MGSE4.NF.3 - Miss. Davis` Mathematician`s

Miss. Davis’ 4th Grade Math Class
4th Grade Unit 4: Operations with Fractions
PRE-Assessment in POINT Online Passcode: 4unit4pre
POST-Assessment in POINT Online Passcode: 4unit4post
Name: __________________________ #_________
This is what you should
be able to do this for
each standard.
 I can add and
subtract fractions
when talking about
the same whole.
 I can break down a
fraction into a sum
of fractions with the
same denominator.
Check off each
target as you
complete it!
Direct Instruction
Mini Lesson
Parent Signature
Practice for Mastery
Learning Videos:
Miss. Davis’s Website under the UNIT 4 tab
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
*Whole Group
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
__Lesson 55, Pages 109-110
__ Lesson 56, Pages 111-112
__ Lesson 57, Pages 113-114
__Lesson 58, Pages 115-116
__Lesson 59, Pages 117-118
__Lesson 60, Pages 119-120
__Lesson 61, Pages 121-122
__ Lesson 62, Pages 123-124
__ Lesson 63, Pages 125-126
__Lesson 64, Pages 127-128
Parent Signature:
Leveled Practice
__Unit 15, Pages 77-80
__ Unit 16, Pages 82-85
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
__Lesson 55, Pages 109-110
__ Lesson 56, Pages 111-112
__Lesson 57, Pages 113-114
__Lesson 58, Pages 115-116
__ Lesson 59, Pages 117-118
__Lesson 60, Pages 119-120
__Lesson 61, Pages 121-122
__Lesson 62, Pages 123-124
__Lesson 63, Pages 125-126
__ Lesson 64, Pages 127-128
Parent Signature:
Leveled Practice
 I can add and
subtract mixed
numbers with the
same denominator.
*Whole Group
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
__Lesson 55, Pages 109-110
__Lesson 56, Pages 111-112
__ Lesson 57, Pages 113-114
__ Lesson 58, Pages 115-116
__ Lesson 59, Pages 117-118
__ Lesson 60, Pages 119-120
__Lesson 61, Pages 121-122
__Lesson 62, Pages 123-124
__Lesson 63, Pages 125-126
__ Lesson 64, Pages 127-128
Parent Signature:
Leveled Practice
__Unit 15, Pages 77-80
__Unit 16, Pages 82-85
*Whole Group
 I can add and
subtract word
problems of
fractions with like
 I can use visual
fraction models to
help me solve
fraction problems
using addition and
__Unit 15, Pages 77-80
__Unit 16, Pages 82-85
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
__ Lesson 55, Pages 109-110
__ Lesson 56, Pages 111-112
__ Lesson 57, Pages 113-114
__ Lesson 58, Pages 115-116
__Lesson 59, Pages 117-118
__Lesson 60, Pages 119-120
__Lesson 61, Pages 121-122
__Lesson 62, Pages 123-124
__Lesson 63, Pages 125-126
__ Lesson 64, Pages 127-128
Parent Signature:
Leveled Practice
__Unit 15, Pages 77-80
__Unit 16, Pages 82-85
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
*Whole Group
 I can multiply a
fraction by a whole
 I understand that a
fraction a/b can be
a multiple of 1/b.
 I can use visual
fraction models to
help me solve
fraction problems
using multiplication.
 I understand that a
fraction a/b can be
a multiple of 1/b.
 I can use visual
fraction models to
help me solve
fraction problems
using multiplication.
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
*Whole Group
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
*Whole Group
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
__Lesson 65, Pages 129-130
__Lesson 66, Pages 131-132
__Lesson 67, Pages 133-134
__Lesson 68, Pages 135-136
__ Lesson 69, Pages 137-138
Leveled Practice
__ Unit 17, Pages 87-90
Parent Signature:
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
__ Lesson 65, Pages 129-130
__Lesson 66, Pages 131-132
__ Lesson 67, Pages 133-134
__ Lesson 68, Pages 135-136
__ Lesson 69, Pages 137-138
Leveled Practice
__Unit 17, Pages 87-90
Parent Signature:
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
 I can solve word
problems involving
fractions multiplied
by a whole number.
 I can use the four
operations to solve
word problems.
 I can use a number
line to help me
solve word
problems involving
 I can solve word
problems involving
distances, time,
liquid, volumes,
masses of objects
and money.
 I can solve word
problems involving
simple fractions and
 I can solve word
problems that
involve converting
bigger units of
measure into
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
*Whole Group
*Data Discussion
*Video Debrief
*Number Talks
+Math 4 Today
+Task of the Week
+Support Activities
+Davis Direct
*Whole Group
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
__Lesson 65, Pages 129-130
__Lesson 66, Pages 131-132
__ Lesson 67, Pages 133-134
__ Lesson 68, Pages 135-136
__ Lesson 69, Pages 137-138
Leveled Practice
__ Unit 17, Pages 87-90
Parent Signature:
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
Assessment Attempt #1 (POINT):
Assessment Attempt #2 (Bucket #1):
__Lesson 84, pages 167-168
__ Lesson 85, pages 169-170
__ Lesson 86, pages 171-172
Leveled Practice
__Unit 20, pages 102-105
__Unit 21, pages 107-110
Assessment Attempt #3 (Bucket #2):
Parent Signature:
Remediation: Yes/No
Small Group
Extra Practice
smaller units of
Introductory Task: 3 Act Task: : (See Teacher)
Culminating Frameworks Task: : (See Teacher)
Exemplar: (See Teacher)
Unit Vocabulary: Add the vocabulary that you have learned as you come across this!
Standard Assessment
POINT Assessment Passcodes Attempt #1 for Ms.
Marie Davis’ Class
MGSE4.NF.3 Understand a fraction 𝑎/𝑏 with a
numerator >1 as a sum of unit fractions 1/ .
a. Understand addition and subtraction of
fractions as joining and separating parts referring
to the same whole.
MGSE4.NF.3 Understand a fraction 𝑎/𝑏 with a
numerator >1 as a sum of unit fractions 1/ .
b. Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions
with the same denominator in more than one
way, recording each decomposition by an
equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a
visual fraction model. Examples: 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 +
1/8 ; 3/8 = 1/8 + 2/8 ; 2 1/8 = 1 + 1 + 1/8 = 8/8 +
8/8 + 1/8.
MGSE4.NF.3 Understand a fraction 𝑎/𝑏 with a
numerator >1 as a sum of unit fractions 1/ .
c. Add and subtract mixed numbers with like
denominators, e.g., by replacing each mixed
number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by
using properties of operations and the
relationship between addition and subtraction.
Understand a fraction 𝑎/𝑏 with a numerator >1 as
a sum of unit fractions 1/ .
d. Solve word problems involving addition and
subtraction of fractions referring to the same
whole and having like denominators, e.g., by
using visual fraction models and equations to
represent the problem
Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole
number e.g., by using a visual such as a number
line or area model.
a. Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple of 1/b.
b. Understand a multiple of a/b as a multiple of
1/b, and use this understanding to multiply a
fraction by a whole number.
c. Solve word problems involving multiplication
of a fraction by a whole number, e.g., by using
visual fraction models and equations to represent
the problem.
Use the four operations to solve word problems
involving distances, intervals of time, liquid
volumes, masses of objects, and money, including
problems involving simple fractions or decimals,
and problems that require expressing
measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a
smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities
using diagrams such as number line diagrams that
feature a measurement scale.
Message from Miss. E. Davis
Try to set HIGH SMART GOALS for yourself! Miss. Davis suggests to work
on completing at LEAST one standard a week by taking a quiz by every
Friday! This way you can stay on track! If you would like to get ahead,
then please try to complete more than one standard a week. You can do