NQT Induction Programme 2014-15 Shaping the future together Details: A comprehensive school-based induction programme delivered by outstanding practitioners Professional Development Opportunities For further details and bookings contact: Marie Matthews, Collaborative Schools Ltd, The Hub, The John of Gaunt School, Wingfield Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 9EH T: 01225 762637 x 231 mmatthews@johnofgaunt. wilts.sch.uk Who is it for? Newly qualified teachers in Wiltshire schools or surrounding Local Authority areas Venue: Castlemead Primary School, Mascroft Road, Hilperton, Trowbridge, BA14 6GD Cost: £420.00 for the full programme of 13 modules delivered across 7 days or £60 for individual modules Bookings Places will be allocated on a first come basis. To book please complete the appropriate booking form below and return to: mmatthews@johnofgaunt.wilts.sch.uk Deadline for return Friday 4th July 2014 Modules What makes a good and outstanding teacher? Questioning and higher order thinking: 15 September 2014 9.30am – 12.30pm This module aims to: 15 September 2014 1.30pm – 4.30pm This module aims to: Explore good and outstanding teaching with reference to effective teaching and learning pedagogies Explore questioning techniques Identify key features of effective questioning Explore a range of teaching and learning strategies and resources Explore how to encourage children to ask questions Support participants to understand the content of current OFSTED criteria Explore opportunities to stimulate higher order thinking skills English: Maths: 20 October 2014 9.30am – 12.30pm This module aims to: 20 October 2014 1.30pm – 4.30pm Explore effective pedagogy and strategies to support the teaching of English in line with the new curriculum Explore effective pedagogy and strategies to support the teaching of maths in line with the three overarching themes of the curriculum Develop an understanding of basic skills and progression in literacy Creative and inspiring curriculum: This module aims to: Develop an understanding of basic skills and calculation progression in maths 17 November 2014 9.30am – 12.30pm Feed forward marking and target setting (part 1): This module aims to: 17 November 2014 1.30pm – 4.30pm Explore current theories for creative practice This module aims to: Draw strongly on the new National Curriculum Explore top tips for making lessons creative without losing the focus on high standards Feed forward marking and target setting (part 2): 26 January 2015 9.30am – 12.30pm This module aims to: Use own pupil’s work to support participants to become more confident in identifying next steps in learning and setting targets Explore feedback and marking strategies which support, enhance and develop children’s learning Consider effective strategies for target setting and narrowing learning gaps Understanding data and how it can work for you in the classroom: 26 January 2015 1.30pm – 4.30pm This module aims to: Develop understanding of the breadth of data available and how this can impact on what happens in the classroom Consider how data can inform support for vulnerable groups including EAL, pupil premium SEND: 9 March 2015 9.30am – 4.30pm Please note this module is a full day workshop This course aims to: Develop understanding of the responsibilities of the class teacher in relation to SEND regulations Develop knowledge and understanding of high incidence SEN including SpLD and autism Guidance in the day to day management of SEN issues in a class setting The potential of learning outdoors: Looking Beneath the Behaviour: 27 April 2015 9.30am – 12.30pm 27 April 2015 1.30pm – 4.30pm This module aims to: Explore forest school methodologies and approaches This module aims to: Explore the possible underlying reasons for differing behaviours Enable all practitioners to consider the opportunities for outdoor learning within own setting and how to plan for these effectively Provide guidance in maintaining a positive learning environment for all pupils Please wear clothing for working outdoors and waterproofs as we may be visiting the woods Explore practical strategies to use in the classroom Computing: Readiness for subject leadership: 15 June 2015 9.30am – 12.30pm 15 June 2015 1.30pm – 4.30pm This module aims to: Explore ways to embed computing into a creative curriculum This module aims to: Clarify the role of the subject leader and signpost current national developments and research Equip participants with the knowledge and skills to use a range of software and hardware to meet the requirements of the new curriculum Outline key features of emergent leadership styles and strategies Support participants to identify own professional learning needs NQT Induction Programme Full Programme Booking Form £420.00 School Name: School Address: Telephone: Name/s of Members of Staff Attending and Contact Details: 1. Email: 2. Email: 3. Email: 4. Email: (Confirmation of booking will be sent via email) Please tell us if you have any special dietary or access requirements: All places will be allocated on a first come first served basis Please email the completed booking form to: mmatthews@johnofgaunt.wilts.sch.uk NQT Induction Programme Individual Modules Booking Form £60 per Module School Name: School Address: Telephone Number: Delegate Name/sand Contact Details: 1. Name: Name of Module/s: Email: 2. Name: Name of Module/s: Email: 3. Name: Name of Module/s: Email: (Confirmation of booking will be sent via email) Please tell us if you have any special dietary or access requirements: All places will be allocated on a first come first served basis Please email the completed booking form to: mmatthews@johnofgaunt.wilts.sch.uk