Appendix Appendix 1 Neolamprologus pulcher is a cooperatively breeding cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. The fish live in breeding groups composed of a dominant pair and several subordinates of both sexes and of varying size and age (Taborsky & Limberger, 1981; Taborsky, 1984; Balshine et al., 2001; Duftner et al., 2007; Wong & Balshine, 2011). Sexual maturity is reached at a size of ~3.5cm in both sexes (Taborsky 1985), and relatedness between dominants and subordinates decreases with increasing subordinate size, due to breeder turnover (Taborsky & Limberger, 1981). Consequently, most large helpers are virtually unrelated to their respective dominant breeders (Dierkes et al., 2005). This limits the indirect fitness benefits individuals can gain from cooperation (Stiver at al., 2005; Zöttl et al., 2013b). Breeding groups defend territories that provide them with shelter for refuge and breeding (Balshine et al., 2001; Heg et al, 2004; Heg et al., 2008a). In order to be tolerated, subordinates help raising the dominants’ broods by caring for offspring and maintaining and defending the territory (Taborsky 1984). The adaptive value of reciprocal commodity trading between fellow group members has been well established in this species, using field and laboratory experiments (Taborsky, 1985; Balshine-Earn et al., 1998; Bergmüller & Taborsky, 2005; Bergmüller, Heg, & Taborsky, 2005; Zöttl et al., 2013a,b; Fischer et al., 2014). Territories of N. pulcher are typically aggregated in colonies of a few up to some hundred breeding groups located in close vicinity (Heg et al., 2005, 2008a; Stiver et al., 2007). Despite higher predator densities within such colonies, individuals prefer territories inside a colony over vacancies at the colony edge (Heg et al., 2008a). Fish frequently visit the territories of other groups, which allows them to establish extended safe havens and social relations beyond their own group (Bergmüller et al., 2005). Appendix 2 In order to obtain fitness estimates for individually marked N. pulcher in our study colony over the course of the study period, we combined previous information on (i) the effect of subordinates’ help on dominants’ reproduction, (ii) the subordinates’ share in a group’s reproduction, and (iii) estimates of within-group relatedness, with our estimates of (a) group reproductive output, (b) the number of large, potentially sexually mature subordinates in a group, and (c) individual survival. We first established equations defining direct and indirect fitness based on the above mentioned parameters for each of the four different classes of individuals, i.e. dominant males, dominant females, subordinate males, and subordinate females (equations 1-7). We then parameterised these equations with the estimates derived from the literature (see below: 3) to 12)) and inserted our measures of the numbers of juveniles produced in a group and the number of large helpers found in a group (see below: 1) and 2)). We used this as estimates of direct and indirect fitness for individuals surveyed over the course of our study period. It is important to note that these estimates do not reflect a specific individual’s actual reproductive output or fitness. Rather, it allows for a comparison of the relative fitness effects derived from group membership in groups of different size and structure. Further, it allows for a comparison of the relative importance of direct and indirect fitness components for fish of different sex and status. We assumed that across all territories, the effects of the subordinates´ helping on dominants´ reproduction, relatedness between individuals, and the reproductive share of subordinate helpers would be similar. For our estimates of direct, indirect, and inclusive fitness, we assumed the following values for the required variables: 1) niJ : the number of juveniles in territory i 2) niLH : the number of potentially mature helpers (subordinates >3.5 cm standard length) in territory i 3) τ: the assumed sex ratio of large helpers (0.5) 4) μm: the reproductive share of male helpers (0.045) 5) μf : the reproductive share of female helpers (0.145) 6) μmf : the reproductive share of a large helper of unknown sex (0.095) 7) rLH-DM : the relatedness estimate between large helpers and their respective dominant male (0.05) 8) rLF-DF : the relatedness estimate to their respective dominant female (0.2) 9) rLH-DP : the relatedness between large helpers and their respective dominant pair (0.125) 10) rLH-LH : the relatedness between large helpers from the same group (0.2) 11) rO : the relatedness to own offspring (0.5) 12) β : the increase in a dominant pair’s production of juveniles due to the presence of each large helper (0.18) The estimates of the subordinates’ share in reproduction are based on a meta-analysis of multiple studies on extra-pair reproduction in N. pulcher (Taborsky 2016). The estimates of relatedness between group members are based on a study investigating within-group relatedness with help of DNAmicrosatellites in wild N. pulcher groups (Dierkes et al. 2005). The estimate of the increase in pair reproduction due to the presence of a large helper (‘helping effect’) was obtained by an experimental lab study (Taborsky 1984). Consequently, we estimated for each marked individual its direct and indirect fitness based on the number of juveniles and the number of large subordinates counted in the individual´s territory in a given year, multiplied by the scaling factors ‘reproductive share’, ‘relatedness’ and ‘helping effect’. We should like to mention that only group members from the onset of maturity were individually marked to not compromise group composition, as catching smaller individuals may cause significant disturbance and subsequent changes in group structure. Therefore, our fitness estimates are confined to large group members (potentially mature helpers and dominant breeders). The sum of direct and indirect fitness estimates of marked individuals was taken as the estimate of the individual´s inclusive fitness. (i) The direct fitness estimate of dominants (equations 1 and 2) reflects the number of juveniles in the territory that were the dominant individual´s own offspring, which it would have produced also in the absence of subordinate helpers. Thus it was calculated as the number of juveniles in the territory (nij), from which we subtracted the share of reproduction of sexually mature helpers of the same sex (niLH x τ x μm or niLH x τ x μf) and the number of juveniles produced through the effects of subordinate helpers (niJ x β x niLH). We multiplied this number, i.e. the number of juveniles a dominant would have produced in the absence of helpers, by the relatedness between parents and offspring (rO). Equation 1 (direct fitness of dominant males): (niJ - niLH x τ x niJ x μm - niJ x β x niLH) x rO Equation 2 (direct fitness of dominant females): (niJ - niLH x τ x niJ x μf - niJ x β x niLH) x rO (ii) The direct fitness estimate of subordinates (equations 3 and 4) reflects those juveniles in the territory that were the subordinate individual´s own offspring. Thus it was calculated as the number of juveniles (nij) from which we subtracted the share in reproduction of other subordinates of the same sex [(niLH - 1) x τ x niJ x μm or (niLH - 1) x τ x niJ x μf]. We multiplied this by the subordinate´s share in reproduction (μm or μf). This number, i.e. the number of juveniles that were the subordinate’s own offspring, was then multiplied by the relatedness between parents and offspring (rO). Equation 3 (direct fitness of subordinate males): (niJ - (niLH - 1) x τ x niJ x μm) x μm x rO Equation 4 (direct fitness of subordinate females): (niJ - (niLH - 1) x τ x niJ x μf) x μf x rO (iii) The indirect fitness estimate of dominants (equations 5 and 6) reflects the number of juveniles that were offspring of related subordinates. Thus, it was calculated as the number of juveniles (niJ) multiplied by the number of large helpers present in the territory (niLH) times the reproductive share of a large subordinate of unknown sex (μmf). This, i.e. the number of offspring produced by all large subordinates in the group, was then multiplied by the relatedness between the dominant and large subordinates (rLH-DM or rLH-DF). Equation 5 (indirect fitness of dominant males): niJ x niLH x μmf x rLH-DM Equation 6 (indirect fitness of dominant females): niJ x niLH x μmf x rLH-DF (iv) The indirect fitness estimate of subordinates (equation 7) reflects the boost in dominants´ reproduction resulting from the subordinate´s help, and the effects the latter had on the reproduction of related subordinates in their territory. Thus it was calculated as the number of juveniles that were offspring of the dominants that would have been produced also in the absence of the focal subordinate’s help (niJ - (niLH - 1) x niJ x μmf) multiplied by the boost in dominants´ reproduction due to the focal subordinate´s help (β) times the relatedness between the subordinate and the dominants (rLH-DP). To this we added other subordinates’ share in reproduction [(niLH - 1) x niJ x μmf] multiplied by their relatedness to the focal subordinate (rLH-LH). Equation 7 (indirect fitness of subordinates): (niJ - (niLH - 1) x niJ x μmf) x β x rLH-DP + (niLH - 1) x niJ x μmf x rLH-LH Appendix 3 To estimate the relationship between group size and nearest neighbour distance, we fitted a linear mixed effects model (LME) including group size as the response variable, nearest neighbour distance as the explanatory variable, and the territory’s identity and year of sampling as random factors. Diagnostic plots did not reveal any indication of a violation of the assumption of normally distributed error structures (no systematic correlation between the estimated residuals and the fitted values, and a good fit of the residuals in the Q-Q plot). The full model fitted the data significantly better than the respective null model including only the intercept and the random factors (Table Appendix 3) and revealed a negative correlation between nearest neighbour distance and group size (Figure Appendix 3). Table Appendix 3: comparison between the full model and the respective null model as described in Appendix 3. Degrees AIC BIC Log Likelihood Δ P-value of Likelihood ratio test degrees (based on freedom of (π 2 ) π2) freedom null 4 1953 1969.3 -972.51 model full 5 1943 1963.5 -966.52 11.979 1 0.0005 model Figure Appendix 3: Each group’s size in relation to its nearest neighbour distance in a given year. Data collected in year T=2011 are represented by circles and the dashed line. Data collected in year T=2012 are represented by triangles and the dotted line. Data collected in year T=2013 are represented by squares and the solid line. Trendlines are based on values predicted by the respective linear models, and depict significant negative correlations between group size and nearest neighbour distance in each year. Appendix 4 To investigate whether nearest neighbour distance was a good proxy of actual local colony density (measured as absolute number of territories within 2 metres distance), we fitted a GLM with logistic link function (family: quasipoisson). This model included the number of territories within 2 metres around a given territory (averaged across all years in which the territory was occupied) as response variable and the respective territory’s nearest neighbour distance (averaged across all years in which the territory was occupied) as explanatory variable. The model revealed a negative correlation between the number of territories within a 2 metres perimeter and the territory’s nearest neighbour distance (Table Appendix 4; Figure Appendix 4). Table Appendix 4: comparison between the full model and the respective null model as described in Appendix 4. Estimate Standard t value P-Value Δ Deviance Scaled P-Value error (based degrees deviance (based on t) of on freedom π2 ) intercept 2.946 0.099 29.562 <0.0001 444.92 nearest -1.44 0.161 -8.945 <0.0001 1 737.18 108.53 <0.0001 neighbour distance Figure Appendix 4: For each territory (n=166) the average number of territories within 2 metres (from centre to centre) and the average nearest neighbour distance (also from centre to centre) were assessed (averaged across all years in which the territory was inhabited). Each circle represents a unique territory and the trendline is based on the respective GLM revealing a significant negative relationship between nearest neighbour distance and local colony density (measured as the number of close territories). Appendix 5 To test whether a group’s size in one year was correlated with its size in the subsequent year, we fitted a GLMM with logarithmic link function to account for the assumed Poisson error structure (GLMM log link; family: Poisson). This model included one response variable (‘group size in year T+1’), a single explanatory variable (‘group size in year T’), and a group’s identity and the year of sampling as random factors. The model’s dispersion was tested using the R package blmeco version 1.1 (KornerNievergelt et al. 2015), and it was marginally underdispersed (dispersion parameter = 0.832). The model revealed a positive correlation between a group’s size in one year and its size in the subsequent year for both sampling periods (Table Appendix 5; Figure Appendix 5). Table Appendix 5: comparison between the full model and the respective null model for the analysis of group size correlations between years as described in Appendix 5. Estimate Standard z value P-Value Deviance Δ P-Value π2 error (based degrees (based on z) of on freedom π 2 ) intercept 1.266 0.067 19.018 <0.0001 1320.8 group 0.069 0.009 7.643 <0.0001 1128.5 192.22 1 <0.0001 size in year T Figure Appendix 5: A group’s size in a given year as a function of its size in the previous year. Circles represent groups observed between 2011 and 2012, triangles represent groups observed between 2012 and 2013. Trendlines are based on values predicted by the respective GLMs and represent significant relationships. Points were jittered around their x- and y-values to increase visibility. Appendix 6 To analyse the effects of group size and nearest neighbour distance on a group’s reproductive output and its probability of successful reproduction in the next year, we fitted GLMMs with either logarithmic link function to account for an assumed Poisson error structure (counts of juveniles; GLMM log link), or with logistic link function to account for an assumed binomial error structure (probability of reproduction in the subsequent year; GLMM logit link). These models included one response variable (‘reproductive output’ or ‘reproduction in the subsequent year: yes/no’), two explanatory variables (‘group size’ and ‘nearest neighbour distance’), the interaction between the explanatory variables, and the territory’s identity and the year of sampling as random factors. The Poisson models’ dispersion was tested using the R package blmeco version 1.1 (Korner-Nievergelt et al. 2015), and it was not significantly overdispersed (dispersion parameter = 1.172). Both full models fitted the data significantly better than the respective null models only including the intercept and the random factors (Tables Appendix 6a and 6b), and both revealed an interactive effect of group size and nearest neighbour distance on the respective response variable (Tables Appendix 6c and 6d; Figure 2). Table Appendix 6a: comparison between the full model for the analysis of reproductive output and the respective null model as described in Appendix 5. Degrees AIC BIC Log Deviance Likelihood Δ Pof Likelihood ratio test degrees Value freedom of (based (π 2 ) freedom on π2 ) null 3 1484.9 1497.1 -739.43 1478.9 model full 6 1424.3 1448.8 -706.16 1412.3 66.539 3 <0.0001 model Table Appendix 6b: comparison between the full model for the analysis of the chances of reproduction in the subsequent year and the respective null model as described in Appendix 5. Degrees AIC BIC Log Deviance Likelihood Δ Pof Likelihood ratio test degrees Value freedom of (based (π 2 ) freedom on π2 ) null 3 370.74 382.03 -182.37 364.74 model full 6 295.06 316.89 -141.53 283.06 81.674 3 <0.0001 model Table Appendix 6c: output of the full model for the analysis of reproductive output Estimate Standard z value P-Value Likelihood error (based on z) ratio test 2 (π ) intercept -0.078 0.536 -0.145 0.884 group size 0.007 0.038 0.174 0.862 nearest -1.202 0.313 -3.841 0.0001 neighbour distance interaction 0.224 0.051 4.368 <0.0001 18.814 P-Value (based on π2 ) <0.0001 Table Appendix 6d: output of the full model for the analysis of the chance of reproduction in the subsequent year Estimate Standard z value P-Value Likelihood P-Value error (based on z) ratio test (based on 2 (π ) π2 ) intercept 1.094 0.906 1.208 0.227 group size 0.007 0.136 0.051 0.96 nearest -2.354 0.952 -2.471 0.135 neighbour distance interaction 0.433 0.181 2.397 0.017 6.468 0.011 Appendix 7 To compare the survival probabilities between the different classes of individuals, we fitted a GLMM with logistic link function to account for an assumed binomial error structure (GLMM logit link). This model included the response variable (‘survival: yes/no’) and the explanatory variable (‘class: DM/DF/SM/SF’), as well as an individual’s size as covariate and its territory’s identity as random factor. Subsequently, we performed Tukey tests for all pairwise comparisons between different classes. The full model fitted the data better than the respective null model only including the intercept, the covariate, and the random factor (Table Appendix 7a); and it revealed significant differences in survival probabilities between different classes of individuals. The Tukey tests revealed that this was driven by a difference between the survival probabilities of dominant males and dominant females (Table Appendix 7b). Table Appendix 7a: comparison between the full model for the analysis of survival differences between different classes of individuals and the respective null model as described in Appendix 7 Degrees AIC BIC Log Deviance Likelihood Δ Pof Likelihood ratio test degrees Value freedom of (based (π 2 ) freedom on π2 ) null 3 368.72 379.44 -181.36 362.72 model full 6 361.02 382.45 -174.51 349.02 13.699 3 0.0033 model Table Appendix 7b: pairwise comparisons of survival probabilities between different classes of individuals (dominant males: DM; dominant females: DF; subordinate males: SM; subordinate females: SF) Estimate Standard error z value P-Value (based on z) DM – DF -1.525 0.5 -3.052 0.0112 SF – DF -0.571 0.426 -1.343 0.5165 SM – DF -0.76 0.383 -1.983 0.1823 SF – DM 0.954 0.675 1.413 0.4719 SM – DM 0.765 0.591 1.295 0.5471 SM – SF -0.188 0.414 -0.456 0.9659 Appendix 8 To analyse whether group size or nearest neighbour distance differentially influence individual survival, we fitted GLMMs with logistic link function to account for an assumed binomial error structure (GLMM logit link). These models included the response variable (‘survival: yes/no’), one explanatory variable (‘group size’ or ‘nearest neighbour distance’), a second explanatory variable (‘class: DM/DF/SM/SF’), the interaction between both explanatory variables, the individual’s size as covariate, and the territory’s identity as random factor. Likelihood ratio tests revealed that the included interaction did not increase the model’s fit in either case (Table Appendix 8a and 8b). We consequently refitted the models without the interaction and compared these to the respective null models only including the intercept, the covariate, and the random factor (Table Appendix 8c and 8d). The refitted models fitted the data better than the respective null models, but subsequent single term deletions using likelihood ratio tests revealed no significant influence of either group size or nearest neighbour distance on individual survival (Table Appendix 8e and 8 f), although there was a trend for survival to be lower in larger groups (Table Appendix 8e; Figure Appendix 8). Table Appendix 8a: Likelihood ratio test output for the influence of including the interaction between individual class and group size in the full model described in Appendix 8 Degrees of AIC Likelihood ratio P-Value (based freedom on test (π 2 ) π2 ) null model 363.56 model with 1 364.88 3.324 0.0683 covariate full model 3 359.48 1.918 0.5896 Table Appendix 8b: Likelihood ratio test output for the influence of including the interaction between individual class and nearest neighbour distance in the full model described in Appendix 8 Degrees of AIC Likelihood ratio P-Value (based freedom on test (π 2 ) π2 ) null model 365.18 model with 1 365.34 2.157 0.142 covariate full model 3 363.01 3.825 0.281 Table Appendix 8c: the comparison between the full model for the analysis of survival differences between different classes of individuals and the influence of group size and the respective null model as described in Appendix 8 Degrees AIC BIC Log Deviance Likelihood Δ Pof Likelihood ratio test degrees Value freedom of (based (π 2 ) freedom on π2 ) null 3 368.72 379.44 -181.36 362.72 model full 7 359.48 384.48 -172.74 345.48 17.245 4 0.0017 model Table Appendix 8d: the comparison between the full model for the analysis of survival differences between different classes of individuals and the influence of nearest neighbour distance and the respective null model as described in Appendix 8 Degrees AIC BIC Log Deviance Likelihood Δ Pof Likelihood ratio test degrees Value freedom of (based (π 2 ) freedom on π2 ) null 3 368.72 379.44 -181.36 362.72 model full 7 363.01 388.01 -174.5 349.01 13.713 4 0.0083 model Table Appendix 8e: Likelihood ratio test output for the influence of individual class and group size on individual survival in the final model described in Appendix 8 Degrees of AIC Likelihood ratio P-Value (based freedom on test (π 2 ) π2 ) null model 359.48 model with group 1 361.02 3.526 0.0598 size model with 3 366.92 13.447 0.0038 individual class model with 1 360.81 3.33 0.068 individual size Table Appendix 8f: Likelihood ratio test output for the influence of individual class and nearest neighbour distance on individual survival in the final model described in Appendix 8 Degrees of AIC Likelihood ratio P-Value (based freedom on test (π 2 ) π2 ) null model 363.01 model with 1 361.02 0.014 0.904 nearest neighbour distance model with 3 370.47 13.46 0.0037 individual class model with 1 363.27 2.266 0.1323 individual size Figure Appendix 8: Survival probabilities of marked individuals as a function of their respective group’s size. Circles represent dominant females (“DF”; n=94), squares subordinate females (“SF”; n=58), triangles subordinate males (“SM”; n=59), and diamonds dominant males (“DM”; n=52). Overlapping points were jittered around their x-value to increase visibility. Squares, triangles, and diamonds were off-set by a fixed value on the y-axis to increase visibility. This did not influence the position or shape of the trendlines, which are still plotted according to the original values. Trendlines are based on values predicted by the respective GLMs, and depict non-significant relationships. Appendix 9 To test whether fitness estimates differed between individuals depending on their sex and whether they had been initially classified as subordinates or were dominant throughout the study, we fitted GLMs with logarithmic link function to account for the assumed Poisson error structure (GLM log link; family: quasipoisson;). These models included one response variable (‘estimated inclusive fitness’ or ‘estimated direct fitness’ or ‘estimated indirect fitness’) and one explanatory variable (‘class: DM/DF/SM/SF’). All models fitted the data significantly better than the respective null models only including the intercept (Table Appendix 9a, 9b, 9c), and subsequent Tukey tests revealed significant difference in estimated fitness for certain pairwise comparisons (Table Appendix 9d, 9e, 9f). Table Appendix 9a: Single term deletion output for the influence of individual class on inclusive fitness estimates as described in Appendix 9 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 295.65 full model 3 338.6 30.583 <0.0001 Table Appendix 9b: Single term deletion output for the influence of individual class on direct fitness estimates as described in Appendix 9 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 290.99 full model 3 335.7 31.392 <0.0001 Table Appendix 9c: Single term deletion output for the influence of individual class on indirect fitness estimates as described in Appendix 9 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 23.192 full model 3 26.409 32.472 <0.0001 Table Appendix 9d: Pairwise comparisons of inclusive fitness estimates between different classes of individuals (dominant males: DM; dominant females: DF; subordinate males: SM; subordinate females: SF) Estimate Standard error z value P-Value (based on z) DM – DF -0.265 0.191 -1.385 0.4994 SF – DF -0.697 0.215 -3.236 0.0065 SM – DF -1.186 0.26 -4.556 <0.001 SF – DM -0.432 0.247 -1.745 0.2921 SM – DM -0.921 0.287 -3.206 0.0067 SM – SF -0.489 0.304 -1.611 0.3637 Table Appendix 9e: Pairwise comparisons of direct fitness estimates between different classes of individuals (dominant males: DM; dominant females: DF; subordinate males: SM; subordinate females: SF) Estimate Standard error z value P-Value (based on z) DM – DF -0.221 0.195 -1.132 0.6614 SF – DF -0.746 0.227 -3.279 0.0055 SM – DF -1.247 0.277 -4.504 <0.001 SF – DM -0.525 0.258 -2.036 0.1684 SM – DM -1.026 0.302 -3.395 0.0038 SM – SF -0.501 0.324 -1.547 0.3997 Table Appendix 9f: Pairwise comparisons of indirect fitness estimates between different classes of individuals (dominant males: DM; dominant females: DF; subordinate males: SM; subordinate females: SF) Estimate Standard error z value P-Value (based on z) DM – DF -1.676 0.382 -4.389 <0.001 SF – DF -0.106 0.196 -0.54 0.9462 SM – DF -0.497 0.222 -2.232 0.1065 SF – DM 1.57 0.396 3.965 <0.001 SM – DM 1.179 0.41 2.878 0.0192 SM – SF -0.391 0.246 -1.589 0.3689 Appendix 10 To test whether fitness estimates of different classes of individuals were differentially influenced by group size or nearest neighbour distance, we fitted GLMs with logarithmic link function to account for the assumed Poisson error structure (GLM log link; family: quasipoisson). These models included one response variable (‘estimated inclusive fitness’ or ‘estimated direct fitness’ or ‘estimated indirect fitness’), two explanatory variables (‘class: DM/DF/SM/SF’ and either ‘group size’ or ‘nearest neighbour distance’), and the interaction between both explanatory variables. Single term deletions revealed that the interaction between individual class and group size did not increase the model’s fit for any fitness estimate (Table Appendix 10a, 10b, 10c). The same was true for models including the interaction between individual class and nearest neighbour distance (Table Appendix 10d, 10e, 10f). We thus removed these interactions and refitted all models in order to investigate whether either group size or nearest neighbour distance influenced estimated fitness when controlling for individual class (i.e. including it as a covariate). Group size did not influence inclusive fitness estimates or direct fitness estimates (Table Appendix 10g and 10h), but indirect fitness estimates were higher in larger groups (Table Appendix 10i). Nearest neighbour distance had no influence on any fitness estimate (Table Appendix 10j, 10k, 10l). Table Appendix 10a: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between individual class and group size on inclusive fitness estimates as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 286.02 full model 3 295.63 6.941 0.0738 Table Appendix 10b Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between individual class and group size on direct fitness estimates as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 280.85 full model 3 290.93 7.215 0.0654 Table Appendix 10c: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between individual class and group size on indirect fitness estimates as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 20.68 full model 3 21.08 4.686 0.1963 Table Appendix 10d: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between individual class and nearest neighbour distance on inclusive fitness estimates as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 295.16 full model 3 295.6 0.311 0.9579 Table Appendix 10e Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between individual class and nearest neighbour distance on direct fitness estimates as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 290.53 full model 3 290.95 0.2914 0.9616 Table Appendix 10f: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between individual class and nearest neighbour distance on indirect fitness estimates as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 23.13 full model 3 23.19 0.6385 0.8876 Table Appendix 10g: Single term deletion output for the influence of group size on inclusive fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 295.63 model with 3 338.25 30.227 <0.0001 covariate model with group 1 295.65 0.014 0.9059 size Table Appendix 10h: Single term deletion output for the influence of group size on direct fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 290.93 model with 3 334.69 30.63 <0.0001 covariate model with group 1 290.99 0.0466 0.8292 size Table Appendix 10i: Single term deletion output for the influence of group size on indirect fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 21.084 model with 3 24.246 36.278 <0.0001 covariate model with group 1 23.192 24.186 <0.0001 size Table Appendix 10j: Single term deletion output for the influence of nearest neighbour distance on inclusive fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 295.6 model with 3 338 30.1165 <0.0001 covariate model with 1 295.65 0.0335 0.8548 nearest neighbour distance Table Appendix 10k: Single term deletion output for the influence of nearest neighbour distance on direct fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 290.95 model with 3 335.16 30.972 <0.0001 covariate model with 1 290.99 0.033 0.8558 nearest neighbour distance Table Appendix 10l: Single term deletion output for the influence of nearest neighbour distance on indirect fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 10 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 23.192 model with 3 26.341 31.687 <0.0001 covariate model with 1 23.192 0.007 0.9347 nearest neighbour distance Figure Appendix 10: The estimated inclusive fitness of each marked individual over the whole observation period in relation to its average group size. Fish classified as dominant females in their first year of marking are represented by circles, subordinate females by rectangles, subordinate males by triangles, and dominant males by diamonds. Trendlines are based on the respective GLMs and represent non-significant relationships. Appendix 11 To test whether group size and nearest neighbour distance interactively influenced individual fitness, we fitted GLMs with logarithmic link function to account for the assumed Poisson error structure (GLM log link; family: quasipoisson). These models included one response variable (‘estimated inclusive fitness’ or ‘estimated direct fitness’ or ‘estimated indirect fitness’), two explanatory variables (‘group size’ and ‘nearest neighbour distance’), the interaction between the two explanatory variables, and a covariate (‘class: DM/DF/SM/SF’). Single term deletions did not reveal any interactive influence of group size and nearest neighbour distance on either fitness estimate (Table Appendix 11a, 11b, 11c). Table Appendix 11a: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between group size and nearest neighbour distance on inclusive fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 11 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 294.07 model with 3 335.61 29.5566 <0.0001 covariate model with 1 295.59 1.0851 0.2976 nearest neighbour distance Table Appendix 11b: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between group size and nearest neighbour distance on direct fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 11 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 289.24 model with 3 331.88 29.9715 <0.0001 covariate model with 1 290.86 1.1327 0.2872 nearest neighbour distance Table Appendix 11c: Single term deletion output for the influence of the interaction between group size and nearest neighbour distance on indirect fitness estimates (including individual class as covariate) as described in Appendix 11 Degrees of Deviance Scaled deviance P-Value (based freedom on π2 ) null model 21.018 model with 3 24.234 36.591 <0.0001 covariate model with 1 21.027 0.112 0.7378 nearest neighbour distance Appendix 12 To test whether either the direct or the indirect component of inclusive fitness exceeded the other for the different classes of individuals, we used Wilcoxon signed-ranks matched-pairs tests. For each class of individual, we performed a separate test, resulting in four tests in total. Estimated direct fitness significantly exceeded the indirect component of fitness for all classes of individuals (Figure 4; Appendix 12). Table Appendix 12: The estimated minimum, mean, and maximum direct and indirect fitness gains of individually marked N. pulcher. Fish were classified according to their sex and social status in the year they were marked as either dominant male, dominant female, subordinate male, or subordinate female. All classes of individuals gained significantly more direct fitness than indirect fitness. Significance estimates are based on Wilcoxon signed-ranks matched-pairs tests. 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