Pupil Premium Action Plan Pupil Premium have been divided into micro populations to make it easier to track effectively. Outcomes Closing gaps 1: in gender performance of Pupil Premium in English in the academy (boys 14% below girls in A*-C GCSE performance – this is similar to national figures – RAISE online) Actions Boys reading group; male teachers on target classes; all boys tutor group; Review of English interventions and action plan on gender performance in English (this is currently higher Responsibility Timescale Start/Finish Resources Monitoring of Implementation Evidence AOS/LGO Started English dept handbook (Equal Ops – Gender – policy in place within the dept to be written ) 6 weekly tracking analysis. Gap Raising in GCSE results After each tracking and standards board, half termly Standards Board presentations Gap Raising in analysis of other year groups’ data. Special focus on Pupil Premium target group. ALT LM meetings TARGET: less than 10% difference between girls/boys A*-C priority in years 9 and 10 and the top end of year 8) Regular analysis of student performance data, which is then used to monitor effectiveness of action plan. Closing gaps 2: performance of School Action students and Pupil Premium (they currently attain well below compared with national figures but are below school average RAISE online) Review of SEN interventions – action plan drawn up of strategies to close the gap, including withdrawal with SRU following reading tests if extra support needed. (Priority: year 10) Regular analysis of student performance data, which is then used to monitor effectiveness of action plan. RDO SCO/Middle Leaders April 2014 RDO After each tracking and standards board, half termly SCO attends Standards Board. Middle leaders required to analyse micro populations performance (incl School Action) GCSE results of SA students improved compared with academy average. AOS/RDO LM meetings (TARGET: SA average above academy average) Closing gaps 3: performance of FSM students (they currently attain well below non FSM students nationally but are below school average -RAISE online) Review of interventions such as 1-1 mentoring and attendance at residential to ensure FSM are targeted appropriately (gaps have closed but still need review) Regular analysis of student performance data Closing gaps 4: performance at KS4 in Humanities for Pupil Premium (they are currently the only subject with Sig-for VA; all others are sig+ RAISEonline) Review of Humanities SOW, exam provision, assessment, resourcing, staffing and interventions. Regular analysis of student performance data to inform effectiveness of SCO/Middle leaders RDO RDO/EWH RDO/EWH April 2014 After each tracking and standards board, half termly On-going After each tracking and standards board, half Middle leaders required to analyse micro populations performance (incl FSM). ALT LM meetings GCSE results of FSM students improved compared with academy average. (TARGET: less than 10% gap between FSM and non-FSM at 5A*-C (EM)) Staffing Weekly LM meetings. Regular analysis of data GCSE results in History (2014) well below target (37% A*-C) Standards board meetings Other subjects and other year groups showing progress in line with targets termly planning and interventions (Spr2 tracking data shows improvement in History, Geography and Citizenship; Priority: P4C) Closing gaps 5: performance of Pupil Premium compared with other main groups in the academy (RAISE online) Review of interventions ALT/RDO/Middle leaders On-going ALT to run session with parents/carers of PP students including presentation on attendance and coaching sessions on parenting Weekly ALT LM meetings. Middle leaders required to analyse micro populations performance (incl PP) and ensure departmental interventions (e.g. after school attendance) is reaching the right students. TARGET:PP students less than 10%% off whole academy average 5A*-C (EM) Regular analysis of data Regular analysis of student performance data (Current priority: Year 11 and PP end of Year 8) Closing gaps 6: performance of G&T that are PP students (A/A* figures need to Standards board meetings G&T interventions – ALT and Middle Leaders Study skills day for year 10 RDO April 2014 Middle leaders required to analyse micro populations performance (incl G&T). GCSE results in line with targets. rise) (RAISEonline) Targeted attendance at after school clubs and regular G&T meetings in tutor time RDO MWA Oxbridge trip (Sci and English) Regular analysis of student performance data, which is then used to monitor effectiveness of action plan. (Current priority: year 9 and A/A* in year 11) E/Bacc for PP and 5A*C(EM) – GCSE only Pathways and options designed to ensure the GCSE performance of students (esp. in EBacc subjects) RDO/ALT RDO/ALT After each tracking and standards board, half termly Apr 2014 STH/ALT LM meetings Option groups in place. rises. RWON plan for PP (new Ofsted criteria) Implementation of assessment of Reading, Writing, Oracy and Numeracy testing and setting of targets for progress in these areas in line with Federation. MBA March 2014 June 2014 MBA/AOS/ALT Tests – Reading Age and PiE, PiM or equivalent Line management of MBA RWON measures established and used. RWON targets set for all year groups and micro populations MBA – reading ages JDU– exam timetable ALT - targets Presentation of data for PP (on here due to staff being less familiar with CMIS than SIMS) Target setting for PP (This is up for review at the end of year 2014/15) Regular agreed format for presentation of student’s performance data including staffroom displays. Review of how targets are set. Reports in CMIS set up to accommodate RDO/BRE ALT By June 2014 Done. By May 2014 ALT May 2014 Further CMIS Training for ALT. Standards Board Meetings ALT meetings Possible outsourcing for CMIS report writing LM meetings STH/ALT SIMS training or reports written LM meetings STH/ALT Meetings ALT/TPA Possible outsourcing for SIMS report writing All staff/students well aware of targets and data. Data used well by Middle and senior leaders to target interventions effectively Targets set for all students for Sep2014 Staff and students aware of these targets and how they were generated. 2014/13 targets ALT GCSE results analysis: SIMS reports written Learning and Teaching Action Plan Staff use targets to inform planning. Allan Osborne Context Main Strategic Measurable Targets 2014 - 2015 80% of lessons good or better 100% of teachers receiving support to improve their practice April 2014 –Cycle of lesson observations to focus on satisfactory or inadequate lessons and attendant CPD programmes / support published. July 2014 –Review effectiveness of support programmes September 2014 – Implement revised schedule of lesson observations and follow up support Responsibility Timescale Start/Finish Resources Monitoring of Implementation Evidence All teachers to plan learning activities aimed at the full range of students: SEN, EAL and G&T VP Teaching and Learning Time for lesson observations All staff Regular checks every term during lesson observation by observers copying VP Teaching and Learning who in turn will report to VP Standards Lesson observation feedback All staff to plan and implement intervention strategies to ensure students achieve their target grades To begin January 2014 and be ongoing throughout the year with critical checks in: Outcomes Actions To move all teaching to good or better (permanent staff) 201 Lesson Observation stats: 65% Good and above 90% Satisfactory and above 2014/2015 Lesson Observation Stats target: All staff to include RWCM strategies in their lessons All staff to plan ICT opportunities into their Middle Leaders SENCO and LSAS RWCM post holder (see RWCM action plan) ICTAC post holder (see ICTAC action plan) June 2014 September 2014 November 2014 Time for lesson observation CPD, both whole Academy as well as group based to begin in March 2014 Time for teachers and LSAS to meet and plan learning Lesson observation statistics produced for whole staff, ALT and Governors More good lesson observations across the Academy Target of 75% Good and above to be met No staff to be ‘stuck’ at satisfactory 80% Good and above 100% Satisfactory and above (this is cross referenced in the ‘Evidence – Quality of teaching’; areas for improvement on page 24 in section A2 of the academy SEF) lessons in order to enhance student learning January 2014 together March 2014 Lesson observations to take place during first 3 weeks of each term to allow for CPD to be targeted Middle Leaders to observe departmental staff and provide support/challenge where necessary All satisfactory staff to be engaged on coaching programme to move them to good All staff who dip into satisfactory to engage immediately on Satisfactory to Good coaching programme To embed good to outstanding coaching programme 2014/2015 stats: 14% staff outstanding 61% staff good Train a group of staff to become lead coaches VP Teaching and Learning Create coaching groups Coaching leads Establish a coaching culture – teachers are working with others to All staff To begin April 2014 and be on-going throughout the year with critical checks in: Regular monitoring of coaching groups by VP Teaching and Learning reporting to Principal Lesson observation feedback shows improvements in grades More outstanding lesson observations across the Academy 2014/2015 target: 18% outstanding 57% good (this is cross referenced in the ‘Evidence – Quality of teaching’; areas for improvement on page 23 in section A2 of the academy SEF – this is an on-going target which needs to be fully embedded during 2014/2015) June 2014 October 2014 January 2015 improve their practice (cross reference with ‘To develop the Academy as a professional learning community’) Work with good teachers to move them to outstanding Deliver Coaching CPD to a range of staff at the beginning of the year and to revisit at various sages during the year Ensure Teaching and Learning Forum time on meeting cycle is used to coach – this has been amended and time will now come AOS PPS sessions on Mondays To develop the Academy as a professional learning community (this is cross referenced in the ‘Evidence – Quality of teaching’; areas for improvement on page 23 in section A2 of the academy To develop a learning ethos within the Academy – all teachers are learners too VP Teaching and Learning Lead coaches All staff To create a study period programme within the Professional Practice To begin April 2014 and be on-going throughout the year with critical checks in: Time to research and upload good practice resources Some resources may need to be purchased Regular monitoring by VP Teaching and Learning reporting to Principal Teaching and Learning library established on shared area and used by staff All staff to be engaged on independent study leading to improvements in Teaching and Learning SEF – this target will support the embedding of the previous target as well as support all coaching programmes) Good practice to be shared amongst staff June 2014 sessions time slot on alternate Mondays October 2014 To establish a Teaching and Learning library of good practice January 2015 To share a Teaching and Learning newsletter each month To embed assessment dialogue across all departments Evidence form lesson observations and book scrutinies indicates this a an area for development All departments to develop an assessment dialogue sheet to be used across all key stages – this has been amended and now replaced with the assessment stamp (this is cross referenced in the ‘Evidence – AFL’; areas for improvement on page 25 in section A2 of the academy SEF) All departments must use assessment dialogue with students – to be evidenced in exercise books or folders Students to be engaging with reflection through regular feedback VP Data Middle Leaders All staff To begin April 2014 and be on-going throughout the year with critical checks in: June 2014 October 2014 January 2014 All Middle Leaders to have an agenda item for sharing good practice and moderation at all departmental meetings Regular checks through monitoring of departmental minutes Regular checks by Middle Leaders during work scrutinies Regular checks by ALT during work scrutinies Regular student questionnaires Feedback AOS/ Learning Walks Feedback AOS/ ALT Drop ins Lesson observation feedback Work scrutiny proformas Student voice To embed questioning in order to engage students, extend understanding and assess learning Evidence form lesson observations, learning walks and drop ins indicates this an area for development Deliver (this is cross referenced in the ‘Evidence – Quality of teaching and AFL’; areas for improvement on page 24/25 in section A2 of the academy SEF and is also one of the targets AOS Ofsted, September 2011) To further engage and embed Student Leadership work at departmental level Recruit more Student Leaders 32 to 60 across all years groups (this is cross referenced in the ‘Evidence – Positive Learning Behaviour’; areas All teachers to plan questioning strategies into lessons All teachers to improve their questioning techniques to ensure that students are exposed to higher order questioning in all lessons VP Teaching and Learning Middle Leaders All staff To begin April 2014 and be on-going throughout the year with critical checks in: All Middle Leaders to have an agenda item for sharing good practice and moderation at all departmental meetings June 2014 Regular checks during lesson observation cycle by observers copying VP Teaching and Learning reporting to VP Standards Feedback AOS Learning Walks Lesson observation feedback Feedback AOS ALT Drop ins October 2014 January 2014 Questioning CPD to whole staff and revisit throughout year Develop good practice packs to be available on shared area All departments to engage with student commission All Middle Leaders to have developed a role for their student commission rep All departments to have a group of representatives that attend meetings and promote their subject VP Student Commission Middle Leaders All staff To begin April 2014 and be on-going throughout the year with critical checks in: June 2014 October 2014 Departmental time set aside for this work to be developed and embedded Regular dialogue during line management meetings Regular student questionnaires Departmental action plans 2014/2015 Departmental minutes ALT Line management minutes Student voice for improvement on page 26 in section A2 of the academy SEF) Regular delivery of assemblies and presentations of the Student Leaders to parents and students on how to improve learning Use of Student Leaders in CPD sessions January 2015