Zathura Placemat

Text Complexity Analysis of
by Chris Van Allsburg
Recommended Complexity Band: Moderately Complex
Text Description
Sentence Structure – Moderately Complex: Pg. 481 “That’s not all you’re going to lose,” Danny said
nervously, because he could see that Walter was being pulled slowly toward the hole in the ceiling – and
a lonely trip into outer space.”Pg. 489 “”A black spot was slowly spreading under Walter’s feet, like a
perfectly round puddle of ink
Knowledge Demands: (Briefly describe the knowledge demands the text requires of
students.)Life Experiences - Moderately Complex – The story is science fiction story and some of the
experiences the boys have involve knowledge of science and use of imagination.
Intertextuality and Cultural Knowledge: Moderately Complex – Pg. 474 referral to JUMANJI PG.
485 referral to the Zorgon pirate ship
Briefly describe the text: Danny and Walter are two brothers who don’t get along.
When their parents go out for the evening, small arguments escalate until finally Walter,
the elder, chases his little brother out of the house and into the park, where he tackles
him to the ground. As they wrestle they catch sight of a board game called “Zathura”.
The board game transports them to space.
Quantitative Measure
Meaning/Purpose: (Briefly explain the levels of meaning (Literary Text) or purpose
(Informational text) Moderately Complex – More than one level of meaning: Relationships
– pg. 472 describes Walter as not having patience for Danny because Danny “breaks
everything.” Team how the boys will behave when their parents go out and then make
inferences and analyze Work – pg. 479 “Looks like we keep playing or we’re up here forever.”
Below are factors to consider with respect to the reader and task (See attached guiding questions to
assist each teacher in filling out this section for his or her own class):
Text Structure: (Briefly describe the structure, organization, and other features of the
text) Organization - Slightly Complex – The text structure is clear. It is inferred on the 1st
page of the story that Danny and Walter fight a lot. The reader must draw conclusions about
what takes place during the game and then reflect on the conclusion. The story requires the
reader to think critically about conclusions.
Use of Graphics – Slightly Complex: The illustrations directly support and assist in
interpreting the text. (e.g., pg. 478 & 479 picture helps reader understand “The polarity on
your gravity belt is reversed,” pg.480 & 481 “Your gyroscope is malfunctioning.”
Language Features: (Briefly describe the conventions and clarity of the language used
in the text, including the complexity of the vocabulary and sentence structures.)
Conventionality - Very Complex: Pg. 472 “Honestly, if you don’t stop pulling your brothers
on his nose like that, it’ll end up looking like an elephant’s trunk.” Pg. 476 ‘rat-a-tat-tat’
‘KABOOM’ Pg. 479 “The board started buzzing and – click – a card popped out.” Pg. 481
“…Danny got buried under a mountain of furniture.”
Vocabulary – Very Complex: The vocabulary is somewhat complex with use of science
vocabulary. (e.g., pg. 474 beaned him on the head, pg. 476 meteor showers, evasive action,
pg. 479 “The polarity on your gravity belt is reversed”. Pg. 481 “Your gyroscope is
malfunctioning.” Pg. 483 “You pass too close to Tsouris 3, gravity greatly increased.” Pg. 485
“Zorgon pirate ship launches photon attack.” Pg. 486 galaxy, pg. 489 black holes, disklike
Created by:
Lexile or Other Quantitative Measure of the Text: Lexile 540L, ATOS 3.8
Considerations for Reader and Task
Potential Challenges this Text Poses: Scientific vocabulary and ideas could pose challenges, i.e.:
“The polarity on your gravity belt is reversed.” “your gyroscope is malfunctioning”
Major Instructional Areas of Focus (3-4 CCS Standards) for this Text:
RL 5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text
RL 5.2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how
characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speakers in a poem reflects
upon a topic; summarize the text.
RL 5.3: Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama,
drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact)
RL 5.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
*Science Standard Set 5: Earth Sciences – The Solar System
Differentiation/Supports for Students:
*Graphic organizers *pre-teach during Universal Access
*use visual vocabulary resources *show movie of Zathura (compare & contrast movie) *use of
visualization *Think Alouds
Reviewed by:
Recommended Placemat: Briefly explain the recommended placement of the text in a
particular grade band.
Zuthura should be read middle of 5th grade, as students need to be able to
infer and analyze, and have more time with the science curriculum. Teachers
could elect to integrate this text with science.
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