10/23/2012 Supplementary Information (SI) Handedness helps homing in swimming and flying animals Promode R. Bandyopadhyay, Henry A. Leinhos, & Aren M. Hellum Autonomous & Defensive Systems Department, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, RI 02841, USA Animation Animation 1: Shows disturbance rejection by a flapping fin driven by analog van der Pol oscillator circuit13. The fin is given a square pulse of external electrical disturbance. (a) Shows graph of x-load (N) and y-load (N) with time; shows fin assembly in tow tank. (b) Shows fin roll versus pitch angle with time. Both show departure from limit cycle due to externally applied square wave disturbance and subsequent return to the previous limit cycle after the disturbance is removed. No sensor or separate closed loop controller for error reduction from reference is used. Animation 2: This shows the sensitivity of the modeled (high-order) force fluctuation maps ( Fx ' Fx ' ) to Strouhal number St in flapping fins subjected to optimized twisting, as evidenced by their modeling using the Stuart-Landau (SL) equation. The map for nominal experimental St = 0.30 is shown in Fig. 4a. The SL modeling perfect lock-in occurs at St = 0.2999075 and is given in Fig. 4b. The animation shows SL modeling that produces a small amount of oscillation near the lock-in at St = 0.3008 because the initial condition in each half of the oscillation is not the same. Animation 3: This shows the state map z1-w2 of two inferior-olive neuron oscillators 1 (strong) and 2 (weak). The ratio of w2/z1 is on the order of 0.001. The weak oscillator effect congregates at a preferred phase of the strong oscillator. In certain sectional planes, the highfrequency oscillations look deceptively random. The essential nonlinear nature of the weak oscillator is retained even though the state levels are weak and might be misinterpreted as “noise.” 1 10/23/2012 Data and Materials Part A: Preferential properties of flapping fin instantaneous actuator force vector fields and of dolphin sonar. (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. S1. Examples of preferential topological properties. (a) Galaxies are flat disks (picture courtesy of NASA). (b) Instantaneous force vectors (N (x, y, z, t)) from a pair of pectoral fins flapping at various parameters; note that the pattern is not spherical; it is wider azimuthally and narrower in elevation (our laboratory measurements7,8,18 on penguin-like realistic (aspect ratio, fin section, and planform) hinged flapping fins). The fins are hinged at (0, 0, 0). The net fin force (Fx) acts at one spanwise location (Ravg) at c/3 from the leading edge—the center of pitch 2 10/23/2012 oscillation. The fins undergo roll and pitch oscillation simultaneously with a 90o phase difference between them. (c, d) Measurements of dolphin acoustic sensory (transmission and receiving) response at 120 kHz2,3. Response at other peaks of chirps at 30 and 60 kHz is similar. Note the 5o and 10o bias in elevation in transmission and receiving presumably due to head anatomy. The receiving response is wider in azimuth than in elevation as in (a) and (b). The receiving response in azimuth has a preferential handedness. The operational impact of this last property is considered in this paper. [Note on dolphin sonar maps due to Au2,3: The data is due to a stationary animal trained to work with a bite plate. The dolphin chirps with peaks in the SPL spectra at 30, 60, and 120 kHz. For the transmitting profile, the SPLs in the peaks measured with a hydrophone are plotted (the above plots are for 120 kHz). For the receiving profile, in the water there are two sources: one is emitting noise and the other is a monochromatic projector. The animal is trained to record its response on the bite plate when the difference between the projector and the noise is discerned. To clarify, no hydrophone is involved in the plot of the receiving map.] Experimental data source: Fig. S1a: NASA. Fig. S1b: refs. 7, 8, and 18. Fig. S1c, S1d: refs. 2, 3. 3 10/23/2012 Part B: Validation of the analog method of solution of the olivo-cerebellar dynamical system equations (a) (b) (c) IO Bifurcation April 2010 Steady State Limit Loops at Various '' Values 0.3 w 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 1 0.03 0.5 0.02 0.01 0 0 -0.5 z (d) -0.01 -0.02 (e) 4 10/23/2012 Fig. S2. Validation of our analog method of solving the nonlinear olivo-cerebellar dynamical equations (coupled Ca (zi, wi) and Na (ui, vi) oscillators). (a) Photograph of board containing six independent solvers, three in each of the two columns. (b, c) Comparison of self-referential phase reset property22 in the analog circuit13 in (b) with the measurements in rodent brain slices22 (c). Initially, the signals have random phase. After the spike is applied (extra-cellular impulse, the term Iext in the Ca oscillator equation (zi, wi)), the signals synchronize. The inferior-olive neural behavior is reproduced by our analog circuit. (d, e) Comparison of measurements (d) of limit cycles of states in the Ca oscillator (zi, wi) in our analog circuit with those from theory (e)33. The third axis is µ, which is a measure of the strength of the oscillator voltage levels. The analog circuit in (a) therefore reproduces the olivo-cerebellar dynamics as known experimentally with animal brains and theoretically. This circuit is used in the results in Fig. 5b. µ in Figs. S2d and e, and a in Figs. 5b and S913,22,34: In Figs. 5b and S9 (w (a = 0.035), z (a = 0.015)), the a values are for small and large limit cycles, respectively; a = a* µ; the parameter a appears in the cubic nonlinear functions of the u-v and z-w subsystems given in the main paper; at a critical value of a, the system undergoes Poincare-Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (it is stable for lower values of a), and at higher values, oscillatory solutions (limit cycles shown in Figs. S2d and e) appear. Figure 5b shows that, as per our model, the coupling of a strong and a weak inferior-olive neuron is being used to generate the given bat path in the horizontal plane in the z and x axes, respectively. Two other bats (named Frosty and George) have tracks23 similar to those in Fig. 5a—which are due to Poe—consisting of segments of similar, mainly very long, less-curved and rounded paths. Experimental data source: Fig. S2a, 2b: ref. 13. Fig. S2c: ref. 22. Fig. S2e: ref. 34. 5 10/23/2012 Part C: Modeling of sensor (combined SPL and acceleration) response and comparison with flapping fin force fluctuation measurements at various wake bifurcating Reynolds numbers The relationship between acoustic pressure and the acoustic particle velocity field provided by the linear Euler equation, as well as the assumptions from the linear wave equation, provides both the fundamentals of signal propagation and the basis upon which the pressure and velocity signals can be combined in a coherent hydrophone-accelerometer sensor beamforming algorithm21: o v p'. t (S1) Equation (S1) is the linear Euler equation that relates the time dependence of the acoustic velocity field to the gradient of the pressure for small-amplitude pressure and density perturbations within a fluid. Limaçon beamform response: In Figs. S3 through S5, we show the results from the acoustic sensor response equation given in the main paper for different relative proportions of the velocity (Wx, Wy) and pressure (Wp) weights. Figures S3 through S5 show the conditions under which the acoustic combined hydrophoneaccelerometer sensor response would match the acoustic radiation from the flapping fin forces in the stated regimes of transitional Reynolds numbers. 6 10/23/2012 (a) (b) Fig. S3. (a) Acoustic combined hydrophone-accelerometer sensor response (b, ) for Wx = Wy = 1, Wp = 3/2; (b) fin force fluctuation measurements8 at fin chord Reynolds number Rec = 3,558 ≤ Rec ≤ 7,089, mode A. 7 10/23/2012 (a) (b) Fig. S4. (a) Acoustic combined hydrophone-accelerometer sensor response (b, ) for Wx = Wy = 1, Wp = 1; (b) fin force fluctuation measurements8 at fin chord Reynolds number 17,689 ≤ Rec ≤ 26,834, mode B. The force fluctuation maps in the Rec range between 7,089 and 17,689 (mode A-B) are a mixture of those in Figs. S3b (mode A) and S4b (mode B). 8 10/23/2012 (a) (b) Fig. S5. (a) Acoustic combined hydrophone-accelerometer sensor response (b, ) for Wx = Wy = 1, Wp = ½; (b) fin force fluctuation measurements8 at Rec = 49,121. (The map is stable in the range 39,923 ≤ Rec ≤ 70,895, mode C; force fluctuation maps in the Rec range between 26,834 and 39,923 (mode B-C) are a mixture of those in Figs. S4b (mode B) and S5b (mode C)). Experimental data source: Figs. S3b, S4b, and S5b: ref. 8. 9 10/23/2012 Part D: Modeling of the motion of a flapping fin platform using bat sonar properties The target is assumed to be a point. Homing is said to have occurred when the range drops to less than or equal to half of the platform length. Figure S6 presents background bat sonar results, which have some validity in dolphins as well. Figure S7 is a graph of the modeling of the fin flapping frequency taken to be analogous to the bat chirp pulse intensity. Figure S8 shows the bearing, range, and platform trajectory for static targets to complement the mobile target results in the main paper (Fig. 6). (a) (b) Fig. S6. Chirp properties during the homing of a bat to a target24. 10 10/23/2012 Experimental data source: Figs. S6a, S6b: ref. 24. Fig. S7. Modeled variation of actuator frequency in a flapping platform as it approaches a target; this model has been used in the present homing simulations. Thrust is proportional to the square of the flapping frequency7,18.) 11 10/23/2012 (a) (b) 12 10/23/2012 (c) Fig. S8. Modeling of flapping fin platform trajectory showing heading and bearing (a), range (b), and position (c) with time when target is static. The results for even-handedness are compared with those for 10% and 15% left-handedness. The platform is indicated by a triangle. The ellipses indicate constant SPL. 13 10/23/2012 Part E: Phase relationship of a strong olivo-cerebellar oscillator with a weak one where the state level ratio is weak/strong = 0.001 Also see Animation 3 in the SI. (a) (b) 14 10/23/2012 (c) Fig. S9. Phase relationship with time between orthogonal states z1 and w2 from two oscillators—one strong and one weak (see Figs. S2d, e). Although the state is weak in the weak oscillator, it retains all the properties of the inferior-olive nonlinear oscillator. While (c) looks noisy and (a) looks clean and “periodic,” (b) clearly shows that the weak oscillator is present at a certain phase of the large oscillator. For a platform whose states are given by these oscillators, the weak oscillator will provide a small nudge at a certain phase of the large oscillator. 15 10/23/2012 References 1. Hegstrom, R. A., Kondepudi, D. K. The handedness of the universe. Sci. Amer. 262(1), 108-115 (1990). 2. Cohen, S. 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