2013 JI Symposium Roster - Joint Institute for Translational and

UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Abecasis has a Ph.D. in Human Genetics from the
University of Oxford, where he worked with William Cookson
and Lon Cardon. His research focuses on the development
of statistical tools and computational methods that enable
studies of genetic variation and its connections to human
Goncalo ABECASIS, D.Phil.
Felix Moore Collegiate Professor of Biostatistics
School of Public Health
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 763-0424
Software and algorithms developed by Dr. Abecasis are
used in human genetic studies around the world. He has
made important contributions to our understanding of
patterns of genetic variation across the genome, its
relationship to a variety of complex traits and diseases, and
developed algorithms that enable analysis of large
challenging datasets. He is currently deploying nextgeneration sequencing technologies to study the genomes of
thousands of individuals.
Laura J. Baker
+1 (734) 763-0424
Dr. Brosius’ laboratory focuses on molecular and
translational kidney and vascular research with the goal of
developing effective new treatments for diabetic
complications. For the past 5 years, his laboratory has
worked with many collaborators to uncover the
transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolite profiles of diabetic
complications in both humans and mouse models.
He is the corresponding principal investigator for 2 large
multi-investigator grants in this area and Director of the
National Institutes of Health funded O’Brien Kidney Core
Center at the University of Michigan. He has been the chief
of the Division of Nephrology for the past 9 years.
Frank C. BROSIUS, M.D.
Professor of Internal Medicine
and Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Chief, Division of Nephrology
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-5645
Barb French
+1 (734) 936-5645
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Burmeister received her Ph.D. in molecular genetics from
Heidelberg University in Germany and trained in Genomics
at the University of California in San Francisco. She is a
leader in Psychiatric Genomics, has published reviews in the
field in Nature Reviews Genetics, and is on the Board of
Directors of the International Society for Psychiatric
Her lab identifies and studies genes in behavior,
neurological, and psychiatric diseases using a combination
of genetic, statistical, bioinformatics, and functional
approaches. She studies rare heterogeneous neurological
Mendelian disorders, especially ataxia, and complex
psychiatric disorders and Alcoholism that are also influenced
by the environment.
Professor of Human Genetics and Psychiatry
Research Professor, Molecular & Behavioral
Neuroscience Institute
Co-Director, Bioinformatics Graduate Program
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-2186
Within the UM-PUHSC-JI, she is interested in gene x
environment interaction with regard to behavior, psychiatric
disorders, and addictions. She is also interested in identifying
novel genes causing rare neurological disorders in China.
Dr. Carethers is a trained gastroenterologist and physicianscientist who focuses his research in the area of hereditary
colon cancer and the development and progression of
colorectal neoplasms, using bench to bedside approaches in
his translational laboratory. Key areas of interest for Dr.
Carethers' laboratory include: DNA mismatch repair
(including basic mechanisms that drive tumor progression
and how the system handles chemotherapeutic responses),
racial and ethnic differences at the biological level for
colorectal cancer formation, and disrupted signaling
pathways that drive tumor progression.
John G. Searle Professor and Chair
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-4495
Debbie Ventura
+1 (734) 232-0202
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
In addition to his other academic responsibilities, Dr. Chen is
the Director of the Center for Advanced Models for
Translational Sciences and Therapeutics, and Vice-Chair for
Basic and Translational Research at the Department of
Cardiac Surgery. The long-term goal of his research program
in vascular medicine is elucidating the molecular basis of
obesity/diabetes-induced cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and
stroke, and developing new drugs/technologies to study and
treat diabetes and CVD.
In the past years, Dr. Chen’s laboratory has made a series of
significant contributions to understanding
activation as a determinant of vascular cell gene expression
and cellular function and has been among the first to define
Eugene CHEN, 陈育庆, M.D., Ph.D.
Frederick G.L. Huetwell Professor
of Cardiovascular Medicine
Professor of Internal Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-9548
The discovery of the high a
ligands, nitro-fatty acids advances the understanding of
therapeutic strategies for treating obesity/diabetes and CVD.
Dr. Chen was the first one to clone the exendin-4 (BYETTA,
the drug name for Exendin-4) gene in 1995.
Melissa McCotter
Dr. Dong joined the Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology in
2007 after finishing pediatric and musculoskeletal radiology
fellowships at the University of Michigan. Throughout her
MRI research, Dr. Dong continually works toward translating
these techniques into clinical practice. As PI on a Radiology
Society of North America Research Scholar grant, she has
been the leader in the proposed clinical research study of
quantitative MRI biomarkers as early predictors of response
to therapy in sarcoma.
Qian DONG, M.D.
Associate Professor, Radiology
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-4365
Taking advantage of clinical experience in musculoskeletal
MR imaging and involvement in diffusion MRI research
projects, Dr. Dong’s current research fits logically on the
priorities of the division that provides imaging care for all
patients with soft tissue sarcomas within the institution. It
also fits with the department focus on encouraging
quantitative biomarker imaging research and translational
imaging research, both of which are current priority areas for
the NIH.
Cynthia Holmes
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Kelly Espinoza is the Executive Assistant to Dr. Joseph
Kolars, Senior Associate Dean for Education and Global
Initiatives at the University of Michigan Medical School. Kelly
has provided over 20 years of administrative support in the
health care and education arenas and is a former co-owner
of an environmental consulting firm. She received her
Associate’s Degree in Office Administration from Siena
Heights University in Adrian, Michigan.
Assistant to Dr. Joseph C. Kolars
Senior Associate Dean for Education
and Global Initiatives
Josiah Macy, Jr., Professor of Health
Professions Education
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-5552
Dr. Fontana is a translational investigator with research
interests in drug induced liver injury, viral hepatitis, and acute
liver failure. He completed his gastroenterology training at
the University of Michigan and has been on the faculty since
Robert J. FONTANA, M.D.
Professor of Internal Medicine
Medical Director, Liver Transplant Program and Clinic
Director, Transplant Hepatology Fellowship Program
University of Michigan Medical School
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-4780
Dr. Fontana is a principal investigator of the NIH sponsored
Drug Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN) and also serves
as Co-chair of the DILIN Steering committee. He is
currently involved in studies assessing risk factors,
outcomes, pharmacogenetics, and mechanistic biomarkers
in liver injury attributed to drugs and herbal and dietary
supplements. He has also been an active member of the US
Acute Liver Failure (ALF) Study Group as a site principal
investigator and member of the Executive Committee. This
network of 13 academic centers funded by the NIH is
conducting studies of the pathogenesis, risk factors, and
outcomes of ALF including clinical trials. Dr. Fontana is an
associate editor for the Images in GI section of
Gastroenterology and the chair of the AASLD Hepatotoxicity
Special Interest Group.
Jeanne Getty
+1 (734) 936-4780
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Fu serves as the project manager for the University of
Michigan side of the Joint Institute HCV liver project. She has
been working on clinical studies for liver cirrhosis and liver
cancer at the University of Michigan since 2002. Her
research interests include early detection of liver cancer and
clinical trial studies of treating end stage primary liver cancer,
mainly hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lisa Gilbert
+1 (734) 936-7511
Sherry FU, 付向群, M.D., Ph.D.
Project Manager and Clinical Research Coordinator
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-3635
Dr. Ganesh moved to the University of Michigan in 2010.
She has established a lab focused on the genetics of
vascular remodeling and interactions with hematologic traits,
and is funded through two NHLBI grants focused on the
human genetics and molecular aspects of vascular diseases.
Dr. Ganesh works with several large consortia focused on
genetic association studies and genome sequencing for
cardiovascular traits and diseases. She also serves on the
leadership committee for the American Heart Association’s
Council on Functional Genomics and Translational Biology.
Santhi K. GANESH, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiovascular
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 764-4500
Kristina Carpenter
+1 (734) 764-4500
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Ms. Gao received her Master degree of Science in Nursing
and two post master Nurse Practitioner (NP) certificates in
Acute Care and Gerontology from the University of Michigan
school of Nursing. She has been a clinical preceptor for NP
graduate students. She is a committee member of
International Council of Nurses.
Penny Trinkle
+1 (734) 936-6020
Li GAO, 高黎, M.S.N., N.P.
Nurse Practioner, Adult Medical Observation Services
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Michigan Health System
+1 (734) 615-2765
Dr. Geisser’s primary area of research involves studying the
influence of psychosocial and neural factors on the
experience of both acute and chronic pain. He has served
as a member of the University of Michigan Medical School
Institutional Review Board (IRBMED) since 2001, and was
appointed as Vice-Chair in 2004, and Co-Chair in 2006. Dr.
Geisser also serves as the Co-Director of the Regulatory
Support Unit for the Michigan of Michigan Clinical and
Translational Science Award.
Micheal E. GEISSER, Ph.D.
Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Director of Research, The Spine Program
Co-Chair, Medical School Institutional Review Board
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 763-6501
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Teri A. GRIEB, Ph.D.
Senior Director of Research, Office of Research
University of Michigan Medical School
Managing Director, Michigan Institute for Clinical &
Health Research
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 763-4412
Margaret R. GYETKO, M.D.
Senior Associate Dean, Faculty and Faculty
Professor, Internal Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-6981
In her roles in the Office of Research and the Michigan
Institute for Clinical & Health Research, Dr. Grieb partners
with the Senior Associate Dean for Research and the
Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research in
advocacy for the research mission of the University of
Michigan Health System. As the Chief Business and
Administrative Officer for the research mission, Dr. Grieb is
responsible for the operational and fiscal management of the
Office of Research and its reporting units. She assists with
devising and deploying strategic research initiatives;
managing projects; and advising on policy, procedural, and
operational issues for the research enterprise. Dr. Grieb also
serves as the lead administrative liaison and primary staff
interface between the Medical School research enterprise
and the institution as well as represents MICHR to the NIH
Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA)
Deb Serafin
+1 (734) 763-4412
Dr. Gyetko has served as the Senior Associate Dean for
Faculty and Faculty Development in the Medical School
since 2007. Her clinical interests are focused on acute lung
injury and immunologically mediated lung diseases,
inflammatory lung diseases, and the role of the lymphocyte
populations in acute lung inflammation. Her research
addresses lung inflammation and immune responses with
emphasis on the role of the pulmonary microbiome in lung
health and disease. Dr. Gyetko’s outstanding credentials in
faculty affairs administration include seven years of service
as the Department of Internal Medicine’s Associate Chair for
Faculty Affairs. Dr. Gyetko’s commitment to addressing
faculty issues includes service from 2002-2004 as chair of
the Medical School’s Task Force to Evaluate the Instructional
Track. At the University level, she was a member of the
Gender in Science and Engineering Committee and served
on the Committee to Consider a More Flexible Tenure
Probationary Period.
Carol Jarema
+1 (734) 615-6981
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Amy HUANG, 黄岩, M.D., M.H.S.A.
Director for China Programs
Office of the Dean
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 763-6461
Associate Dean for Regulatory Affairs
Professor of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-1702
Dr. Huang serves as the Program Director for the Peking
University Health Science Center – University of Michigan
Medical School Joint Institute. Dr. Huang obtained her M.D.
degree from the Harbin Medical University and completed
her post-graduate training in Cardiology at the Peking
University Health Science Center. She then went to the
University of Michigan for her post-doctoral training in
cardiovascular biology. Dr. Huang furthered her academic
training at University of Michigan School of Public Health and
obtained her Master degree in Healthcare Service
Administration. After completion of the Administrative
Fellowship with the University of Michigan Health System,
she joined the Dean’s office within the Medical School to
establish and manage the China platform. Dr. Huang’s
research interests include the healthcare management and
the international collaboration.
Robyn Hodges
+1 (734) 615-5692
As the Associate Dean for Regulatory Affairs, Dr.
Hutchinson’s responsibilities include providing leadership,
expertise, and advice on regulatory issues that impact
research in the Medical School and the U-M Health System,
including human subject and animal research. He chairs the
Medical School’s Compliance Committee and the Conflict-ofInterest Committee, co-chairs the IRBMED Leadership
Committee, and serves as a liaison on research regulatory
issues for the Office of Research and Graduate Studies to
the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, Office of the
Vice President for Research, and the Office of Human
Research Compliance Review, among others. As Associate
Dean, Dr. Hutchinson serves as a contact for investigators in
solving problems related to research regulatory issues, and
also interacts with federal and State agencies to enable the
Medical School to anticipate, influence, and plan for new
research regulations.
Kathy Richards
+1 (734) 647-1576
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Elizabeth A. JACKSON, M.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Director, The Women’s Heart Program
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 998-7411
Dr. Jackson is board certified in Internal Medicine and
Cardiovascular Disease and is a fellow of the American
College of Cardiology. She has served as a mentor and
faculty for the Michigan Cardiovascular Outcomes Research
and Reporting Program (MCORRP) and is currently
Associate Director of MCORRP. Dr. Jackson is well-known
nationally for her work related to cardiovascular prevention
and women’s health. She was a co-author for the American
Heart Association’s Effectiveness-Based Guidelines for the
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Women published
in 2011, and has served on numerous committees for the
American College of Cardiology including their accreditation
committee, awards committee and program committees. Dr.
Jackson was an invited participant for the ACC’s Emerging
Faculty Program, the Leadership Educational Assessment
and Development Program, and is currently an invited
member of the Faculty Development Working Group. Dr.
Jackson has lectured extensively on women’s health and
cardiovascular prevention. She is a reviewer for several
cardiovascular and internal medicine journals and a specialty
editor for the American Journal of Medicine.
Cindy Harper
+1 (734) 998-7411
Dr. Jalife enjoys a solid reputation as a productive
researcher who focuses on using modern mathematical and
biophysical concepts to increase the understanding of the
mechanisms of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, from the
molecule to the bedside. He has studied the mechanisms of
intercellular communication and impulse propagation and the
underlying bases of acquired and inheritable cardiac
arrhythmias for more than 35 years.
Professor of Internal Medicine
Cyrus and Jane Farrehi Professor
of Cardiovascular Research
Professor of Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Co-Director, Center for Arrhythmia Research
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 998-7500
The work he has accomplished with his collaborators has led
to major advances toward elucidating the molecular and
cellular bases of the initiation and propagation of electrical
impulses in the heart and the fundamental mechanisms of
complex life-threatening arrhythmias and sudden cardiac
death. Dr. Jalife has many years of experience using large
and small animal models as well as molecular, patch clamp,
and optical mapping techniques in the study of cardiac
excitability and fibrillation.
Allyson Navyac
+1 (734) 998-7500
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Ju’s research interests are focused on understanding the
molecular mechanisms of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and
disease progression using a systems biology approach on
both animal models and human patient studies. Her goal is
to develop molecular markers that are able to assist
traditional diagnostic means to identify kidney patients with
high risk of progression, for timely and targeted treatment.
Dr. Ju’s efforts on the development of novel non-invasive
molecular markers involve extensive collaborations with
national and international clinical study cohorts, including:
the European renal cDNA Bank, the Chronic Renal
Insufficiency Study, the Michigan O’Brian Renal Center
Observational Cohort, the Nephrotic Syndrome Study
Network (NEPTUNE), and the NEPTUNE-CHINA, etc.
Wenjun JU, 鞠文君, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Co-Director, Applied Systems Biology Core of George M.
O’Brien Kidney Translational Core Center
University of Michigan
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Nephrology
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-5757
Jeni Chapman
+1 (734) 615-5757
Dr. Kao received his BS degree in Psychobiology from UCLA
in 1992, his MD degree from USC School of Medicine in
1996, and completed his Internal Medicine Residency at UC
Davis Medical Center in California where he did a combined
clinical/basic research GI Fellowship at the University of
Michigan. After joining the GI faculty at University of
Michigan, he was awarded the AGA/FDHN Fellowship to
Faculty Transition Award and the GIDH Basic Research
Award, which allowed him to compete successfully the K08
Award from NIDDK studying the role of dendritic cells in H.
pylori infection.
John Yung-Chong KAO, M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Associate Director of Research,
GI Fellowship Training Program
Director, Michigan Gut Peptide Center Visiting Professor
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-2964
Dr. Kao recently transitioned successfully from his K08 to
R01 focusing on understanding the mechanism of GI
immune homeostasis. His other research interests include
the role of gut microbiota in diseases of the GI tract. Dr. Kao
is passionate about resident and fellow research training and
currently serves as the Associate Director of Research for GI
Fellowship Training Program at University of Michigan
overseeing the research progress of 21 GI/hepatology
fellows in the program. He serves on several editorial boards
including Gastroenterology. His clinical interests include
management of H. pylori, IBD, eosinophilic esophagitis, and
Celiac disease as well as fecal microbiota transplant for
recurrent C. difficile colitis.
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Joseph C. KOLARS, M.D.
Josiah Macy, Jr., Professor of Health Professions
Senior Associate Dean for Education and Global
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-1505
Steven L. KUNKEL, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean for Research
Endowed Professor in Pathology Research
Department of Pathology
The Immunology Program
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 764-3611
Dr. Kolars is the co-Director of the UMHS-PUHSC Joint
Institute. He obtained his M.D. degree in 1982 from the
University of Minnesota Medical School and completed his
post-graduate training gastroenterology at the University of
Michigan in 1989. After serving as Associate Chair for
Medicine and Residency Program Director, Dr. Kolars left the
University of Michigan to establish a western based
healthcare system in China in conjunction with Shanghai
Second Medical University. In 1999, he joined the faculty at
Mayo Clinic and served as Associate Chair and internal
medicine residency program director for 5 years. In June of
2009, he moved back to the University of Michigan where he
oversees the associate deans responsible for the education
programs as well as global health initiatives for the medical
school. Over the past 4 years, he has served as a consultant
to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation where his work has
focused on innovations that strengthen education systems in
Africa to improve care. Most recently, he has been serving
as a consultant to the China Medical Board.
Kelly Espinoza
+1 (734) 615-5552
Dr. Kunkel’s areas of research have centered on assessing
molecular mechanisms of lung inflammation by investigating
cytokine directed cell-to-cell communication circuits. A
significant amount of this work helped to launch and define
the field of chemokine biology. In addition, he has been
involved in assessing epigenetic regulation of immune cell
phenotypes that dictates the expression pattern of
inflammatory mediators. His studies in cytokine and
chemokine biology are internationally recognized and have
provided a more clear understanding of how these proteins
are regulated and participate in the initiation, maintenance,
and resolution of acute and chronic lung disease. He has
co-authored more than 550 peer reviewed manuscripts, has
been granted 14 United States patents, an H-Index of
greater than 100, presented more than 150 lectures as a
visiting professor/lecturer in the past 10 years, and
maintained continuous funding of major National Institute of
Health grants for a number of years.
Laura Hessler
+1 (734) 764-3611
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Leichtman served as the Medical Director of the
University of Michigan’s Kidney and Pancreas
Transplantation Programs from 1989 through 2006. He
directs the University’s Kidney Paired Donation (KPD)
system and is co-director of its Transplant Nephrology
Fellowship program. He is President-Elect of Gift of Life
Michigan, the State of Michigan’s Organ Procurement
Organization, and Chair of its Governance Committee.
His research interests include kidney and pancreas
transplantation, outcomes of living organ donation,
histocompatibility, simulation modeling, Kidney Paired
Donation, organ allocation and utilization, and public policy.
Professor of Internal Medicine
Department of Nephrology
Associate Director, University of Michigan
Transplant Center
University of Michigan Medical School
Sharon Walker
+1 (734) 763-9041
+1 (734) 232-1701
Dr. Li's background includes a B.Sc. in physics (Beijing
University), a Ph.D. in biophysics/electrophysiology
(California Institute of Technology), and postdoctoral training
in human genetics (Stanford). After his postdoctoral training,
he was a Senior Scientist at the Stanford Human Genome
Center and worked in experimental genomics, bioinformatics,
statistical genetics, and data integration across 'omics
Jun LI, 李军, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Human Genetics
Research Associate Professor, Center for Computational
Medicine and Biology
Faculty Member, Center for Statistical Genetics
Faculty Member, Comprehensive Cancer Center
Faculty Member, Depression Center
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-5754
His expertise is to apply quantitative, data-driven approaches
to study genome evolution and complex human diseases,
including psychiatric disorders and cancer. Dr. Li has
worked on genome-wide association studies of bipolar
disorder, and was the recipient of the 2011 Johnson &
Johnson Rising Star Translation Research Award for an
exome sequencing-based study of the bipolar disorder. His
group has been active in sequencing-based gene discovery,
and he is co-PI on two NIH funded projects involving exome
sequencing for ataxia and thrombosis. In other
collaborations, his group is working on microbial ecology and
dynamics and QTL mapping in a rat model of metabolic
health and aging.
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Li was an Assistant and Associate Professor in the
Harvard School of Public Health for 12 years before joining
the U-M Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center (KECC) in
2011. He has made many important contributions to the
research of chronic diseases, including renal disease,
cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Yi LI, Ph.D.
Professor of Biostatistics
Director, Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center
University of Michigan School of Public Health
+1 (734) 647-5766
For the past several years, Dr. Li has focused his efforts in
measuring development for the evaluation of facility
performance in chronic disease management. This research
has led to numerous NIH and CMS grants/contracts, and he
is now the PI or the statistical PI for several grants and
contracts at KECC. He has publications in many top
statistical journals, such as JASA, JRSSB, Biometrika, and
Biometrics, and his applied publications have made an
important impact in the medical fields. His statistical
expertise encompasses large-scale data analysis,
hierarchical modeling, survival analysis, risk assessment and
score development, which is directly relevant to the quality
measure development.
Susan Reimann
+1 (734) 763-6611
Andrew Lin is a bioinformatics programmer with the
Molecular and Behavioral Institute at the University of
Michigan. He studied computer science at the University of
Mr. Lin is working with three open-source electronic data
capture systems (REDCap, LimeSurvey, and OpenClinica) to
prepare them for use in Joint Institute studies, as well as
implementing online versions of study forms.
Andrew W. LIN
Application Programmer, Analyst Associate Molecular &
Behavioral Neuroscience Institute
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 764-7504
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Lok’s research focuses on the natural history and
treatment of hepatitis B and C, and the prevention of
hepatocellular carcinoma. Her research is funded by the
National Institutes of Health, private foundations, and various
pharmaceutical companies. She has published over 350
papers on viral hepatitis and liver diseases and is the coauthor of the American Association for the Study of Liver
Diseases Association Guidelines on “Hepatitis B.”
Anna LOK, 骆淑芳, M.D.
Alice Lohrman Andrews Research Professor in
Professor of Internal Medicine
Director, Clinical Hepatology
Associate Chair for Clinical Research
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 476-8443
Dr. Lok is the co-lead of the JI HCV Project. She has trained
more than 30 fellows and junior faculty from all over the
world. She has received numerous awards including the
Distinguished Service Award from the American Association
for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) in 2011. She is
currently a Councilor of AASLD and will be President in
Lisa Gilbert
+1 (734) 936-7511
Dr. Meng is a vice leader for the biomedical informatics and
biorepository core for the Joint Institute at the University of
Michigan. His main research interests are in high throughput
biomedical data analysis and literature mining. His group is
helping the selection, development, and implementation of
data management and analysis solutions for the Joint
Institute projects.
Fan MENG, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor, Molecular and
Behavioral Neuroscience Institute
Research Associate Professor, Psychiatry
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 615-7099
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Neumar is board certified by the American Board of
Emergency Medicine and a Fellow of the American College
of Emergency Physicians. He received his B.S. degree from
Juniata College (Pennsylvania), his M.D. degree in 1990
from the University of Pittsburg School of Medicine, his Ph.D.
in Physiology in 1996 from Wayne State University. Dr.
Neumar was appointed Chair of the Department of
Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan in 2012.
He currently serves as Chair of the American Heart
Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee.
Robert W. NEUMAR, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Michigan Health System
+1 (734) 936-6020
Dr. Neumar’s research focuses on the molecular
mechanisms of neuronal injury after cardiac arrest and
traumatic brain injury. His work has helped elucidate the role
of calpain and caspase proteolytic cascades in post-ischemic
neuronal death. He has also helped define the
pathophysiology of post-cardiac arrest syndrome, and is
investigating strategies to optimize brain recovery after
cardiac arrest including therapeutic hypothermia. Dr.
Neumar’s research has been funded through the NIH,
American Heart Association, private foundation grants, and
Penny Trinkle
+1 (734) 936-6020
Prior to joining the University of Michigan in 2008, Dr. Omary
was at Stanford University for 18 years where he served as
Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
director of its NIH-supported digestive disease center, and
director of its NIH-supported training grant. He received his
Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California (UC) San
Diego and his M.D. from the University of Miami. He
completed an internal medicine residency at UC Irvine and a
gastroenterology fellowship at UC San Diego prior to starting
a faculty position at Stanford University.
Bishr OMARY, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular &
Integrative Physiology
Professor of Internal Medicine
H. Marvin Pollard Professor of Gastroenterology
University of Michigan Medical School
Investigator, Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System
+1 (734) 764-4376
Dr. Omary is board certified in internal medicine and in
gastroenterology, is a member of the American Society of
Clinical Investigation and the Association of American
Physicians, and is currently Editor-in-Chief of
Gastroenterology. His research focuses on acute and
chronic liver and pancreatic disorders as related to genetic
modifiers, biomarkers, the intermediate filament cytoskeleton
and therapeutic targets.
Gail Kelsey
+1 (734) 764-4376
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Owyang has received continuous NIH funding for more
than 30 years and has published more than 200 papers in
peer-reviewed journals. He has trained more than 50
biomedical investigators, many of whom are now major
contributors in gastroenteric sciences in their own right. In
2013, Dr. Owyang received the American
Gastroenterological Association Julius Friedenwald Medal,
which is the highest honor the AGA bestows on a member.
His research interests focus on neurohormonal control of
digestive functions including pancreatic endocrine and
exocrine secretions, GI motility and eating behavior.
Chung OWYANG, 欧阳重, M.D.
H. Marvin Pollard Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
Director, Pollard Institute for Medical Research
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-2957
Dr. Owyang has made significant contributions to foster
relationship between many universities in China and the
University of Michigan. In recognition for his contributions,
Professor Owyang has received honorary professorships
from West China Medical University, the Second Shanghai
Medical University and the Beijing Union Medical College.
Pui Hang Lai
+1 (734) 936-4785
Dr. Pennathur has extensive expertise in HDL biology,
functional analysis, and study of dysfunctional oxidized HDL
in atherosclerosis. A major focus of his work has been to
develop isotope dilution mass spectrometry to characterize
HDL structure function relationships. His laboratory also
focuses on diabetic complications including diabetic
nephropathy and renal disease progression.
Subramaniam PENNATHUR, M.B.B.S
Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Nephrology
Director, Molecular Phenotyping and Metabolomics
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 764-3269
Dr. Pennathur and his research team are attempting to
develop state-of the art mass spectrometry based platform to
identify and validate novel HDL protein markers that would
predict risk of endothelial dysfunction in CVD patients. The
study is the first to examine the roles of myeloperoxidase
(MPO)-oxidized HDL and HDL proteome in vascular
dysfunction in Chinese patients. He serves as the co-lead for
the “Dysfunctional HDL” project of the Joint Institute.
Barbara Turgyan
+1 (734) 764-3269
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Prior to joining U-M in March 2003, Dr. Pinsky was director of
research for the Cardiovascular Disease Training Program at
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York and
associate professor of Medicine at Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons. He served at Columbia
University from 1992-2003. He earned his medical degree
from Ohio State University and performed his medicine
residency, as well as his research fellowship in heart failure
at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. He also performed
research fellowships in cardiology and vascular biology at
David J. PINSKY, M.D.
J. Griswold Ruth M.D. & Margery Hopkins Ruth
Professor, Internal Medicine
Professor, Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine
Scientific Director, Cardiovascular Center
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-3500
As a result of his groundbreaking research, Dr. Pinsky has
earned a reputation as one of the country's foremost experts
in understanding the relationship between blood flow and
heart and brain diseases. His research efforts have earned
him numerous grants and awards, including the American
Heart Association Melvin Marcus Young Investigator Award
in cardiovascular physiology and the AHA Established
Investigator Award.
Betty Hoss
+1 (734) 963-3500
Brodie Remington serves as the Senior Director for
International Giving in the University of Michigan Office of
Development. He previously worked with the University of
Michigan Law School’s development team as a development
officer and manager, working extensively with alumni outside
of the United States.
Director of Development, International Giving Foundation
Relations – Faculty and Staff
VP for Development – Faculty and Staff Alumni
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 647-6000
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Richard Rogel is the President of Tomay Inc. He currently
serves on the board of AldabraII, a public SPAC, and on the
board of Viewpoints, Inc. which is a new startup. He
previously founded and served as chairman of Mobile Path
Services, Inc. He was also the founder and CEO of Preferred
Provider Organization of Michigan (PPOM). Before entering
the medical management field, Mr. Rogel worked as a
management consultant for Arthur Young & Co. and as a
corporate finance associate in for Burnham & Co. For eight
years, he owned and administered a multi-specialty medical
Richard H. ROGEL
Special Representative
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 615-6331
Mr. Rogel chaired the recent Michigan Difference Campaign
that raised USD$3.2 billion for the University of Michigan. Mr.
Rogel has been a dedicated alumnus of U-M, working as a
volunteer for its betterment. He served as president of the
board of directors of the Alumni Association and serves on
several advisory groups at U-M including the U-M School of
Social Work, the Ross School of Business, the Athletic
Department and is part of a team that advises President
Mary Sue Coleman. He and his wife, Susan, have provided
scholarship support to hundreds of students from around the
world, making it possible for them to attend U-M. Mr. Rogel
graduated as valedictorian form the Ross School of Business
and was honored with a doctorate of laws in 2009.
Brodie Remington
+1 (734) 647-6000
While a key member of the Division of Nephrology, Dr. Saran
is based at the Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center
(KECC) in downtown Ann Arbor, because of his interest in
outcomes research. His main research interests revolve
around Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease,
and the epidemiology of Vascular Access in Hemodialysis.
Rajiv SARAN, M.B.B.S., M.D., D.T.C.D., M.R.C.P., M.S.
Professor, Internal Medicine
Associate Director, Kidney Epidemiology and Cost
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 763-1604
Dr. Saran is PI on a 4-center CKD study, co-investigator on a
number of observational studies, and involved with multicenter clinical trials. Trainees from Nephrology and Internal
Medicine regularly participate in bimonthly research
meetings with a designated Cardio-Renal Group and weekly
to bimonthly research meetings at the KECC as well as at
the Arbor Research Collaborative for Health (formerly the
University Renal Research and Educational Association), an
internationally recognized not-for-profit research organization
closely affiliated with KECC where there is ample opportunity
to be involved with projects under his supervision.
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Speliotes graduated from Yale with B.S. and M.S.
degrees in biology and obtained her M.D. and Ph.D. degrees
from Harvard and MIT respectively. At MIT she did her
graduate work in C elegans genetics with the Nobel Laureate
Bob Horvitz. After graduation, she obtained her clinical
training in internal medicine and gastroenterology at
Massachusetts General Hospital. She did her post-doctoral
work with Joel Hirschhorn at the Broad Institute of
Harvard/MIT in human genetics. During her post-doctoral
training she also earned an M.P.H. from the Harvard School
of Public Health.
Elizabeth K. SPELIOTES, M.D., Ph.D., MPH
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Computational Medicine and
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-4785
Dr. Speliotes has and continues to earn many awards for her
research efforts. She was recruited to the University of
Michigan in 2012 as a Biological Sciences Scholar. Her area
of research is developing cell culture/mouse models of
disease to elucidate the mechanisms that predispose
individuals to developing obesity, nonalcoholic liver disease
(NAFLD) and related metabolic diseases, leveraging human
population-based approaches.
Pui Hang Lai
+1 (734) 936-4785
Dr. Wang attended Harvard Medical School where he
received his M.D. in 1996. He earned a Ph.D. in Medical
Engineering and Medical Physics at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1998. Dr. Wang has published
more than 50 original peer-reviewed papers on imaging and
advanced technologies, including molecular imaging,
biomarker identification and validation, targeted imaging
agents, and early detection of cancer in the digestive tract.
He also serves as the Principal Investigator of the University
of Michigan Barrett's Esophagus Translational Research
Network (http://sitemaker.umich.edu/betrnet) and the
Biomedical Engineering Research Partnership
Thomas WANG, 王敦硕, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine, Biomedical
Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering
Division of Gastroenterology
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 936-1228
Dr. Wang is a board certified gastroenterologist with over 25
years of experience in developing next generation imaging
systems and molecular probes. Dr. Wang has pioneered the
development of wide area fluorescence imaging, the dual
axes confocal endomicroscope, and clinical use of
fluorescent-labeled peptides for early detection of cancer in
the digestive tract. In addition, he is experienced at validating
novel imaging platforms, and applies his broad training to
significantly accelerate the bench to bedside process.
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Wang obtained his Ph.D. from the Oregon Health and
Science University and did his postdoctoral training at the
University of California, Berkeley. He was a Principal
Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, and Harvard Stem Cell Institute before he
moved to Ann Arbor.
Zhong WANG, 王忠, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator
Department of Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular
Research Center
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 763-3691
The Wang laboratory is focusing on two research areas. One
area is the dissection of how epigenetic events determine
stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. His team is
deciphering the molecular mechanisms guiding directed
differentiation of stem cells into desired mature cell types in
heart. The other research focus is to explore novel strategies
in producing cardiac stem cells and cardiomyocytes from
both patients and animal models and assessing the
therapeutic potential of these cells in large animal models.
Melissa McCotter
+1 (734) 647-5742
Dr. Willer is interested in studying complex genetic diseases,
particularly the genetics of quantitative traits such as lipid
levels and human obesity. She has also been recently
working on imputation of ungenotyped markers, population
genetics, bioinformatics, and understanding the function
behind genetic associations.
Tristen Marie Bradley
+1 (734) 615-3878
Cristen WILLER, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor, Human Genetics
Assistant Professor, Computational Medicine and
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-6018
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Woolliscroft is an internationally recognized medical
educator. He has played major roles in the education of
medical students, residents, and fellows at the University of
Michigan and nationally. His research interests in medical
education have resulted in numerous publications, invited
presentations, and visiting professorships across the United
States and internationally.
Dean, University of Michigan Medical School
Lyle C. Roll Professor of Medicine
+1 (734) 647-4861
Dr. Woolliscroft was selected as the first Josiah Macy, Jr.
Professor of Medical Education, an endowed professorship
awarded through a national competition in 1996. In January
2001, he received a second endowed professorship, the Lyle
C. Roll Professor of Medicine recognizing his work in
enhancing the practice of medicine through education. In
2004, he received the SGIM Career Achievement in Medical
Education Award. In 2008, he received the AAMC’s Group
on Educational Affairs Merrel Flair Award. Previous
administrative roles at the University of Michigan include
Associate Chair in the Department of Internal Medicine,
Chief of Staff of the University of Michigan Hospitals,
Associate Dean and Director of Graduate Medical Education
and the Executive Associate Dean of the University of
Michigan Medical School.
Liz Daniels
+1 (734) 764-8175
Dr. Xi received his medical degree from Zhejiang Medical
University, China and did postdoctoral training at both the
University of Cincinnati and the University of Michigan. His
research interests include: 1) mechanisms of brain injury
after hemorrhagic stroke; 2) iron chelation therapy for
intracerebral hemorrhage; and 3) mechanisms of thrombininduced tolerance to brain injury.
Guohua XI, M.D.
Associate Director, Crosby Neurosurgical Laboratories
Richard C. Schneider Research Professor
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 764-1207
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Yang joined the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the
University of Michigan July 2011 after completing his
General Surgery residency at the University of Arizona and
Cardiothoracic Surgery fellowship at Stanford University. His
clinical interests span the range of complex adult cardiac
surgical procedures including valve sparing aortic root
replacement (T David V procedure), aortic valve repair and
replacement, aortic dissections and aneurysms repair, Mitral
valve repair, and coronary artery disease.
Dr. Yang’s research interests currently focus on role of
NOTCH1 gene mutation and signal pathway in the thoracic
aortic aneurysm in bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) patients and
patient’s specific tissue engineered vascular grafts or
conduits utilizing induced pluripotent stem cells.
Bo YANG, 杨波, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Cardiac Surgery
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-9417
Amanda Schuetz
Trained as an exercise scientist, Dr. Yen received his
undergraduate and graduate training at Beijing Sports
University. He completed both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the
University of Michigan.
Louis YEN, 严慈庆, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist, Health Management
Research Center, School of Kinesiology
Member, Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation,
Medical School
Associate Director, Confucius Institute
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 647-2719
Dr. Yen has led in the development of research models and
the relational databases for the Integrated Health
Management System at the University of Michigan Health
Management Research Center, a leading research institution
in the US, to study workplace health, health care costs, and
productivity. Dr. Yen actively participates in international
collaborative research and educational initiatives with several
universities in China and has served as visiting professors at
eight Chinese universities.
Dr. Feifei Wang
+1 (734) 647-0583
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Bin Zhao is the International Giving Coordinator at the
University of Michigan Office of Development, working
intensively with Michigan alumni and friends in Greater China
and Asia. Prior to joining the university, Bin worked in China
with non-profit organizations for over a decade.
Bin ZHAO, 赵斌
Coordinator, International Giving Program
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 615 6331
Dr. Zheng is jointly appointed as Associate Professor of
Health Management and Policy in the School of Public
Health and Associate Professor of Information in the School
of Information at the University of Michigan. He is also
affiliated with the University of Michigan’s School of Nursing,
Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research, Medical
School Department of Computational Medicine and
Bioinformatics, and Center for Entrepreneurship. He codirects the Bio-Repository and Biomedical Informatics Core
of the University of Michigan Health System and Peking
University Health Science Center Joint Institute for
Translational and Clinical Research.
Kai ZHENG, 郑锴, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Public Health
Department of Health Management and Policy
Associate Professor, School of Information
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Division of Nursing Business and Health Systems
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 936-6331
Dr. Zheng received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon
University where his dissertation entitled “Design,
Implementation, User Acceptance, and Evaluation of a
Clinical Decision Support System for Evidence-Based
Medicine Practice” won the University’s 2007 William W.
Cooper Doctoral Dissertation Award in Management or
Management Science. He is the recipient of the 2011
American Medical Informatics Association New Investigator
Award that recognizes early informatics contributions and
significant scholarly contributions on the basis of scientific
merit and research excellence.
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Zhou’s research interests include computer aided
diagnosis (CAD) methods in thoracic CT, cardiac CT, MRI
and mammography, computer vision, pattern recognition,
artificial intelligence, and image processing. He has been a
PI or a co-investigator in a number of NIH grants and has a
demonstrated record of successful and productive research
projects in CAD.
Chuan ZHOU, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor
Radiology Department
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 647-8554
Jen Zhu has served as the first Coordinator of China
Initiatives at the University of Michigan since 2006. In this
capacity, she is tasked to strategize and implement a holistic
approach to engaging the university community with Greater
China - from alumni relations to research partnerships, from
teaching collaborations to development opportunities. During
this visit to Beijing, Jen is pleased to represent the U-M
Center for Chinese Studies, one of the most prominent
centers devoted to a deeper understanding of China, past
and present.
Jen received her B.A. from Johns Hopkins University, an
M.A. from U-M, and a certificate of study from the Johns
Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese
and American Studies.
Jen ZHU, 徐臻
Program Manager, University of Michigan China Initiative
Administrator, Center for Chinese Studies
University of Michigan
+1 (734) 764-7539
UMHS-PUHSC Joint Institute for Translational & Clinical Research
October 9 – 11, 2013
Dr. Zou obtained his M.D. from Tongji Medical School in
Wuhan, China, and Ph.D. from the University of Paris in
France followed by postdoctoral training at Baylor Institute
for Immunology Research in Dallas, Texas. After several
years as a faculty member at Tulane University School of
Medicine, he joined the University of Michigan Medical
School in 2006. He is the Co-Director of the U-M tumor
immunology and host defense program and has served on
study sections for the National Institutes of Health, the
Department of Defense, and ten other scientific agencies. He
is/was on the editorial board of six immunological and cancer
Weiping ZOU, M.D., Ph.D.
Charles B. de Nancrede Professor of Surgery,
Immunology and Biology
Director for Translational Research
University of Michigan Medical School
+1 (734) 763-6402
His research interests are in tumor immunopathology and
immunotherapy, with an emphasis on the cross-talk among
immune cell subsets, tumor cells, and tumor stem cells in the
tumor microenvironment and its impact on tumor immunity,
tolerance, and therapy. His research team has achieved
important insights into cancer immunopathogenesis in
patients with cancer. His prior research efforts demonstrate
that the tumor microenvironment is comprised of immune
cells that have been reprogrammed by active tumormediated processes to defeat tumor-specific immunity and
promote tumor growth in a highly effective manner. These
studies have helped define the nature of immune responses
in the tumor microenvironment and provide significant new
insights into designing novel immune therapies to treat
patients with cancer.
Maryann Hansen
+1 (734) 615-5554