APPENDIX N EARLY STAGE VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (ESVCLP) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table N1 List of current ESVCLPs at 30 June 2011 Table N2 List of conditional ESVCLP registrations lapsed during 2010-11 Table N3 List of partnerships that became ESVCLPs during 2010-11 Note: Appendix N Tables N1 to N3 are prepared in accordance with section 46 (2A) (g - l) of the IR&D Act 1986. In reference to section 46 (2A) (j), (k) and (l) there are no entities registered under Part 3 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Table N1 List of Full registration ESVCLPs in existence at 30 June 2011 No. Full registration: At 30 June 2011 the following partnerships were registered under s13-1(1A) of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Registration under this provision is known as full registration. 1. Carnegie Innovation Fund, LP Registration taken to have come into force 20/01/11 ILP0000080 – an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. Constant Innovation, LP 04/06/10 L0000199P – an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 3. Oneventures Innovation Fund, LP 04/02/09 ILP0000063, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4. Parallel Capital No. 1, LP 28/10/08 ILP0000054, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 1 of 64 Table N1 List of Conditional registration ESVCLPs in existence at 30 June 2011 No. Conditional registration: Limited partnerships that do not Registration qualify for full registration can be conditionally registered. The taken to partnership then has 24 months to achieve full registration. At have come 30 June 2011 the following partnerships were registered under into force s13-5(1A) of the Venture Capital Act 2002. 1. Arowana Partners Growth Australasian Fund II, LP 09/06/11 ILP0000087, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. BGS Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership 20/08/09 ILP0000065, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3. Elcano Sustainability Investments 2, LP 15/10/10 ILP0005, an incorporated limited partnership registered in QLD 4. Early Stage Capital Expansion Fund LP 16/04/10 L0000196H, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 5. Sydney Angels Sidecar Fund, LP 23/07/10 ILP0000071, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Table N2 List of conditional ESVCLP registrations lapsed during 2010 11 No. The following conditionally registered ESVCLP had its conditional registration lapse under s13-10 of the Venture Capital Act Date lapsed 1. Start Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership 28/10/10 ILP0000057, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 2 of 64 Table N3 List of partnerships that became ESVCLPs during 2010 11 No. Full registration [s13-1(1A)] Board decision Registration taken to have come into force* 1. Carnegie Innovation Fund, LP 09/06/11 20/01/11 ILP0000080 – an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW * The Venture Capital Act 2002 [s13-10] provides for a partnership’s full registration to be backdated when the partnership was first conditionally registered, or when it was established. No. Conditional registration [s13-5(1A)] 1. Arowana Partners Growth Australasian Fund II, LP Conditional registration effective 09/06/11 ILP0000087, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. Carnegie Innovation Fund, LP 18/02/11 ILP0000080, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3. Elcano Sustainability Investments 2, LP 15/10/10 ILP0005, an incorporated limited partnership registered in QLD 4. Sydney Angels Sidecar Fund, LP 23/07/10 ILP0000071, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 3 of 64 REPORTING REQUIREMENT 15-17 Annual reports for ESVCLP Innovation Australia is required to publish copies of ESVCLP's reports on the implementation of their approved investment plans. Full Registration Carnegie Innovation Fund, LP ILP0000080 – an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW The Fund made no investments in the 2010-11 financial year. The Fund carried on activities related to making eligible venture capital investments and implementing its approved investment plan during this period. Constant Innovation, LP L0000199P, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC The Fund has established the necessary management practices and protocols to manage, assess and monitor investments and ensure the Fund maintains full compliance. Oneventures Innovation Fund, LP ILP0000063, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW The Fund made one investment in 2010-11 financial year. The Fund operates and only carried on activities in accordance with its approved investment plan and that these activities related to the making and holding of investments as permitted by the Venture Capital Act 2002. Parallel Capital No. 1, LP ILP0000054, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW The Fund continues to operate in accordance with its investment plan and has established the necessary management practices and protocols including those to enable the Fund to comply with the reporting requirements for Innovation Australia. Conditional Registration Arowana Partners Growth Australasian Fund II, LP ILP0000087, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW The Fund was recently registered and is in the process of securing sufficient capital to gain full registration. After this it will commence implementing its investment plan. BGS Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership Page 4 of 64 ILP0000065, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW To date there have been no investments made by the Fund under the approved investment plan. All investments that will be made in the future will be modelled on the partnerships approved investment plan. Elcano Sustainability Investments 2, LP L0000196H, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC The Fund has yet to raise capital. Once sufficient capital has been raised and full registration achieved, investment activity, in accordance with the approved plan, will commence. Early Stage Capital Expansion Fund LP L0000196H, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC The Fund is yet to complete its capital raising. When the capital raising is complete and the Fund is ready to invest, investments will be made in line with the approved investment plan. Sydney Angels Sidecar Fund, LP ILP0000071, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW The Fund received notification of its unconditional registration as an ESVCLP on 4 August 2011. Accordingly, the Fund made no investments under its approved investment plan during the year ended 30 June 2011. Page 5 of 64 APPENDIX O VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (VCLP) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table O1 List of current VCLPs at 30 June 2011 Table O2 List of partnerships that became VCLPs during 2010-11 Table O3 List of partnerships that ceased to be VCLPs during 2010-11 Table O4 List of conditional VCLP registrations lapsed during 2010-11 Note: Appendix O Tables O1 to O4 are prepared in accordance with section 46 (2A) (g - l) of the IR&D Act 1986. In reference to section 46 (2A) (j), (k) and (l) there are no entities registered under Part 3 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Page 6 of 64 Table O1 List of VCLPs in existence at 30 June 2011 No. Full registration [s13-1]: At 30 June 2011 the following partnerships were registered under s13-1 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Registration under this provision is known as full registration. These VCLPs have raised at least $10 million. 1. A&B ETCF, LP Registration taken to have come into force 21/02/07 ILP0000033, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. Anacacia Partnership 1, LP 13/06/07 ILP0000036, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3. Anchorage Capital Partners Fund, LP 07/04/08 ILP0000049, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4. ANU MTAA Super Venture Capital Partnership, LP 28/07/05 19000001, an incorporated limited partnership registered in the ACT 5. Archer Capital VCLP 3, LP 29/04/04 ILP0000006, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 6. Archer Capital VCLP 4, LP 04/03/10 ILP0000067, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 7. Archer Capital VCLP GF 1, LP 26/06/06 ILP0000015, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 8. Arowana Capital Australasian Micro-Cap Private Equity partnership 1, LP 18/07/07 ILP0000039, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 9. BBF1 Partnership, LP 16/11/07 ILP0000042, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 7 of 64 10. Cleantech Australia Fund, LP 31/08/07 L0000146S, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 11. Crescent Capital Partners II, LP 26/07/04 ILP0000003, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 12. Crescent Capital Partnership III, LP 25/10/06 ILP0000023, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 13. Crescent Capital Partners IV, LP 15/06/10 ILP0000069, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 14. CWC Corporate Opportunity No.1 Limited 20/09/06 Partnership, LP L0000113A, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 15. Equity Partners Fund No. 3, LP 15/11/06 ILP0000018, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 16. Fulcrum Capital Partners No.1, LP 14/02/07 ILP0000026, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 17. Goldman Sachs Trans-Tasman Private Equity Fund 07, LP 14/02/07 ILP0000028, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 18. Harbert Australian Private Equity Fund I, LP 23/02/09 090053575, is a limited partnership registered with the State of Delaware 19. Innovation Capital Fund II, LP 07/10/05 ILP0000013, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 8 of 64 20. Jolimont Secondaries Fund II, LP 15/11/06 L0000119N, an incorporated limited a partnership registered in VIC 21. MRCF IIF, LP 27/01/11 ILP0000082, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 22. Next Capital 1, LP 16/11/05 L0000101T, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 23. Next Capital II, LP 07/04/08 L0000159B, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 24. Propel Private Equity Fund II, LP 26/07/04 ILP0000002, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 25. Quadrant Private Equity No 1, LP 13/09/05 ILP0000011, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 26. Quadrant Private Equity Fund No.2, LP 14/02/07 ILP0000030, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 27. Quadrant Private Equity Fund No.3, LP 29/11/10 ILP0000078, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 28. South Australian Life Science Advancement Partnership, LP 20/09/06 LP020, an incorporated limited partnership registered in SA 29. Southern Cross Fund No. 1, LP 22/06/06 ILP0000017, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 9 of 64 30. Starfish Technology Fund 1, LP 10/02/04 L0000062J, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 31. Starfish Technology Fund II, LP 17/04/07 L0000128P, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC 32. Triangle Resource Fund (Australia), LP 12/08/05 ILP0003, an incorporated limited partnership registered in QLD 33. Viburnum Private Equity Partnership 1, LP 09/10/07 ILP0000041, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 34. Wolseley Partners Fund I, LP 07/09/04 ILP0000009, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 35. Wolseley Partners Fund II, LP 16/11/07 ILP0000045, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 36. Yuuwa Capital, LP 10/11/08 ILP0000058, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW No. Conditional registration [s13-5]: Limited partnerships that have yet to raise capital and do not qualify for full registration can be conditionally registered. The partnership then has 24 months to achieve full registration. At 30 June 2011 the following partnerships were registered under s13-5 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Conditional registration effective 1. Allegro Private Equity II, LP 15/10/10 ILP0000073 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. Archer Capital VCLP GF 2, LP 09/06/11 ILP0000089 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 10 of 64 No. Conditional registration [s13-5]: Limited partnerships that have yet to raise capital and do not qualify for full registration can be conditionally registered. The partnership then has 24 months to achieve full registration. At 30 June 2011 the following partnerships were registered under s13-5 of the Venture Capital Act 2002. Conditional registration effective 3. Champ Ventures Investments 7 LP 15/04/11 ILP0000083, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4. Elcano Sustainability Investments 1, LP 19/02/10 ILP0006, an incorporated limited partnership registered in QLD 5. Harbert Australian Private Equity Parallel Fund I. LP 09/10/09 L0000188J, an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC Table O2 List of partnerships that became VCLPs during 2010 11 No. Full registration [s13-1] Board decision Registration taken to have come into force* 1. Archer Capital VCLP 4, LP 23/07/10 04/03/10 15/04/11 15/06/10 09/06/11 27/01/11 18/02/11 29/11/10 ILP0000067, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. Crescent Capital Partners IV LP ILP0000069, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3. MRCF IIF Partnership, LP ILP0000082, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4. Quadrant Private Equity Fund 3, LP ILP000078, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 11 of 64 * The Venture Capital Act 2002 [s13-10] provides for a partnership’s full registration to be backdated when the partnership was first conditionally registered, or established. No. Conditional registration [s13-5] 1. Allegro Private Equity II, LP Conditional registration effective 15/10/10 ILP0000073 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 2. Archer Capital VCLP GF 2, LP 09/06/11 ILP0000089 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 3. Champ Ventures Investments 7 LP 15/04/11 ILP0000083 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 4. Crescent Capital Partners IV LP 23/07/10 ILP0000069 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 5. MRCF IIF Partnership, LP 18/02/11 ILP0000082, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW 6. Quadrant Private Equity Fund 3, LP 10/12/10 ILP0000078 an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Table O3 List of partnerships that ceased to be VCLPs during 2010 11 No. Under Section 17-25 1. Quay Investor Group Fund No.1, LP Date revoked 15/10/2010 ILP0000061, an incorporated limited partnership registered in NSW Page 12 of 64 Table O4 Conditional VCLP registrations lapsed during 2010-11 No. The following conditionally registered VCLP had its conditional registration lapse under s13-10 of the Venture Capital Act. Date lapsed 1. Redfire Venture Capital Partnership, LP 28/10/2010 L0000174X an incorporated limited partnership registered in VIC Page 13 of 64 APPENDIX P POOLED DEVELOPMENT FUNDS (PDF) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table P1 List of current PDFs at 30 June 2011 Table P2 Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2010-11 under sections 45, 46 and 47 Note: Appendix P Tables P1 and P2 reflect the requirements set out in section 46 (2A) (a – f) of the IR&D Act 1986. In reference to section 46 (2A) (b), (c) and (d), the closure of the PDF program (on 21 June 2007) prevents new registrations under this program. Page 14 of 64 Table P1 List of PDFs in existence at 30 June 2011 No. [Companies registered under s14 of the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992] Date registered 1. Acrux Limited 07/07/99 ACN 082 001 152 2. Advent III Private Equity Limited 22/06/98 ACN 082 863 769 3. Allaway Weaver Williams Development Fund Pty Ltd 29/06/98 ACN 082 012 940 4. ATF Group (PDF) Limited 29/09/03 ACN 106 213 772 5. Ausfirst Capital Limited 16/05/00 ACN 091 945 443 6. Austock Group Limited 07/06/99 ACN 087 334 370 7. Australian Biomedical Fund No.4 Limited 13/12/05 ACN 117 429 795 8. Australian Capital Fund Pty Ltd 22/12/00 ACN 094 900 311 9. Authorised Investment Fund Limited 03/05/95 ACN 068 793 322 10. Biofusion Capital Pty Ltd 09/05/02 ACN 100 041 254 11. Biotech Capital Limited 29/03/00 ACN 091 979 172 Page 15 of 64 No. [Companies registered under s14 of the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992] Date registered 12. Bluepeak VC Technology Pooled Fund Limited 13/03/00 ACN 077 305 198 13. CVC Sustainable Investments Limited 20/12/99 ACN 088 731 837 14. Dynamic Development Fund Pty Ltd 01/11/05 ACN 116 187 270 15. Efficient Energy Australia Limited 05/08/97 ACN 078 867 446 16. ePark Direct Equity Fund Pty Ltd 22/12/00 ACN 093 613 793 17. EMC Solar Limited 20/05/04 ACN 108 702 101 18. First Tasmania Investments Limited 22/12/97 ACN 080 755 746 19. Future Capital Development Fund Limited 06/04/98 ACN 081 825 470 20. Genesis BDI Limited 08/10/02 ACN 081 768 907 21. Growthtech International Pty Ltd 18/07/97 ACN 065 951 091 22. Healthnet Investments Pty Ltd 27/09/99 ACN 088 674 846 23. Hochma Development Fund Limited 20/01/97 ACN 069 159 299 Page 16 of 64 No. [Companies registered under s14 of the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992] Date registered 24. Incubator Capital Limited 29/03/00 ACN 091 499 357 25. Innovation Capital Limited 30/03/99 ACN 086 439 107 26. Innovest PDF Limited 23/03/06 ACN 118 146 035 27. Match Development Fund Pty Ltd 15/11/06 ACN 122 203 641 28. MEC Resources Ltd 19/09/05 ACN 113 900 020 29. Mine Innovation Development Fund Pty Ltd 21/01/04 ACN 107 370 123 30. Nanyang Australia I Limited 20/12/93 ACN 062 516 787 31. Nanyang Australia II Limited 26/06/96 ACN 072 468 798 32. New Frugalitas Fund Limited 02/05/05 ACN 099 058 250 33. Nextec Development Capital Limited 11/05/95 ACN 068 582 936 34. Northstate Capital Limited 19/09/95 ACN 070 674 234 35. Origin Capital Limited 06/04/98 ACN 079 800 196 Page 17 of 64 No. [Companies registered under s14 of the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992] Date registered 36. Pacific Development Capital Limited 05/10/99 ACN 088 964 112 37. Paragon Equity Limited 15/06/01 ACN 096 576 439 38. Phoenix Development Fund Limited 21/12/00 ACN 094 922 602 39. Prosperity Capital Pty Ltd 20/12/06 ACN 106 420 811 40. Saltbush Funds Management Limited 26/02/04 ACN 102 298 546 41. Smallco Development Capital Pty Ltd 12/12/95 ACN 070 660 356 42. Strategic Development Fund Limited 23/03/06 ACN 118 437 960 43. Strategic Elements Ltd 15/11/06 ACN 122 437 503 44. Technology Development Investment Limited 07/03/94 ACN 063 379 064 45. Teltec Capital Limited 20/02/98 ACN 080 975 702 46. The New Millennium Fund Pty Ltd 02/12/99 ACN 089 529 733 47. The Pioneer Development Fund (Aust) Limited 20/12/02 ACN 103 118 761 Page 18 of 64 Table P2 List of Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2010-2011 1. Under Section 45 - Automatic Revocation Date revoked Australian Biomedical Fund No.1 Limited 26/01/11 ACN 089 872 999 2. Australian Biomedical Fund No.2 Limited 26/01/11 ACN 089 873 030 3. Australian Biotechnology & Healthcare Fund No.3 Limited 26/01/11 ACN 094 676 552 4. Black Orb Pty Ltd 10/10/10 ACN 114 350 864 5 Tilmanstone Queensland Investment Pty Ltd 25/07/10 ACN 108 213 841 Table P2 List of Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2010-2011 No. Under Section 46 - Revocation on application by PDF Date revoked 1. 03/10/10 Australis Investment Holding Pty Ltd ACN 121 768 116 2. IPO Investments Limited 15/10/10 ACN 122 917 837 3. Jacaranda Capital Pty Ltd 15/10/10 ACN 120 557 208 4. Newtech Capital Pty Ltd 15/10/10 ACN 119 115 696 Page 19 of 64 Table P2 List of Companies that ceased to be PDFs during 2010-2011 No. Under Section 47 - Revocation at Innovation Australia’s discretion Date revoked 1. 15/10/10 Digital Content Explorer Fund Pty Ltd ACN 118 947 292 2. Hunter Technology Group Limited 03/09/10 ACN 122 745 117 3. Mediasmart Management Pty Ltd 15/10/10 ACN 098 578 664 Page 20 of 64 APPENDIX Q PRE-SEED FUND (PSF) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table Q1 Australian Government funds paid to PSF investee companies by fund manager, 2010-11 Table Q2 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by industry sector, 2010-11 Table Q3 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by state and territory, 2010-11 Note: Appendix Q Tables Q1 to Q3 are prepared in accordance with section 46 (2) (c) (i) and (ii) of the IR&D Act 1986. Page 21 of 64 Table Q1 Australian Government funds paid to PSF investee companies by fund manager, 2010-11 Fund Manager Investments ($m) Allen and Buckeridge Asset Management Ltd 0.00 GBS Venture Partners Limited 0.48 SciVentures Investments Pty Ltd 1.35 Starfish Ventures Ltd 0.25 Total 2.08 Table Q2 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by industry sector, 2010-11 Sector Number of Companies Supported Information Technology and Telecommunications 1 Life sciences/Biosciences 10 Engineering 1 Total 12 Page 22 of 64 Table Q3 PSF investee companies receiving financial support by state and territory, 201011 State/Territory Number of Companies Supported NSW 1 VIC 7 QLD 1 WA 0 SA 1 TAS 0 ACT 0 NT 0 Others (located overseas) 2 Total 12 Page 23 of 64 APPENDIX R (ACIS STAGE 2) MOTOR VEHICLE PRODUCER (MVP) R&D SCHEME BREAKDOWN Table R1 MVP R&D Scheme grant agreements – current commitments, 2010-11 Table R2 MVP R&D Scheme grant payments by company, 2010-11 Page 24 of 64 Table R1 MVP R&D scheme grant agreements - current commitments, 2010-11 ACIS Duty Credits Round 1 Recipient Activity Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd State of the Art Engine Initiatives for the Ford Falcon and Territory Ranges. 27,977,797 GM Holden Ltd Smart Architecture Development. 4,090,835 GM Holden Ltd Fuel Economy and Emissions Improvement. 1,833,300 GM Holden Ltd Safety and Intelligent Systems. 1,050,300 Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd Toyota Software Development Project. 4,248,180 Total 39,200,412 Round 2 Recipient Activity ACIS Duty Credits Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd New Ford Territory model powered by State of the Art Alternative Fuel Engine Technology. 18,442,080 Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd E8 Platform Expansion. GM Holden Ltd Hybrid Power Train Development. 2,870,452 GM Holden Ltd Fuel Economy and Alternate Fuels. 17,499,780 1,080,000 GM Holden Ltd Human Machine Interface Development. GM Holden Ltd Global Smart Architecture and Design Process. 6,156,000 Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd Toyota SCON Vehicle Development Project. 5,151,060 Total 259,875 51,459,247 Page 25 of 64 Table R2 MVP R&D scheme grant payments by company, 2010-11 Organisation ACIS Duty Credits Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd 13,601,988 GM Holden Ltd 8,809,888 Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd 125,060 Total 22,536,936 Note: MVP R&D Scheme provides benefits in the form of ACIS duty credits. Page 26 of 64 APPENDIX S COMMERCIAL READY PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table S1 Commercial Ready program grant payments by state and territory, 2010-11 Table S2 Commercial Ready program grant payments by company, 2010-11 Note: Appendix S Tables S1 and S2 are prepared in accordance with section 46 (2) (c) (i) and (ii) of the IR&D Act 1986. Page 27 of 64 Table S1 Commercial Ready program grant payments by state and territory, 2010-11 State/Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of total (%) NSW 1,721,232 31 VIC 634,616 11 QLD 331,697 6 SA 831,860 15 WA 1,836,417 33 TAS 218,194 4 ACT 0 0 NT 0 0 Total 5,574,016 100 Note: The total figure represents the value of the payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. Page 28 of 64 Table S2 Commercial Ready program grant payments by company, 2010-11 Organisation Alpha Chemicals Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 145,918 Aquarius Technologies Pty Ltd 52,722 AtCor Medical Pty Ltd 83,660 Atlas Marine International Pty Ltd 13,059 Avexa Ltd 91,090 Barrett Communications Pty Ltd 145,683 Buderim Ginger Ltd 78,221 CHK Gridsense Pty Ltd 76,760 Capital Markets Consulting Pty Ltd 130,821 Caplop Pty Ltd 39,329 Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd 72,743 Coral Sea Pearls Pty Ltd 18,875 Desmond Fitzgerald & Associates Pty Ltd GasTech Australia Pty Ltd Gershwin Pty Ltd 252,926 28,122 135,704 Go Medical Industries Pty Ltd 86,674 Hugh Jones Instruments Pty Ltd 15,581 I.A.H. Manufacturing Pty Ltd 328,788 INC Corporation Pty Ltd 158,541 JRB Engineering Pty Ltd 154,000 Lencom Antennas Pty Ltd 40,421 Leslie Consulting Pty Ltd 33,116 Lobster Harvest Pty Ltd 84,770 Marinova Pty Ltd 5,232 Page 29 of 64 Organisation Micromine Pty Ltd Novozymes Biologicals Australia Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 1,113,409 33,719 Open Kernel Labs Pty Ltd 713,231 Pivot Maritime International Pty Ltd 151,734 Redarc Technologies Pty Ltd 100,443 Reproductive Health Science Pty Ltd 138,341 Research Laboratories of Australia Pty Ltd 37,769 SPLat Controls Pty Ltd 25,094 Secura Shield Australia Pty Ltd 55,829 Smart Digital Optics Pty Ltd 12,500 Stainless Tube Mills (Aust) Pty Ltd T-Mag Pty Ltd TGR BioSciences Pty Ltd Tasmanian Selected Abalone Pty Ltd VEEM Ltd 106,965 92,722 359,232 61,228 223,759 Voicetronix Pty Ltd 12,353 ZHold Pty Ltd 62,932 Total 5,574,016 Page 30 of 64 APPENDIX T RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (REDI) PROGRAM BREAKDOWN Table T1 REDI program grant payments by state and territory, 201011 Table T2 REDI program grant payments by company, 2010-11 Note: Appendix T Tables T1 and T2 are prepared in accordance with section 46 (2) (c) (i) and (ii) of the IR&D Act 1986. Page 31 of 64 Table T1 REDI program grant payments by state and territory, 2010-11 State/Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of total (%) 431,301 72 VIC 0 0 QLD 0 0 SA 0 0 WA 150,740 25 TAS 0 0 ACT 18,412 3 0 0 600,453 100 NSW NT Total Note: The total figure represents the value of the payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. Table T2 REDI program grant payments by company, 2010-11 Organisation Grant Payments ($) BioPower Systems Pty Ltd 309,493 Microbiogen Pty Ltd 121,808 Torrens Energy Limited 150,740 Windlab Systems Pty Ltd 18,412 Total 600,453 Page 32 of 64 APPENDIX U INDUSTRY COOPERATIVE INNOVATION PROGRAM (ICIP) BREAKDOWN Table U1 ICIP grant payments by state and territory, 2010-11 Table U2 ICIP grant payments by entity, 2010-11 Note: Appendix U Table U1 is prepared in accordance with section 46 (2) (b) (iiv) of the IR&D Act 1986. Appendix U Table U2 is prepared in accordance with section 46 (2) (c) (i) and (ii) of the IR&D Act 1986. Page 33 of 64 Table U1 ICIP grant payments by state and territory, 2010-11 State/Territory Total Payments ($) Per cent of total (%) NSW 709,120 52 VIC 223,579 16 8,310 1 13,477 1 WA 0 0 TAS 300,000 22 ACT 57,133 4 NT 59,063 4 1,370,682 100 QLD SA Total Note: The total figure represents the value of the payments made during the year and does not include any amounts that may have been repaid. Table U2 ICIP grant payments by entity, 2010-11 Organisation ACYTE Biotech Pty Ltd Grant Payments ($) 8,310 Australian Barramundi Culture Pty Ltd 59,063 Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Ltd 223,579 Australian Pipeline Industry Association 57,133 Building Products Innovation Council Limited 76,411 Dayang Electronic Manufacturing Pty Ltd 65,012 Digital Radio Broadcasting Australia Pty Ltd 223,034 Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd 112,700 Water Services Association of Australia Limited Welding Technology Institute of Australia 13,477 231,963 Page 34 of 64 Organisation Wine Industry Tasmania Ltd Total Grant Payments ($) 300,000 1,370,682 Page 35 of 64 APPENDIX V ADMINISTRATION BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Appendix V1 Innovation Australia Appendix V2 Green Car Innovation Committee Appendix V3 Climate Ready Committee Appendix V4 Innovation Grants Committee Appendix V5 Tax Concession Committee Appendix V6 Venture Capital Committee Appendix V7 Commercialisation Australia Board Page 36 of 64 APPENDIX V1 INNOVATION AUSTRALIA Chair Term of Appointment Mr David Miles AM1 Company Director 14 October 2010 to 26 September 2013 Members Mr Carlos Broens Managing Director Broens Industries Pty Ltd Ms Margaret Calvert2 Partner Norcal Dr Laurie Hammond Director iQ Funds Mr Roger Harley Director Fawkner Capital Management Pty Ltd Mr Leslie Hosking Company Director Ms Elizabeth Lewis-Gray3 Managing Director Gekko Systems Pty Ltd Mr Gerard Noonan Chair Media Super Dr Peter Riddles4 Director ViciBio Pty Ltd Dr Beverley Ronalds Group Executive CSIRO Energy Dr Jonathan Spring5 27 September 2008 to 31 July 2011 14 October 2010 to 6 July 2012 6 May 2010 to 7 February 2013 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 27 September 2009 to 26 September 2012 14 October 2010 to 13 October 2013 7 September 2009 to 6 September 2012 14 October 2010 to 13 October 2013 14 December 2009 to 13 December 2012 14 October 2010 to 13 October 2013 1 The extended caretaker arrangements resulting from the 2010 election delayed the appointment of members. To ensure continuity in this period, Mr Miles AM was appointed as an acting Chair from 27 September 2010 to 13 October 2010; he was appointed as Chair for a second term from 14 October 2010 to 26 September 2013. 2 Ms Calvert was appointed for a second term from 14 October 2010 to 6 July 2012. 3 Ms Lewis-Gray, Dr Riddles and Dr Spring were appointed for second terms from 14 October 2010 to 13 October 2013. Page 37 of 64 Chair Managing Director CEOS Pty Ltd Mr Peter Thomas Director TFG International Pty Ltd Mr Kenneth Windle Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Advent Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Ms Chris Butler Head of Division AusIndustry Term of Appointment 27 September 2008 to 26 September 2011 27 September 2009 to 26 September 2012 Ex-officio appointment Page 38 of 64 APPENDIX V2 GREEN CAR INNOVATION COMMITTEE 6 Chair Term of Appointment Mr Leslie Hosking Company Director 27 September 2009 to 26 September 2012 Members Dr Vijoleta Braach-Maksvytis Company Director & Innovation Consultant Mr Barry Dyson Managing Director Specialised Technical Services Australia Pty Ltd Professor Peter Hodgson Director Institute for Technology Research and Innovation Deakin University Mr Richard Johns Principal Australian Automotive Intelligence Mr David Ryan Director PADAL Investments Pty Ltd Professor Michael Taylor Director Institute for Sustainable Systems & Technologies University of South Australia 6 30 April 2009 to 29 April 2011 30 April 2009 to 29 April 2012 30 April 2009 to 29 April 2012 28 July 2009 to 27 July 2012 28 July 2009 to 27 July 2012 30 April 2009 to 29 April 2011 The Green Car Innovation Committee was revoked as at 30 June 2011 and all remaining Committee appointments lapsed as of that date. Page 39 of 64 APPENDIX V3 CLIMATE READY COMMITTEE Chair Term of Appointment Mr Carlos Broens Managing Director Broens Industries Pty Ltd Members 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2011 Mr Adrian Chegwidden Sustainable Energy Consultant Advanced Energy Resources Dr Ross Fardon7 Managing Director Fardon and Associates Pty Ltd Dr Bruce Godfrey Principal and Director Wyld Group Pty Ltd Mr Peter Laver Vice President Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Dr Jennifer Marty Director JayMart Pty Ltd Dr Bruce Whan Director Swinburne Knowledge 1 August 2008 to 1 April 2011 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2013 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2011 1 August 2008 to 1 June 2011 1 August 2008 to 1 April 2011 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2011 7 Dr Fardon was appointed for a second term from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2013. Page 40 of 64 APPENDIX V4 INNOVATION GRANTS COMMITTEE Chair Term of Appointment Dr Peter Riddles8 Director ViciBio Pty Ltd 19 October 2010 to 13 October 2013 Members Ms Julie Garland-McLellan9 Principal McLellan Pty Ltd Mr Peter Janssen Director J Capital Pty Ltd Mr Peter Laver Consultant Dr Jonathan Spring8 Managing Director CEOS Pty Ltd Dr Colin Sutton Director Mission Pty Limited Mr Steve Telburn9 Managing Director Secret Sauce Intellectual Property Ventures 6 May 2011 to 5 May 2014 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2011 2 June 2011 to 1 June 2014 19 October 2010 to 13 October 2013 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2011 6 May 2011 to 5 May 2014 8 Dr Riddles and Dr Spring were appointed for second terms from 19 October 2010 to 13 October 2013. 9 Ms Garland-McLellan and Mr Telburn were appointed for second terms from 6 May 2011 to 5 May 2014. Page 41 of 64 APPENDIX V5 TAX CONCESSION COMMITTEE Chair Term of Appointment Mr Peter Thomas Director TFG International Pty Ltd Members 27 September 2008 to 26 September 2011 Ms Margaret Calvert Partner Norcal Mr Ric Clark10 Vice President Alcatel – Lucent Australasia Professor Jim Galvin Professor Galvin and Associates Dr Douglas Hawley Managing Director Hellay Australia Pty Ltd Professor Mary O’Kane11 Principal Mary O’Kane and Associates Pty Ltd Mr David Wilson General Manager Research, Development and Venture Capital Branch AusIndustry 7 July 2009 to 6 July 2012 15 March 2010 to 14 March 2013 26 June 2008 to 25 June 2011 15 December 2009 to 14 December 2012 16 July 2010 to 15 July 2011 Ex-officio appointment 10 Mr Clark resigned from the Committee on 23 May 2011 11 Professor O’Kane was appointed for a second term from 16 July 2010 to 15 July 2011. Page 42 of 64 APPENDIX V6 VENTURE CAPITAL COMMITTEE Chair Term of Appointment Mr Gerard Noonan Chair Media Super Members 9 September 2009 to 6 September 2012 Professor Stephen Barkoczy Faculty of Law Monash University Mr Nicholas Callinan Managing Partner Collins Hill Pty Ltd Ms Margaret Calvert Partner Norcal Mr Marty Gauvin Managing Director Tier 5 Pty Ltd and President and Chief Executive Officer Virtual Ark Pty Ltd Mr John Grant AM Chairman Grantham Management Mr Nigel Hall Manager Innovation Centre Sunshine Coast Mr Roger Harley Director Fawkner Capital Management Pty Ltd Ms Debra Heitmann Managing Director Hado Investments Pty Ltd 1 March 2011 to 28 February 2014 31 July 2008 to 30 July 2011 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 31 July 2008 to 30 July 2011 19 October 2009 to 18 October 2012 1 March 2011 to 28 February 2014 27 September 2007 to 26 September 2010 19 October 2009 to 18 October 2012 Page 43 of 64 APPENDIX V7 COMMERCIALISATION AUSTRALIA BOARD Chair Term of Appointment Dr Laurie Hammond Director iQ Funds 8 February 2010 to 7 February 2013 Members Mr Nixon Apple Industry and Economic Adviser Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union National Office Ms Jan Bingley General Manager IP Licensing and Technology Transfer, CSIRO Dr Susan Pond AM Professor Dow Sustainability Program, United States Study Centre Dr Bruce Whan Director Swinburne Knowledge Dr Katherine Woodthorpe Chief Executive The Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Ltd Mr Doron Ben-Meir Chief Executive Officer Commercialisation Australia 8 February 2010 to 7 February 2013 8 February 2010 to 31 July 2012 8 February 2010 to 30 November 2012 8 February 2010 to 31 July 2012 8 February 2010 to 30 November 2012 Ex-officio appointment Page 44 of 64 APPENDIX W LEGAL MATTERS/LITIGATION Table W1 Current litigation matters Table W2 Litigation matters completed Page 45 of 64 DECISIONS BY COURTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS TRIBUNAL During 2010-11 financial year Innovation Australia was involved in a total of 17 matters in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). One new application for AAT review was received during the year. Three AAT proceedings were withdrawn by the applicant, four matters proceeded to hearing in the AAT and resulted in decisions in favour of Innovation Australia and three matters were resolved before hearing with concessions made by Innovation Australia to the applicants. Table W1 Current litigation matters Current cases as at Supreme Court Federal Court Administrative Appeals Tribunal Board as appellant/applicant 0 0 0 Board as respondent 0 0 7 Supreme Court Federal Court Administrative Appeals Tribunal Board as appellant/applicant 0 0 0 Board as respondent 0 0 10 30 June 2011 Table W2 Litigation matters completed Completed cases as at 30 June 2011 Page 46 of 64 APPENDIX X MARKETING Table X1 Media Announcements 2010-11 Date Media article title 14 Jul 2010 Commercialisation Australia to support jobs for the future 10 Sept 2010 $63 million to bring Toyota engine line to Victoria 30 Sept 2010 Introduction of the R&D Tax Credit 13 Oct 2010 New GM Holden body shop - another new car plan success 15 Oct 2010 Strengthening our economy through commercialisation 5 Nov 2010 New venture capital investment a boost for innovation 5 Nov 2010 $160m to help innovative start-up companies 22 Nov 2010 All independent MPs support boost for R&D 20 Jan 2011 New automotive transformation scheme hits the road running 21 Jan 2011 $3.5m Green Car grant for cleaner LPG fuel system 31 Jan 2011 New car plan for a greener future – the journey continues 9 Feb 2011 Keep our auto industry strong 18 Feb 2011 Prototype of Australia’s first modern family-sized electric car 28 Feb 2011 Gillard Government welcomes Aussie Cruze 3 Mar 2011 Commercialisation Australia: getting good ideas to market 31 Mar 2011 Innovation creating and unlocking ideas 5 Apr 2011 Manufacturers and producers go green 19 May 2011 $40m grant to help Holden make a ‘greener’ Commodore 19 May 2011 Combining Australia and India's automotive strength 6 Jun 2011 Help for early stage innovators gets the tick 9 Jun 2011 Fund managers get $60m boost for smart start-ups Page 47 of 64 Date Media article title 15 Jun 2011 Crossbench support means new R&D Tax Credit will start on 1 July 2011 Page 48 of 64 CONTACT DETAILS 1. How to contact Innovation Australia: Innovation Australia Secretariat Telephone Number: (02) 6213 7400 Fax Number: (02) 6213 7677 By email: By post: Innovation Australia GPO Box 2704 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 2. For further information about Innovation Australia and its programs, please visit our website or contact the AusIndustry hotline 13 28 46 or contact a Customer Service Manager in your state or territory as listed. Page 49 of 64 AusIndustry Offices Telephone Facsimile AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (02) 6213 7335 (02) 6213 7644 (02) 9226 6000 (02) 9226 6002 Regional Offices Telephone Facsimile Wollongong – Illawarra and South Coast Region (02) 4254 5534 (02) 4225 2607 Industry House 10 Binara Street CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 GPO Box 9839 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 Email: NEW SOUTH WALES Level 5, 341 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 GPO Box 9839 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Email: Suite 1, Terrace Level Crown Tower, 200 Crown Street WOLLONGONG NSW 2520 PO Box 5427 WOLLONGONG NSW 2520 Page 50 of 64 Newcastle – Newcastle Hunter Region (02) 4014 5977 (02) 4960 3847 (02) 6761 3624 (02) 6761 3571 (02) 6921 1828 (02) 6921 6415 (03) 9268 7555 (03) 9268 7599 Telephone Facsimile IDC Hunter 130 University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 PO Box 189 HUNTER REGION MC NSW 2310 Tamworth – Northern Central NSW Region Level 1, 345 Peel Street TAMWORTH NSW 2340 PO Box 920 TAMWORTH NSW 2340 Wagga Wagga – South West NSW Region 48 Fitzmaurice Street WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 PO Box 5761 WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 VICTORIA Level 5, 111 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 GPO Box 85 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Email: Regional Offices Page 51 of 64 Ballarat – Western and South Western Victoria Region (03) 5320 5960 (03) 5331 7973 (03) 5442 4199 (03) 5441 8941 (03) 5633 3436 (03) 5633 3439 (08) 8406 4700 (08) 8406 4717 Telephone Facsimile 48 Sturt Street BALLARAT VIC 3350 PO Box 511 BALLARAT VIC 3353 Bendigo – Northern Victoria Region Level 1, 56-60 King Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 PO Box 1332 BENDIGO CENTRAL VIC 3552 Trafalgar – Gippsland Region Trafalgar Technology Centre 107 Princes Highway TRAFALGAR VIC 3824 PO Box 247 TRAFALGAR VIC 3824 SOUTH AUSTRALIA/NORTHERN TERRITORY Level 11, Terrace Towers 178 North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 GPO Box 9839 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Email: Regional Offices Page 52 of 64 Mount Gambier – Southern South Australia Region (08) 8723 1057 (08) 8725 8949 Port Augusta – Northern South Australia Region (08) 8406 4707 N/A DARWIN (08) 8941 9250 (08) 8941 5603 (03) 6230 9915 (03) 6230 9901 Telephone Facsimile Old Town Hall Commercial Street East MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 PO Box 1537 MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 Ground Floor, Development House 76 The Esplanade DARWIN NT 0800 PO Box 4816 DARWIN NT 0801 TASMANIA Level 4, AMP Building 86 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 GPO Box 9839 HOBART TAS 7001 Email: Regional Office Page 53 of 64 Launceston – Northern Tasmania Region (03) 6331 4183 (03) 6331 3452 (07) 3227 4700 (07) 3227 4730 Regional Offices Telephone Facsimile Gold Coast – Southern Queensland and Northern Costal NSW Region (07) 5503 1601 (07) 5503 1628 (07) 4721 6649 (07) 4721 0753 Level 1, Cornwall Square 12-16 St John Street LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 PO Box 823 LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 QUEENSLAND Level 12, 100 Creek Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 GPO Box 9839 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Email: Level 1, 26 Marine Parade SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 PO Box 1448 SOUTHPORT BC QLD 4215 Townsville – Northern Queensland Region Level 1, Enterprise House Cnr The Strand and Sir Leslie Thiess Drive TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 PO Box 326 TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Page 54 of 64 Bundaberg - Central Queensland Region (07) 4151 0660 (07) 4151 0708 (08) 9287 3500 (08) 9287 3511 Regional Office Telephone Facsimile Bunbury – South West Australia Region (08) 9721 8216 (08) 9721 7584 205 Bourbong Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 GPO Box 1386 BUNDABERG QLD 4670 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Level 25, St Martins Tower 44 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 GPO Box 9839 PERTH WA 6848 Email: Level 10, Bunbury Tower 61 Victoria Street BUNBURY WA 6230 PO Box 2488 BUNBURY WA 6231 Page 55 of 64 ACRONYM INDEX A AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACIS Australian Competitiveness and Investment Scheme ACRE Australian Centre for Renewable Energy AFOF Australian Venture Capital Fund of Funds ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification ARC Australian Research Council ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission ASRC Australian Standard Research Classification ATO Australian Taxation Office B BERD Business Expenditure on Research and Development C CA Commercialisation Australia Program CAC Act Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 CIV Collective Investment Vehicles COMET Commercialising Emerging Technologies program D DIISR Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research DOI Disclosure of Interest E ERA Excellence in Research for Australia ESVCLP Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership G GCIF Green Car Innovation Fund Page 56 of 64 GCIC Green Car Innovation Committee GERD Gross Expenditure on Research and Development GST Goods and Services Tax I ICIP Industry Cooperative Innovation Program ICTIP ICT Incubators Program IGC Innovation Grants Committee IIF Innovation Investment Fund IIFF Innovation Investment Follow-on Fund ILP Incorporated Limited Partnership IR&D Industry Research and Development IR&D Act Industry Research and Development Act 1986 ITAA Income Tax Assessment Act M MVP Motor Vehicle Producer MVP R&D Schemes Motor Vehicle Producer R&D Scheme N NRG R&D Tax National Reference Group RTIC National Research Infrastructure Council O OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development P PDF Pooled Development Fund PDF Act Pooled Development Funds Act 1992 PMSEIC Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council PSF Pre-Seed Fund Page 57 of 64 R RCC Retooling for Climate Change R&D Research and development REDI Renewable Energy Development Initiative REEF Renewable Energy Equity Fund RFCD Research Fields, Courses and Disciplines RRA Registered Research Agency T TCC Tax Concession Committee V VC Act Venture Capital Act VCC Venture Capital Committee VCLP Venture Capital Limited Partnerships VCR Venture Capital Registration Page 58 of 64 INDEX A (ACIS Stage 2) Motor Vehicle Producer (MVP) R&D Scheme (10, 20, 22, 83-84, 97, 99, 102, 105, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix R 199-200) Program Breakdown (Appendix R 199-200) Acronym Index (221-222) Appendices (113-216) AusIndustry Contacts (217-220) Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (79, 100) Australian Government Budget and Expenditure (formally Finance) (Attachment D 120) Assistance provided by the Board (10-12) Climate Ready Program (63) Commercialisation Australia Program (55) Commercial Ready Program (86) COMET Program (68) Green Car Innovation Fund (38) ICIP Program (90) IIF Program (44) Pre-Seed Fund Program (81) Program by Program Breakdown (Appendix E 121-129) REDI Program (89) Re-tooling for Climate Change Program (65) Australian Taxation Office (12, 14, 24, 31-32, 72, 75, 77, 99-100) Australian Venture Capital Fund of Funds (73) B Backing Australia’s Ability (23, 85, 92) Benefits Disbursed by State/Territory (12) Page 59 of 64 Bionomics Limited (Innovation Investment Fund) (47-48) C CFusion (Green Car Innovation Fund) (41-42) Chairman’s Report (2-12) Clean Business Australia (16-17, 63, 65) Climate Ready Program (8, 10, 17, 22, 63-64, 97, 99, 102, 106-107, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix K 170-172) Committee (8, 64, 66, 89, 99, 102, 106-107, 210) Committee Membership (210) Program Breakdown (Appendix K 170-172) Commercialisation Australia Program (4-6, 10, 16-17, 22, 54-59, 61-62, 97, 99, 102, 111-112, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix J 161-169) Board (54-55, 57-58, 99, 102, 111-112, 212) Board Membership (212) Program Breakdown (Appendix J 161-169) Commercial Ready Plus (85-86, 97, 99, 102) Commercial Ready Program (10, 22, 85-87, 92, 93, 97, 99, 102, 107, 108, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix S 201-203) Program Breakdown (Appendix S 201-203) Commercialising Emerging Technologies (COMET) Program (5, 10, 18, 22, 62, 67-70, 97, 102, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix M 178-184) Program Breakdown (Appendix M 178-184) Committees Board and Committee Membership (Appendix V 208-212) Contacts (217-220) Corporate Governance (95-112) Code of Conduct (Appendix B 116) Conflict of Interest (Appendix C 117-119) Customers Assisted by State/Territory (12) Page 60 of 64 D Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (6-7, 9-10, 46, 57, 100, 116) Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (79, 100) E Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships (3-4, 18-19, 22, 71-72, 76, 97, 99, 102, 109-111, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix N 185-188) Program Breakdown (Appendix N 185-188) eWater Innovation (Commercialisation Australia) (59) F FreshBins (R&D Tax Concession) (33-34) Functions (97-98) G Green Car Innovation Fund (5, 8, 14-15, 22, 38-42, 97, 99, 102, 105-106, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix G 154-156) Committee (8, 40, 84, 99, 102, 105-106, 114-115, 210) Committee Membership (210) Program Breakdown (Appendix G 154-156) H HEARD Systems (Innovation Investment Follow-on Fund) (52-53) Highlights (13) I Industry Cooperative Innovation Program (ICIP) (22, 90-91, 97, 102, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix U 206-207) Program Breakdown (Appendix U 206-207) Industry Research and Development Act 1986 (iii, 1, 22-23, 40, 58, 64, 70, 84, 87, 89, 91, 94, 96, 108, 117, 138) Innovation Australia (96-104) Board’s structure (102) Page 61 of 64 Overview (96) Functions (97-98) Membership (Appendix V 209) Mission statement (1) Vision statement (1) Innovation Grants Committee (87, 94, 99, 102, 107-108, 211) Committee membership (211) Innovation Investment Fund (2, 4-5, 8, 15-16, 22, 43-49, 72, 78, 97, 99, 102, 104, 109-111, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix H 157-158) Program breakdown (Appendix H 157-158) Innovation Investment Follow-on Fund (15-16, 22, 48, 50-53, 97, 99, 102, 109110, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix I 159-160) Committee (8, 19, 43, 46, 51, 72, 75-77, 79, 82, 99, 102, 104, 109-111, 212) Committee Membership (212) Program breakdown (Appendix I 159-160) IPscape (Commercialisation Australia) (60-61) L Legal Matters (Appendix W 213) Letter of Transmittal (iii) M Marathon Robotics (Commercialisation Australia) (62) Marketing (Appendix X 215-216) O Our Programs (21-94) P Perimeter Security (R&D Tax Concession) (35) Pooled Development Funds (19, 22, 76-77, 97, 99, 102, 109-111, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix P 193-196) Page 62 of 64 Program Breakdown (Appendix P 193-196) Powering Ideas: an Innovation Agenda for the 21st Century (2, 16, 54) Pre-Seed Fund (PSF) (16, 19-20, 22, 49, 53, 80-82, 97, 99, 102, 109-111, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix Q 197-198) Program Breakdown (Appendix Q 197-198) Program Breakdown (all) (Appendix E 121-129) R R&D Start Program (22, 85, 92-94, 96-97, 99, 102, 107-108) R&D Tax Concession Program (4-6, 10, 12, 14, 22-37, 53, 61, 63, 97, 99, 100, 102, 108-109, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix F 130-153) 175 per cent Premium (23, 27-30, 132, 136-137) Administrative Reference Group (32) Program Breakdown (Appendix F 130-153) National Reference Group (32) R&D Tax Offset (14, 23, 26-30, 132, 136-137) Registered Research Agencies (31, 131, 138, 139-153) R&D Tax Incentive (2, 5, 14, 31-32, 109) Renewable Energy Development Initiative (REDI) (22, 88-89, 97, 99, 102, 106, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix T 204-205) Program Breakdown (Appendix T 204-205) Renewable Energy Equity Fund (REEF) (16, 22, 78-79, 97, 99, 102, 109-111, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128) Re-tooling for Climate Change Program (5, 8, 16, 17, 22, 65-66, 97, 99, 102, 106, 107, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, Appendix L 173-177) Program Breakdown (Appendix L 173-177) S Spinifex Pharmaceuticals (Innovation Investment Fund) (49) T Tarac Technologies (R&D Tax Concession) (36-37) Tax Concession Committee (TCC) (31, 99, 102, 108-109, 211) Page 63 of 64 Committee Membership (211) V Venture Capital Committee (8, 19, 43, 46, 51, 72, 75-77, 79, 82, 99, 102, 104, 109111, 212) Committee Membership (212) Venture Capital Entities (76, 109) Venture Capital Limited Partnerships Program (3-4, 19, 22, 71, 73-75, 97, 99, 102, 109, 122, 124, 126, 128, Appendix O 189-192) Program Breakdown (Appendix O 189-192) Page 64 of 64