Brown`s Language Stages

BROWN’S LANGUAGE STAGES; Language & Literacy Objectives for AAC Users*
Brown’s Language Stage
Core Word
Vocabulary Size Examples
& Utterance
Length in
Language Objectives (not
Literacy & Learning Objectives-Not
Comprehensive-see standards
Grade Specific (CCSS, CCEE, or ECSQ)
(not stage specific-highlight targets)
Stage 1:
Single Words
Symbolic language for
communication in just beginning.
The emergent communicator is
learning to direct activities,
comment, request, and label.
Most utterances are 1 word—a
comment or a one word sentence!
Up to 75 words
Stage 2:
MLU range: 1.5 –
2.5, Mean 2.0
1.Early Learning Expectation: Emergent
A. In comprehension strategies: Retell a few
important events and ideas heard from
written materials
1.A.1 Enlarge vocabularies
1.A.2 Use different strategies for understanding
written materials; making predictions, using
structure, linking self and experiences, asking
1.A.3 Demonstrate reading-like behaviors with
familiar written materials; labelling, telling
connected stories using book language, using
patterns and vocabulary inn text…
1.A.4 Talk about preferences for favorite
authors, kinds of books and topics
Begins to combine words to make
phrases. Some utterances still 1
word but more 2 – 3 word.
Stage 3:
More 2-3 word utterances than 1
word utterances. Learns to use
morphemes, the smallest unit of
meaning, to change words, i.e.
adding –ing to verbs. Phrases and
sentences may not be
grammatically correct. May say “I
going”. Begins to use prepositions
such as in & on. Begins to use
plurals at this stage, and may over
generalize, i.e. may say foots
instead of feet.
Go, that, help
more, stop,
Want more,
want that, need
help, mom go
75 – 200+ words
MLU range: 2.53.0, Mean 2.75
200 – 1000 words
I coming in, I
helping, going in,
he riding, look it
going, my cars
Will speak using single words
Will increase the number of words
he/she uses meaningfully
Will speak single words to direct
another’s actions
Will express single words to express
Will speak single words to express
Will combine 2-3 words in phrases
Will increase the number of words
he/she uses meaningfully
Will use 2-3 word phrases to direct
another person’s actions, express
negatives, requests, comment…
Will use simple complete sentences.
Will increase the # of words he or
she uses meaningfully.
Will show knowledge of plural noun
concept by adding plural to nouns.
Will speak in simple complete
sentences to direct another
person’s actions
Will use negatives in simple sentences
Will add ing to verbs
Will use prepositions in & on
Will combine verbs with –ing &
prepositions, i.e. going in
Will use simple pronoun + verb phrases
Will use infinitives (to + verb) to
complete statements-i.e. I like to play.
2. Early Learning Expectation: Writing Skills
2.2 Use a variety of forms of early writing (e.g.
scribbling, drawing, use of letter strings, copied
environmental pring) & move towards the
beginning of phonetic &/or conventional
2.4 Represent their own or imaginary
experiences through writing
2.5 Begin to write familiar words such as their
own names
2.6 Attempt to read or pretend to read what
they have written to friends, family members
and others
*Extension of Appendix F: Brown’s Language Stages, LAMP Training Module
**CCSS Common Core State Standards; CCEE Common Core Essential Elements; ECSQ-P Early Childhood Standards of Quality for pre-kindergarten; ECSQ-IF Infant & Toddler
BROWN’S LANGUAGE STAGES; Language & Literacy Objectives for AAC Users*
Stage 4:
Sentence forms increase to include
yes/no questions and WH
questions. Learns to use common
past tense verbs not ending in –ed,
such as “saw”. Later on, the
person will become aware of the
grammar rule that most past tense
verbs end in –ed, & may over
generalize, i.e. “comed” & “goed”.
Begins to use possessive endings,
i.e. “cat’s ball”.
Linking verbs that are not in
contractions also appear this
stage; am, is…
Stage 5:
Learns to use the articles “a” and
“the”. The concept of past tense
becomes more refined. They learn
that some verbs are irregular and
don’t use –ed as a past tense
ending. Begins to use verbs that
end in –s for third person regular
present tense.
Range: 3.0 – 3.75
Mean: 3.5
I saw bird.
Daddy’s car, car
goed, I fell down,
It is hot, Where
is it?, Don’t want
1,000 to 2,000
Range: 3.75 – 4.5
Mean: 4.0
They are coming,
They’re not here
The bird in tree,
It’s time to go.
My dog barks.
Will increase the number of words he
or she uses meaningfully
Will ask simple –WH questions
Will use common irregular verbs to
indicate past tense
Will use linking verbs is and are with
increasing accuracy
Will use adjectives in simple sentences
to describe things
Will use negative pronoun + verb
phrase (no hitting)
Will increase the number of words
he or she uses meaningfully
Will use the articles a and the in
Will use past tense linking verbs
was & were with increasing
frequency & accuracy
Will use past tense verbs ending in
–ed with increasing frequency and
Will use verbs ending in –s with
third person subject in sentences
with increasing frequency and
Will add –s to nouns to show
Will begin to use “going to” and
“will” to express future actions
3. Early Learning Expectation: Spoken (AAC)
Language: Expressive
3.1 Will use language for a variety of purposes
(express feelings, ask questions, talk about
experiences, ask for what they need, respond to
3.2 Will show increasing comfort and
confidence when communicating.
3.4 Continue to develop vocabulary by using
words learned from stories and other sources in
3.5 Speak in increasingly more complex
combinations of words and in sentences.
3.6 Understand the roles of participants in
conversations (taking turns and relating
comments to what is said; asking relevant
3.10 Show progress in learning alternative
communication strategies.
*Extension of Appendix F: Brown’s Language Stages, LAMP Training Module
**CCSS Common Core State Standards; CCEE Common Core Essential Elements; ECSQ-P Early Childhood Standards of Quality for pre-kindergarten; ECSQ-IF Infant & Toddler
BROWN’S LANGUAGE STAGES; Language & Literacy Objectives for AAC Users*
*Extension of Appendix F: Brown’s Language Stages, LAMP Training Module
**CCSS Common Core State Standards; CCEE Common Core Essential Elements; ECSQ-P Early Childhood Standards of Quality for pre-kindergarten; ECSQ-IF Infant & Toddler