STARR 2014 Workshop Descriptions Long Workshops - NYS 4-H

STARR 2014 Workshop Descriptions
Long Workshops
Produced in NY: Biscuits from Breakfast to Dessert– Experience the versatility
of biscuit dough paired with New York State products. We will cover breakfast,
lunch, dinner and dessert offerings.
Focus on This – Photography 101- love to take pictures and want to learn how to
make them even better? This workshop will focus on introducing you to different
ways to take pictures and what you should think about before pushing the shutter
button! Topics will include photography basics, portraits, landscapes, abstract, and,
of course, trick photography – because everyone likes to have a picture of their
friend holding a sun!!!! Come and explore how much fun life can be behind the
camera! *Please bring: camera, extra batteries, extra memory card/film,
comfortable (weather appropriate) clothing and shoes (we will be outside and doing
some walking), and sunscreen if applicable.
Entomology for Young and Old - Clover Bud entomology - discuss teaching basic
entomology to clover buds. We’ll do a hands on clover bud project.
Advanced entomology - discussion of insect/arthropod diversification and anatomy.
Live arthropod demonstration for discussion. Pinning and mounting of exotic
butterflies from South and Central America. Insects can be taken home by
Hammer and Nails - Bring your muscles and we'll build something new for use at
State Fair! All supplies will be provided.
Advanced Theater – If you like theater performances or can imagine yourself in
front of a live audience then you will love advanced theater. Join us for an
accelerated theater workshop.
Robots on the Move! - Now that you have built your robot how do you make it
move? Learn how to navigate your robot through some extreme challenges. Also we
will do some fun floor competitions with your bot!
American Red Cross First Aid – Learn how to recognize an emergency and what to
do in an emergency. Fee for class is $ 25.00
Rally 101 and Alternative Canine Activities - Rally is a form of Dog Obedience
where the dog and handler team move through a course and preform Obedience
Activities or sequences at each station as indicated on the sign. NYS 4-H Rally
follows the AKC Rally regulations. Learning Rally in 4-H can serve as a basis for 4H’ers to compete in Rally and other dog sports beyond 4-H. In this workshop
participants will learn the basics from the Seneca County Tailwaggers and be able
to try this fun sport with canines. Alternative Canine Activities - Alternative
Canine Activities are things you can do with your dog to stay active and bond with
man’s best friend. You will learn about the growing sport of weight pulling and yes
any dog can pull regardless of breed and size. Participants will get the
opportunities to try this sport. The other half of this session will be working with
fibers. Dog hair is a great fiber for spinning to use in knitting, weaving or
crocheting. Youth will get the chance to try their hand at this craft.
To Build a Bridge - During session 1 we will be designing and building a bridge
using various common household supplies. During session 2 we will test the bridge
to see how much weight it can hold and which bridge can hold the most weight. Also
we'll vote on the most aesthetically pleasing bridge. No need to know any physics
principles but I hope you will be learning some!
Games! - Love games? Come learn how the video games industry works and how to
design and develop your own game with hands on learning! Please come equipped
with a USB Flash Drive and email address. You are welcome and encouraged to
bring your own laptop.
Public Presentations: Master Class - We'll start by going over some general
rules and then the participants can give their presentation to the group. The
technique may vary in that you may give your presentation in its entirety and then I
will give you my thoughts, suggestions and comments at the end (please note that I
give critiques openly so that all participants can learn from each other) or I may
stop you during your presentation in order to illustrate a point and/or prevent bad
habits. My goal here is NOT to upset anyone rather to teach you how to be
comfortable in front of others and to give wonderful presentations! Please note
that you may use any previously given presentation; the content isn't what's
important here, rather it is the performance!
You Can Eat That? - Hands-on workshop identifying wild greens, roots, shoots,
and berries. Explore wild edibles from the delicious and readily available to the
"survival" foods found in the North East. Class will be both inside and outside on
the grounds. There will be items to prepare and taste!
A Journey through the Horse’s Mouth - Hands-on activities and a short lecture
will enable participants to learn the basics of equine digestion. Those attending will
gain the knowledge needed to find organs in the horse and learn how trailering and
other activities affect the horse's gut.
Lighten Up with Wearable Technology - Participants will use conductive thread
and LEDs to create wearable items that light up. The activity will require simple
hand sewing. Items such as bags and bracelet materials will be furnished, but
participants may bring their own items to decorate and "electrify."
4-H Shooting Sports: Where Science, Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles
Meet! - The 4-H Shooting Sports program offers youth from age 8-19 the
opportunity to take part in a traditional activity that focuses on hand-eye
coordination and mental toughness: target shooting. Participants will participate in
hands-on learning related to shooting sports either with a Laser Lyte or archery
system. We will explore how physical activity affects the shooter, how technology
has taken equipment beyond anything our parents thought of, and how all of this is
deeply connected to America's Founding Fathers and the US Constitution.
State 4-H Leadership Opportunities - Have you submitted an application to be
an "FA" at Career Ex? Planning on applying for a "Jr. Super" position at State Fair?
Are you wondering how the STARR planning teens were selected? Well wonder no
more… this informative workshop will highlight the opportunities available to you in
leadership, how you apply, what coordinators are looking for, and the ins and outs
of each. The workshop will be led by Marika Rywak of Orange County (Educator/FA
Coordinator and STARR Planning Committee Member),Tom Davis (Junior Super
Coordinator) and Nigel Gannon (State Specialist) and will lead you through the
process and answer any questions you have.
Solar Kitchen – This workshop will showcase many of our 4-H Renewable Energy and
Climate Change project resources. Participants will spend the entire time becoming
familiar with and using the 4-H Energy lab and Cornell's Energy Bike. Teens who complete
this two hour workshop will be qualified to and encouraged take these resources back to
their counties and also take on leadership opportunities at the NYS Fair. Among some of
the specific fun energy activities there will be: Energy Bike Smoothies; Making Solar
S'mores; making mini Kabobs and charging devices with the highly efficient bio fuel back
packing stove; Learn how to use the 4-H Photo-voltaic Solar Generator.
Short Workshops
Creative Writing: a Feast for the Senses - This workshop is for anyone who
wants to explore the joys of putting pen to paper. Creative writing helps us use
words to paint pictures, to cope, to explore, or to get in touch with our creative
sides. Whether you seek to be the next Pulitzer Prize winner, or are just looking to
try your hand at a new hobby, this workshop is for you. No writing experience
needed. We'll use our senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell to enhance our
skills in a fun, interactive, and entertaining workshop. Each participant will receive
a journal and writing instrument to keep and continue to enjoy the art of writing.
This is nothing like your English class!
Soda Pop Making - Okay, so almost everyone loves soda pop, but it's so expensive!
Learn how to make your own at a much cheaper price. Improve on your summer
lemonade stand this year with homemade soda pop.
Putting the E back in Etiquette - Come discover more about yourself as we work
together on how to use proper etiquette for networking events, dinner parties and
other social situations. Learn about proper handshakes, posture, and how to
present yourself.
Getting’ Groovy with Smoothies - Smoothies are a delicious and fun way to
support healthy eating habits. In this workshop, we will test some smoothie
recipes, identify healthy adaptations or substitutions, and create a set of criteria
for judging the smoothies. The criteria generated by participants in this workshop
will be used at State Fair this year as part of our 1st Annual Smoothie Challenge.
Anti-bullying – Learn how to respond to bullying by giving power to positive
thinking and learn how to be more than a bystander.
Basic Theater – Do you like to sing? Dance? Tell jokes? Find yourself behind the
scenes? Come check out our basic theater workshop where you can put these
talents to work.
Song Writing – Maybe you have something on your mind, maybe you need to get a
point across or maybe, you're just bored. Writing a song can be the perfect
solution to any or all. It's fun and easier than you might think. Come have fun, laugh
and learn a new skill or two.
Arel Moodie’s (2014 STARR keynote) workshop – pm only – Join our keynote
speaker for workshop on how to succeed in college.
Introduction to Public Speaking - When polled about their biggest fears, most
people put Public Speaking at the top of their list. However, truth be told, at some
point in our lives most of us have occasion to speak publicly so this is your chance
to learn to do it well! I'll take you through the in's & out's and do's and don'ts so
that you are as comfortable speaking publicly as you are to your friends and family
(well, OK, maybe not quite that comfortable) but we'll have fun doing it!
Fantastic Flowers - The art of flower arrangement can be traced back to sixth
century Japan. In this workshop, participants will learn about this art form that
utilizes the different qualities of flowers to create an aesthetically pleasing form.
During this workshop, participants will craft learn the art of flower arrangement
and even create their very own corsage that can be worn.
Cake Decorating 101 - Become the next great cake decorating master!
Participants in this workshop will learn to decorate a cake using both frosting and
fondant, discover the techniques used to stack a layer cake, and master the art of
making decorations. This workshop is open to anyone regardless of your experience
with decorating cakes. Come learn and eat cake with us! Please note: participants
should bring 2 cakes of the same size/shape (6-8 inch rounds are ideal) NOT
frosted, and 1 bag of mini marshmallows.
Yoga Fun - Let your minds, mouths and muscles relax, with a 60 minute yoga class!
Learn how to do a down dog, up dog, sun salutation, cat and cow pose and much
more. Experience bringing all of our energy together with a singing bowl!
It’s a Small World - Interactive games will provide the learning tools on how our
world is connected- poverty and hunger affects all of us.
A Power Point presentation on mission work in les Cayes, Haiti will be presented,
followed by group discussion on what can we do to make our world a better place.
Community Service: Bracelets and Necklaces - All you need to do is chain a
chain or make a loop chain then, you can make beautiful, lightweight ribbon yarn
necklaces. Be inspired by the yarn colors to make necklaces which will be donated
to nursing homes! OR try your hand at making rubber band bracelets on a loom. If
you have a "WonderLoom" bring it along; colorful rubber bands will be available.
These will be given to children in school back pack programs.
Mastering Monet - Claude Monet was the creator of Impressionist Painting. It’s
just a little dab of paint that when combined with 100’s of other dabs and variety
of colors creates a masterpiece. All you need is your fingertip; we’ll provide the
rest. Come discover the budding artist in you!
The Barbershop Harmony Sound - Barbershop Harmony is one of only a couple of
truly American musical art forms. No prior musical knowledge is required, neither
singing experience nor reading music. This workshop is an introduction to "a
cappella", 4 part harmony singing for youth. A quartet will first perform to
demonstrate the musical sound. Next, we will explain the history and evolution of
this art form. Finally we will divide the class, by voice range, and teach "tags",
short, easy to remember, song segments that will enable each singer to hear the
"Barbershop Chord" and experience their own contribution to it.
6/15/140 Creating Short Stories Using Digital and Social Media - What’s the
point of a 6 (or 15) second video, or a message with only 140 characters? During
this session we’ll work together to create short stories – small narratives that
make use of social media (including vine and twitter) – with meaning.
How to be a Flight Paramedic - Topic of a career as a Flight Paramedic or Flight
Nurse. Education on the equipment and medication used in the field along with what
services are provided with Air Medical transportation.
Fishing - This will be a question, answer, and demonstration workshop.
We will discuss various fish, baits, tackle, techniques and play casting games that I
have devised.