focused on your goals ahead! If you have any questions throughout the year please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Brook Fleshman Due Date September 30, 2012 Scholarship Application Various Due Dates for Farm Bureau's Scholarship Program: ation/Scholarships.aspx Missouri Farm Bureau Ambassador Scholarship, C.R. Johnston Scholarship, Missouri Farm Bureau Scholarship, Click Here for the Vocational MFB for Ag Scholarship, Dodge Scholarship, County Farm Application Bureau Scholarship, Vocational Scholarship Program October 1, 2013 Linn State Technical College - Various Scholarships for various /scholarships/ scholarships February 15, 2013 for general scholarships Postmarked Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation October 1, 2012 Download and print the scholarship form and return it to the pprogram.aspx Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation to be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship. Applicants must be a current paid member of the Missouri Junior Cattlemen's Association or their parent/guardian must be a member of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. October 2, 2012 Wendy’s High School Heisman Award Eligibility for application is limited exclusively to men and women entering their senior year of high school in the 20122013 academic year who have at least a "B" grade average and participate in at least one of the 27 sports officially sanctioned by the National Federation of State High Schools. Students are judged based on their academic achievements, community service involvement, and athletic accomplishments. Two National Award Winners, 1 male and 1 female, are selected from the 12 National Finalists, and are honored during ESPN’s national telecast of the College Heisman Memorial Trophy presentation. October 15, 2012 Washington University in St. Louis – William H. and See Mrs. Fleshman for more details. Elizabeth Gray Danforth Scholars Program Any student interested in attending Washington University, please see Mrs. Fleshman for a scholarship opportunity. October 25, 2012 The Horatio Alger Association seeks to assist students who have: demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education, and a desire to contribute to society. October 31, 2012 Coca Cola Scholarship Seniors in high schools throughout the United States who meet the eligibility requirements may apply each year for one of 250 four-year, achievement-based scholarships. Amounts vary. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens, planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution, carrying a minimum 3.0 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school. November 1, Missouri Science & Technology – Chancellor’s Scholarship See Mrs. Fleshman for more details. 2012 November 15, 2012 December 1, 2012 December 1, 2012 December 1, 2012 December 1, 2012 December 7, 2012 Any student with an ACT score of 30 and above and rank in the top 10% of their class or have a 3.75 cumulative GPA that is interested in attending Missouri S&T, please see Mrs. Fleshman for a scholarship opportunity. Hagan Scholarship Foundation 1. The dollar amount of each scholarship will vary depending on the amount of the recipient’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the amount of other grants, scholarships and awards obtained by or awarded to the recipient. Up to $10,000. 2. Each scholarship may be renewed for up to three (3) additional years if the recipient fulfills the conditions for renewal of the scholarship. 3. First year recipients will be required to attend, before entering college, a free two (2) day summer workshop including food and lodging in Columbia, Missouri on Time Management, Financial Planning, Goal Setting and Achievement, and Recipient Responsibilities. 4. Minimum academic Requirements: a. Must have a 3.25 GPA or higher. b. Must score 23 or higher (composite score) on the ACT. 5. Each recipient of a scholarship must contribute toward the cost of his or her education by working a minimum of 240 hours prior to the start of each subsequent academic year. AXA Achievement Community Scholarship - Are you active your community? Have you led a project that benefits foundation/about.html others? Have you overcome personal challenges? You may qualify for an AXA Achievement Scholarship! University of Missouri – Columbia, Freshman Scholarship: To review and apply for general Not all scholarships are automatic; it’s important that you scholarships at apply for additional scholarships that you may quality for! Visit visit aid/scholarships/all-scholarships.php for more information. Your college application must be submitted by December 1 to be considered for these scholarships. AXA Achievement Scholarship in association with U.S. & World Report - Are you active in your community? foundation/about.html Have you led a project that benefits others? Have you overcome personal challenges? You may qualify for an AXA Achievement Scholarship! University of Missouri – Columbia, Business – Ponder Check out Minority, Robert J. Trulaske and Sam Walton: For the first time three scholarships for MU’s business school are ips and apply to compete for all three available at one website! Keep in mind to apply as an renewable scholarships. incoming freshman and be eligible for MU scholarships you must submit your college application by December 1. The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants. s.cfm December 15, 2012 for early bird drawing Any high school senior who is a citizen of the United States is eligible to apply. Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. College students are not eligible to apply. Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are signed; permanent legal resident status does not qualify. Male and female students compete separately. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Ranging from $1,000 per year to $15,000 per year, Most Valuable Student scholarships are for students pursuing a four-year degree, on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. college or university. Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation A variety of scholarships specific to Missouri aresidents. Amounts range from $500 - $7,500. foundation/scholarships/results/?stat e=Missouri Postmarked February 1, 2013 deadline December 31, The Conservation Foundation of Missouri 2012 Ed Stegner Natural Resource $1,000 Scholarships rships/CFM/CFMO_scholarship.pdf Applicants must be Missouri residents from any county or city in the state who are or plan to be enrolled as an undergraduate at a Missouri college or university in the chosen discipline of study. Preference will be given to individuals with a demonstrated financial need. January 1, 2013 National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship. Applicants must have at least a 4.0, must have a hunting license, must holarships.html hold a current NWTF membership. January 13, 2012 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholarship - High school seniors who have MS or who have a parent with MS as well a ip plan to attend an accredited post-secondary school for the first time. Amounts vary between $1,000 and $3,000. January 15, 2013 Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship - Competition open to all high school seniors who are U. S. citizens and are planning careers of service to the United States in local, state, or federal government. Entrants receiving full fouryear scholarships shall be eligible only for one-year special awards. Awards for those entering Armed Forces Colleges are eligible for one-year special awards. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000. January 16, 2013 Gates Millennium Scholars Award: Scholarship amounts Application available at vary. Students of African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander or Hispanic American, citizens of US with a 3.3 GPA and demonstrated leadership through community service, extracurricular and meet Federal Pell Grant eligibility are eligible. Postmarked Missouri State Society Daughters of the American Please see Mrs. Fleshman for the January 23, 2013 Revolution application Several different scholarships are available, but all require a sponsorship letter from a MSSDAR chapter and 4 letter of National Information: recommendations. Many National scholarships are available as well. Applications Indian Hills Foundation Scholarship - All students who have reviewed in Feb, applied to or enrolled at Indian Hills Community College in a rships.html April, and July credit program,either full-time or part-time, and have graduated from an accredited high school or have earned a GED,are eligible to apply for Indian Hills Foundation Scholarships. All Indian Hills Foundation Scholarships,both general fund and named scholarships, are awarded based upon academic achievement, citizenship, character and the ability to benefit from financial assistance. February 1, 2013 Peter J. Greve Memorial TKE Alumni of Northwest Missouri State University Scholarship. $1000 scholarship available to larship graduating seniors (male or female). To be eligible, applicants must have maintained a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. The applicant must be an accepted entering freshman by Northwest Missouri State University and nominated by a TKE alumnus. No specific major is required. Various due Northwest MO State University Scholarships: $500 - $5000 dates beginning scholarships available to incoming freshman planning to eshman.htm February 1, 2013 attend Northwest. You must be ACCEPTED for admission to NW by Feb. 1 and have submitted scholarship application materials. ACT requirements for these diverse scholarships range from 21-31. Postmarked Hy-Vee Foundation Scholarship Program February 10, All high school seniors working for Hy-Vee or a son or 2013 daughter of a Hy-Vee employee are eligible to apply for this $1,000 scholarship. All applicants must have taken the ACT. February 28, The Educational Foundation of the Missouri Society of CPAs http://leap2013 (MSCPA) LEAP Scholarship - High school seniors may win college scholarships of $500, which will be awarded based on academic achievement, test scores, demonstrated leadership potential, and educator recommendation. Points will be awarded for each category. The high school students with the highest total of points will be awarded scholarships. If you have an interest in becoming a CPA this is a great scholarship, as you may be eligible for a $1000 scholarship the following year! Eligibility: High school student member of the Missouri Society of CPAs. High school student membership is FREE. Join Here! March 7, 2013 Farm Kids for College Scholarship - applicants must be a high school senior and major in an agricultural field at an ault.aspx accredited college or university. March 31, 2013 Missouri Broadcasters Association Scholarship - Students intending to pursue a career in broadcasting are considered ?sitePageId=23560 for this scholarship. April 20, 2013 for American Legion Scholarship Program: all Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship M.D. “Jack” Murphy Memorial Nurses Training Fund Joseph J. Frank Scholarship Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship May 1, 2013 The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Airconditioning Engineers is offering scholarships for the 201314 school year for students interested in careers in mechanical engineering, HVAC&R engineering or engineering technology. t_016.htm