March 4, 2015

RPC Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2015 3-4 PM
Present: Atoma Batoma, Qiang Jin, Henry Hebert, Lisa Hinchliffe, Tim Cole, Beth Sandore
Namachchivaya, Dan Tracy
A motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes was made by Qiang and seconded by Dan.
The minutes were approved.
1. News and announcements: None
2. Updates
a. RPC budget: The Business office has informed Atoma that some RPC awardees have
overspent their RPC funds, but Atoma doesn’t know the specifics.
Lisa: Are we keeping the Business Office informed about our budget? We need to
inform librarians about their RPC budgets.
Tim: The Business office needs to find a way to prevent librarians from
overspending. Atoma is going to investigate the issue.
b. Research showcase: None
3. Discussion/Summary
a. Hosting brown bags: The next RPC brown bag will be March 10, 2015 from 12 noon
to 1 pm. Qiang will host the brown bag on March 10. Beth will host a brown bag on
April 14, 2015. Dan will host a brown bag on May 12, 2015
b. AP investigation time (recommendations)
Tim: RPC needs to update our web site that AP can apply for research funding. We
need to create a web page for AP, and link the page to some resources. Currently,
research is optional on AP’s evaluation. AP can take 5% to 10% of research time.
Lisa: RPC can’t recommend a budget for AP research requests. At present, AP needs
to go through two levels of reviews before getting RPC funding: 1) RPC needs to
recommend that AP’s request be funded, but can’t recommend a budget. The dean
needs to fund a project. Beth and Atoma volunteered to draft a web page for AP.
c. Copy cards vs Scanning/digitization
Copy cards: RPC chairs have been authorized to give out copy cards for years. For
copy cards, applicants need to write a couple of sentences stating what their research
projects are. Atoma reported that two copy cards were requested during the month of
February 2015.
Scanning/digitization: Tim: We need to know the cost of high quality scanning.
Henry will ask Jennifer Teper about the scanning issue, so RPC can start on the
procedure. The committee members agree that high quality scanning needs some
planning. Applicants need to request it in advance.
d. RPC funding of manuscripts (the language)
Dan will draft a short statement, and send it out to the committee.