
Supplementary Material for the manuscript:
Dimer ion formation and inter-molecular fragmentation of 1,2-diacylglycerols revealed
by electrospray FT-ICR-MS for more comprehensive lipids analysis
1. MS spectrum of 1-Stearoyl-2-palmitoyl-sn-glycerol:
2. MS/MS spectra for the isolated [2M-H]─ dimer ion at several collision energies
Collision energy: 2eV
Collision energy: 4eV
Collision energy: 6eV
Collision energy: 8eV
Collision energy: 10eV
Collision energy: 12eV
3. Complexity of the implemented biological matrices
Mass spectra of the pure biological matrices: A) Egg yolk 1:800,
B ) 100-fold
enlarged view of the Egg yolk 1:800 mass spectrum C) Plasma 1:400 D) 10-fold
enlarged view of the 1:400 blood plasma mass spectrum.