David Thompson Secondary School 1755 East 55th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5P 1Z7 Tel: 604-713-8278 Social Studies 11 Mr. Bausback Room 107 kbausback@vsb.bc.ca @bauser68 David Thompson Summer School Social Studies 11 Completion Thursday, July 2nd-Friday, August 7th - 6 Weeks 8:00 AM- 11:38 AM (10:00-10:20 AM Break) Provincial Exams August 10th-14th Room 107 Equipment and Material: Course Content 3-ring binder with dividers & paper Writing materials (pens, paper) Textbook: Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues The Key- Social Studies 11 Canadian Oxford School Atlas Evaluation: Quizzes & Tests Final Exam Total 80 % 20% 100% Goals: Students will be able to: identify and clarify a problem, an issue, or an inquiry; gather and organize a body of information from primary and secondary print and non-print sources, including electronic sources; interpret and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources; assess a variety of positions on controversial issues; plan, revise, and deliver written and oral presentations co-operatively plan and implement a course of action that addresses the problem, issue, or inquiry initially identified Course Summary: This course primarily focuses on historical and contemporary, social, cultural, political, legal, economic, and environmental issues in Canada from 1. Politics and Government: The study of politics and government builds on students’ prior understanding of government structures, preparing them with the skills, knowledge, and sense of efficacy to become informed and active citizens of Canada. This study will allow students to gain understanding of their Charter rights, political philosophies and parties, elections, and how to influence public policy. 2. Autonomy and International Involvement: Canada has been shaped by significant historical events, both within the country and at a global level. By exploring Canada’s role in world events and examining Canada’s development as an autonomous nation, students come to understand Canada’s position and responsibilities in the international community. 3. Human Geography: Students develop understanding of the global issues that arise from the disparity in standards of living, how they affect our environment, and our response to the issues. 4. Society and Identity: The 20th century has seen profound change in the social fabric of Canada that has made the search for a Canadian identity a vital issue for Canadians. In examining societal issues, students gain understanding of the dynamic regional, cultural, and ethnic diversity of Canadian society. By 1|Page 1914-present . Specifically, the course will focus on Canadian Politics and Government, Human Geography, and the Canadian History focusing on autonomy, international involvement, society, and identity in the 20th Century. exploring these issues, students gain understanding of the forces that both shape and reflect the Canadian identity. Policies and Procedures Assignments As per DT Summer School and VSB CIE Website. It is your responsibility to have assignments completed on time. If absent, find out what the assignment was and hand it in the following class with a reasonable explanation. Attendance A note from home or a physician is required for any absence, including both illness and school activities. The note must include the date and the reason for absence. If you have to be absent from a class for sports or at the request of another teacher, you must speak to me first. Two absences are allowed. More than two absences will result in removal from the course and failure. Punctuality Students are expected to arrive on time. If you arrive late and the door is closed, knock quietly and wait. Activities missed at the beginning of class will result in a loss of marks. If you are late several times, this will result in after school duties and will affect your participation mark and work habit evaluation. Two lates are considered as one absence. Three strikes and out policy in place! Extra Help Available by appointment. Tests and Quizzes Notify me in advance, if you know that you will be absent for a test. Contact me the first day you return to school to arrange for a make-up test (only if you have a doctor’s note). Otherwise, you will receive a zero! Be prepared to write the exam or quiz immediately on your return to school. Cheating is a serious offence and will result in a score of zero, notes to your counsellor and administrator and a call home. Refer to the Student Agenda for further details. 2|Page Course Schedule (slight adjustments may be made): Monday, June 29th Tuesday, June 30th Wed, July 1st Thursday, July 2nd Friday, July 3rd Summer Break Prep Day Canada Day- Eh! Introductions & Expectations History Chapter 1 Quiz History Chapter 1: A Different CanadaNotes & Lecture History Chapter 2: Canada and World War I- Notes & Lecture Monday, July 6th Tuesday, July 7th Wed, July 8th Thursday, July 9th Friday, July 10th History Chapter 2: Canada and World War I- Notes & Lecture Cont. History Chapter 2 Quiz History Chapter 3: Canada and the Twenties- Notes & Lecture Cont. History Chapter 3 Quiz History Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair- Notes & Lecture Cont. Monday, July 14th Tuesday, July 16th Wed, July 17th Thursday, July 18st Friday, July 17th History Chapter 4 Quiz History Chapter 5: Canada and World War II- Notes & Lecture Cont. History Chapter 5 Quiz History Chapter 6 Quiz History Chapter 7 Quiz History Chapter 6: Canada and the Post- World War World- Notes & Lecture History Chapter 7: A Changing Society- Notes & Lecture History Chapter 8: Canadian IdentityNotes & Lecture Monday, July 20th Tuesday, July 21st Wed, July 22nd Thursday, July 23rd Friday, July 24th History Chapter 8 Quiz Government Chapter 9: The Structure of Canada’s GovernmentNotes & Lecture Government Chapter 9 Quiz Government Chapter 10 Quiz Government Chapter 11 Quiz Government Chapter 10: The Citizen and GovernmentNotes & Lecture Government Chapter 11: Canada’s Legal System- Notes & Lecture Government Chapter 12: The Era of Human Rights- Notes & Lecture History Chapter 5: Canada and World War II- Notes & Lecture History Chapter 18 Unit Test History Chapter 3: Canada and the Twenties- Notes & Lecture History Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair- Notes & Lecture 3|Page Monday, July 27th Tuesday, July 28th Wed, July 29th Thursday, July 30th Friday, July 31st Government Chapter 12 Quiz Geography Chapter 13: Population- Notes & Lecture Geography Chapter 13 Quiz Geography Chapter 14 Quiz Geography Chapter 15 Quiz Geography Chapter 14: Living Standards- Notes & Lecture Geography Chapter 15: UrbanizationNotes & Lecture Monday, Aug 3rd Tuesday, Aug 4th Wed, Aug 5th Thursday, Aug 6th Geography Chapter 16: Patterns in Economic Development Notes & Lecture Friday, Aug 7th BC Day Holiday Geography Chapter 16 Quiz Geography Chapter 17 Quiz Geography Chapter 18 Quiz Class Final Chapter 1-18 Geography Chapter 17: EnvironmentNotes & Lecture Geography Chapter 18: Looking ForwardNotes & Lecture Geography Chapter 13-18 Unit Test Goodbyes! Government Chapter 9-12 Unit Test Final Exam Review 4|Page