Emergency Management Web Resources Guide General Emergency Management Resources Name New Jersey PCA ASPR Description Great list of EM resources for Clinics Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters FEMA Continuity of Operations For Leaders By Leaders Talking about Disasters LA DPH Flipcharts BICEPP A San Francisco based NGO with great EM resources Resource Link http://www.njpca.org/disasterpr eparedness/templates-tools.aspx http://www.phe.gov/emergency/ pages/default.aspx http://cardcanhelp.org/toolsand-resources Home for FEMA’s directorate of Continuity of Operations. Lots of Resources and information. http://www.fema.gov/continuityoperations-continuity-capabilities CDC Online Risk Communication Training with great downloadable guide. Red Cross and others collaboration on Risk Messaging that is public facing by hazard type Emergency Preparedness/Response Flipcharts in 12 different languages List of resources for California and Los Angeles area disaster planning and response focused on the business community List of downloadable CERT Program based personal and family preparedness materials http://www.bt.cdc.gov/cerc/ CERT Family Preparedness HRSA Guidance CDC’s COCA Natural Hazards Center FEMA Social Media Tools My Hazards Map- Cal EMA Cal EMA Hazard Mitigation Portal Home for EM information from ASPR HRSA Emergency Preparedness and Continuity of Operations materials and guidance for community grantees. Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity home page. CDC coordinated conference calls, webinars, and more. Health related research based resources List of FEMA and other emergency response social media feeds Interactive tool to locate and identify hazards in your location Links to specific hazard maps in California http://www.disastercenter.com/ guide/guide.htm http://www.publichealth.lacount y.gov/eprp/media/flipcharts.htm http://www.bicepp.org/links.htm l http://preparedldsfamily.blogspo t.com/2009/02/new-certemergency-preparedness.html http://www.hrsa.gov/emergency /index.html http://www.bt.cdc.gov/coca/ http://www.colorado.edu/hazard s/resources/web/med.html http://www.fema.gov/socialmedia http://myhazards.calema.ca.gov/ http://hazardmitigation.calema.c a.gov/mapping_and_analysis Nat. Immigration Law Center Center for Preparedness Education Equity in Emergency Response Disaster Assistance Resources for Immigrants http://www.nilc.org/disas.html Job Action Sheets and HICS forms for Rural Healthcare facilities. http://www.preped.org/Resource s/HospitalPreparednessResources .aspx http://www.apctoolkits.com/vuln erablepopulation/ APHA’s Get Ready Campaign Natural Hazards Comprehensive list of Hazard Specific FAQ sheets. http://www.getreadyforflu.org/n ew_pg_facts.htm Comprehensive Natural Hazard Specific Information Resources List related to public health preparedness from ASPR and the CDC Hazard Specific extreme weather tips from NOAA http://www.phe.gov/emergency/ naturaldisasters/Pages/default.as px http://www.noaa.gov/extreme20 11/ready.html http://www.google.org/crisisresp onse/resources.html http://www.calhospital.org/disas ter-planning-downloads Extreme Weather Google’s Crisis Response CHA’s Continuity Planning Disaster Guide Business Risk management NACCHO Advanced Practice Centers Volunteer Risk Management The Equity Web toolkit has been developed for public health partners and CBOs that work with vulnerable populations to use as a resource. Google’s suite of crisis response tools and applications California Hospital Association’s Business Continuity Planning Toolkit The Disaster Guide- Resource Directory for Business Continuity Needs NIOSH Business Continuity and Risk Management Planning Guides National Association of City and County Health Officials Preparedness Resources Categorized by PHEP Capability http://www.disasterresource.com/index.php http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics /emres/business.html http://apc.naccho.org/Pages/def ault.aspx List of resources related to volunteer risk management for nonprofit organizations. http://www.nonprofitrisk.org/sea rch/volunteer.asp?cx=016947194 574783241609%3Atcnjypalai&cof=FORID%3A11&q=v olunteer http://bphc.hrsa.gov/policiesregu lations/policies/pin200715expect ations.html HRSA Health Center Emergency Management Program Expectations Policy Information Notice 2007-15: Health centers must have risk management policies and procedures in place that proactively and continually identify and plan for potential and actual risks to the health center in terms of its facilities, staff, clients/patients, financial, clinical, and organizational well-being. CERT CERT Community Emergency Response Team program introduction training videos http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=wvQ45gWgSg0&feature=play CERT – Los Angeles CERT Resource Directory for contact information, forms, training, ect Responder Database FEMA’s Responder Database with direct links to HICS Center Hospital Incident Command System Training and Resource Center Find a Health Center Searchable directory HRSA Find a Health Center HRSA Data Warehouse PHEP Special Needs Mapping Disaster Recovery Messages Disaster Assitance.gov Disaster Glossaries PHASYS er_embedded#! http://www.certla.com/education/otherlanguages.htm https://www.rkb.us/ specific information in your areas of interest. Products, grants and assistance programs, training, standards, and more. HRSA Primary Care Data Warehouse, organized by topic as related to health centers RAND’s Special Needs Populations Mapping Tool for Public Health Preparedness Disaster Recovery “Canned” Public Service Announcements Federal Disaster Assistance Portal Directory of Glossaries of Disaster Information by Hazard Type Searchable Legal Directory for Public Health related Legislation http://www.hicscenter.org/ http://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov /Search_HCC.aspx?byCounty=1 http://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/ http://www.rand.org/health/proj ects/special-needs-populationsmapping/tool.html http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/ psa/ http://www.disasterassistance.go v/ http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/dimrc/glos saries.html http://www.phasys.pitt.edu/defa ult.aspx Situational Intelligence Name VueTOO National Weather Situation Page NOAA Weather Brief Description Aggregate radar images of locations around the US Resource Link http://www.vuetoo.com/vue1/S ituationPageNews.asp?sit=27 Daily Weather/Geological Situation Report Cal Fire Current Incidents Fire Weather Map Current Fire Reports from Cal Fire http://www.noaawatch.gov/brie fing.php http://cdfdata.fire.ca.gov/incide nts/incidents_current http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/firew x/cafw/index.php http://www.inciweb.org/ InciWeb USGS Earthquakes USGS Natural Hazards National Hurricane Center Current Fire Weather Watches and Warnings Current National Fire Incident information Service Map of current and recent earthquake activity Links to real time maps of various natural hazards Real Time Situation Page for the National Hurricane Center http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eart hquakes/map/ http://www.usgs.gov/natural_h azards/ http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/cyclo nes/ NOAA Streamgages NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Hurricane Track Twitter Breaking News All Hands Daily Google Public Alerts Crisis Mappers Twitter Feed Continuity Central IAVM DHS Office of Emergency Communication Crisis Standards of Care Air Quality Management District Edison Power Emergency Real Time Flood Gages Map - National Real Time Pacific Tsunami Alerts, Warnings, and Information Bulletins http://water.weather.gov/ahps/ http://ptwc.weather.gov/ Excellent Discussion of current Hurricane Situation and Forecast Up to the minute updates on breaking news http://hurricanetrack.com/ Online Newspaper for Emergency Management Events Map Compilation of Real Time Weather Alerts Information Updates from Online Volunteers who monitor and provide technical support during disasters Business Continuity News Headlines and Resources Int. Association of Venue Managers. Good resource for large response operations partnerships Public Safety Communications and interoperability tools Institute of Medicine’s Crisis Standards of Care: A Systems Framework for Catastrophic Disaster Response. March 2012 AQMD website and the AQMD GIS map showing the air quality for most of Southern California. http://aqmd.gov/ Southern California Edison Outage Map https://twitter.com/BREAKINGN EWS http://paper.li/AllHandsDotNet/ em http://www.google.org/publical erts https://twitter.com/CrisisMappe rs http://www.continuitycentral.co m/index.htm http://www.iavm.org/ http://publicsafetytools.info/sta rt_index_v2.php http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2 012/Crisis-Standards-of-Care-ASystems-Framework-forCatastrophic-DisasterResponse.aspx http://www3.aqmd.gov/webapp l/gisaqi2/VEMap3D.aspx https://www.sce.com/wps/port al/home/outagecenter/!ut/p/b1/pVPLbsIwEPwV eujR8ia2E3NMKpoEKI8mpSUXZB xDQ5sHxPT19U1apApVQFF98mj Xo5ndMY7xA45z8ZIuhU6LXDw3 OLZmBvccPwgh4P2JDYHrhePJaA J28D3OMaxzHWpH_G0kmomi1yr XM9Ufgm7yUUWy2WqiVroDbNi7KGiarSZf6 FZJrg6Zww3uY2QwtrniBKJUPCY AwpWwq1EDbhhl0LmtaC4MBxY F8vH6n0eve3lkTAJPs3h9pOOE3VPm 35xMqjvLckF1D24OO3x1C4EVjA gEZwyB0HAJg4Wkt1D4o1DFxDM5ppK2SRVFCSMcUctQSFi2QIr OOSPUME1OThAG7LEvN9YcN1gaF1TchXB2YTdPywvX a3XsVNHronWm8YPBzMnt5Uu MrVpVduyLDb6uySkbm0rPPDr0 m8He1tiew7lM7jhCPrv4RD5tWrcjte78aNACL 7bMLuqYCfNeP9f11mGV8ten36 dMuBsPLlI1pk98jLZoMBEnP_upcfALLGqYM/dl4/d5/L2dBISEv Z0FBIS9nQSEh/ Mobile Applications Name Shelter View Disaster Medicine Tools NLM Mobile Description Real Time map of open Red Cross Shelters FREE HHS Vetted Mobile Medical Response Apps and Mobile Optimized web pages U.S. National Library of Medicinie’s Collection of Mobile Apps and sites Resource Link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/american-red-crossshelter/id419258261?mt=8 http://disasterinfo.nlm.nih.gov/dimrc/disasterapps.html http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mobile/ Access and Functional Needs Issues Name Public Health Practices First Responders Guide for Access and Functional Needs Patients Minnesota Dept Description Resource directory for Populations and individuals most at risk of severe consequences from a disaster, due to societal, economic, and health-related factors Reference tool that will provide guidance for assisting people who have access and functional needs during the response and recovery phases of an emergency situation Resources for communicating with Limited Resource Link http://www.publichealthpractic es.org/practice-categories/riskpopulations http://terrorism.spcollege.edu/S PAWARAFN/index.html http://www.echominnesota.org of Health’s ECHO Project Disability.gov English Proficiency Populations At-Risk Populations Tool The At-risk Populations eTool is a companion to the At-risk Populations Workbook. The purpose of this tool is to help you create a Community Outreach Information Network (COIN) to reach at-risk populations in an emergency. Vulnerable Populations Resource Guide The Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations Resource Guide is intended to support LHDs' planning and preparedness activities by providing a filter, or guide, for the extensive array of existing resources, templates, PPTs, MOUs, and case studies. At Risk Populations Emergency Planning Toolkit. Emergency Planning for At Risk Populations Meeting the Needs of Latino Communities Emergency Preparedness Resources for Access and Functional Needs Populations Emergency Managers Tool Kit for meeting the needs of Latino communities from the National Council of La Raza /webinar-communicatingwithout-english https://www.disability.gov/emer gency_preparedness http://www.orau.gov/sns/atriskt ool/ http://cphp.sph.unc.edu/ncperr c/guide.html http://cphp.sph.unc.edu/atriskplanning/2identify/resources .htm http://www.nclr.org/cdtoolkit/in dex.htm Hazard Specific Resources Earthquake Name Seismic Hazard Maps Quake Smart Description Earthquake Liquefaction Maps for Los Angeles and Orange Counties FEMA list of resources for earthquake readiness specifically for private sector businesses Resource Link http://gmw.consrv.ca.gov/shmp /html/pdf_maps_so.html http://www.fema.gov/earthqua ke-publications/quakesmarttoolkit-table-contents NatGeo Earthquakes National Geographic Video Compilation of Earthquake damage videos http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=4Y62Ti5_6s&feature=player_embe dded#! Putting Down Roots Preparedness Now 2008 Northridge Breaking News clips Earthquake County’s “Putting Down Roots” Science based preparedness materials for download USGS visualization of the shakeout scenario. http://www.earthquakecountry. info/roots/index.php http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=opXZY1zZ8xk http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=Xct7ksGfiKY&feature=relmfu Northridge Earthquake Live news coverage video Flood Name Description Resource Link Fire/WildFire Name Description U.S. Fire FEMA and USFA partnership with lots of specific fire Administration resources USFA Coffee Break Training Wildland Fire Lessons National Fire Academy’s 5-minute Coffee Break Trainings Excellent Wildland fire resources, forms, and multilingual information. Resource Link http://www.usfa.fema.gov/sta tistics/reports/residential_stru ctures.shtm http://www.usfa.fema.gov/nfa /coffee-break/ http://www.wildfirelessons.ne t/Forms.aspx NIST Flashover Videos Christmas Tree Fire Christmas Tree and couch cigarette flashover in mock living room. My Safe L.A. Collection of preparedness videos This video done by the NIST shows a VERY DRY Christmas tree on fire in a room. It takes a little over 30 seconds for the room to flashover. http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=QqMVm72FMRk&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=t_eHBqVYa8A http://vimeo.com/mysafela/vi deos Hazardous Materials (HazMat) / Technological Name Planning for Chemical Emergencies Chem. Hazards Emergency Medical Management Chemical Reactivity Worksheet Description CDC Home for planning guidance on chemical emergencies Resource Link http://emergency.cdc.gov/chemical/prep.asp Health and Human Services site with links to clinical guidance for chemical incident responses http://chemm.nlm.nih.gov/index.html The CRW predicts possible hazards from mixing chemicals and is designed http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/oiland-chemical-spills/chemical-spills/responsetools/chemical-reactivity-worksheet.html to be used to help prevent dangerous chemical incidents. Tsunami Name Description Resource Link https://www.youtube.com/watc h?feature=player_embedded&v =cduYq_C9pdQ Real time evacuation Planning Model Real Time Evacuation Planning Tool from ODU. http://rtepm.vmasc.odu.edu/ Workplace Violence/ Active Shooter Name Description Resource Link The types of workplace violence Useful training video on workplace violence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxQ_VXrPzRY Employee Violence Video of workplace violence. Employee on Employee. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=eyHiqJn61Q Flu/Pandemic Name Description Google Flu Trends Seasonal Flu Google Analytics powered flu activity map CDC printable materials related to seasonal Influenza Resource Link http://healthmap.org/en/ http://www.google.org/flutrend s/ http://www.cdc.gov/flu/freeres ources/print.htm Resource s Pandemi c Prepared ness Flu Info for Refugees POD Pictogra ms How-to guide to signs Get Ready King County Washington’s page for Pandemic resources http://www.kingcounty.gov/hea lthservices/health/preparedness /pandemicflu.aspx Four seasonal flu documents designed to improve knowledge of seasonal flu in refugee populations; written in the native languages of refugee populations commonly resettled in the United States. http://www.cdc.gov/immigrantr efugeehealth/resources/index.h tml Comprehensive directory of Pictogram signs for PODs http://www.chfs.ky.gov/dph/epi /preparedness/pictograms.htm How to guide for the deployment of signage during emergencies http://www.ruralrckit.org/Disast erDocuments/Signs/HowToGuideForSigns.pdf http://www.getreadyforflu.org/ new_pg_resources.htm Pandemic Flu Resource Directory Terrorism Name The Cell Description Great collection of terrorism training videos and other resources Guidance on effective ways to make buildings safer Building Safety Sovereign Sovereign Citizen Officer Shooting from dash cam video Citizen Resource Link http://www.thecell.org/events/ videos/ http://www.dhs.gov/ensuringbuilding-security#2 http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=2ZEdH6BRjAY&feature=pla yer_embedded#! Communicable Diseases Name Description Resource Link Environmental Extremes Name Beat the Heat Description NYC Office of Emergency Management Multi lingual Heat Wave Readiness Brochure Resource Link http://www.nyc.gov/html/oem/ html/ready/heat_guide.shtml http://cal-adapt.org/ http://cehtp.org/project.jsp?pro ject_key=EHSS01 http://climatechange.ca.gov/ Hurricane Name Beach Safety Description Hurricane Preparedness Video Mobile Preparedness Hurricane Training Mobile Device Specific Preparedness Tips Just In Time Hurricane Awareness Training PPT Resource Link http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=RMfJZJmUqlY http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=Xct7ksGfiKY&feature=relmfu http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/le cture/lec20371/index.htm Wind Storm/ Tornado Name Description Resource Link Description Resource Link Cyber Attack Name Nuclear/Radiation Name Description Resource Link Shelter in Place Name How to Shelter In Place Description CDC guidelines on general process at home and work. Resource Link http://emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/shelter/ Bonus Materials Games Name Crisis Decision Making Surge World Totally Description Climate Change related Red Cross online games Game based on patient surge flow from the LA Children’s Hospital Excellent list of ideas and preparedness Resource Link http://petlab.parsons.edu/redCrossSite/in dex.html http://lachildrenshospital.net/SurgeWorld /SurgeWorld.swf http://www.totallyunprepared.com/ Unprepared Just In Case Arizona Ant and the Grasshopper Multilingual Preparedness Survival Guide 72 On You info to include in emails to help remind staff about emergency preparedness Family and kid oriented preparedness games, activities, and information APHA’s The story of the Ant and the grasshopper preparedness video Family Preparedness Info in LA County threshold languages Los Angeles County Emergency Survival Guide for family preparedness Interactive website to get prepared for the first 72 Hours after a disaster http://www.azein.gov/azein/Toolkits/Educ ators%20Toolkit.aspx?PageView=Shared http://www.getreadyforflu.org/GetReady Video.htm http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/eprp/me dia/index.htm http://lacoa.org/pdf/emergencysurvivalgui de-lowres.pdf http://72hours.org/index.html ICS and Other Training Name HICS Incident Management Nat. Nurse Emergency Prep Initiative DEEP Training Psychological Support in Disasters PPE Training Description Using ICS and HICS for Incident Management. 10 minute video Free online training from George Washington University (w/CEUs) specifically for the medical community Mental Health and Emotional Support Online Training Mental Health and Psycological First Aid Training Resource Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZJeT yobQp8 http://nnepi.gwnursing.org/ Personal Protective Equipment Training http://www.placer.ca.gov/upload/hhs/Co mHealth/HCFacilitiesTraining/InfectionCon trol/Lesson%207%20Personal%20Protectiv e%20Equipment/player.html http://www.fema.gov/txt/nims/nims_ics_ position_paper.txt http://ncdp.crlctraining.org/catalog/?id=3 NIMS and ICS HIstory Online Certificate Courses Always have a Plan B ICS Basics Detailed white paper on the history and development of the NIMS FREE online Certificate Courses from Columbia Regional Learning Center related to Emergency Management Incident Action Planning Plan B Video Incident Action Planning South Dakota Fire Dept video 3 minute summary of ICS http://www.deep.med.miami.edu/x531.x ml http://www.psid.org.au/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vE9Z q7Gs-U&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRnX Q_nlVhE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2Ip7f Asxa0