1 2014-2015 Winter OJR MS Cheerleading Information Cheerleaders, you need to attend every practice and game, unless you have an extenuating circumstance, such as a family emergency, you did not attend school that day, or you have a doctor’s appointment. If a girl does not email me or come see me that she is missing a practice or game, she will not be allowed to cheer in the next game. If more than four practices and two games are missed without Coach’s consent, the cheerleader will be removed from the squad for the rest of the season. No exceptions. *Cheerleaders must to be dressed in proper practice attire and ready for practices by 2:30pm. *Cheerleaders must to be dressed in proper game uniforms and ready for games by 3:10pm. Practice will occur before games from 2:30pm – 3:00pm. *Cheerleaders must maintain passing grades in school. I have high expectations of my cheerleaders. Your goal should be for honors each marking period. If you need extra help in any specific areas, please let Coach know. I will be sure to set you up with a tutor or help you myself. *If Cheerleaders are missing practice for tutoring they need a note or email from the teacher they are receiving help from in order to be excused from practice and not have it count against them. *All rules from the student athletic handbook will apply for cheerleading *Cheerleaders who make the squad will be required to have a white under armour long sleeve shirt and white cheerleading sneakers. Please wait until the roster is posted to purchase these two items. *This is a team sport – everyone should have fun, make friends, and cooperate. Therefore, bullying or harassing on the team will NOT be tolerated. If there are any issues, coach will contact home and a possible suspension/expulsion from the team can result as a consequence. Both the cheerleader and their parent(s) MUST sign the letter that is attached to this schedule stating that you agree to these terms, as well as letting me know if you will be taking the after-school activity bus or if they are able to pick you up from the school. *Parents, please note that if you or someone you approve of driving your daughter cannot pick her up after the football games or practice, your daughter will miss most of the season and therefore asked to please not tryout. 2 Any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, Miss Alexander, at falexander@ojrsd.com or check my school wires page for updates. Thank you girls and parents! Parent/Student Meeting: Thursday, November 20, 2014 @ 2:30pm: MS Lobby IMPACT TESTING: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 @ 2:30pm: HS Comp. Lab TRYOUT DATE: Thursday, December 4, 2014 @ 2:30 pm – 4:45pm: HS cafeteria PRACTICE DATES: *Monday, December 8th ~ 2:30 – 3:45pm (parent need to pick up) *Wednesday, December 10th ~ 2:30 – 3:45pm (parent need to pick up) *Thursday, December 11th ~ 2:30 – 3:45pm (parent need to pick up) *Monday, December 15th ~ 2:30 – 3:45pm (parent need to pick up) *Monday, December 22nd ~ 2:30 – 3:30pm HOLIDAY PARTY (parents are welcomed) *Tuesday, January 6th ~ 2:30-3:45pm (4:00 pm activity bus available) *Tuesday, January 13th ~ 2:30-3:45pm (4:00 pm activity bus available) *Thursday, January 22nd ~ 2:30-3:45pm (4:00 pm activity bus available) *Monday, January 26th ~ 2:30-3:45pm (parent need to pick up) *Tuesday, January 27th ~ ~ 2:30-3:45pm (4:00 pm activity bus available) *Tuesday, February 3rd ~ 2:30-3:45pm (4:00pm activity bus available) *Tuesday, February 10th 2:30 – 3:30pm: TEAM PARTY (parents are welcomed. Coach will be collecting uniforms on this date – unless otherwise noted) GAME DATES: (Please note that if you need to get on the 4:00pm activity bus on Tuesdays and Thursdays you will not be able to attend the games). *8th grade games are first, starting at 3:30pm, in the MS gym, followed by 7th grade games starting at 4:30pm (Girls are excused from games by 5pm, unless otherwise communicated via email with parents by coach.) *Thursday, December 18th @ 3:30pm – 9th grade boys vs. Phoenixville *Monday, January 5th @ 3:30pm – 8th grade boys vs. Arcola *Thursday, January 8th @ 3:30pm – 9th grade boys vs. Pope John Paul *Monday, January 12th @ 3:30pm – 8th grade boys vs. Boyertown East *Thursday, January 15th @ 3:30pm – 8th grade girls vs. Pottstown *Tuesday, January 20th @ 3:30pm – 9th grade girls vs. Boyertown JH West *Thursday, January 29th @ 3:30pm – 9th grade boys vs Perk Valley *Monday, February 2nd @ 3:30pm – 8th grade boys vs. Springford *Thursday, February 5th @ 3:30pm – 8th grade girls vs. Phoenixville *Monday, February 9th @ 3:30pm – 8th grade boys vs. Perk Valley West 3 I, (cheerleader’s name), and (parent’s name), have read and understand the terms of the 2013 fall MS cheerleading season. In addition, I, (parent’s name), will be picking up my daughter from all football games and practice or approve for (name of driver) to pick my daughter up. Cheerleader: Print Name: Signature: Date: Phone number (for urgent announcements, such as change in schedule): Parent: Print Name: Signature: Date: Phone number (for any emergencies): Parent: Please sign the line below if you give coach, who is CPR/First Aid certified, permission to give your child Benadryl should an allergic reaction occur (i.e. bee sting, food allergy, etc.). I, (print), do give Coach Alexander my permission to give my daughter Benadryl in an emergency-only situation with the understanding that coach will immediately contact the athletic trainers and my phone number. (signature)