Swine Preventative Medicine SOP - the Office for Responsible


Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

1. Purpose

This procedure describes the various methods used in preventative medicine for biomedical pigs and those pigs housed in ISU AAALAC-accredited facilities.

2. Scope

This SOP is applicable to all ISU staff, veterinarians, research investigators, and technicians who provide care for swine at ISU facilities and visitors to those facilities.

3. General Requirements

All swine facility personnel, veterinarians, visitors, and research staff must follow the procedures outlined in this document.

4. Procedure




Personnel a.

All people entering a swine facility are expected to wear clean clothes and shoes. b.

Anyone wishing to enter an ISU swine facility must have been in the U.S. for the previous 5 days. c.

No one with flu-like symptoms may enter a swine facility.


Showering and PPE a.

Specific requirements for showering and PPE must be obtained from the facility supervisor prior to entry. b.

Uniforms worn by care staff are put on clean each morning or after each shower, and are washed and laundered on site. c.

PPE required includes boots or shoe covers and gloves. Additional projectspecific PPE may include N-95 masks, hairnets, disposable or washable water resistant coveralls, eye protection, and scrubs. d.

A sign on the exterior door of the animal room will list the required PPE needed for entry into that room.


Vehicles and Equipment a.

Equipment may not be transferred from one facility to another without being washed, disinfected, and inspected by personnel. b.

All rooms and equipment must be washed, disinfected, and allowed to dry between subsequent groups of pigs.

Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

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Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities c.

Transport vehicles and trailers must be washed, disinfected. and allowed to dry between subsequent groups of pigs. Refer to the Biosecure Truck Wash

Protocols for PED control from Pork.org for details: http://www.pork.org/filelibrary/PED-biosTruckWash.pdf


Animal Health Status before Acceptance into ISU Facilities a.

New animals must be screened for disease status prior to arrival by a veterinarian. b.

Screening may involve any or all of the following:

1) Herd health history.

2) Testing of individual animals or groups of animals for infectious agents is done on a case-by-case basis as recommended by the Attending Veterinarian or LAR veterinarians.

3) Review of diagnostic test results.


Physical Security of Facilities a.

All external gates must be locked outside of regular business hours. b.

Facility doors, including animal room doors, are locked at all times. c.

Swipe card access is required to gain access into the following facilities:

1) Central Facility

2) A-wing

3) Kildee

4) LIDIF d.

The following facilities have key access by individual animal room:

1) ARS

2) Zumwalt

3) Building 29 e.

Animal rooms within these facilities are accessed by individual door code:

1) Central Facility (with key backup)

2) A-wing



Vaccination Schedule—Refer to Forms and Templates for the vaccination type and frequency recommended for swine according to age, sex, intact status, etc.


Deworming and Fecal Exams


Fecal exams are performed as part of the in-processing, and as needed, or when requested by a veterinarian.


Deworming is performed based on fecal exam results.


Health Surveillance Using Serology, PCR, and Microbiology


To monitor for infectious agents, blood taken from (all or a subset of) pigs from each swine facility is tested for infectious agents regularly.

Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

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Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities


Diseases that are pathogenic, zoonotic, or of economic significance which may be tested for include: a.

Brachyspira b.

Brucella suis c.

Campylobacter spp d.

Ileitis (Lawsonia intracellularis) e.

Leptospira spp f.

M-Hyo (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae) g.

Parasites: Mange Mites (Sarcoptes Scabiei and others) h.

Parvovirus i.

PCV2 (Circovirus) j.

PEDV (Coronavirus) k.

PRRS (Arterivirus) l.

Salmonella spp m.

SIV (Swine Influenza Virus, H1N1) n.

Mycoplasma spp


Pest Control


Opened bags of feed must be kept in closed containers.


LAR facility supervisors are responsible for overseeing the pest control program in

LAR, assisting with the application of pesticides not classified for restricted use in

LAR, and monitoring live and sticky traps in LAR daily.


ISU FP&M personnel are responsible for the application of restricted-use pesticides.


ISU FP&M and LAR animal caretakers are responsible for the trapping and removal of wild mammals.


LAR animal caretakers are responsible for the application of pesticide agents that are not classified for restricted use and monitoring live and sticky traps daily.


With the exception of ARS, ISU FP&M personnel visit the animal facilities quarterly or more frequently when requested by LAR. FP&M certified pesticide applicator applies pesticides and places baits and traps to hallways, eating areas, cage wash areas, and storage areas. Occupied animal rooms are not treated.

Pesticides used by LAR in animal buildings are poison rodent baits which are placed near service entrances in farm animal buildings and storage buildings. Pyrethrin- (or its variants) based spray and fogging is used intermittently for insect control in some buildings housing animals. Insect attractant traps (a sticky tape) are used in some animal areas. Sticky traps are used to monitor for insects. Live traps which are used on occasion for large pests/wild mammals are monitored daily by staff when they are deployed.

Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

Page 3 of 7

Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities

5. Roles and Responsibilities


Facility Animal Care Staff


Research Staff



Understand this SOP and enforce the observance of the procedure by persons entering the facility.

If live traps are in use, monitor them daily.

Abide by SOP procedures and alert medical staff to any clinical symptoms observed.

Request serology testing appropriate to clinical symptoms observed.

Abide by SOP procedures and alert medical staff to any clinical symptoms observed.

Postpone visits to ISU swine facility after contact with other swine farms as dictated by this SOP.

6. Definitions

Disinfection: Destruction of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins or vectors by direct exposure to chemical or physical agents.

7. Appendices n/a

8. Forms and Templates

Disease Product

Vaccination Schedule Template

Manufacturer Dose Route Time

Boars, Barrows, Non-breeding Gilts

Parvo, Lepto, Ery Farrowsure Plus-B Pfizer


5cc IM 2x/year(January & July) 21 d. withdrawal

M.hyopneumoniae Respisure Pfizer

E.Coli, C. perf C Litterguard LTC Pfizer

2cc IM 2x/year(January & July) 21 d. withdrawal

2cc IM 2x/year(January & July) 21 d. withdrawal

Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

Page 4 of 7

Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities

Disease Product Manufacturer Dose Route Time Note

Acclimating Gilts

Parvo, Lepto, Ery Farrowsure Plus-B Pfizer

M.hyopneumoniae Respisure Pfizer

Parvo, Lepto, Ery Farrowsure Plus-B Pfizer

M.hyopneumoniae Respisure Pfizer

E.Coli, C. perf C Litterguard LTC Pfizer

E.Coli, C. perf C Litterguard LTC Pfizer


Parvo, Lepto, Ery Farrowsure Plus-B Pfizer

E.Coli, C. perf C Litterguard LTC Pfizer

5cc IM 5 weeks prebreeding 21 d. withdrawal

2cc IM 5 weeks prebreeding 21 d. withdrawal

5cc IM 2 weeks prebreeding 21 d. withdrawal

2cc IM 2 weeks prebreeding 21 d. withdrawal

2cc IM 5 weeks prefarrow

2cc IM 2 weeks prefarrow

21 d. withdrawal

21 d. withdrawal

5cc IM 2 weeks prebreeding 21 d. withdrawal

2cc IM 5 weeks prefarrow 21 d. withdrawal

E.Coli, C. perf C Litterguard LTC Pfizer

Farrowed Piglets

Anemia Iron Dextran- 200 Duravet

2cc IM 2 weeks prefarrow 21 d. withdrawal

1cc IM 1-3 days of age




Porcine Circo




Porcine Circo



Respisure Plus ER bac




Respisure Plus ER bac






2cc IM 1 week post wean

2cc IM 1 week post wean

2cc IM 3 weeks post wean

2cc IM 3 weeks post wean

1cc Oral 5 weeks post wean


Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

Page 5 of 7

Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities

9. References

ISU Swine Farms SOP

Truck Wash Protocols from pork.org library: http://www.pork.org/filelibrary/PEDbiosTruckWash.pdf

Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing


Farlex 2012

10. Contact Information

Direct questions about this document to: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Iowa

State University, 515-294-9581, iacuc@iastate.edu

, or Mary Sauer, VMD, 515-294-0266, msauer@iastate.edu



Additional Signee (if applicable)


Date Signed


Signature of IACUC Chair or Co-Chair


Date Signed


Implementation Date

Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

Page 6 of 7

Iowa State University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Effective Date: 5-7-2014

Approved Date: 5-7-2014

Revised Date:

Last Reviewed:

SOP ID Number:

SOP Title:


Swine Preventative Medicine SOP for Biomedical Pigs and Pigs Housed in

AAALAC-Accredited Facilities

Effective Date

(Type in date)

Document management enters after approval.

Document History

Version Number

Document management enters # (2 digits) before sending for approval.


Name(s) of the author(s)


For version 01, enter “First

Issue.” Otherwise, enter

“Replaces [Document Number and


Briefly describe revision. (Author is responsible for description of revisions that were made.)

For reissued SOP that has undergone review, indicate that a review was performed and the

SOP was reissued with no significant content change.

Office for Responsible Research

Iowa State University

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