CITY HAVEN MASSAGE THERAPY RESIDENT REGISTRATION FORM FOR MASSAGE THERAPY Name of Facility: (Please Print): Address: Date of Application: PERSONAL INFORMATION RESIDENTS NAME: LEVEL/ROOM NUMBER: BIRTH DATE: / / HOBBIES/ INTERESTS (Things they loved to do or enjoy talking about): AGE: PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION PRIVATE HEALTH FUND NAME: DOES COVER INCLUDE REMEDIAL MASSAGE ? YES NO MEDICAL CONDITIONS PLEASE TICK ALL CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS RESIDENT Heart/Circulatory Problems Cancer/Tumours Vision problems High Blood Pressure History of Asthma or lung conditions Low Blood Pressure Hearing problems Varicose Veins Hernias Depression DVT Blood clots Seizures Arthritis - specify type below Stroke Infectious Disease Skin Disorders Rash Athletes Foot/Tinea Muscle Injuries Bone injuries Allergies Behavioural Concerns - specify below PLEASE EXPLAIN FURTHER ANY CONDITIONS INDICATED ABOVE: 1 PERMISSION TO GIVE ACCESS TO RESIDENT MEDICAL RECORDS I/We give permission for City Haven Massage Therapy staff to access medical records at the nursing home for this application. NAME OF RESIDENT: NAME OF PERSON GIVING PERMISSION: DATE: SIGNATURE: Please Note: All resident information is kept strictly confidential at all times and only the City Haven Massage Therapy staff assisting this resident will access their records. This ensures better communication between medical practitioners, nursing staff and City Haven Massage Therapy therapists. All Massages will be clinically recorded and added to the progress notes of each resident immediately after a massage session. FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF MASSAGE THERAPY PLEASE INDICATE HOW OFTEN YOU WISH TO BOOK MASSAGE FOR THIS RESIDENT: WEEKLY 30 MINS - $55.00 INCL GST FORTNIGHTLY 45 MINS - $66.00 INCL GST MONTLY 60 MINS - $77.00 INCL GST GP APPROVAL NAME OF GENERAL PRACTITIONER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: DO YOU APPROVE REMEDIAL MASSAGE ? YES PLEASE DETAIL ANY CONTRAINDICATIONS OR CAUTIONS: NO GP Signature: NEXT OF KIN INFORMATION NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PHONE: WOULD YOU LIKE INVOICES SENT TO YOU? YES NO Email address to send invoices: 2 PAYMENT INFORMATION An invoice will be sent out at the end of each month. Please indicate how you wish to pay by ticking the appropriate box below. If you would like us to charge your credit card at the end of each month, please authorise us to do so below. CHEQUE Please make cheques payable to 'City Haven Massage Therapy' BANK DEPOSIT Westpac: BSB: 033 039 Account: 560209 Name: City Haven Massage Therapy CREDIT CARD Name on Card: Type of Card: Visa Mastercard Credit Card Number: ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ Expiry: __ / __ Signature: Postal Address: City Haven Massage Therapy P.O. Box 447 Camberwell VIC 3124 3