Trip schedule 2 (11 days 08 nights): HCM CITY - DUSSELDORF - BELGIUM - FRANCE - ITALY Date Agenda Day 1: HỒ CHÍ MINH City - FRANKFURT Monday (14/10/2013) 17:00: t h e m i s s i o n s h a l g a t h e r a t Tân Sơn Nhất I n t e r n a t i o n a l Airport to carry out exit visas procedures and take flight to Frankfurt. Day 2: Tuesday (15/10/2013) FRANKFURT – COLOGNE - DUSSELDORF (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner) Day 3: Wednesday (16/10/2013) Day 4: Thursday (17/10/2013) 6: 00 AM: arri val t o Frankurt. Breakfast . On-the-way visit: Cologne City, Dom Cathedral - also named St Barthmolaeus cath edral or t he bridge j oi ni ng heaven and earth wi th t he t wo superbl y -hi gh t owers . Departure to Dusseldorf by bus. Dinner and night stay in Dusseldorf. DUSSELDORF – FAIR SITE (Breakfast – Dinner) 08:00: A f t e r b r e a k f a s t , departure to K’2013 Fair. S e l f - s u p p o r t i n g lunch at the Fair. 18:00:Group dinner. Night stay in Dusseldorf . DUSSELDORF – FAIR SITE (Breakfast – Dinner) 08:00: After breakfast , d epa rtu re to K’2013 Fair. S e l f - s u p p o r t i n g lunch at the Fair. 18:00: Whole mission shall gather and have dinner together. Night stay in Dusseldorf . Day 5: Friday (18/10/2013) DUSSELDORF – FAIR SITE - BRUSSELS (Breakfast – Dinner) 08:00: After breakfast , de par tu re t o K’2013 Fair. S e l f - s u p p o r t i n g lunch at the Fair. 13:00: Mission to be picked up at the fair by bus for departure to Belgium (250 km) for a 3-hour trip. Site-seeing of: Grand Palace - UNESCOrecognized world heritage nicest Brussels antique city comprising:the City Hall, Maison du Duc house…, Manneken Pis statue - famous Belgium symbol.Taking photos at Atomium Molecules Museum, a 103-meter high monument built dedicated to Expo 58’ International Exhibition in Brussels . Dinner at restaurant. Hotel check-in. Night stay in Belgium. Day 6: Saturday (19/10/2013) BRUSSELS – PARIS (Breakfast – Lunch - Dinner) 08:00: After b reakfast, d e p a r t u r e t o P a r i s . L u n c h . I n F r a n c e t h e m i s s i o n s h a l l v i s i t t h e A r c d e T r i o m p h e , one of most famous historic monuments of France; Sacre Coeur Cathedral on Montmartre hill peak; Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, typical gothic style architecture; Eiffel Tower (storey 2) - most well-known symbol of France built in commemoration of 100 years of the French Revolution victory; boat tour on poetic Seine river (45 minutes) . Dinner at restaurant. Back to hotel for night stay. Day 7: Sunday (20/10/2013) PARIS - VERSAILLES - PARIS (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner) 08:00: After breakfast, departure to Versailles to visit Versailles Palace located in West of Paris,built on order of King Louis XIV in 166 2 which symbolized the suppreme power of French feudal d ynasties. - Breakfast, visits to: Concorde Square, passing across Champ Elysees, the most nicest and luxurious boulevard of France on which hundreds of world famous branding shops are displayed. - Free shopping and site-seeing. Dinner and night stay in Paris. Day 8: Monday PARIS - ROME (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner) (21/10/2013) - Day 9: After breakfast, hotel check-out, departure to Italy. Site-seeing of Rome, the oldest building Baptistery in the city; Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Duomo Square, Giotto bell tower; Ponte Vecchio, most famous old bridge in Florence on Arno river. Further visits in Rome capital: old Rome period remnants, Trevi pool, Colosseum arena. Dinner and night stay in Rome. ROME (Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner) Tuesday (22/10/2013) After breakfast: visit Vatican Museum, one of world largest museums displaying high value artistic works from great collections created by the Roman Catholic Church through several centuries; the Vatican and St Peter Square. Lunch. Taking phos at Saint Angel old citadel, free site-seeing and shopping at commercial centers in the city. -Dinner and night stay in Rome. Day 10 ROME - HO CHI MINH CITY (Breakfast) WEdnesday (23/10/2013) Day 11: Breakfast. Hotel check-out. Bus picking up the mission to airport for flight back to Vietnam. Night stay on plane HO CHI MINH CITY THursday (24/10/2013) Arrival to Tan Son Nhat international airport. End of trip TRIP FEES: 98.000.000 DONG/ participant -Above fees are including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Air tickets issued by Vietnam Airlines Airport security, oil gas, airport taxes charges. EU entry visas fees. Health assurance fees with 30.000 Euro of minimum indemnification. Fair admission tickets ( 120 Euro/ 3 days/ person) Four-star hotels, double-bed and up room. (Dusseldorf hotel, in particular, is located within a radius of 6,4 - 10 km , very convenient for travelling) 7. Lunches and dinners according to the schedule. Vietnamese guide service throughout the trip. Above fees do not include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Passport Telephone Laundry/ movie / Photography services Excess of luggage (over 30 kgs) Tips to local guide and driver ( 165.000 VND/ day/ person) NOTE: - The order of site-seeing locations may change depending on time of departure. Visas fees should be submitted even in case of refusal of visas issuance. Invitation letter service fees: 5.000.000 VND/ guest