NE-Minutes-February - CRC Churches International


CRC Churches International, National Executive, Australia.

Minutes of National Executive Meeting, 24


– 26


February 2014

Christian Family Centre, Adelaide



Members Present

Member Apologies

Bill Vasilakis (Chairman), Bruce Sharman (Vice-Chairman), Hans Voortman,

David Wright, Greg Jones, Ian Miller, Rob Nyhuis, Mike Cronin, Trevor Murphy

Others attending

Peter Gillard (National Administrator), Kassie Pidd (Executive Secretary), Tim

Lochens (Wednesday morning only), Caroline Dennis (Wednesday morning only via Skype)



Subject Discussion





Welcome Bill welcomed everyone to the Executive meeting.


Word and



Bill shared on the book ‘This is Revival’ by Barry Chant.

Bill’s synopsis for the CFC Seaton two month series on revival,

‘Life is too short, so something’s got to give’ was also distributed. ( Click here to download )

Reflections on the book centred on two questions; What new learning have I gained? How am I applying this learning to my life, ministry and church?

Prayer followed.

State Chairman Reports

All State reports were distributed prior to meeting for reading.

2.1 NSW/QLD/ACT – Trevor Murphy

 NSW/QLD/ACT Report tabled.

 Albury: Trevor Murphy & Ian Miller were in Albury a few weeks ago for Rod & Vicki Gilchrist’s honouring service.

The transition has gone well. Geoff Hodgkinson, the new Senior Minister, has really appreciated the support he has been given.

 Vision College (Ken Chant) is celebrating 40 years. Ken will be honoured at our October Convention for his 60 years as a credentialed CRC Minister. Mike will organise something to go in Pulse magazine. CRC ministers are encouraged to send messages of congratulations and encouragement. The date for this event will also be advertised on website It was also noted that Ken’s sonin-law recently passed away.

 NSW State Constitution tabled and to be endorsed by the National Exec as soon as possible.

 Church plants. NSW will pay grants on behalf of the

National accounts and National will reimburse when in a position to do so. The church plants are: o Michael Baker church plant out of Wagga at

Oura o Sam Wright church plant at Atherton out of


 Mark & Carolyn Warren in Canberra doing well





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 Brought up regarding having chaplains (for military) recognised.

2.2 SA – Hans Voortman

 SA Report tabled

 State Minister (John Poyzer) new role going really well, been connecting with ministers across the State and encouraging them.

 Thinking that David Washington could do a similar thing connecting across the state but in regards to administration.

 Mount Compass church advertising for a pastor.

Nairne church - Jim Varsos looking at stepping down  due to ill health .

 State youth camp went really well. Mark Bettcher is doing a great job as the State Youth Coordinator.

2.3 TAS – Greg Jones

 TAS Report tabled

 David & Vicky Frearson taken over Wynyard church, oversight still under Burnie church

Youth camp in Hobart went really well last year

 Norm Reed has helped set up a Skype program in the

Risdon prison, so prisoners can Skype with their families in far flung areas of Tasmania – Greg helping out from the Burnie end

 Discussion regarding Bill putting in writing his three messages on Ephesians 4:1-16 which he preached in


Launceston last year.

2.4 VIC – Bruce Sharman

 VIC Report tabled.

 Hallam church has sold its church

 Cranbourne going really well with their new church plant at Koo Wee Rup.

 Geelong still doesn’t have a senior pastor to replace

Mike Groom. Bruce met with the elders on the weekend.

They have been putting together a list of possible candidates, both from within the CRC and outside the movement. The elders are quite capable and have been running the church well in the absence of a Senior



Discussion regarding local church eldership boards having good communication with key CRC leaders and building connection which helps in times of transition

 Pastor Cass Tompich (Children’s and Family Pastor from

Seaton Christian Family Centre) & Kym Boemia (expolice officer in United States, specialising in crimes against children, also from Seaton Christian Family

Centre) have been working on an proposed update to the CRC Duty of Care document. They have also processed the recent SA Debelle Royal Commission in regards to reporting & documenting procedures for child safety.

 Changes and further recommendations to be ready for sign off for June meeting, to then be tabled at National

Council for implementation by local churches

 Cass & Kym are now looking at restructuring and

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rewording the full document ready for June meeting, using as a case study how Seaton CFC has changed their policy and implemented

 Cass & Kym were commended by the National Exec for

 the great job they have done so far.

Will be sent out a few weeks before June Exec meeting so everyone has a chance to digest and reflect and ask questions





Word & Prayer

Bill expanded on his Revival messages from conference and the importance of the Corporate as well as the Cause and Community dimensions of church and denominational life.

David shared about an appropriate verse of scripture - John 14:30.


 The minutes of the June 2013 meeting were accepted.


5.1 Finance Report

 Finance reports tabled as sent through earlier.

 Finance updates have been sent monthly in regards to

Budget, Balance sheet and Profit and Loss statements.

 Financial statements for the year (P&L and Balance

Sheet up to Feb 18 2014)

 Peter follow up ‘generations funds gift’ on balance sheet with Norm Reed

 On track at present with 2013–14 budget for the projected approx. $39,000 surplus

5.1.1 Proposed 2014-15 Budget

Proposed 2014-2015 budget has been distributed, along with explanatory notes and the 2011, 2012 &

2013 budgets for context (noted that we are now operating on a July to June financial year basis). Bill

& Peter thinking ahead with finances & projections of the CRC’s financial position.

 Proposed budget also includes notes on how to get the budget to healthy operating surplus by end of

June 2015, including the full repayment of the

$22,000 loan from CRC SA during this period. SA

State has given us up to 2017 to pay back this interest free loan but ,hopefully, if budget is met, will be paid off more quickly. This is prefaced on the fact that it can’t be done without the States contributing.

 A projected budget for 2015-2016 is also included for forward planning on managing National finances without ongoing State support.

Prayer for budget and finances 

5.2 Credential Report

 Credential report distributed

 Highlighted ministers who are not up to date with



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credential fees.

 Peter thinking of setting up some Google docs (online docs) that State Secretaries & Peter can all access to keep tabs on who has paid credential fees so not back and forth for information. This has been endorsed.

National Affiliate Credential for Graham Bradley has  been approved (Bruce & Bill interviewed him).

 Brian Birkett discussion regarding appropriate next step after his current Affiliate Credential

 Discussion regarding issuing body for Affiliate – there is affiliate provision at state level, not stated in guidelines.

Guidelines need to be checked and in line with constitutions.

5.3 Administrator’s Report

 Written report as previously emailed

 Old website will now be shut down, Vic has been transferred over to new site. Pages for other states still need to be set up. Peter will organise. Also for portfolios.

Barry Silverback’s book almost ready for print, Bill has  read through and thinks it is a great inspirational story.

5.4 Dates for forthcoming Exec meetings

 23-25 June

 24-26 November

 Discussion on dates for meetings in 2015. Agreed to hold meetings 4 monthly at the end of February, June and October.


6.1 Measurable Metrics Report

 Reports have been distributed. Each area report includes target, baseline data, and tracking for the next five years. Peter has contacted churches for data and will continue to do this twice a year.

 Any adjustments need to be made now so it can go into document before measuring starts tracking. Goals should be achievable but also stretch our faith.

 Discussion followed and metrics were adjusted. Peter to produce a new metrics report and Kassie to make the adjustments on the original full SD version

 Youth & Children’s metrics to be run by Tim & Caroline

6.2 Spirit-empowered evangelism

Prospective team has met via Skype 

 Discussion regarding having team communicating with state councils

 Conferences are a good forum to share good news stories and get people inspired as well as at regional meetings.

Ian looking at resources that could be produced 

 Discussion regarding 5.1 re communication (portfolios having a Facebook page or something similar).

 Ian wants to sit down with Peter re setting up portfolios on website and how this would communicate to pastors or link to Facebook page via website.

 Primary objective to get people to hear good news





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stories from around the place.

6.3 Developing churches

 Action points – Peter to take over as CRC point person for NCLS & NCD. We need to find out how many

 churches are using these tools currently.

Bill suggesting 400+ meeting prior to conference and also holding 200+ & 100+ meetings every year. Needs individual invitations to go out to each pastor. CRC will cover catering and accommodation, invited pastors just need to get to Adelaide

 Discussion regarding how to finance the 100+ pastors.

Hans has some ideas which he will discuss with Bill regarding targeting particular people and investing into them.

6.4 Connecting Ministers

 Vic & SA have put in place a person to coordinate regional connection (Roland Tankard for Vic – works with connecting each regional leader, as does John

Poyzer in SA). Currently they are connecting proactively.

 Vic has 6 regions, looking at someone to oversee the

Eastern metro area. Sydney metro has been connected by Barry Chant. They have also developed a template for regional reporting.

 SA planning elders’ day in regional areas, encouraging

Adelaide metro pastors to have more connection.

 Facebook is being used more and more for connection

 Discussion regarding reaching out to pastors of independent churches who aren’t currently connected

(i.e. those not in CRC).

Following up of people who don’t attend state and national conferences needs to continue – currently followed up through states on a one on one basis.

6.5 Training People

 Looking at getting video and written material of testimonies available at conferences and to use as resources in churches

 Trying to get representation at youth events regarding training, as well as contacting pastors to inform them on what training options look like in their church and having training reps talk to all churches as needed, etc.

 Working on keeping material up to date

 We need to explore whether “Your Leading Edge

(Finkelde)” mentoring can link in with Professional development for ministers

 Team: Rob Nyhuis, David Bland, Rod Bortolin, Amanda

Deed, Dorien Erasmus.

6.6 Reproducing Churches

Jeff Cottom, Mario Massaso, Allen Steel on team

Allen has picked up admin side and organised toolshed dates, locations, etc.

 Some issues getting a decent number of people to attend the Toolshed events

 First toolshed being held at Seaton on coming

Friday/Saturday, second in Cranbourne in June and last one in Albury later in the year

5 churches have/in process of being planted –

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Momentum Canberra (ACT), Atherton (QLD), Koo Wee

Rup (VIC), Mulgrave (VIC), Oura (NSW). We need to use the CRC website to celebrate and inform our movement about these.

 Potential church plant coming up in Salisbury (from

HOPE Central). David will follow through with Joe


 State Chairmen and execs need to make judgement call on which under 50 churches need ongoing support and what training could be provided. Discussion how this could work (example given as; Hobart i.e. needed a larger church’s support and strong church planting couple in order to work)

6.7 Christian Education

Report tabled.

 Neil receiving a lot of enquiries in regards to Christian


 Discussion regarding governance and how to set up a governance board with the sponsoring local church

 Neil has been looking at linking in with Victorian CRC schools and making them ‘legislated schools’ (like

Catholic schools/Lutheran Schools etc)

6.8 Reaching Nations

 In regards to preparing people for missions Mike has

 tapped into Missions Link, looking at resources to best prepare people to go out onto a mission field

He is also planning to get around and visit each State

Council during the year

We need to continue to encourage leaders to make trips to existing nations

 Pulse magazine going well, broad cross section of what’s happening across different mission fields

 Promoted guidelines for teams going out

 Adopt a nation program – add a few questions into survey Peter sends out and then keep an update of which countries each church is involved in. Mike to pass these questions on to Peter before the end of May to allow them to be incorporated into the June survey.

 South Eastern has implemented services in other languages. This is a model other churches could utilise.

International Leaders’ Gathering was cut back to 2 day 

 event last year. It was a valuable time together

Working on reflecting CRC governance model in our overseas fields where appropriate.


 Bill shared on ‘Renew Conference’ (conference in relation to same-sex attraction) in QLD in May – Nathan

Bettcher going from Seaton CFC. Bill has sent letter encouraging each State Executive to send a representative to this conference.

 CFC has Tom Gordon coming to speak in May regarding this issue as well – will do a training session with some key leaders so they can be mentors to young kids struggling with this. Building a support group for them, along with better supporting parents whose children have same-sex attraction issues

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 Encouraging states to utilise Tom Gordon and Shirley

Baskett (from Exodus Global Alliance) as resources

 Elders training course – linking eldership teams with the movement – could be done at regional level. Hans (with

David Washington) will work on this, with a working document ready for June meeting. Rob will look over and provide feedback.


 Rationale sent prior to meeting via email

 Looked at previously suggested changes regarding administrator/secretary from last June. These were reaffirmed

 Ian Hunter has been asked to look at National

Constitution and has recommended further significant changes, some cosmetic (readability) changes. His main focus was to be on Retired Ministers section.

 In essence, the proposed changes would state that the

Retired Ministers credential would be based on their status and functionality rather than their age

 Discussion regarding this, including the issue of credential fees, quorum at council meetings etc. needs a defined criterion.

 Ian Hunter will have suggested changes ready prior to

June meeting for possible endorsement

 Discussion regarding the status of a retired minister as

 opposed to a minister whose credential lapses, and the current measuring criteria (10 years as a national minister)

Clarification sought regarding statement in relation to SA

Associations Incorporation Act (8.1.7) Public Officer.


 Bill would like to replicate the model of what Barry

Chant is currently doing in the Sydney area (examples

Community Church Hornsby and Nova Life Church)

 Case study; Ian Miller and the process he went though with the Hornsby Community Church – took around 6 years). First step would be to embrace independent pastors who aren’t CRC pastors

 There are groups out there that need support and relationship with other pastors in a stable movement like the CRC

 We need to empower our CFC fathers to find churches who are struggling alone and support them in a process of initially developing relationship with pastors, then their leadership teams and eventually whole churches.

Intentionality is the key.

 Agreed not to implement the ‘partner church’ proposal but to push ahead with developing relationship with independent, like-minded churches that would benefit from coming in to the CRC in the medium to long term.

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 Peter has spoken with Elliot Lauder from Childsafe

Childsafe online management program has ongoing yearly costs

Current Seaton CFC and daughter churches cost is around $2,000 per year

 Question regarding cost per church and could it be based on their size.

 Individual church/state have choice in what system they

 use, could be some advantage to doing it as a group

Peter has been authorised to approach churches and see if they are interested in doing this corporately and let exec know

 Peter also needs to get further information from

Childsafe about where liability will be if we take a

National approach.






 Coordination needed at state level of those trained

 Outworking – Developing Churches strategic area

 Greg has one trainee signed up








 2013 Conference evaluation summaries have been distributed.

 Buzz/vibe at revival conference was really good, people enjoyed being there, time frames worked well

 Good suggestion was to create a space for people to come in and fellowship prior to the conference starting, there was also a comment on providing transport for people coming to/from airport, even if public transport options (need to put together a ‘how to’)

Dan Parker’s team outworked everything really well 

 Kassie & Peter had an evaluation with the Melbourne team a few weeks after conference – good time and ways to improve were highlighted, crèche was an issue but will be resolved for next time, food was also addressed

 Streams were positively received, prophetic time good after last night session, although we could have done with a bit more space for this. It was also noted that the music was too loud at times, particularly in the times of ministry.

 Wayne Alcorn was an excellent speaker

 Bill followed up the young people who came forward to pursue a Ministry call by personally writing to them. He

 also notified their pastors to follow them up.

Also noted it was too dark right at the start of the

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meeting (i.e. keep house lights up until everyone has come in)


 Received confirmation from Samuel Rodriguez as our second guest speaker

 Need to look at whether youth speaker can cross over and do something in adult convention

 Wednesday will do Council meeting

 2x 1½ hour sessions during the day (timeframe doesn’t really allow for 3).

Regarding 2014 conference budget: Budget has been 

 presented (based on 900 delegates).

2014-2015 CRC budget needs to be adjusted in regards to conference offerings, which will go towards meeting costs for the conference rather than into other areas of the budget.

 Discussion regarding international delegates subsidy and the international leaders gathering the following week.

Billeting between churches would be ideal for international leaders gathering. Stirling church will host this event, to be held on October 7, 8. Peter to liaise with Hans re budget

 Discussion regarding budget and what areas we could possibly cut back in etc (i.e. brochure design in house)

 Offerings will not be placed into general revenue as per the 2013 conference. This will change the projected surplus. Adjustments will need to be made to the CRC

2014-15 budget to reflect this.

2014 Convention Budget endorsed with the alteration to the placement of offerings line as noted.

 Ian Miller prayed for the conference including an exhortation that God would undertake over and above for the offerings.





Gillard &



Youth Report:

 Was great to have youth leaders stream at Revival

Conference last year, good network & connection, inspirational stories were shared

 Identifying youth & young adults speaker to attract more leaders

 Charter buses for transport to/from Seaton for evening rallies

 Youth leaders training in SA in a few weeks time

Want to have website, and flyers up and going in time  for state conferences

 Looking at possibility of including a Young Adults only gathering during the convention

 Lots of ideas for conference

 Possible theme for the upcoming conferences and conventions – getting young people and young adults involved in the whole life of the church rather than just

Friday nights

 Tim will follow through with those going to youth jamboree in Solomon Islands. Peter to send out email to churches, as well as women’s PNG trip information.


Lochens &



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 Caroline joined via Skype

 Children’s leaders stream at conference was great for the first of these and there was lots of positive feedback from the leaders and pastors

Caroline has been keeping in contact with those people  that attended the sessions and has been working on setting up a database of children’s leaders/pastors

 State leaders need to provide any details they receive to Caroline to add to the database

 Caroline and her team are excited about the upcoming

October conference. She has quite a few volunteers enlisted already. Needs around 15-20 leaders (based on around 150 kids), preferably ones that can be there for the whole conference

 Wants to encourage parents to bring their kids

 Has had positive feedback regarding the split night session so kids leaders will be able to attend

 Wants kids to be awakened to things of the Spirit and tapping into the things God has for them

 22 kids are currently registered for conference

 Bruce let Caroline know that Melody Cayzer is finishing up as children’s director in Vic. Caroline will liaise with

Phil Tong, with no replacement identified at this stage.

 National Children’s team still in the formative stages.

Any other suggestions of people who could be part of this team to be sent through to Caroline


 Dates confirmed for June and November 2014 meetings.

From 2015 we will meet at the end of February, June and October

Victorian State Conference in 2015 will be April 29, 30

All dates for 2015 to be tabled at the next meeting in


International Missions Strategy Team

 Discussed Kevin Hughes changing missions role now that he cannot travel overseas due to Brenda’s health.


Barry Silverback put together a couple of papers around 

10 years ago and Mike Cronin has been working on a revamped policy guideline which includes these thoughts

 New field facilitators need to clearly know what the role is

 Specialist credential – separate for international scene

Regarding policy: try and simplify some of the wording but other than that, pretty happy with it (needs to be simplified so people who don’t have English as a first language can still be taken through the competencies, even if verbally)


 Needs support for the Enright’s, paying off mortgage on the property of $70,000, and general maintenance as the property is fairly run down

All State


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 Neil Milne working with Graeme Enright to raise support.

This will be a focus at upcoming state conferences to get more churches involved with helping to meet this need


 $44,000 currently on hand towards site and building work

 Including 5 year commitments estimate of $150,000 still to come in. This project will be the priority at the upcoming People’s Convention


 Opportunities for missions trips to go out to churches

(Mike will send)

 IMST has approved certificates for affiliate fields

 Financially, clarified policies on terrorism, best practice procedures, were also tabled

 Reiterated that sending money though the CRC missions office generally gets more finance out onto the fields.

Mike will reiterate to churches






The meeting was concluded at 3pm with prayer.

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