Bioethics Essay

Medical Anatomy & Physiology
Kinlyn Smith
Taking Sides
Taking Sides on Steroids
There are two main kinds of steroids out there. They are medical and anabolic. Medical
steroids help asthmatics to breathe when they are having an asthma attack. Anabolic steroids
help to promote growth of muscle tissue. The article I read is about anabolic steroids and
whether or not they are bad for you. Anabolic steroids can be very bad for you but they can also
be beneficial. They can help build up skeletal muscle tissue. They can also cause long-term
negative health effects. They can be used safely to benefit you.
Anabolic steroids can help build up skeletal muscle tissue. Most anabolic steroids are
mostly testosterone. Testosterone helps to build up skeletal muscle. Men have more testosterone
than women and can build muscles up bigger and faster. In a study I read, men who used steroids
and did proper weight training gained 13 pounds of muscle over the course of the study to the 4
pounds of muscle gain that the people who did proper weight training but did not use steroids.
The people who used steroids but did not weight train at all gained 7 pounds of muscle weight.
Anabolic steroids can have long-term negative health effects. Some of the effects of
anabolic steroids are liver tumors, jaundice, fluid retention and high blood pressure. Sometimes
steroids can lead to heart disease because steroids affect cholesterol. Male steroid users have
often reported developing breasts because of more adipose tissue in the thoracic area. Female
steroid users can have more body hair (Jackson). Long-term steroid use can often lead to
Medical Anatomy & Physiology
Anabolic steroids can be used safely to benefit you. Before physicians were no longer
allowed to be prescribed by physicians they could have been used more safely. The people who
were just injecting themselves with the steroids using any old needle were putting themselves at
risk of getting other diseases. If an athlete was prescribed, and given, a safe dosage by their
physician, they can build muscle more safely. There is still the risk of long-term health effects
but it should be up to someone if they’re willing to take the risk.
In conclusion, I think that while anabolic steroids can be dangerous, they can also be used
safely. To be used safely they need to be watched by a physician. That way, if it starts causing
someone’s health to go downhill they can pull them off of the prescription.
Medical Anatomy & Physiology
Works Cited
"Steroids vs Natural: The Muscle Building Effects Of Steroid Use." . N.p.. Web. 16 Jan 2013.
Jackson, Sarah. "SteroiThe Negative Effects of Steroids on Athletesds vs Natural: The Muscle
Building Effects Of Steroid Use." . N.p., 10 Nov 2009. Web. 16 Jan 2013.