Fragility Functions for Steel Plate Shear Walls Nicole M. Baldvins,1) Jeffery W. Berman,1) M.EERI, Laura N. Lowes, 1) M.EERI, Todd M. Janes1), Natalie A. Low1) Fragility functions are developed to predict the method of repair required for steel plate shear walls damaged due to earthquake loading. The results of previous experimental studies are used to develop empirical relationships between damage states and story drift. Damage states are proposed and linked deterministically with commonly employed methods of repair; these damage states are characterized by parameters such as yielding and tearing of the steel plate and yielding, buckling and fracture of frame members. Lognormal probability distributions are fit to the empirical data and evaluated using standard statistical methods. The results of this effort are families of fragility functions that predict the required method of repair for a damaged wall. INTRODUCTION The widespread adoption of performance-based seismic design (PBSD) requires reliable performance-prediction models, often referred to as fragility functions, for a wide range of structural systems. Such models enable engineers to select the structural system that is most economical for their design space. The Applied Technology Council’s Project 58 (2009) is currently developing fragility functions for a number of commonly employed structural systems, including steel moment resisting frames, steel braced frames, concrete moment frames, and concrete walls. That project is also developing an overall framework and software tools to facilitate PBSD. The goal of the research presented here is to develop fragility functions for steel plate shear walls, so that they may be added to the design engineer’s list of structural systems that may readily be designed using PBSD procedures. Steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) are stiff, ductile lateral load-resisting systems that are well suited for use in buildings to resist seismic loads. The systems are typically composed of steel plates that are either welded or bolted to beam and column boundary elements; these boundary elements may serve as part of the gravity load-carrying system. Fig. 1 shows a 1) Department of Civil and Env. Engineering, University of Washington, Box 352700, Seattle, WA 98195-2700. 1 typical SPSW configuration and the accepted nomenclature that appears in the American Institute of Steel Construction’s Seismic Design Provisions (AISC 2005), referred to herein as The Provisions, where the infill plate is denoted the web plate and the beams and columns are denoted horizontal and vertical boundary elements (HBEs and VBEs), respectively. A survey of existing buildings with SPSWs and a review of literature reveals two distinct design philosophies: (i) SPSWs that are stiffened such that the web plates can develop their full shear yield strength, and (ii) SPSWs that are allowed to buckle in shear at low load levels and rely on the development of web plate tension field action for strength, stiffness and ductility. The latter type is more prevalent in new construction and is the only one for which seismic design specifications are available in the United States. Therefore, SPSWs that rely on tension field action are the focus of this paper. The development of post-buckling tension field action is illustrated in Fig. 2, where a test specimen is shown at a story drift of 1.2% (Berman and Bruneau 2003). As shown, shear buckling waves develop that are orthogonal to the tension field. The tension field orientation angle, , is dependent on the stiffness of the boundary frame elements, the thickness of the web plate and the aspect ratio of the web plate, and can calculated using the approach in The Provisions, which is based on a derivation by Timler et al. (1983). With increasing displacement, the web plate yields along the inclined tension field. Upon load reversal the web plate has little strength and stiffness until it completes shear buckling in the other loading direction and again develops a tension field. The force-deformation behavior of SPSWs depends largely on the HBE-to-VBE connections. When simple or partially restrained connections are used, the cyclic response can be quite pinched as shown in Fig. 3a. When fully restrained moment resisting connections are used, there is a large contribution to the strength and energy dissipation from frame action, as shown in Fig. 3b (note that the two experimental hysteresis shown are from experiments with different scales and plate thickness, accounting for the difference in ultimate strength). Currently, SPSWs with fully restrained moment resisting HBE-to-VBE connections are designed with a response modification factor, R, of 7. SPSWs with partially restrained connections must be designed with R equal to 3. In either system, the damage to SPSWs subjected to earthquake loading is expected to be in the web plates, HBE-to-VBE connections, and, in some cases, the HBEs and VBEs themselves. To ensure that SPSWs 2 have the maximum possible energy dissipation and ductility, it is necessary that the HBEs and VBEs and the HBE-to-VBE connections have the strength and stiffness to fully develop tension field yielding of the web plates. Recommendations for achieving capacity design of the boundary elements and connections are given in The Provisions, Sabelli and Bruneau (2007), and Berman and Bruneau (2008). To enable PBSD of SPSWs it is necessary to develop statistical models, i.e., fragility functions, relating SPSW damage and a seismic demand parameter, such as story drift, that is readily computed as part of the design process. Such fragilities enable engineers to design SPSWs to achieve a specific likelihood of damage given the seismicity of the building site. To achieve the goal of developing these essential fragilities for SPSWs, the study described here sought to: (i) perform a thorough review of the literature to gather and synthesize experimental data on the performance of SPSWs subjected to inelastic lateral loading, (ii) use the literature to formulate an exhaustive list of damage observed during SPSW testing and compile story drifts associated with the occurrence of the damage, (iii) group the observed damage into logical damage states that consider the evolution, magnitude and location of the damage, (iv) refine the damage states into repair states that consider the extent and complexity of repairs required for various damage states, (v) study the impact of various SPSW parameters on the damage and repair state data, and (vi) produce fragilities from statistical analysis of the compiled repair state versus story drift data. EXPERIMENTAL DATA The objective of this study was to develop fragility functions for SPSWs with thin plates for which response is determined by elastic plate buckling and plate yielding. Published results of previous experimental tests of this type of SPSW were reviewed. The following describes these test programs: Timler and Kulak (1983) tested a single, near full-scale, two-web plate specimen to evaluate the post-buckling model proposed by Thorburn et al. (1983) as well as to generate data characterizing SPSW system behavior under service-level and severe loading. The specimen was essentially two single story specimens placed top-to-top that shared the same upper HBE. It was loaded in a universal testing machine at the shared HBE in a manner similar to a beam with a single point load. Timler and Kulak found 3 minor inaccuracies in the principle stress angle calculations proposed by Thorburn et al. (1983) and proposed a revised formula for the angle of inclination. Tromposch and Kulak (1987) tested a single, near full-scale, two-web plate SPSW specimen under cyclic loading in a configuration similar to Timler and Kulak (1983). Tromposch and Kulak concluded that the Thorburn et al. (1983) model as modified by Timler and Kulak (1983) could be used with confidence to determine ultimate capacity. They concluded also that if the model assumes pinned HBE-VBE connections it provides a conservative estimate of strength. Chen (1991) tested ten small-scale three-story SPSW specimens under cyclic and monotonic loading to study the impact of HBE-VBE connection type on response. Chen concluded that SPSWs with web plates that are designed to buckle and develop tension field action are a viable option for seismic load resisting systems and that for walls with thicker plates the boundary frame members will limit the system’s strength and ductility. Two tests (M14-3, M14-5) failed prematurely due to out-of-plane VBE buckling resulting from insufficient stiffness in the lateral bracing system and fracture of the weld between the web plate and boundary members due to poor weld quality, respectively. The data from these tests was excluded. Driver et al. (1997) tested the first large-scale multi-story (four story) unstiffened steel plate shear wall. The results of this test confirmed the researchers’ theory that the ductile behavior of the thin, unstiffened plates is favorable for dissipating energy under extreme cyclic loading. The load distribution used in this test applied essentially equal loads at all stories. Coupled with the fact that the first two stories had the same web plate thickness, this resulted in the first story having most of the inelastic behavior while the upper stories remained essentially undamaged. Thus, the data extracted for this specimen comes from the response of the first story only. Lubell (1997) tested three SPSW specimens, two one-story frames and one four-story frame. Study objectives were to determine the load-deformation response of the systems, evaluate design guidelines, and verify the use of steel plate shear walls for high seismic areas. The study concluded that boundary frame members must have adequate stiffness to develop the strength of the web plate and ensure a ductile response. Similar to the fourstory test by Driver et al. (1997), the four-story test here had concentrated damage on the 4 first story due to the load distribution and plate thickness. Therefore, the data from this specimen used here comes from the response of the first story. Behbahanifard (2003) tested a three-story SPSW, which consisted of the upper three undamaged stories of the original specimen tested by Driver et al. (1997). Loading was applied in a similar manner as the test by Driver et al. (1997). It was found that the lower web plates absorbed far more energy than the top-story, with energy dissipation for the first to third stories being 65%, 30%, and 5% of the total. It was concluded that SPSWs have great potential for high-energy dissipation, as was demonstrated through the shear wall’s high shear capacity and ductility. Because of their different web plate thicknesses and the difference in loading and damage distribution, each story of this specimen is treated as a different specimen here. Berman and Bruneau (2003) tested three one-story SPSW specimens to investigate the behavior of SPSWs with light-gauge steel plates and develop simple retrofit solutions. Two specimens (F1 and C1) had web plates connected to VBEs and HBEs using a combination of bolts and epoxy while the third used a combination of bolts and welds (F2). Results of the tests showed that the small-gauge web plates were effective in reducing strength demands on the boundary elements. Only the test specimen (F2), which had a welded connection of the web plate to fish plates that were bolted to the boundary frame members was included in the current study (F2); the test with a corrugated web plate and those with epoxy connections were excluded. Vian and Bruneau (2005) tested four one-story SPSW systems. The goal of the study was to investigate new designs for SPSWs including top and bottom HBEs with reduced beam sections (RBSs), a perforated web plate, and a reinforced corner cutout. Testing showed that the HBEs with RBSs were effective in controlling boundary frame yielding. Additionally, both the perforated and reinforced corner cutout web plates were found to be practical alternatives to solid infill SPSWs; both of these configurations allow for utility access. Three of the specimens are considered here: Specimen S2 with a solid web plate, Specimen P with a perforated web plate, and Specimen CR with reinforced corner cutouts. Specimen S1 was a trial specimen that had a number of fabrication and test setup deficiencies and is not included in the data set here. 5 Zhao (2006) tested four specimens: two steel systems with different story height-to-span ratios and two composite systems. Only data from the steel systems were used in the current study. Park et al. (2007) tested five three-story SPSW specimens, three of which had seismically compact VBEs and two of which did not. The objective of this study was to determine the impact on seismic performance of web plate thickness, column strength, and column compactness. Qu et al. (2008) tested a full-scale two-story SPSW. The testing was conducted in two phases: Phase I consisted of five individual pseudodynamic tests using various amplitude ground motions. After Phase I testing was completed, the web plates were replaced. Phase II testing consisted of quasi-static cyclic loading under displacement control to failure. Only the damage data at failure was used for the current study. Load was applied at both stories in this testing and was proportioned based on demand in the pseudodynamic testing and a triangular distribution in the quasi-static testing. Thus, damage from all stories of this specimen is considered in this research. Choi and Park (2009) tested five three-story SPSWs with different infill web plate-toboundary element connections, infill web plate-to-boundary element connection lengths, and wall openings. One specimen (FSPW5) was a coupled-wall; data from this test were not used in this study. Ultimately, experimental data were collected for more than 30 specimens from 12 test programs (Table 1). Specimens are identified in Table 1 using the last name of the first author for cited research reference, which is abbreviated when the name is long, and an identification number that is similar to that used in the original research. The specimens listed in Table 1 have designs representative of modern SPSW, i.e. they rely on tension field action to resist applied lateral loads, and were subjected to simulated earthquake loads in the laboratory. However, there are differences in specimen design and load characteristics that could be expected to result in variability in the observed damage patterns. Selected characteristics are listed in Table 1 and described briefly below. Scale: The specimen scale is computed as the laboratory specimen story height divided by an assumed full-scale story height of 3.05 m. 6 VBE base fixity: The fixity of the VBE bases varied between experimental programs depending on the research objectives and laboratory constraints. Some SPSW test programs utilized fixed-base VBEs while others used large pins to allow free rotation of the VBE bases. This factor impacts the development of plastic hinging at the VBE base, which would be expected in SPSWs with fixed VBE bases but not in those with pinned VBE bases. Web plate thickness: The web plate thickness of each test specimen is given. For the multistory specimen, as noted in the discussion above, some specimen had significantly different damage at each story due to the combination of applied load distribution and web plate thickness. In these cases each story is treated as a separate test specimen, i.e., the specimen from Behbahanifard (2003), Driver et al. (1997) and Lubell (1997), where in the latter two cases only the first story response is considered as there was little damage elsewhere. Thus web plate and specimen properties are given for only the first story in those cases. In the test by Qu et al. (2008) the damage was well-distributed and both stories are treated as one specimen, with story drift corresponding to the maximum of the first or second story drifts. Web plate steel yield strength: The web plate yield strength is the average yield strength value from reported coupon tests. When coupon tests were not reported, the nominal yield strength is listed. Aspect ratio (Lp/hp): The specimen aspect ratio is the length of the web plate, Lp, divided by the height of the web plate, hp; the centerline dimensions of the frame are not considered here. The Lp/tw ratio: The width-to-thickness ratio of the web plate length, Lp, divided by the web plate thickness, tw. HBE-to-VBE connection: Some specimens had fully restrained HBE-to-VBE connections, thereby ensuring complete participation of the boundary frame, while others had partially restrained connections such as shear tab or web angle connections. In general, those specimens with fully restrained connections are more likely to have boundary frame damage as flexural demands from frame action can be significant. Meets certain seismic criteria: This Table 1 entry indicates whether the specimen conformed to certain aspects of the AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC 2005). The specific 7 requirements considered are the compactness requirements for VBEs and HBEs and the VBE stiffness per the requirement: twh 4 I c 0.00307 L (1) where Ic is the moment of inertia of the VBE, h is the centerline height of the VBE and L is the centerline length of the HBE. Also considered was the HBE-to-VBE connection types as only those systems with fully restrained connections are identified as meeting the criteria. However, not all fully restrained connections conform to the requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions, which requires connections used in SPSWs to be prequalified for use in special or intermediate moment resisting frames. Because of specimen scale and inadequate documentation it is difficult to determine whether the connection details in older tests meet prequalification requirements, thus the only distinction that could be made is whether the connections were fully or partially restrained. Further, specimens denoted as meeting certain seismic criteria may have had VBE base connections that did not conform to the AISC Seismic Provisions as those details were again difficult to verify from the literature. Thus, the specimens that are said to meet the certain seismic design criteria may not be completely representative of new construction designed for large seismic demands. DAMAGE STATES AND REPAIR METHODS DAMAGE STATES Twelve damage states were used to describe observed SPSW damage and identify the damage that may be easily linked to repair options. These damage states group together damage that: (i) occurred at comparable drift levels and (ii) resulted in similar severity of damage to the system. The resulting twelve damage states, denoted DS 1 through DS 12, are described below. DS 1: Elastic Web Plate Buckling Web plates undergo elastic shear buckling at low load and drift levels due to their high slenderness ratio. The tension field immediately develops in the web plate as buckling occurs. Typically, there is no strength degradation associated with web plate buckling; some 8 stiffness degradation may occur if the web plate has a very high slenderness ratio. In experiments, web plate buckling is identified visually (Fig. 4a) and is often accompanied by audible popping sounds (Driver et al. 1997). Since this damage state occurs prior to web plate yielding there is no residual web plate buckling when the SPSW returns to its initial position. DS 2: Web Plate Yielding The onset of web plate yielding may be difficult to detect in the laboratory. Researchers often identify web plate yielding by “flaking of whitewash” or the formation of visible lines in the material running across the plate (Fig. 4b). Here web plate yielding is taken as the first mention of yielding in the experimental observations. Therefore, the data are highly variable as some researchers note yielding that is more localized than that noted by others. DS 3: Residual Web Plate Buckling This damage state is defined as the first occurrence of residual buckles that can be visually identified in the specimen after it has returned to zero applied lateral load and, in many cases, is associated with residual drift. This permanent damage indicates that the web plate has yielded and accumulated significant inelastic deformation. As with web plate yielding, identification of the onset of residual web plate buckling is somewhat subjective, with different researchers identifying the onset of this damage state at slightly different buckling magnitudes. Fig. 4c shows residual web plate buckling after several post-yield cycles. DS 4: HBE and/or VBE Yielding This damage state is defined by the first occurrence of yielding anywhere along the length of any HBE or VBE. Here, the drift corresponding to the first mention of any yielding in any of the boundary elements is taken as the drift associated with this damage state. Again identification of onset of this damage state is somewhat subjective, and data are highly variable. In the literature, research use both flaking of whitewash and strain gauge readings to identify boundary elements yielding. Fig. 4d shows flaking of white wash on a VBE that is taken to indicate VBE yielding. DS 5: Initial VBE Local Buckling, and DS 6: Initial HBE Local Buckling For the experiments considered here, local buckling of boundary elements is identified visually. These damage states are reached when local buckling occurs anywhere along any 9 VBE or HBE and on any part of the element’s cross-section. An example of the magnitude of local buckling typically associated with these damage states is shown in Fig. 4e. Typically, local buckling initiates in regions of plastic hinging; these regions are typically located at the ends of the members in properly proportioned SPSWs. However, there are several specimens in the data set in which plastic hinging of boundary elements occurred somewhere other than the member ends. DS 7: VBE Local Buckling Requiring Repair, and DS 8: HBE Local Buckling Requiring Repair These damage states are defined by significant local buckling of VBEs or HBEs requiring repair by heat straightening but not requiring section replacement. Onset of these damage states is determined from photographs and written descriptions of damage provided by researchers. In general, this damage state is assigned when the local buckling is confined to either the web or the flanges of the boundary element, does not result in large distortion of the section, but is significant enough to require repair. While most researchers report the onset of local buckling, most do not provide comprehensive documentation of the progression of local buckling. Thus, identification of these damage states is difficult, and the data set includes relatively few data for these damage states. DS 9: Web Plate Tearing/Cracking This damage state is reached when initial fractures develop in either the web plate or in the welds that connect the web plate to the boundary elements. Tearing often initiates at the welds in the corners of the web plates and may be quite small for several cycles following identification, as shown in Fig. 4f. Tearing can also occur away from the corners of the web plate due to plastic folding along buckling lines. DS 10: VBE Cracking, and DS 11: HBE and HBE-to-VBE Connection Cracking The initiation of cracking in a boundary element connection includes the development of cracks in HBE-to-VBE connection elements such as angles, shear tabs or welds as well as fractures developing in local buckling regions of VBEs or HBEs. The onset of these damage states is associated with the first occurrence of fracture in any of these elements, with the connection elements lumped together with the HBEs. The initial fractures are quite small, as shown in Fig. 4g, but tend to propagate relatively quickly with increasing drift and result in 10 rapid degradation of SPSW strength and stiffness. Most often seen in the literature are cracking of the VBE-to-base plate connection and cracking at the location of local buckling of the VBE flange. DS 12: Connection and/or Boundary Frame Failure The onset of this damage state is associated with buckling or fracture of any boundary elements or connections that is significant enough to require member replacement or that may endanger the stability of the system. This includes section distortions from severe local buckling and significant fracture of HBE-to-VBE connections, as shown in Fig. 4h. This level of damage is typically associated with the end of a test and typically causes a substantial loss of system strength and stiffness. Researchers regularly associated this level of damage with system failure. METHODS OF REPAIR The twelve damage states above were used as a basis for identifying a series of repair states that describe repair activities required to approximately restore a SPSW to preearthquake strength and stiffness. The five proposed repair states, denoted RS 1 through RS 5, are described below and are related to the above damage states as shown in Table 2. RS 1: Cosmetic Repair The first repair state includes all damage states that do not require structural repair. Initial yielding of web plates and boundary elements results in minimal permanent deformation and should not necessitate repair. Thus, this repair state is associated with DSs 1, 2 and 4. DSs 5 and 6 (initial local buckling of boundary frame members) would also be represented in RS 1, however, in all tests considered here DS 2 or 4 occurred prior to DS 5 or 6. RS 2: Replace Web Plate Web plate replacement is required when residual buckling or web plate cracking becomes significant. Even though SPSW strength and drift capacity are not affected by residual buckling, significant residual buckling can result in reduced SPSW stiffness that may lead to unacceptable story drifts under wind loading. Web plate cracking can cause loss of strength and stiffness. Thus, RS 2 is achieved when the first of DS 3 or 9 occurs and in all cases considered here DS 3 occurred at lower drift than DS 9. Web plate replacement is typically 11 accomplished without disturbing the fish plate, or other connection detail, used to connect the web plate to the boundary elements and is a relatively simple repair. RS 3: VBE Repair FEMA 352 (FEMA 2000) recommends that frame members be repaired when local buckling exceeds rolling tolerances. Heat or flame straightening is the preferred method of repair and can be effective for repairing even large buckles. Stiffeners may also be added in the case of web buckling. If heat straightening is not an option, or no workers skilled in the method are available, the damaged portion of the VBE flange can be removed and replaced with a new plate. If VBEs exhibit limited cracking, fracture or tearing (DS 10), repair is also required. For these cases FEMA 352 (FEMA 2000) provides conceptual details for a number of repair options, depending on the extent of the fracture, that range from replacing small sections of flange to replacing longer section of both flange and web. Repair of VBE local buckling or fracture defines a unique repair state as shoring costs associated with VBE repair generally make VBE repair significantly more expensive than HBE or connection repair. This repair state is reached with the onset of either DS 7 (local buckling of VBE) or DS 10 (VBE cracking). RS 4: HBE and Connection Repair As with VBEs, local buckling or limited cracking or fracture of HBEs requires repair to restore stiffness and strength. For HBEs or connections, the repair activities are the same as for VBEs; however, shoring of the member to transfer gravity load around the damaged region and to the foundation is not required. Thus, repair activities for HBEs and connections are significantly less effort and expensive than for VBEs and a unique repair state is proposed for HBE and connection repair. FEMA 352 (FEMA 2000) provides details and procedures for repair of beams and beam-to-column connections in moment resisting frames that are applicable to SPSWs. RS 5: Replace Boundary Elements or Frame This repair state consists of replacing VBEs, large sections of HBEs or the entire SPSW. Typical damage associated with this upper-bound repair includes extreme local buckling of a VBE, global buckling of a VBE, and full connection or member fracture. The damage states associated with this repair state must be severe enough to cause substantial loss of capacity 12 and thus require extensive repairs. For the current study, DS 12, connection and/or boundary frame failure is assumed to trigger this repair state. GENERATION OF FRAGILITY FUNCTIONS In the current study, a fragility function is a cumulative distribution function (CDF) that represents the likelihood a system or component will reach or exceed a specific damage state and, as a result, require a specific method of repair given a specific level of earthquake demand defined by an engineering demand parameter (EDP). The fragility functions presented here define the likelihood that the boundary elements or web plate in a story of a SPSW system will require repair or replacement given the maximum story drift experienced under the simulated earthquake loading. Story damage and maximum story drift are employed to enable use of the fragility functions for prediction of damage for any story in a structure. The experimental data described above are used to determine appropriate lognormal cumulative distribution function parameters, and a standard, statistical goodnessof-fit test is employed to verify the lognormal distribution and computed distribution parameters. OUTLIERS Pierce’s criterion as described in ATC-58 (ATC 2009) is recommended for identifying outliers in collected experimental data to be used in the development fragility functions for performance-based seismic design. Outliers can occur randomly, but they can also be indicative of an error in the testing procedure. In the latter case, it is important to remove the outlier from the data set so that it does not affect the empirical model. Peirce’s criterion was applied separately to the damage state data and repair state data using the full data set in both cases. It was determined that the damage state data set included three outliers, one each in DS 5 (data point from Zhao (2006) Specimen 2), DS 9 (data point from Park et al. (2007) Specimen F2) and DS 12 (data point from Park et al. (2007) F4). These outliers were removed from the damage state statistics described below. No outliers were found in the repair state data. DAMAGE & METHOD OF REPAIR DATA Damage and demand (maximum story drift) data were collected for each specimen in the data set, and damage was related to the method of repair required to restore the system to pre13 earthquake condition. Table 3 lists the median story drift at the onset of each damage state, the coefficient of variation in the drift, and the number of data points. Table 4 provides similar statistics for the repair states, and Fig. 5a shows repair state versus drift. Statistics are provided for the entire dataset and for three groups of specimens: SPSWs designed to meet certain seismic design criteria as described above, non-seismically designed SPSWs, and SPSWs with RBS beam-to-column connections. Specimens were organized into these three groups as these design parameters were found to impact damage progression and required repair. Additional discussion regarding the characteristics of the SPSWs included in these groups is provided below. Note that in using damage state-drift data to generate repair statedrift data sets, if for a single test specimen multiple damage state-drift data points were associated with a particular repair state, only the data point with the lowest drift was included in the repair state dataset. All SPSWs in the total data set with RBS connections also satisfy the seismic design requirements described above and no SPSWs with RBS connections are included in the “meets certain seismic design criteria” dataset. Further, all SPSWs that meet the specified seismic design criteria and do not have RBS connections had fixed VBE bases and thus would be expected to exhibit proper VBE damage states due to the development of plastic hinges at the bases. Therefore, the statistics for the group “meets certain seismic design criteria” should be applicable to most modern SPSW designs that do not have RBS connections. The dataset of SPSWs with RBS connections contains data from four tests with different characteristics: three single story SPSW tests from Vian and Bruneau (2005) that, as described above, had different web plates (standard, perforated, and with reinforced corner cutouts), and one two-story SPSW with a fixed base from Qu et al. (2008) that was tested with pseudo-dynamic loading prior to cyclic loading to failure. Since these tests have such different characteristics, their damage state and repair state statistics are reported for the group as a whole but fragility functions will not be developed due to the lack of data for similar configurations. In the dataset for non-seismically designed SPSWs there are three specimens with pinned VBE bases, and all of these also had large boundary elements which remained essentially elastic during the tests. Damage and repair state data for those specimens are included in the statistics and fragility functions for the non-seismic design group. Although the pinned base specimens did not suffer boundary frame damage and do 14 not appear in the statistics for those damage states, they did have web plate damage, and in one case had HBE-to-VBE connection damage, therefore contributing to the statistics for those damage states. A preliminary review of the data in Tables 3 and 4 and Fig. 5a shows the following. First, the median drift at onset increases with increasing damage and repair state number, indicating that the chosen ordering of the states is appropriate and is consistent with progressive damage. Second, the data in Table 4 and Fig. 5 show, for some repair states, a relatively small drift differential between the onset of one repair state and the next; for some applications it may be appropriate to combine the damage data into fewer repair states so that the drift differential between repair states is larger. Third, the data in Table 4 and Fig. 5a show that for most repair states there are a sufficient number of data points to enable calibration of fragility functions, with the exception of the SPSW with RBS connection group which was discussed above. IMPACT OF SPSW PARAMETERS ON REPAIR STATE DATA The SPSW test specimens in the assembled data set span a wide range of design parameters. The impact of various parameters on damage progression was investigated to determine if different suites of fragility functions should be developed for SPSWs with different design parameters. Specimen parameters investigated and discussed here include the whether the SPSW met certain seismic design criteria as described above (which includes HBE and VBE compactness requirements), VBE base fixity, HBE-to-VBE connection type, web plate aspect ratio, width-to-thickness ratio of web plates, and test specimen scale. Fig. 5b shows repair state versus story drift with data sorted on the basis of whether the specimens met the specific seismic design criteria described above or not with SPSWs with RBS HBE-to-VBE connections separated; Table 4 shows the median and COV values for the sorted data. These data show that RS 2 (Replace Web Plate) occurs at lower drifts in specimens that met certain seismic design criteria and that RS 3 occurs at larger drifts. The lower drifts associated with RS 2 are likely due to the larger stiffness of the boundary frame members in SPSWs that meet the seismic design requirements, such frames would not be expected to deform significantly under the pull-in action of the tension field in the web plate and, as a result, could be expected to develop larger web-plate tension strains and exhibit 15 earlier web plate yielding at lower story drifts. The increase in drift for RS 3 (VBE Repair) for specimens that met the specified seismic design criteria could also be expected since local buckling is delayed with the more stringent seismic compactness requirements. However, there are only 5 data points defining the median drifts for RS 3, so this observation cannot be considered statistically significant. Fig. 5b and Table 4 provide repair state data for test specimens that have RBS HBE-toVBE connections. These data show that only specimens with RBS connections exhibit HBE damage requiring repair (RS 4). For specimens without RBS connections, accumulation of VBE damage typically resulted in system failure. The purpose of the RBS connections is to protect the VBEs, and failure of SPSW test specimens with RBS connections resulted from fracture at the RBS rather than buckling or fracture of the VBEs. Thus, the data show that the introduction of RBS connections was successful in protecting the VBEs. The impact on damage and repair of the VBE base connection was also examined. While collecting drift-damage data from the literature, it was observed that failure of the VBE baseplate connection and/or weld was common. This failure mode was observed in multiple specimens tested by Choi and Park (2009), Park et al. (2007), Zhao (2006), and Chen (1991). Failure of the VBE base-plate connection was typically observed at story drifts of 2-2.5% when it occurred. Fig. 5c compares the occurrence of the five repair states for specimens with and without fixed base VBE conditions. As shown, base fixidity appears to affect RS 2, RS 4 and RS 5. However, there are only six non-fixed base specimens in the data set (one each from Timler and Kulak (1983), Tromposch and Kulak (1987), and Berman and Bruneau (2003), and three from Vian and Bruneau (2005)). Of those, the specimens from Timler and Kulak (1983) and Tromposch and Kulak (1987) were not tested to drifts large enough to reach either RS 4 or RS 5. The specimen from Berman and Bruneau (2003) had partially restrained HBE-to-VBE connections and the specimens from Vian and Bruneau (2005) had RBS VBE-to-HBE connections. In the latter four tests there was no VBE damage as they were protected by the weaker connections and ultimate failure was due to the connections. Thus, the data are not statistically significant and do not provide conclusive evidence of the impact of VBE base fixity on performance. In addition to the parameters discussed above, the impact on damage and repair of specimen scale, panel aspect ratio, and web plate width-to-thickness ratio was also 16 investigated. These parameters were found to have no discernable impact on the drift levels at which the various repair states occur. It should be noted that the range of SPSW panel aspect ratios in the data set is small, ranging from 1.0 to 2.5; thus, results may differ for panel aspect ratios outside this range. Also, the web plate width-to-thickness ratios for the specimens in the data set are all large, ranging from 223 to 3350, with the result that specimens exhibited negligible shear buckling strength; thus, results may differ for SPSWs that have smaller width-to-thickness ratios and, therefore, larger shear buckling strengths. On the basis of the above observations about the impact on damage progression and required repair of various SPSW design parameters, suites of fragility functions were developed using the entire data set as well as data for specimens that i) satisfy the selected seismic design requirements described above and do not have RBS connections, and ii) do not satisfy the selected seismic design requirements. Because so few data points existed for non-fixed-base specimens, a unique suite of fragilities was not developed for these specimens and data for non-fixed-base specimens were merged with those for fixed-base specimens. Similarly, fragilities were not developed for SPSWs with RBS connections at this time due to insufficient data. However, the authors are developing an online database, to be uploaded to NEESHub (, which will enable the development and update of the fragility parameters as new data becomes available. CALIBRATION OF FRAGILITY FUNCTIONS USING THE METHOD OF MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD Cumulative distribution functions (CDF) were developed using the data sets for each RS. To facilitate use in practice, drift data were assumed to be lognormally distributed with CDF ln x x Fx x where (2) is the standard normal distribution, x is the median drift, and x is the standard deviation of the natural log of the drift, which is often referred to as the dispersion. Distribution parameters were determined from the data using the Method of Maximum Likelihood as implemented in Matlab (Mathworks 2008). The Method of Maximum Likelihood employs the likelihood function, L: 17 n L f x ( xi , x , x ) (3) i 1 where f x ( xi , x , x ) is the lognormal probability distribution function for the random variable. The method determines the distribution parameters that “make the observed data the most likely”. Using this approach, the computed distribution parameters do not include errors associated with estimating the population mean and standard deviation from the sample data set. Table 5 lists distribution parameter, x and x, computed using experimental data and the Method of Maximum Likelihood. These values are similar to those listed in Table 4. With the exception of the fragility for RS1 and the entire data set, none of the lognormal fragilities defined by the x and x values listed in Table 5 pass the Lilliefors goodness-of-fit test at the 5% significance level. For use in practice, a second dispersion values, β, was determined following the recommendations of ATC-58 (ATC 2009); here β = √β2x + β2u where βx is the dispersion computed using the collected data and the Method of Maximum Likelihood and βu is taken equal to 0.25 for all cases to account for additional uncertainty associated with representation of in situ conditions and, as appropriate, the limited nature of the experimental data set. This second dispersion value, , is also listed in Table 5. RECOMMENDED FRAGILITY FUNCTIONS Table 6 lists lognormal distribution parameters recommended for use in practice for predicting the performance of SPSWs. These parameters were determined from the data listed in Table 5 using engineering judgment. Recommend values are provided for SPSWs that meet the certain aspects of the AISC Seismic Design Provisions (AISC 2005) described above, without RBS connections. These fragilities are considered to be appropriate for use for some new and some existing construction. Recommendations are provided also for SPSWs that do not meet AISC Seismic Design Provisions, as described above; these are considered to be appropriate for use for existing SPSWs that have non-moment resisting HBE-to-VBE connections. 18 The parameters in Table 6 were developed from the empirical data in Table 5 using engineering judgment and reflect the impact of key design characteristics on SPSW performance. For RS 1 (Cosmetic Repair), the dispersion values in Table 5 were reduced to define a uniformly high rate of uncertainty for all types of SPSWs. For RS 2 (Web Plate Replacement), the data in Table 5 show that SPSWs designed to satisfy specified seismic provisions require web plate replacement at lower story drifts than non-seismic frames. As previously discussed, SPSW meeting the specified seismic requirements have compact and stiffer HBEs and VBEs, resulting in smaller frame deformations, larger web plate strains and onset of RS 2 at lower drifts. Note that the data for the SPSWs with RBS connections in Table 4 would imply larger median drifts for RS 3 and 5 when such connections are used, however, due to the lack of data, unique fragilities were not developed for them. Further, HBE damage requiring repair was not observed in SPSW without RBS connections; thus, for these systems, no fragility function was developed for RS 4. However, as shown in Table 4, RS 4 was observed for SPSWs with RBS connections suggesting that when additional data becomes available, fragility functions for RS 4 for such systems should be developed. Figure 6 shows the recommended lognormal fragility functions for each RS and each of the three data sets described above as well as the discrete fragility functions defined by the raw experimental data. As previously discussed, for RS 3 and RS 4, fragilities were developed and experimental data exist only for subsets of the complete data set. The data show that the recommended functions provide a reasonable fit to the experimental data, with additional dispersion introduced per the recommendations of ATC-58. It is important to note that improved SPSW design for optimal seismic performance is still an active research topic. There are a number of ongoing experimental and analytical research projects that will likely improve the data set, and in particular, result in larger drifts at failure when particular details are employed. The use of RBS HBE-to-VBE connections represents one such innovation that has already resulted in improved performance, although the specifics of the design process are still being developed to maximize the drifts at failure. The fragility functions developed here represent the use of the data available to date and can be updated with available statistical procedures when new data becomes available. 19 CONCLUSIONS Data on the performance of SPSW has been collected and analyzed. Observations from experiments and an understanding of the system’s behavior have led to the development of damage states and repair states, the latter linking the observed damage to the difficulty of the subsequent repair. Five repair states are proposed that cover the full range of SPSW repairs that may be expected following a seismic event, from cosmetic repair to member or frame replacement. A data set consisting of results from 33 individual tests was developed and damage and repair state information were extracted where available. Using the collected experimental data, two sets of fragility functions were developed for the proposed repair states. First, the Method of Maximum Likelihood was used to directly calculate the fragility parameters from the data. Then, using the statistical results, engineering judgment regarding the behavior of SPSWs, and increased dispersion as recommended by ATC-58, recommended fragility functions for use in performance-based designed were proposed. The resulting functions may be used in performance-based design of SPSWs to predict the performance state of a SPSW following earthquake loading and, in combination with cost-estimating data, to predict the cost and time required to complete structural repair of the earthquake damaged system. The resulting functions can be easily updated as new data become available. REFERENCES AISC, 2005. Seismic Design Provisions for Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC 341-05, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL. ATC, 2009. Guidelines for Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, ATC 58, 50% Draft, Applied Technology Council, Redwood, CA. Behbahanifard, M.R., 2003. Cyclic Behaviour of Unstiffened Steel Plate Shear Walls. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Alberta. Berman, J.W. and Bruneau, M. (2003). Experimental Investgation of Light-Gauge Steel Plate Shear Walls for the Seismic Retrofit of Buildings. Report MCEER-03-0001, MCEER, Buffalo, NY. Berman, J.W. and Bruneau, M. (2008). Capacity Design of Vertical Boundary Elements in Steel Plate Shear Walls. Engineering Journal, 45, 57-71. 20 Chen, R., 1991. Cyclic Behavior of Unstiffened Thin Steel Plate Shear Walls. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maine. Driver, R.G., Kulak, D.J, Kennedy, D.J.L. and Elwi, A.E., 1997. Seismic Behavior of Steel Plate Shear Walls. Structural Engineering Report 215, University of Alberta. FEMA, 2000. FEMA 352 Recommended Post-earthquake Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C. Lubell, A.S., 1997. Performance of Unstiffened Steel Plate Shear Walls Under Cyclic QuasiStatic Loading. MS Thesis. University of British Columbia. Mathworks, 2008. MatLab User’s Manual. Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA. Park, H.G., Kwack, J.H., Jeon, S.W., Kim, W.K. and Choi, I.R., 2007. Framed Steel Plate Shear Wall Behavior under Cyclic Lateral Loading. Journal of Structural Engineering 133, 378-388. Choi, I.R. and Park, H.G., 2009. Steel Plate Walls with Various Infill Plate Designs. Journal of Structural Engineering 135, 785-796. Qu, B., Bruneau, M., and Tsai, K.C., 2008. Experimental Investigation of Full-Scale TwoStory Steel Plate Shear Walls with Reduced Beam Section Connections. Report MCEER-080010, MCEER, Buffalo, NY. Sabelli, R. and Bruneau, M., 2007. AISC Design Guide 20: Steel Plate Shear Walls, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Illinois, 2007. Thorburn, L. J., Kulak, G. L., and Montgomery, C. J., 1983. Analysis of Steel Plate Shear Walls. Structural Engineering Rep. No. 107, University of Alberta. Timler, P. A. and Kulak, G. L., 1983. Experimental Study of Steel Plate Shear Walls. Structural Engineering Rep. No. 114, University of Alberta. Tromposch, E.W. and Kulak, G. L. 1987. Cyclic and Static Behavior of Thin Panel Steel Plate Shear Walls. Structural Engineering Rep. No. 145, University of Alberta. Vian, D. and Bruneau, M., 2005. Steel Plate Shear Walls for Seismic Design and Retrofit of Building Structures. Report MCEER-05-0010, MCEER, Buffalo, NY. Zhao, Q. Experimental and Analytical Studies of Cyclic Behavior of Steel and Composite Shear Wall Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of California, Berkley. 2006. 21 Table 1. Design Details for Experimental Test Specimens Specimen Scale ID Behb 1 Behb 2 Behb 3 Berman Chen M22 Chen M14 Chen M12 Chen S22 Chen S14 Chen W Chen O Driver1 Lubell 1 Lubell 2 Lubell 41 Park F2 Park F4 Park B1 Park B2 Park S2 Park S4 Park S6 Park W4 Park W6 Timler 1 Tromp 1 Vian S2 Vian P Vian CR Zhao 1 Zhao 2 Qu2 VBE Base Fixity Web Plate Thickness (mm) 60% - Fixed 60% 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% 60% 30% 30% 30% 38% 38% 38% 38% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 82% 72% 66% 66% 66% 50% 50% 130% Pinned Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Pinned Fixed Fixed Fixed 4.8 3.4 3.4 1.0 0.8 1.8 2.5 0.8 1.8 0.8 0.8 4.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 5.0 3.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 6.4 9.1 1st:3.2 2nd: 2.3 Web Aspect Lp/tw HBE-VBE Plate Ratio Connection Fy (Lp/hp) (MPa) 359 1.8 571 Fully 269 812 269 812 241 2.5 3350 Partially 306 1.3 1510 Fully 291 1.3 603 Fully 295 1.3 430 Fully 306 1.3 1507 Partially 332 1.3 603 Partially 261 1.5 1770 Fully 276 1.3 1510 Fully 359 1.8 571 Fully 320 1.0 551 Fully 320 1.0 551 Fully 320 1.0 551 Fully 300 2.2 552 Fully 300 2.2 552 Fully 300 1.6 552 Fully 300 1.6 552 Fully 351 1.6 750 Fully 392 1.6 376 Fully 377 1.6 250 Fully 392 1.5 376 Fully 377 1.5 250 Fully 228 1.7 688 Partially 262 1.6 751 Partially 165 2.3 1360 RBS 165 2.3 1360 RBS 165 2.3 1360 RBS 248 2.0 324 Fully 248 2.0 223 Fully 248 1.0 1st:1160 RBS 2nd: 1610 Peak Story Drift (%) 3.00 - Meets Certain Seismic Criteria NO - 3.65 1.86 2.02 1.72 1.82 1.20 2.02 2.02 3.08 6.70 5.44 1.64 5.40 5.30 3.60 3.60 3.40 2.60 2.60 1.70 1.30 1.12 0.80 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.20 3.20 5.20 NO YES YES NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES Notes: 1. Only data for the 1st story of the test specimen were used. 2. Web plate thickness was different for 1st and 2nd stories; these thickness are provided. Data for both both stories were used 22 Table 2: Damage States vs. Repair States 1 Associated Damage State 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 2 3, 9 3 7, 10 4 8, 11 5 12 Repair State Table 3: Damage state data (in % drift). Meets Certain Seismic Criteria All Data DS Median COV Non-Seismic Design RBS # of # of # of # of Median COV Median COV Median COV points points points points 1 0.19 0.71 17 0.19 0.64 8 0.55 0.51 6 0.10 0.00 3 2 0.34 0.44 17 0.50 0.39 5 0.35 0.49 10 0.30 0.00 2 3 0.73 0.37 11 0.50 0.29 3 0.88 0.14 5 0.30 0.43 3 4 0.76 0.48 12 0.85 0.25 4 0.77 0.53 5 0.30 0.43 3 5 0.90 0.21 3 - - 0 0.90 0.21 3 - - 0 6 1.35 0.39 4 - - 0 1.18 0.00 1 1.50 0.39 3 7 1.60 0.23 3 1.60 0.00 1 1.44 0.32 2 - - 0 8 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 9 1.61 0.42 16 1.64 0.37 8 1.32 0.45 7 2.00 0.00 1 10 1.75 0.42 3 1.75 0.42 3 - - 0 - - 0 11 2.75 0.13 2 - - 0 - - 0 2.75 0.13 2 12 3.00 0.23 13 2.96 0.24 7 3.08 0.27 4 3.25 0.11 2 23 Table 4: Repair state data (in % drift). Meets Certain Seismic Criteria All Data RS Median COV Non-Seismic Design RBS # of # of # of # of Median COV Median COV Median COV points points points points 1 0.35 0.48 19 0.50 0.39 5 0.37 0.51 11 0.30 0.00 3 2 0.73 0.37 9 0.50 0.29 3 0.88 0.14 5 0.60 0.00 1 3 1.60 0.16 5 1.60 0.17 3 1.44 0.32 2 - - 0 4 2.75 0.13 2 - - 0 - - 0 2.75 0.13 2 5 3.00 0.28 12 3.00 0.30 6 3.08 0.28 4 3.25 0.11 2 Table 5: Repair state statistics (in % drift). Meets Certain Seismic Criteria All Data Non-Seismic Design RS x x x x x x 1 0.40 0.49 0.55 0.42 0.44 0.50 0.43 0.56 0.61 2 0.72 0.26 0.36 0.58 0.27 0.37 0.85 0.14 0.29 3 1.46 0.21 0.33 1.51 0.18 0.31 1.40 0.33 0.41 4 2.74 0.13 0.28 - - - - - - 5 2.83 0.28 0.37 2.73 0.31 0.40 2.85 0.30 0.39 Table 6: Recommended values (in % drift). Meets Certain Seismic Criteria Non-Seismic Design RS rec rec rec rec 1 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 2 0.60 0.30 0.90 0.30 3 1.50 0.30 1.40 0.30 4 - - - - 5 2.75 0.30 2.75 0.30 24 Figure Captions Figure 1. SPSW configuration and nomenclature. Figure 2. Shear buckling and diagonal field orientation during testing by Berman and Bruneau (2005). Figure 3. Base shear vs. drift for SPSWs with (a) partially restrained HBE-to-VBE connections from Berman and Bruneau (2005) and (b) fully restrained HBE-to-VBE connections (Vian and Bruneau 2005). Figure 4. (a) Elastic web plate buckling during testing (Berman and Bruneau 2005); (b) web plate yielding (Vian 2005); white arrow shows a visible line in the web plate material; (c) residual plate buckling (Berman and Bruneau 2005), (d) VBE yielding (Vian 2005), (e) HBE local buckling (Vian 2005), (f) web plate cracking (Vian 2005), (g) HBE cracking (Vian 2005), and (g) RBS connection failure (Vian 2005). Figure 5. Repair state data vs. story drift for: (a) all data, (b) all data sorted by whether the specimens were designed to meet certain seismic design criteria and had RBS connections, and (c) all data sorted by fixed and non-fixed base tests. Figure 6. Recommended SPSW fragility functions and comparison with experimental data for: (a) SPSWs meeting certain seismic design criteria and (b) non-seismic design. 25