1.0 9th - 12th TSP Writing Guide & Verification Checklist of SEMs Draft Jan. 2014 1 Tracker Messages Instructions 1.0b TSP Review Process Nov 2013 2 TOC Assessments 2014 2 TSP Assessments 2014 Student/Grade/Age:__________________________________________ School/CM:_____________ Date Lead Receives TSP:______ Date Done:___ SEMS Forms Page 1. Notice of Meeting SEMS TSP Draft Top Page 1 2. TSP & Form Information 100% Correct Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ 8th 9th 10th - 1.2 1.2 8th, 9th, 10th Notice of Meeting Nov 2013 Student invited "To: Stacy Student & Parent/Guardian" AND/OR Student listed in "Required Members" Page 1, Checked box purpose for meeting "Consider postsecondary goals and transition..." Page 2, Signature Parent/Guardian 11th or 12th - 1.2a 11th or 12th Notice of Meeting first time requesting written consent of parent/student age 18 follow 7 VR Process Dec 1 2013 Student invited "To: Stacy Student & Parent/Guardian" AND/OR Student listed in "Required Members" Page 1, Checked box purpose for meeting "Consider postsecondary goals and transition..." Agency title listed in "Additional Members Who May Attend" g._____ h._____ Lead, will not be able to document compliance for g & h until after the meeting with CM documents. Page 2 - X for "I consent to the invitation of the agency representative..." and signature OR Written consent signature 7.1 VR Letter Requesting Written Consent to Parent 100% Correct Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ SEMS TSP Draft Page 1 100% Correct 3. PLAAFP 3A.1 3A.1 Student Background Info. Lead a._____ 4. PLAAFP 3A.2 3A.2 CM & Student Discussion TSP Compliance Area Notice of Meeting TSP Compliance Area Form Information Corrections Due Corrections Done Corrections Due Corrections Done Corrections Due Corrections Done Previous Transition Plans NOT DELETED, with most current plan ABOVE past plan in each section of TSP. For b - e, see page 1 of a TSP draft in SEMS Form date same as IEP. Form Status: Draft Projected date of Graduation correct Initial Transition Program Development Date or Update #___date same as "Form Date" TSP Compliance Area PLAAFP PLAAFP, Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance MUST write NEW Transition Service Plan each year. Cannot use past TSP information. b._____ c._____ Correctly pasted into SEMS TSP page 1, 3.0 PLAAFP Template Discussion Guide Dec 1 2013 Top of Section: IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates Update #__ __ Grade (Ex.) 11/18/13 - 11/17/14 Update #2 10th Grade 5 pieces of required "Student Background Information" complete Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ Discusses student's career goal or lack of it for the future/ becomes a NEED addressed as a TSP GOAL. Discusses student's education or training goal for obtaining career of choice or lack of it/NEED TSP GOAL. Discusses student's living plans after graduating if applicable to student not able to live on own as an adult. SEMS TSP Draft Page 1 5. PLAAFP 3A.3 3A.3 Discussion Guide Course of Study, Career Pathways & Classes 100% Correct Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ 6. PLAAFP 3B 3B Discussion Guide TSP Assessments If student does not select a career, write this as a NEED & must write a page 2 Employment Goal to address. If no Career Pathway = career choice, discuss. Student needs pathway & 3 classes/graduation requirement. 3A.3 topics sufficiently explained & adequately related to student's PSGs Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ Minimum 1 formal published TSP assessment: hard copy or online version results. Assessment(s) capitalized correctly Assessment(s) completed within previous IEP/TSP dates Assessment(s) date given, at least month or semester & year New assessment not previously given to student. Need new TSP assessment each year. NA for 8th grade. a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ 8. PLAAFP 3D Outside Agency Contact 7 VR Process Nov 2013 Student career choice or lack of it. LHS or RHS Career Pathway that corresponds to student career choice or lack of it. 3A.3 LHS Career Pathways & Classes 3A.3 RHS Course of Study, Career Pathway & 3 Classes & 3A.3 Pathway Class Descriptions 2013 Course of Study = Career Cluster. Career Pathways are within each cluster. 3 classes to complete pathway; must list complete and capitalized title of each class. Grades for classes taken or is taking. Tran Spec e._____ f._____ g._____ Tran Spec f._____ Lead 7. PLAAFP 3C 3C Discussion Guide Academics, Behavior, Attendance Nov 2013 TSP Compliance Area PLAAFP PLAAFP, Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance Discuss Information ONLY RELATED to Student's PSG's Tran Spec e._____ Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ 3B TSP assessment results are sufficiently explained & adequately related to student's PSGs. Lead ONLY check resources used for discussion. If you determine inadequate, request correction. Academics Discussion Resources: Current Power Teacher grades LDS Student Profile data record or current school transcript Current standardized assessment results summary EOCTs, GHSWT relevant to graduation & PSG if applicable Behavior Discussion Resources: 2. 4 Classroom Teacher Observation form OR informal discussions with teachers OR Office referrals Attendance Discussion Resources: Current Power Teacher attendance reports 3C. topics sufficiently explained & adequately related to student's PSGs and disability if applicable. 8th, 9th, 10th - write NA unless IEP team determines need for outside agency contact. 11th or 12th/transfer student Discusses effort & outcome of request for written consent by parent or student 18. If written consent given, discusses agency and student actions taken or to be taken. _____Teacher, write an "Employment" goal OR "Related Services" goal 7.3 VR Goals Activities If written consent not given, discuss reason. (parent/student 18 not interested or no response/ 2 efforts discussed) _____Teacher, MUST have two documented efforts in Communications Log for 11th or 12/transfer student: (1) 11th or 12th Notice of Meeting (2) 7.1 VR Letter Requesting Written Consent to Parent _____Teacher, MUST follow 7 VR Process Dec 1 2013 Tran Spec e._____ Outside agency contact request, outcome, and actions are sufficiently explained & adequately related to student's PSGs and disability if applicable. Corrections Due Corrections Done SEMS TSP Draft Page 1 9. PLAAFP TSP Needs Explicitly Written (Nov 2013) 100% Correct Tran Spec a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ TSP Compliance Area PLAAFP & PSGs Student's NEEDS for transition journey towards PSGs are written into PLAAFP discussion. Written NEEDS connect to a written goal in Education/Training & in Employment Development. Corrections Due Corrections Done Corrections Due Corrections Done Student's needs related to TSP areas are EXPLICITLY written in PLAAFP discussion. Uses written form of sentence in PLAAFP "THIS IS AN EDUCATION/TRAINING NEED TO..." Education and Training need(s) directly connects to a page 2 Education &Training Goal. Uses written form of sentence in PLAAFP "THIS IS AN EMPLOYMENT NEED TO..." Employment Development need(s) directly connects to page 2 Employment Goal. If Independent Living PSG written, uses form of sentence "THIS IS A _______(NAME OF INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILL) NEED TO..." If Independent Living PSG, MUST have either __________a page 3 Adult Living Skills goal(s) & activities OR__________a page 4 Daily Living Skills goal(s) & activities Lead 10. Post Secondary Goals, PSGs a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ SEMS TSP Draft Page 2 100% Correct Lead 11. Education & Training -Goals -Activities -Persons/Agency Involved -Completion Date/Outcome of Goal a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ Top of Section: IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates Update #__ ___Grade (Ex.) 11/18/13 - 11/17/14 Update #2 10th Grade _____4A. _____4B. _____4C. 4A. PSG Education & Training sentence form of "After high school graduation, (student name) Jack will..." 4B. PSG Employment sentence form of "After high school graduation, (student name) Jack will..." 4C. If Independent Living Skills Goal, PSG not applicable to student, write NA 4C. If Independent Living Skills Goal, PSG not applicable to student, "After high school graduation, Jack will..." 4C. If Independent Living PSG is written, MUST have written either an __________bottom p. 3 Adult Living Skills goal OR __________bottom p.4 Daily Living Skills goal TSP Compliance Area Required Education & Training Goals & Activities 5 Education Training Goal Bank Top of Section IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates & Initial Transition or Update #___ Grade____ _____Goal section _____Activities section _____Completion Date/Outcome of Goal section Each GOAL & ACTIVITY written in correct form of student name will "Jack will..." Goals # correctly Ex. 1. Corresponding Activities # correctly Ex. 1A. 1B. 1C. 1D... Minimum 2 ACTIVITIES per GOAL Person/Agency Involved listed correctly Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome completed for previous IEP/TSP year goal(s) & activities. If unable to determine from transfer or previous CM records, write a form of this sentence: - "Due to....unable to determine outcome of goal & activities." Tran Spec g._____ h._____ i._____ j._____ k._____ l._____ m._____ n._____ o._____ GOAL(s): MUST be able to be accomplished within time period of TSP dates, one annual year only! NEED for goal(s) written directly into page 1 PLAAFP discussion Student actions are conditional on "Using research information, Jack will.." "Given..." "Based on..." Student actions can be measured. MUST COUNT something you can see the student do. Student actions are graded or evaluated by whom? How? ACTIVITIES: Minimum 2 activities per goal but only if in doing 1A. & 1B., the next thing the student does is reach the goal. Sufficient # of Activities written for the student to accomplish the goal. -90% of national law suits against school systems won when not enough activities to accomplish the goal. Directly connect to the goal and make sense. In logical order of successive steps taken for goal to be student's final action. SEMS TSP Draft Page 2 100% Correct Lead 12. Employment Development -Goals -Activities -Persons/Agency Involved -Completion Date/Outcome of Goal a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ Tran Spec g._____ h._____ i._____ j._____ k._____ l._____ m._____ n._____ o._____ Teachers responsible for organizing TSP materials. 100% Correct TSP Draft SEMS Bottom Page 4 100% Correct TSP Compliance Area Required Employment Development Goals & Activities Corrections Due Corrections Done Corrections Requested Corrections Made Corrections Corrections Employment_Goal_Bank Top of Section IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates & Initial Transition or Update #___ Grade____ _____Goal section _____Activities section _____Completion Date/Outcome of Goal section Each GOAL & ACTIVITY written in correct form of student name will "Jack will..." Goals # correctly Ex. 1. Corresponding Activities # correctly Ex. 1A. 1B. 1C. 1D... Minimum 2 ACTIVITIES per GOAL Person/Agency Involved listed correctly Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome completed for previous IEP/TSP year goal(s) & activities. If unable to determine from transfer or previous CM records, write a form of this sentence: - "Due to....unable to determine outcome of goal & activities." GOAL(s): MUST be able to be accomplished within time period of TSP dates, one annual year only! NEED for goal(s) written directly into page 1 PLAAFP discussion Student actions are conditional on "Using research information, Jack will.." "Given..." "Based on..." Student actions can be measured. MUST COUNT something you can see the student do. Student actions are graded or evaluated by whom? How? ACTIVITIES: Minimum 2 activities per goal but only if in doing 1A. & 1B., the next thing the student does is reach the goal. Sufficient # of Activities written for the student to accomplish the goal. -90% of national law suits against school systems won when not enough activities to accomplish the goal. Directly connect to the goal and make sense. In logical order of successive steps taken for goal to be student's final action. TSP Compliance Area IEP Notebook/TSP Section Organization Order for TSP materials with most current year always first behind TSP tab in IEP notebook. 1. Copy TSP Final Draft from SEMS 2. Copy of both pages signed Notice of Meeting 3. TSP assessment materials 4. Other TSP information such as academic records 5. Notice for Age of Majority age 17 & age 18 6. Outside agency information Compliance Area Age of Majority Rights Notification Lead Teachers get signatures for doc 8.0 Age of Majority Notice & give parents/guardians 8 Age of Majority Laws 8 Age of Majority Laws 8.0 Age of Majority Notice (Use same Notice for both years/1 page document) 13. Age of Majority a.___ Transfer of Rights age 17 completed (If student will turn 17 during IEP/TSP year, needs to be completed.) b.___ Rights Were Transferred age 18 completed (If student turns 18 during IEP/TSP year, needs to be completed.) 100% TSP Compliance Area Independent Living Skills/Community Participation & Adult Living Skills SEMS TSP Draft Page 3 14. Community Participation -Goals -Activities -Persons/Agency Involved -Completion Date/Outcome of Goal Correct Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ If Applicable to Student Due Done Corrections Corrections Top of Section IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates & Initial Transition or Update #___ Grade____ _____Goal section _____Activities section _____Completion Date/Outcome of Goal section Each GOAL & ACTIVITY written in correct form of student name will "Jack will..." Goals # correctly Ex. 1. Corresponding Activities # correctly Ex. 1A. 1B. 1C. 1D... Minimum 2 ACTIVITIES per GOAL Person/Agency Involved listed correctly Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome completed for previous IEP/TSP year goal(s) & activities. If unable to determine from transfer or previous CM records, write a form of this sentence: - "Due to....unable to determine outcome of goal & activities." Tran Spec g._____ h._____ i._____ j._____ k._____ l._____ m._____ n._____ o._____ 15. Adult Living Skills -Goals -Activities -Persons/Agency Involved -Completion Date/Outcome of Goal Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ GOAL(s): MUST be able to be accomplished within time period of TSP dates, one annual year only! NEED for goal(s) written directly into page 1 PLAAFP discussion Student actions are conditional on "Using research information, Jack will.." "Given..." "Based on..." Student actions can be measured. MUST COUNT something you can see the student do. Student actions are graded or evaluated by whom? How? ACTIVITIES: Minimum 2 activities per goal but only if in doing 1A. & 1B., the next thing the student does is reach the goal. Sufficient # of Activities written for the student to accomplish the goal. -90% of national law suits against school systems won when not enough activities to accomplish the goal. Directly connect to the goal and make sense. In logical order of successive steps taken for goal to be student's final action. Top of Section IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates & Initial Transition or Update #___ Grade____ _____Goal section _____Activities section _____Completion Date/Outcome of Goal section Each GOAL & ACTIVITY written in correct form of student name will "Jack will..." Goals # correctly Ex. 1. Corresponding Activities # correctly Ex. 1A. 1B. 1C. 1D... Minimum 2 ACTIVITIES per GOAL Person/Agency Involved listed correctly Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome completed for previous IEP/TSP year goal(s) & activities. If unable to determine from transfer or previous CM records, write a form of this sentence: - "Due to....unable to determine outcome of goal & activities." Tran Spec g._____ h._____ i._____ j._____ k._____ l._____ m._____ n._____ o._____ 100% GOAL(s): MUST be able to be accomplished within time period of TSP dates, one annual year only! NEED for goal(s) written directly into page 1 PLAAFP discussion Student actions are conditional on "Using research information, Jack will.." "Given..." "Based on..." Student actions can be measured. MUST COUNT something you can see the student do. Student actions are graded or evaluated by whom? How? ACTIVITIES: Minimum 2 activities per goal but only if in doing 1A. & 1B., the next thing the student does is reach the goal. Sufficient # of Activities written for the student to accomplish the goal. -90% of national law suits against school systems won when not enough activities to accomplish the goal. Directly connect to the goal and make sense. In logical order of successive steps taken for goal to be student's final action. TSP Compliance Area Independent Living Skills, Related Services & Daily Living Skills SEMS TSP Draft Page 4 Correct 16. Related Services -Goals -Activities -Persons/Agency Involved -Completion Date/Outcome of Goal Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ Tran Spec g._____ h._____ i._____ j._____ k._____ l._____ m._____ n._____ o._____ 17. Daily Living Skills -Goals -Activities -Persons/Agency Involved -Completion Date/Outcome of Goal Lead a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____ f._____ Tran Spec g._____ h._____ i._____ j._____ k._____ l._____ m._____ n._____ o._____ If Applicable to Student Top of Section IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates & Initial Transition or Update #___ Grade____ _____Goal section _____Activities section _____Completion Date/Outcome of Goal section Each GOAL & ACTIVITY written in correct form of student name will "Jack will..." Minimum 2 ACTIVITIES per GOAL Person/Agency Involved listed correctly Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome completed for previous IEP/TSP year goal(s) & activities. If unable to determine from transfer or previous CM records, write a form of this sentence: - "Due to....unable to determine outcome of goal & activities." GOAL(s): MUST be able to be accomplished within time period of TSP dates, one annual year only! NEED for goal(s) written directly into page 1 PLAAFP discussion Student actions are conditional on "Using research information, Jack will.." "Given..." "Based on..." Student actions can be measured. MUST COUNT something you can see the student do. Student actions are graded or evaluated by whom? How? ACTIVITIES: Minimum 2 activities per goal but only if in doing 1A. & 1B., the next thing the student does is reach the goal. Sufficient # of Activities written for the student to accomplish the goal. -90% of national law suits against school systems won when not enough activities to accomplish the goal. Directly connect to the goal and make sense. In logical order of successive steps taken for goal to be student's final action. Top of Section IEP/TSP Beginning & Ending Dates & Initial Transition or Update #___ Grade____ _____Goal section _____Activities section _____Completion Date/Outcome of Goal section Each GOAL & ACTIVITY written in correct form of student name will "Jack will..." Minimum 2 ACTIVITIES per GOAL Person/Agency Involved listed correctly Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome completed for previous IEP/TSP year goal(s) & activities. If unable to determine from transfer or previous CM records, write a form of this sentence: - "Due to....unable to determine outcome of goal & activities." GOAL(s): MUST be able to be accomplished within time period of TSP dates, one annual year only! NEED for goal(s) written directly into page 1 PLAAFP discussion Student actions are conditional on "Using research information, Jack will.." "Given..." "Based on..." Student actions can be measured. MUST COUNT something you can see the student do. Student actions are graded or evaluated by whom? How? ACTIVITIES: Minimum 2 activities per goal but only if in doing 1A. & 1B., the next thing the student does is reach the goal. Sufficient # of Activities written for the student to accomplish the goal. -90% of national law suits against school systems won when not enough activities to accomplish the goal. Directly connect to the goal and make sense. In logical order of successive steps taken for goal to be student's final action. Due Done