Jl. Komando IV No. 6
Karet, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Telephone : +62 85720502217
Email :
Place/date of birth: July 1th, 1985
Nationality: Indonesian
Passport: V689778
National ID: 6402060107850036
I have been working as an IT consultant since early before graduated in middle of year 2005 which lets me earn many
experiences in both Open Source and Microsoft .Net technology. As well as been involved in all software development life
cycle. Until recently the clients are banking, health and financial industries.
I started my career as a Developer, assigned myself to work with Indonesian NGO, Rumah Zakat Indonesia in Marketing
Communication Department, as Web Developer.
Early 2008, I started involved in Consultant Companies, as Team Leader (April 2008 – December 2008) with 4 Team
members, Developer (March 2009 – June 2009). Team Leader (Oct 2009 – April 2010), Developer (April 2010 – May 2010),
Developer (May 2010 – August 2010), Developer (August 2010 – October 2010), Business Analyst (January 2011 – May
2011), Flash Developer (May 2011), Flash Developer (June 2011).
From August 2011 to September 2012, I started to be involved in banking Industries, as an IT Support Team at Bank ANZ
Indonesia, to replace position of a Team Leader (Application Support & Software Development).
Since September 2012, I became Process Improvement in HRSS – Human Resource Shared Service, also formerly known as
CES – Citibank Employee Services at Citibank Indonesia. My the latest project here related to the software development
was enhancing a .Net desktop application called OSMIS (Outsourcing Management Information System) as Project
Manager and extending HRMS ( HR Management System) for insurance enrollment within internal website called “Citi For
You” .
When doing projects, my focus is to deliver solution to my customers, rather than just provide them a software package. I
do this because based on my observation sometimes an IT consultant only provide software, but not give a real solution for
their customer, so the customer can’t get additional value from the project.
Beside technical skills, I also develop my communication and leadership/managerial skills. Especially when I was assigned
at ANZ, I always tried to create good communication channel with all business team. I love to interact with them. Explain
them about the solution, project progress, etc.
Bachelor Degree in System Information Technology Major, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Informatika Sony Sugema
(GPA: 3.01)
Java Fundamental, InformIT
TOEFL Score: 533
Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Developer Day, Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Workshop Game from Nokia, Mall Premier Building, Bandung
Workshop Cloud Computing, Mulia Hotel, Jakarta
IBM Websphere Training, Graha BIP Building 7th Floor, Gatot Subroto Street Kav. 23, Jakarta 12930
XBRL, Altova & Aurele Readiness Bank Indonesia Reporting Training, Bank Indonesia Building, Jakarta
Project Management/Modelling Tools
PMBOK , Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio, Rational Rose,
Programming Language
Microsoft .Net (C#, VB.Net), PHP, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft Access
Rumah Zakat Indonesia (Indonesian NGO) (
August 2005 – March 2008
PT. Tekno Multi Utama (Software Consultant Company) (
April 2008 – December 2008
PT. Gagas Daya Imaji (Software Consultant Company) (
March 2009 – June 2009
PT. Idea Imaji Persada (Software Consultant Company) (
October 2009 – April 2010
PT. Metric Design (Software Consultant Company) (
April 2010 – May 2010
PT. Gagas Daya Imaji (Software Consultant Company) (
May 2010 – May 2010
PT. Tri Teknologi Inoviasi (Software Consultant Company) (
May 2010 – August 2010
Fadliah Hasanah (Private Company) (
August 2010 – October 2010
CDI, Sdn Bhd (Malaysian Telemarketing Company)
November 2010 – December 2010
PT. Creatio Mega Asia (Software Consultant Company) (
January 2011 – May 2011
PT. Zigra (Software Consultant Company) (
May 2011 – May 2011
Leo Papilaya (Private Company) (
June 2011 – June 2011
PT. Metrodata Integrasi Informatika (Software Company) ( /
August 2011 – September 2012
PT. Asia Outsourcing Services (Outsourcing Company) (
September 2012 – Present
Harli Djunaedi (Private Company) (
January 2013 - May 2013
- Depkominfo Portal. (Ideaimaji, November 2009 – January 2010)
Assignment: Developer Team Leader, System Analyst
Develop external website for Indonesian Ministry of Information Technology and also providing additional feature limited
only for their internal to support their service for public. With manage 3 members in developer team. We were able to
overcome the pressure.
- Yayasan Pendidikan Cendana School Portal. (Innovasi Tri Tek, May 2010 – August 2010)
Assignment: Developer Team Leader, System Analyst
Enhance school application website portal for local foundation of Chevron the oil company complex school in Riau,
Sumatra Island. This online application covers end to end school process, student registration to student reporting every
semester and absence also grades.
- Application Support and Development. (ANZ Panin Bank, August 2011 – August 2012)
Assignment: Team Leader
Develop software and also providing support to be used as satellite applications. Manage 4 member in software developer
team and 5 members in application support team. We were strictly under regulation of prefer using Microsoft technology
to create new software. The task we did is including:
1. Developing software
2. Allocating resources
3. Providing support for existing system
4. Implementing new system
We have done many application developments done, such as:
ANZ AutoDebet
ANZ need to enhance their business, therefore they’re going to launch AutoDebet System (using NISP link). To
support it, business and operation team need an application to manage the customer registration, bills and the
SKN, ATM Bersama, Free Cirrus Super Rewards
ANZ is going to launch new product, Super Rewards. To get customer interested, ANZ create program so that if
customer’s balance is greater than some value, customer will get free of charge of some transactions.
SID is a common regulatory reporting tool for each banking institution in Indonesia.
And we also support large, small and existing satellite applications, such as:
ANZ Wealth
Lending PC
Sentra Pay
Jatis SMS Gateway
Jatis CSS
Anti Money Laundry Scenario Manager
Large Management ANZ Wealth Transactions
Collection Activity
Call Center for Credit Card Activity
Credit Card Initiation
Installment Activity
Card Product Payment Activity
Centralized Payment, Electricity,
SMS Gateway
Costumer Statement Sheets
XML Generator for BI Reporting Standard
Relation Management Workstation System
Dormant Charges
Personal Loan Payment
Regulatory Reporting Tool / Bridged V+
Fraud Management Database System
Facility Management System
Card & Print Pin Maintenance
Recovery Management System
Sistem Informasi Debitur Processing
Time Deposit Aplicaiton System
Card Product System Converter
- Migration from Local Machine Server to Virtual Machine Server (ANZ Panin Bank, February 2012 – March 2012)
Assignment : Team Leader
Technology: Visual Basic .Net, PHP, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Server 2003 R, J2EE, IBM Websphere
ANZ Bank has bought its own cloud and would like to put all of the application reinstalled and configured into it, managing
this without catastrophic for the users within just one month for whole bank application. The whole management in
infrastructure and application are together completing this project; consisted of more than 10 persons involved before the
BVT, SIT, and UAT in place.
- Norkom Anti Money Laundring System Enhancement Scenario. (ANZ Panin Bank, June 2012 – August 2012)
Assignment : Administrator, Scenario Manager
While responsible for managing this Anti Money Laundring (AML) System as administrator, despite of lack of
documentation from the software vendor, I showed that I can learn fast to manage it. When the new policy came to
stricken the threshold as the company grows this project is done by enhance the custom scenario.
- NEMS – Non Employee Management System. (Citibank, Sept 2012 – Present)
Assignment : Administrator, EDP, Data Management, Reporting Utility
NEMS is a PeopleSoft web based application which considered only for Non Direct Staff of Citibank Employee. Despite lack
of training available and uncooperative users in the company itself, I showed that I can learn fast to manage it.
- HRMS – Human Resource Management System. (Citibank, January 2012 – Present)
Assignment : Administrator, EDP, Data Management, Reporting Utility
HRMS is a PeopleSoft web based on application which considered only to be use for Direct Staff of Citibank Employee.
Within itself, Citi bankers are usually having a lot to manage, starting from Cost Center transfer, Supervisor Changes,
Rewards, and converting from Non Direct Staffs or Interns. This large employee application is directly connected globally
per regional, and it’s Global Directories, Global Data Warehouse.
- Enhancement OSMIS – Outsourcing Information System. (Citibank, December 2012 – February 2013)
Assignment: Project Manager, Business/System Analyst. Technology: Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic 6.0, Ms Access 2007
OSMIS is a .NET desktop application to manage the Non Direct Staff managed by Citi Human Resource Shared Service only.
The project is to rebuild the the applications with additional functions to meet new VAT policy, ensure that they can count
invoice approval in time, within mapped cost center and department code also with its insurance calculation, which must
be running well in both XP and Win 7 operating system.
- Enhancement STRA Portal – Surat Tanda Registrasi Apoteker. (Depkes, January 2013 – May 2013)
Assignment: Programmer, Business/System Analyst. Technology: PHP, PEAR, Javascript, Jquery, HTML, MySQL
Indonesian Ministry of Health was putting a front for registration and distributing the certificates of pharmacist online. This
must be based on the campus where they were getting the pharmacist degree.
Interactive CD Report, Flash based desktop application written in AS2 and enhanced with SwishMax and
Macromedia Flash MX.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Written in pure ActionScript2 and SQLite.
KTK MABS, Web based multi-agent shipping document simulator for Marunda Navy High-School in Jakarta.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Lead, Implementation. Technology: Written in Object Oriented PHP5 (ARTHIPESA
Framework) and MySQL AB.
PUSKIM - Intra Apps, Intranet Application specifically designed for Dept. PU in their internal communication
and data transfer.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Written in ActionScript 3(Flex Framework),
PHP5 (ARTHIPESA Framework), and MySQL AB.
Mobile Yellowpages, Web mobile-based application for searching directory of phone number and addresses
listed on Yellopages.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: XHTML Mobile Profile 2.0 Enhancement,
PHP5, ARTHIPESA Framework, and MySQL AB.
YPC Boarding School, Web based all in one application from submission to each semester’s reports until
graduated each grade from elementary level until high school level.
Assignment: Enhancement, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Pure Object Oriented PHP5,
JQuery and MySQL.
Interactive CD Education Tutorial, Flash based desktop thematic tutorial enhanced.
Assignment: Enhancement, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: ActionScript 3 (Flex
framework and SQLite).
ERP Cipaganti Group, Web based ERP for Cipaganti Group from human resources, presales, inventories and
Assignment: Analysis, Support, Enhancement. Technology: PHP5 (CodeIgniter framework), JQuery, and Microsoft
SQL Server.
O2CMS, Web based content management system purposed for building website such blog, company profile,
and membership contents mimicking a lot of other functions in CMS such Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: PHP5 (CodeIgniter framework), and MySQL.
Shorter, Develop web based URL shorter similar to and
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: PHP5, and MySQL.
MrMacro MIDANZ, Macro tools purposed for migrating/automate from/to Excel-AS400.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel),
MrMacro SVS, Macro tools purposed for migrating from SAS to Finacle.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel), SAS,
Java Website.
MrMacro Norkom, Macro tools purposed for generated data for Norkom (anti – money laundry) scenario test.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel).
MrMacro Pre-Employment Screening, Macro tools purposed for validating Pre-Employment Screening data.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel),
MrMacro Invoice Generator, Macro tools purposed for generating invoice journal from outsource vendor.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel).
MrMacro NEMS Inputter, Macro tools purposed for validating and automate data entry to PeopleTools based
web (NEMS – Non Employee Management System).
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel),
People Tools.
MrMacro NEMS AutoRenamer, Macro tools purposed for renaming many files at once, limitless to file
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel).
MrMacro NEMS Authorizer, Macro tools purposed for verification many excel files at once.
Assignment: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Support. Technology: Visual Basic for Administration (Excel).