CV - dataRonin

Fox Peterson
Corvallis, OR
Post-doctoral Reasearch Associate, 2012-2014, Corvallis, OR
Research associate under data managers and principal investigators from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term
Ecological Research (H.J.A. LTER) Site in the western Cascades range, Oregon
developed a Matlab based tool to calculate biomass for 487,000 individual trees located on western
reference stands (Henshaw, January 2013)
validated multiple allometric scaling forms (Halpern, Jenkins, Pabst) for vegetative biomass for uncertainty
estimates (Henshaw, January 2013)
serving data manager and programmer (volunteer) for the Central Arizona Phoenix (CAP) LTER "urban
aquatics" working group under PI Nancy Grimm (Grimm, January 2013)
developed the proprietary entry format for Detritus Input and Removal Treatments database (Lajtha,
Oregon State University, 2010- 2012, Corvallis, OR, (GPA: 4.0 of 4.0)
Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Sciences: Forest Ecology, advisor: Kate Lajtha
Coursework in geo-statistics, nutrient cycling, geomorphology, research theory, plant physiology, isotopics (recent research using stable isotopes), environmental engineering/modeling, machine learning,
GIS/spatial modeling, grant writing, systems modeling, and multi-scale analysis.
Mentored undergraduates in environmental sciences, biological engineering, and biochemistry
Employed and managed an undergraduate student-worker in soil biogeochemistry lab work (2011-2012)
Worked with the Forest Service Laboratory (FSL) Data Management group to maintain eco-hydrological
database and spatial biogeochemical database
Worked with the LTER (Long term Ecological Research) program at the H.J. Andrews Experimental
Forest, including speaking at outreach activities such as H.J, Andrews Day
Conducted maintenance on the Detritus Input and Removal Treatment Plots (DIRT Project) including
lysimetry, soil sampling, and treatment protocol
Began development of the DIRT database to be shared amongst multiple DIRT sites in late 2013-2014
Conducted various soil laboratory research such as nitrate and ammonium analyses (lachat autoanalyser),
N-mineralization (via incubation), C-fractionation (via centrifuging and aspiration), DOC analysis (using the
TOC analyzer and Leico Autoanalyzer), and basic soil profiling.
Developed graphics for DIRT results from the Noe Woods and Wingra Woods studies (Sigma Plot)
Worked with graduate student at The Evergreen State College on a project to visualize canopy gaps using
LiDAR returns and a Processing based software package, TreeVaw
Member of Society of American Foresters (SAF), Ecological Society of America (ESA), and American
Geophysical Union (AGU), Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN), and Sigma Xi.
Received a one-time departmental fellowship, the Forestry Graduate Fellowship, for $500.00 (2012-2013)
Received a one-time departmental fellowship, the Henry Hai-Loong and Ta-yun Wuu Fang Fellowship, for
$1500.00 (2012-2013)
Received an additional quarterly stipend via the Mary McDonald Fellowship of $1000.00, total $3000.00
Received a one-time departmental fellowship (Henry and Mildred Fowells Memorial Fellowship) for a
student with exceptional
research in Forest Ecology ($2000.00) (2011-2012)
Received a continuing departmental fellowship (Ching Foundation Fellowship), 2011-2012 year ($1000.00)
Received a university-wide research fellowship (Saubert Fellowship), 2010-2011 year ($2500.00) (20102011)
Re-granted the university-wide research fellowship (Saubert Fellowship), 2011-2012 year
Received the NSF's UNT-IRES Sub-Antarctic Research Program Grant ($4500.00)(2011-2012)
Clemson University, 2008-2010, Clemson, SC (GPA: 4.0 of 4.0)
Masters of Science in Forest Resources: Forest Economics and Financial Modeling , advisor:Thomas Straka
Coursework in applied economics, experimental design, advanced statistics, forest economics,
management planning, soil science, biometrics, mensuration, dendrology, forest ecology, remote sensing,
policy, wildlife management, wetlands management, and business administration
Graduate teaching assistant for forest ecology (FOR 204) (Shelburne)
Presented "state soils project" as an example for teaching introductory soils courses (Michilova)
Member of Society of American Foresters and Clemson Forestry Club
Review of SAF Conference 2009 published in APSAF Trailblazer
Published Masters' thesis as a USFS official publication
Published research from masters’ thesis in technical, trade, and popular journals
Published proceedings, posters, and extension publications
University of Georgia, 2003-2006, Athens, GA (GPA: 3.9 of 4.0)
Bachelor of Arts: English Literature (GPA: 3.9 of 4.0); Bachelor of Arts: Art History (GPA: 4.0 of 4.0)
Published in Still Point Literary Magazine (2006)
Assisted teaching Freshman Composition (ENGL 1101) and Nature Writing (ENGL 3801H)
Emphasis on modern architecture and sculpture
Studied historic preservation law, curatorship, and art business
Other skills:
Sensors operated: LiCOR 8100A Soil Efflux Chamber, 7500 IRGA, 610 Dew Point Generator. Campbell Scientific
IRGASond, CR10 and 10x data logger, CS615 Soil Moisture Probe, CS107 Temperature Sensor, Vaisala CarboCap,
Picarro CO2 and CH4 gas analyzers. Young Sonic Anemometer.
Technology/Craft: GIS (ESRI ARCGIS Suite, Whitebox GAT), data visualization, GPS, mensuration , wood products
testing, soil field and laboratory measurements, lysimetry, forest inventory analysis, sensor networks, remote
sensing, video editing (manual and computerized), soil laboratory experiments (carbon and nitrogen, moisture),
soundboards, illustration.
Computer: Matlab, S+, Sigma Plot, R, ESRI ARCGIS Suite, Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft Outlook,
Photoshop,Web Soil Survey, FORVAL, HTML, basics in EML, XML, and KML, SAS, Simile, operating systems MAC
and Windows, Whitebox GAT, Passage, various ecosystem models, basic Python and PHP.
My Ph.D. Research
My Ph.D. research is entitled "Post-Harvest Establishment Influences ANPP, Soil C and DOC Export in Complex
Mountainous Terrain." In this research I addressed how when productivity (as aboveground net primary
productivity or ANPP) is measured affects the relationships between stand structure and ecosystem function. My
dissertation will be available online in 2013 through Oregon State University.
My Master's Research
My master’s thesis is entitled "Using Discounted Cash Flow Analysis for the Valuation of Single Trees and Urban
Forests." In this research, I developed a method for the valuation of urban forests and single (urban) trees with by
modeling intangible benefits (e.g. carbon sequestration, personal health, and local economic development) and
potential costs (e.g. risk of disease, storm hazard, maintenance). I developed mathematical constructions that
convert urban tree cash flows into standard cash flows that can be used with conventional forestry software
packages. I developed the concept of "Urban Tree Site Value" (UTSV) in this research. My masters research is
available online through Clemson University.
Other Research and Personal Research Interests:
I contributed to the work of a biophysics research group at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). My
contribution involved importing techniques from experimental statistics and geo-statistics to the modeling of
protein network evolution in various organisms. I also contributed to the research of The Evergreen State College
student Evan Haydek, who developed a method of predicting and visualizing canopy gaps from LiDAR returns. I
validated his analyses with field measurements and provided relevant ecological explanations for his predictions.
I enjoy teaching undergraduates both science (ecology) and scientific skills, particularly how to use spreadsheets
and create databases. I am very interested in data management, analysis, statistical computing, and visualization. My
personal interests are in long-term ecological data management, particularly developing programs and methods to
integrate cross-site data from multiple ecosystems, and developing metadata structures for long-term data that will
be useful for future researchers. I am also passionate about the integration of humanities and science.
Oregon State University, 2013- 2014
Corvallis, OR, Post-Doctoral Scholar
In January 2013 I worked with the Forest Science Laboratory's data management team under Donald
Henshaw. I developed a robust biomass calculator and reorganized an ecophysiological database
In February-May 2013 I am working with Dr. Christopher Thomas on the measurement and analyses of
atmospheric C fluxes in complex terrain. I have repaired and re-deployed a LiCOR 8100A soil efflux
chamber and 13 CS615 soil moisture sensors to look at surface C efflux in comparison with EddyCovariance estimates from a tower.
From May 2013- undefined, I will be working under Dr. Kate Lajtha on the development and maintenance
of the DIRT plot network in the H.J. Andrews experimental forest and creating network infrastructure to
be used online, as well as maintaining the DIRT webpage for multiple sites. I will also be participating in
the regional complex network (RCN) project in an unspecified format.
Oregon State University, 2010 – 2013
Corvallis, OR, Graduate Student/ Employee
Graduate work and other work documented in other sections of this resume
Clemson University, 2008-2010
Clemson, SC, Graduate Student (MS) / Teaching Assistant
Graduate work and classes taught documented in other sections of this resume
General Nutrition Corporation, 2007-2008
Alpharetta, GA, Sales and Management
Conducted inventory analysis, budget assessment, employee scheduling, corporate paperwork, daily
operations planning, sales merchandising, and customer assistance
Increased store sales in general merchandise and gold card promotion to become top store in the region
Promoted company in both English and Spanish
Fleet Feet Sports, 2004-2007
Sandy Springs, GA, Purchasing and Sales
Worked with national corporations at exposition venues
Trained employees in technical pronation assessment
Developed promotions for Susan B. Komen Foundation
Conducted purchasing for accessories and apparel with multiple vendor
Used P.O.S. sales system and created electronic inventory database
University of Georgia, 2003-2006, Athens, GA, Teaching and athlete
Teaching assistant for English 1101 (introduction to composition) and English 3801H (nature
Elite athlete for track and cross-country teams
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, Soil Biogeochemistry lab
Leadership of undergrad and masters' student teams
Design/develop small projects for several undergraduates at Oregon State
Work hands on with field teams and laboratory exercises
Oregon Community Food Bank, 2012
Sherwood, OR and St. Helens, OR
organized road race bibs and packets for community food drive 10ks
set up and tore down road race courses
packaged food for distribution to needy families
Operation Christmas Child (Samaritans' Purse), 2012
Eugene, OR
collected and packaged Christmas boxes for distribution to needy children
contributed to national effort to donate 10 million boxes worldwide
Newspring Church, Awake! Coffee, 2009
Anderson, SC
Sell coffee products at Awake! Coffee for 10,000 member church
Interact with customers and work P.O.S. sales system
Athletes in Action Sportswochen, SportsWochen, 2006
Saalfelden, Austria
English Instructor and Weight Training Coach
Taught high school students English in preparation for examinations
Coached weight-lifting and conditioning
Athens Church, Athens, Environment Team and Audiovisual Set-up, 2004-2006
Athens, GA
Set up audiovisual system for satellite church based in Atlanta, GA
Determined operational schedule for “load-in” of electronic equipment
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Leader and Audiovisual Maintenance, 2004-2006
Athens, GA
Lead worship sessions, promoted small group activities, and facilitated gatherings for Christian NCAA
Athletes at the University of Georgia
Prepared audiovisual media for weekly worship gathering
College of Forestry, Oregon State University (2010-2013)
Received multiple research stipends
Inducted into Sigma Xi
maintained 4.0 GPA
invited to present at several poster presentations
speaker at Long Term Ecological Research functions
University of Georgia Track and Field Team (2003-2006)
Team Captain, Distance Runner (10k)
Competed year-round for three years on NCAA Division 1 track and field team as an All-SEC athlete
Earned All-SEC Academic Awards annually
Earned the Ramsey Award for Scholar-Athlete
Mandated team functions and negotiated with athletic department as a team captain in 2006 and 2007
University of Georgia Academics (2003-2006)
Member of Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
Earned Virginia Rucker English Award
Received HOPE and Charter Scholarships at University of Georgia
Graduated Summa Cum Laude with Honors for Univeristy of Georgia in three years while maintaining 4.0
GPA and competing in NCAA Athletics
Note: All publications are available on request. Over the past several years my name has changed. All of the
following reflect publications I have been author on. I am underlined in the following citations.
Publications (current to previous by year)
(1) Peterson, F.S. and K. Lajtha. 2012. Linking Aboveground Structure and Belowground SOC and DOC in
Complex Terrain. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Resources- Biogeosciences. December 2012. In review.
(2) Peterson, F.S., J. Sexton, and K. Lajtha. 2013. A spatial model of litter fall in complex terrain: a study from the
western Cascades Range, OR. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Forest Research, January 2013. In review.
(3) Peterson, F.S., G. J. Peterson, T. Spies, and K. Lajtha. 2013. Does ANPP differ depending on when it is
measured? multiple trajectories of ANPP in complex terrain. Submitted to Ecosystems, February 2013.
(4) Townshend, K., F.S. Peterson, J. Wigg, and K. Lajtha. 2013. Multiple Years of SOC and DOM analysis in the
Andrews Forest and Harvard DIRT plots. Submitted to Biogeochemistry, February 2013.
(1) Peterson, F.S. and T.J. Straka. 2012. Urban Forest and Tree Valuation Using Discounted Cash Flow Analysis:
Impact of Economic Components. Open Journal of Forestry 2 (3), 171-178. Available online at
(2) Peterson, F.S. and T.J. Straka. 2012. Discounted Cash Flow Methods for Urban Forestry: Standard and
Specialized Formulas. Southern Regional Extension Forestry. SREF UF 002. Available online at
(3) Peterson, G.J., S. Presse, K.S. Peterson, and K.A. Dill. 2012. Simulated evolution of protein-protein interaction
networks with realistic topology. PLoS One, May 2012.
(1) Peterson, K.S. and T.J. Straka. 2011. “Specialized Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Formulas for Valuation of
Benefits and Costs of Urban Trees". Journal of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 37 (5). Available online at Accessed on 1 September 2011.
(2) Peterson, K.S. and T.J. Straka. 2011. "Discounted Cash Flow Analysis for Arborists and Urban Foresters." The
Acorn (Fall 2011). 6-7.
Theses and Authorized Reports (current to previous by year)
Peterson, F.S. 2012. Post-Harvest Establishment influences ANPP, SOC, and DOC in Complex Terrain. Doctoral
Dissertation. Oregon State University.
Heffelfinger, K.L. and T.J. Straka. Developing a Practical Income Valuation Approach in Urban Forest Valuation.
Final Report on USFS Grant No. 08-DG 11083150-017.
Heffelfinger, K.L. A Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Method for Single Trees and Urban Forests. Master's Thesis.
Clemson University.
Scientific Presentations and Posters (current to previous by year)
(1) Peterson, F.S., E. A. Haydek, and J. Cushing. 2013. Cataloging and Visualizing Complex Forest Stands Using
LiDAR Data. to be presented at the Northwest Forest Society Annual Meeting, March, 2013. Portland, OR.
(1) Peterson, F.S. and K. Lajtha. 2012. A New Way to Measure Productivity: A Case Study from the H.J. Andrews
Experimental Forest. Department of Crop and Soil Science Symposium, November, 2012. Corvallis, OR.
(2) Peterson, F.S. and K. Lajtha. 2012. Re-defining Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) for Complex
Terrain: A Case Study fromthe H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest.. Long-Term Ecological Research All Scientists
Meeting, September, 2012. Estes Park, CO. Abstract Available on Request.
(3) Peterson, F.S.. K. Lajtha, and J. Sexton. 2012. Stand Structure, Soil Nutrients, Litter Fall and Productivity on
Watershed 1. Forestry Symposium. May, 2012. Corvallis, OR. Abstract Available on Request.
(1) Peterson, K.S. 2011. Stand Structure, Site History, and Environment. Poster to be present at the West Side
Story: Douglas Fir Management Conference. October, 2011. Corvallis, OR. Abstract available on request.
(2) Peterson, K.S. 2011. Stand Structure, Site History, and Environment. Poster Presented at the H.J. Andrews
Midterm Review Poster session August, 2011. Corvallis, OR. Abstract available on request.
(3) Peterson, K.S. and B.J. Bond. 2011. The Causes and Changes in Biomass and Productivity on Watershed 1.
Poster presented at the H.J. Andrews Symposium. April, 2011 Corvallis, OR. Abstract available on request.
(4) Allen, S.T., K.S. Peterson, B.J. Bond, J.J. McDonell. 2011. Investigating Topographic Controls on the
Ecohydrological Coupling of Canopy Structure and Interception Loss. Poster presented at the H.J. Andrews
Symposium. April, 2011. Corvallis, OR. Abstract available on request.
(5) Peterson, K.S. 2011. Spatio-temporal analysis of abovegroundbiomass and productivity on Watershed 1 at the
H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, OR. Poster and oral presentation at the Forest Science Graduate Student
Symposium. May, 2011 Corvallis, OR. Abstract available at
(6) Peterson, K.S. 2011. Carbon Dynamics in Managed Forest Ecosystems. Oral presentation at the CEOAS Spring
Proposal Presentations Seminar. June, 2011. Corvallis, OR.
(7) Quandt, D., Peterson, K.S., Lajtha, K. and Bond, B. 2011. Quantification of Dissolved Organic Carbon Loss
Through Soil in Watershed 1: Preliminary Results. Undergraduate Research Thesis by Dustin Quandt.
(8) Hatcher, J.E. Jr., K.S. Peterson, J. L. Greene, T. J. Straka. Specialized Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Formulas
for Valuation of Benefits and Costs of Urban Trees and ForestsSouthern Forest Economics Workshop; March,
2011. Little Rock, AR.
(1) Peterson, K.S. B.J. Bond, R. McKane, A. Abdelnour, M. Steiglitz. 2010. Scaling Issues and Spatio-temporal
Variability in Ecohydrological Modelling on Mountain Terrain: Methods and Future of the VELMA model. Poster
presented at the American Geophysical Union National Meeting. December, 2010. San Francisco, CA. Abstract
available at:
(2) Bond, B.J., K. Peterson, R. McKane, K. Lajtha, D.J. Quandt, S.T. Allen, S. Sell, M.E. Harmon, S. Johnson, T. Spies,
P. Sollins, A. Abdelnour, M. Steiglitz. 2010. How does complex terrain influence responses of carbon and water
cycle processes to climate variability and climate change? Poster invited to the American Geophysical Union
National Meeting. December, 2010. San Francisco, CA. Abstract available
(3) Peterson, G.J., S. Presse, K.S. Peterson, and K.A. Dill. 2010. Modeling the evolution of Protein-Protein
Interaction Networks. Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conferences on Stochastic Biology. January,
2010., Ventura, CA.
(4) Straka, T.J. and K.L. Heffelfinger. Discounted Cash Flow Valuation of Urban Trees and Forests. Poster
presented at the Association of Consulting Foresters National Conference, Landscape and Tree Appraisal
Workshop. June, 2010. Louisville, KY.
(5) Straka, T.J. and K.L. Heffelfinger. 2010. Discounted Cash Flow Valation of Urban Trees and Forests (Abstr.) In
Proceedings of the 64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society. June, 2010. Madison, WI.
Abstract available on Conference website, p. 126.
(6) Straka, T.J. and K.L. Heffelfinger. 2010. Discounted Cash Flow Valation of Urban Trees and Forests. Poster
presented at the 64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society. June 2010.Madiston, WI.
Apart from work, I enjoy weight-lifting, cycling, cartooning, photography and visiting local places of interest in
Oregon. I hail from Atlanta, Georgia and I am a college football fanatic for the Clemson Tigers. My favorite food is
rotisserie chicken, and my favorite place to visit in the world is Aberysthwyth, Wales.