SMM 2015 schedule - v 7 - Edinburgh Research Explorer

Law, Custom and Ritual in the Medieval Mediterranean – Programme
Society for the Medieval Mediterranean conference 2015
Monday 13th July to Wednesday 15th July 2015
David Chiddick Building, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, LN6 7TS
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Monday 13th July 2015
Room: BL1103
(BL1003 will be manned by a student helper, will host the book stands, and will be a safe place to leave luggage during the conference)
Welcoming remarks and Society prizes, Professor Simon Barton (Exeter), President of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean
Room: BL1101
Session 1
Session 1.1: Justice and judicial
practices in early medieval
Northwestern Iberia (I): Government
and archives
Room: BL1102
Session 1.2: Fatimid rituals, revolts and
Room: BL1105
Session 1.3: Medieval laws of the sea
Room: BL1106
Chair: Jo van Steenbergen (Ghent)
Chair: Esther-Miriam Wagner (Cambridge)
Organiser: Igor Santos Salazar (Trento)
Al-Khoee, Hasan (Institute of Ismaili
Studies/School of Oriental and African
Chair: Iñaki Martín Viso (Salamanca) & Studies), The Grand Fatimid Circumcision
Igor Santos Salazar (Trento)
Ceremonies of the Southern
Mediterranean: Ritual and the Fostering of
Davies, Wendy, Partial (? and impartial) Communal Oath
records of judicial practice in northern
Iberia pre-1000
Horváth, Máté (Avicenna Institute for
Middle Eastern Studies, Budapest), Satans
Alfonso, Isabel (CSIC, Madrid), José
rising from under the throne: revolts and
Mataix Ferrandiz, Emilia (Southampton),
Lex Rhodia de iactu: an example of the
transmission of an Ancient Maritime
custom through history
Simeonova, Liliana (Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences), Maritime Law vs. Customary
Rules and Local Regulations in Byzantine
and South-Italian Commerce, 9th – 11th
Miguel Andrade (Santiago), André
Evangelista Marques (IEM-NOVA
University of Lisbon), Recording judicial
information: a comparative approach
official narratives from the Fatimid
Session 2.1: Comparative aspects on
the institutionalisation of law – the
Mediterraneum in the middle ages 1:
The Making of Political Discourses
Room: BL1102
Session 2.2: The late medieval crown of
Room: BL1105
Session 2
Frisone, Matteo (Bologna), Ordinamenta
et consuetudo maris of Trani: the first
model of maritime law in Southern Italy?
Lev, Yaacov (Bar Ilan University), The
Administration of Justice in Fatimid-Ayyubid
Tea in Cafe
Session 2.3: Orthodoxy and deviance
Room: BL1106
Chair: Paul Stephenson (Lincoln)
Chair: Alun Williams (Exeter)
Nonveiller, Elena (Ecole des Hautes Etudes
en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Paganism in
7th century Byzantium: the dynamics of
exclusion and inclusion that defined
Organiser: Attilio Stella (Tel Aviv
Schut, Kirsty (Toronto), Law and custom in
the quodlibeta of John of Naples, OP
Chair: Sarah Greer (St Andrews)
Gugel, David (Toronto), “Dix que ell ere
coronat”: Tonsured Squires, Criminality, and
Carlson, Laura (Queen’s University),
Questions of Legal Jurisdiction in late
Written & Oral Forms of Public Penitence
Medieval Valencia
during the Adoptionist Controversy
Attreed, Lorraine (College of the Holy Cross,
Covaci, Valentina (Amsterdam),
Worcester, Massachusetts), The English
Negotiating Orthodoxy through Ritual:
Umpire and Disputes of Honor:
Mediterranean Contacts at the Lancastrian Franciscans and Eastern Christians at the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the
Court in the Early Fifteenth Century
Fifteenth Century
Viale, Adrian (Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne), Legal elements in papalimperial communications (6th-7th
Shelina, Evgeniya (Centro de Ciencias
Humanas y Sociales, Madrid), The
Power of Language and the Language
of Power in 13th Century Castilian Law
Olsen, Rasmus (Birkbeck), Chronicles as
sources for rituals in the early Mamluk
period: manifestations of power and
KEYNOTE 1: Professor Simon Doubleday (Hofstra): Illegitimate Approaches (public lecture)
Room: BL1101
Introduction by Professor Paul Stephenson, Head of School of History and Heritage, University of Lincoln
Wine reception, David Chiddick Building, University of Lincoln
(sponsor: Taylor & Francis, publisher of Al Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean -
Tuesday 14th July 2015
Session 3 Session 3.1: Legal and material culture 1
Room: BL1002
Session 3.2: Law in the post-Roman West
Room: BL1005
Chair: Jo van Steenbergen (Ghent)
Chair: Robert Portass (Lincoln)
Nagy, Péter (Central European University, Budapest), Islamic
objects at the Hungarian royal court: Ritual and symbolism
during the reign of Béla III (1172–1196)
Barrett, Graham (St John’s, Oxford), Legislation and Codification
after Rome
Sandford-Crouch, Clare (Northumbria), The role of clothing in
the construction and development of professional legal
identities in late medieval Italy
Ženka, Josef (Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies,
Charles University, Prague), The selection of a new emir and
unofficial bay’a in Nasrid Granada (14th and 15th century)
Kelly, Michael (Leeds), Trans-Historicality in Early Medieval
Hispania: Law as Narrative and Cultural Episteme
Gobbitt, Thomas (Institut fürMittelalterforschung, Österreichische
Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna), Book Culture and Texts of
Identity: The Lombard Laws in the Eleventh Century
Coffee in Cafe
Session 4 Session 4.1: Justice and judicial practices
in early medieval Northwestern Iberia (II):
Punishment and justice in Castile and
Room: BL1002
Organiser: Igor Santos Salazar (Trento)
Chair: Iñaki Martín Viso (Salamanca)
Escalona, Julio, Follow the money? Justice
and authority in the sanction clauses of
tenth-century Castilian charters
Caravajal, Alvaro, Authority and liability in
ninth- and tenth-century Nothwestern
Iberia: the evidence from the sanction
Session 4.2: Post-Roman economies
Room: BL1005
Chair: Jonathan Conant (Brown)
Chair: Paul Stephenson (Lincoln)
MacMaster, Thomas (Edinburgh), Out of the
Wilderness to the Fleshpots of the Nile:
Maintaining the eastern Mediterranean slave
supply in the post-Roman world
Buchanan, Elizabeth (Oxford), ‘For my own
pressing need:’ the adoption (or not) of
clauses in Egyptian and Gazan legal
Sacchi, Samuele (Bologna), Defending
property and reshaping royal authority in
Visigotic Spain: the Eighth Council of Toledo
and the Lex Visigothorum
Santos Salazar, Igor (Trento), Rule through
courts: the settlement of disputes in
Castile and Tuscany during the tenthcentury
Session 4.3: Dalmatia, Venice and
Room: BL1106
Moukarzel, Pierre (Lebanese
University), The customs adopted in
treaties concluded between Mamluk
sultans and Venetian doges (13th-15th
Gál, Judit (Eötvös Loránd University,
Budapest), Rituals of Hungarian Royal
Visits in Dalmatia in the 12th and 13th
Caciur, Dana-Silvia (Bucharest), Questi
tristi Morlacchi: Venetian efforts in
reducing the Morlachs incursions in
Dalmatia at the middle of the 16th
Session 5 Session 5.1: Comparative aspects on the institutionalisation
of law – the Mediterraneum in the middle ages 2: The
Production of Legal Knowledge
Organiser: Attilio Stella (Tel Aviv University)
Session 5.2: Medieval Iberia
Chair: Christopher Heath (Manchester)
Jarrett, Jonathan (Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of
Birmingham), Ceremonies of Property Transfer in Carolingian
Chair: Tommi P. Lankila (Università di Roma Tor Vergata,
Princeton University)
Manstetten, Paula (SOAS), Jurists, legal education and politics
in 11th-12th century Syria
Stella, Attilio (Tel Aviv University), Is Feudalism Dead? Rituals,
Customs and Laws of Fiefs in Medieval Italy
Wagner, Esther-Miriam (Cambridge), Scribal practice and
legal record-keeping in the Cairo Genizah
Catalonia: a model of documented transaction
D’Emilio, James (South Florida), Bending the Rules: Tradition,
Variation, and Originality in Formulas of Charters from the
Kingdom of León (10th-13th Centuries)
Cayrol Bernardo, Laura (Centre de Recherches Historiques, Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), «Hermana del
emperador»: (re)constructing the memory of the infanta Sancha
Raimúndez (d. 1159)
Tea in Cafe
KEYNOTE: Dr Andrew Marsham (Edinburgh): Rituals of accession in early Islam: a comparative perspective
Introduced by Professor Simon Barton (Exeter), President of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean
Annual General Meeting of the SMM, David Chiddick Building, University of Lincoln
Conference dinner, The Old Palace, Lincoln (
Wednesday 15th July 2015
9.30-11.00 Session 6 Session 6.1: Justice and judicial practices
in early medieval Northwestern Iberia
(III): The political spaces of justice
Room: BL1002
Organiser: Igor Santos Salazar (Trento)
Session 6.2: Legal and material culture 2
Room: BL1005
Chair: Alun Williams (Exeter)
Wissa, Myriam (London), Wine, law, custom
and ritual in Umayyad Egypt
Chair: Igor Santos Salazar (Trento)
Adashinskaya, Anna (Central European
Martín Viso, Iñaki (Salamanca), Authority University, Budapest), Legislation on display:
and Justice in the shaping of Asturleonese juridical documents as monumental church
inscriptions in Byzantium, Serbia and
Bulgaria of 13th-15th centuries
Portass, R. (Lincoln), Levels of Justice in
Tenth-Century Northern Spain
Powers, James (College of the Holy Cross,
Worcester, Massachusetts), War, Violence
Luis-Corral, Fernando (Salamanca) and
and Dispute Resolution in Monastic and
María Pérez Rodríguez (Salamanca), Local Secular Romanesque Art: The Ecclesiastical
Communities and the Uses of Justice in
Message in Spain
the Kingdom of León
11.00Coffee in Cafe
11.30-1.00 Session 7 Session 7.1: Comparative aspects on the institutionalisation of
law – the Mediterraneum in the middle ages 3: Law in Social
Room: BL1002
Session 6.3: Mediterranean
Normativities: Legal Pluralism at the
Crossroads of the Mediterranean
Room: BL1006
Organiser: Ada Maria Kuskowski
(Southern Methodist University)
Chair: Andrew Marsham (Edinburgh)
Ihnat, Kati (Bristol), Law, Liturgy and
the Jews in Visigothic Iberia
Chiarelli, Leonard (Utah), Ibāḍī
Community or Communities in Muslim
Kuskowski, Ada Maria (Southern
Methodist University), A Law of
Conquest: Law, Custom and
Colonialism in the Crusader States
Session 7.2: “Del tuerto al dreito”: Bridging the gap
between law codes and society in the medieval
Mediterranean world
Room: BL1005
Organiser: Attilio Stella (Tel Aviv University)
Organiser: Belen Vicens (Notre Dame)
Chair: Attilio Stella (Tel Aviv University)
Chair: Simon Barton (Exeter)
Lankila, Tommi P. (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Princeton
University), Islamic Law and ‘Saracen Raids’ in the early medieval
Central Mediterranean
Bowman, Jeffrey A. (Kenyon College), Women Administering
Justice in the High Middle Ages: A Divergence of Rule and
Smarandache, Bogdan (Toronto), The Ḥanbalī Emigration of 551
AH/1156 AD from the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in Light of Legal
Opinions on Muslims under Non-Muslim Rule
García-Velasco, Rodrigo (Cambridge), Municipal law at the
Iberian frontier: the evidence of the fueros and cartas de
población during the Iberian Reconquista, c.1050-c.1150
Hauck, Jasmin (Università Roma Tre), Marriage Dispensations and
Marriage Customs in Renaissance Florence (1460-1530)
Vicens, Belen (Notre Dame), Infançones, franchos, and
wannabes: Rethinking status and identity in late medieval
Closing Remarks