Local Government Valuation List Version: 0.2 Author: Joel Mazurek Modification Date: 15/11/2013 1. Report/Extract Details Identifier SE1031 Name Local Government Valuation List Legacy Ref No L564 LOTS Name VJS05, VJS06, VJS08 Electronic Valuation List, Gazettal List Description Annual extract that provides a full electronic valuation list for Local Government for the proposed financial year. Type Data Extract and Report CRS Number(s) Data Source SAILIS Delivery Method Notification email to Local Government email address. Secure link (https) in email to download file. Trigger and Dependencies Scheduled and, Frequency Scheduled on GV Completion Date for each Local Government, Adhoc Adhoc, initiated by LSG Display Format Fixed Width Text File and, Excel Presentation Format Text File and, XLS File Reporting Tool TBC External Stakeholders Local Government (68 in total) Required Response Time Overnight Batch Queue Data Delay Up to 24 hours File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 1 of 11 2. Selection Criteria Field Local Government Entity VALUATION RECORD Input Control Drop Down List Comments Refer Fixed Value List - VALUATION_LGA Multi-Select Mandatory No Yes 3. Results (listed in display order) Common Name TXT Start Position Excel Column Label SAILIS Field SAILIS Entity LOTS Type SAILIS Type Valuation Record Details 1 row per Valuation Number Row Type 1 Row Type Derived DERIVED char(1) varchar2(1) Valuation Number Valuation Number Valuation Number VALUATION RECORD Record Status Record Status Status VALUATION RECORD number(2) number(5) number(2) char(1) number(1) number(2) number(5) number(2) derived varchar2(30) Water District Indicator Values Required Indicator Water District Ind Value Type In Water District YN VALUATION RECORD N/A varchar2(1) VR Type ID VALUATION RECORD number(1) varchar2(3) Year Operative Year Op Effective From VALUATION RECORD number(2) number(4) Date in SAILIS Current Site Value Current Site Value Notional Indicator Current Capital Value Current Capital Value Notional Indicator Proposed Site Value Current SV CSV Not Ind Site Value Derived VALUE DERIVED number(9) char(1) number(10) varchar2(1) Current CV CCV Not Ind Capital Value Derived VALUE DERIVED number(9) char(1) number(10) varchar2(1) Proposed SV Site Value VALUE number(9) number(10) File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Comments Where row represents: Valuation Record details, display V Occupant Details, display O Valid Values: Current Proposed Current Displayed as Y or N Valid Values: SV – Site Value Only CV – Capital Value Only SCV – Site and Capital Value Displays the start of the financial year that the Record came into force Display Year (CCYY) only Extract the latest current rating Site Value Where current rating Site Value is a Notional Value display N, else display null Extract the latest current rating Capital Value Where current rating Capital Value is a Notional Value display N, else display null Extract the latest proposed rating Site Value Page: 2 of 11 Common Name TXT Start Position Excel Column Label SAILIS Field SAILIS Entity LOTS Type SAILIS Type Proposed Site Value Notional Indicator Proposed Capital Value Proposed Capital Value Notional Indicator Unit Type Unit Number Floor Level Type Floor Level Number Building Name Allotment Number Street Number From Street Number To Street Name Street Type Street Suffix Suburb Postcode Descriptor Plan Type Plan Number Land Use Code PSV Not Ind Derived DERIVED char(1) varchar2(1) Proposed CV Capital Value VALUE number(9) number(10) PCV Not Ind Derived DERIVED char(1) varchar2(1) Property Location LUC Unit Type Unit No Floor Level Type Floor Level No Building Name Lot No Street No Street No To Street Name Street Type Street Suffix Suburb Postcode Descriptor Plan Type Plan Number Land Use VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION PARCEL VALUATION PARCEL LAND USE N/A number(3) N/A N/A N/A N/A char(12) N/A char(16) char(4) N/A char(21) number(4) char(20) char(1) char(6) number(4) varchar2(4) varchar2(7) varchar2(4) varchar2(5) varchar2(50) varchar2(6) varchar2(6) varchar2(6) varchar2(45) varchar2(4) varchar2(4) varchar2(46) number(4) varchar2(50) varchar2(1) varchar2(6) number(4) Local Government Code Improvements Land Area Frontage Primary Zone LGC LGC Land Use ID LAND USE number(1) number(1) Description Land Area Frontage Zone Description Site Area M2 Frontage M Zone, Policy, Precinct VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD ZONE char(15) number(8) number(5) char(10) varchar2(15) number(12) number(8,2) varchar2(15), varchar2(15), varchar2(15) NRM Area Code Future Valuation File Ref: Document1 Suburb Property Location cont. Plan ID NRM Future Valuation NRM Region ID Valuation Number VALUATION RECORD VALUATION RECORD number(2) number(2) allow for a maximum of 2 ‘\’s number(2) number(2) SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Comments Where proposed rating Site Value is a Notional Value display N, else display null Extract the latest proposed rating Capital Value Where proposed rating Capital Value is a Notional Value display N, else display null Refer to business rule ‘Plan and Title’ Refer to business rule ‘Plan and Title’ Extract the latest Land Use Code at the Valuation Record level Display the Local Government Code which corresponds to above Land Use. Display a concatenation of the latest Zone, Policy and Precinct Codes assigned at the Valuation Record Level. Separate each field with a ‘\’. Where no value exists for a field, still insert the ‘\’ i.e. R1\\102 Extract the proposed renumbered Valuation Page: 3 of 11 Common Name TXT Start Position Excel Column Label Number Number Title Prefix Title Volume Title Reference SAILIS Field SAILIS Entity Volume Type Volume No TITLE REFERENCE TITLE REFERENCE Folio No Derived TITLE REFERENCE DERIVED Ownership No OWNERSHIP GROUP Abbreviated Owner Names Ownership Number Abbreviated Owner Names Abbrev Name Address Type Address Type Postal Type Postal Number Unit Type Unit Number Floor Level Type Floor Level Number Building Name Allotment Number Street Number From Street Number To Street Name Street Type Street Suffix Suburb State Postcode Other Line 1 Other Line 2 Owner Address Title Folio Multiple Title Indicator Ownership Number LOTS Type number(5) number(2) char(1) char(2) char(4) char(4) char(1) SAILIS Type Comments number(5) number(2) derived varchar2(2) varchar2(4) Number, if renumbering does not exist display null varchar2(4) varchar2(1) Refer to business rule ‘Plan and Title’ Where >1 current Title Reference is linked to a Valuation Record display ‘+’ else display null Retrieve from Valuation Record OWNERSHIP GROUP number(7) varchar2(1) char(35) number(7) derived varchar2(35) Address Type ADDRESS N/A varchar2(1) Postal Type Postal No Unit Type Unit No Floor Level Type Floor Level No Building Name Lot No Street No Street No To Street Name Street Type Street Suffix Suburb State Postcode Other Line 1 Other Line 2 ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS N/A N/A N/A number(3) N/A N/A N/A N/A char(12) N/A char(16) char(4) N/A char(21) N/A number(4) char(23) char(23) varchar2(11) varchar2(11) varchar2(4) varchar2(7) varchar2(4) varchar2(5) varchar2(50) varchar2(6) varchar2(6) varchar2(6) varchar2(45) varchar2(4) varchar2(4) varchar2(46) varchar2(3) number(4) varchar2(50) varchar2(50) Refer to business rule ‘Plan and Title’ Refer to business rule ‘Plan and Title’ Retrieve the abbreviated owner name(s) which correspond to the ownership on the Valuation Record Valid Values: O – Other (unstructured address) S – Street Address C – Complex Address P – Postal Address Refer to business rule ‘Owner Address’ File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 4 of 11 Common Name Other Line 3 Other Line 4 Country Sale Date TXT Start Position Excel Column Label SAILIS Field SAILIS Entity LOTS Type SAILIS Type Sale Date Other Line 3 Other Line 4 Country Date ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS DEALING char(23) N/A N/A char(6) varchar2(50) varchar2(50) varchar2(30) date Sale Price Consideration Consideration DEALING number(8) number(10) Sale Type Sale Type Sale Type SALE char(1) number(2) Occupant Indicator Occupant Indicator Derived DERIVED char(1) varchar2(1) Parent Valuation Number Valuation Number VALUATION RECORD number(2) number(5) number(2) char(1) number(2) number(5) number(2) derived Parent Valuation Number N/A Comments Retrieve the Sale Date for the last sale recorded against the Valuation Record. Display as CCYYMMDD Retrieve the Consideration for the last sale recorded against the Valuation Record. Retrieve the Sale Type Code for the last sale recorded against the Valuation Record. SAILIS contains extra Sale Types Where >1 Occupant exists on the Valuation Record for the proposed financial year display Y, else display null This field is to be displayed in the formatted Excel output only. This field will not appear in the text file as multiple rows may be required. Display all parent Valuation Numbers separated by a comma Occupant Details Extract proposed Occupant details where Occupant Indicator = Y 1 row per Occupant Repeat directly after Valuation Record details within the text file extract Display on a separate worksheet within Excel file extract Row Type 1 Row Type Derived DERIVED char(1) varchar2(1) number(2) number(5) number(2) derived number(4) Valuation Number Valuation Number Valuation Number VALUATION RECORD Occupant Number Occupant Number Property Description Occupant Description LUC Occupant ID OCCUPANT number(2) number(5) number(2) char(1) number(4) Property ID OCCUPANT char(12) varchar2(30) Occupant Name OCCUPANT char(15) varchar2(30) Land Use OCCUPANT number(4) number(4) Property Description Occupant Description Land Use Code File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Where row represents: Valuation Record details, display V Occupant Details, display O Repeat the Valuation Number for each Occupant Occupant IDs will be displayed in the 0010, 0020 format as recorded in SAILIS Extract the latest proposed Land Use Code at the Page: 5 of 11 Common Name TXT Start Position Excel Column Label SAILIS Field SAILIS Entity Local Government LGC LGC Land Use ID LAND USE Code Proposed Occupant Proposed SV Site Value VALUE Site Value Proposed Occupant Proposed CV Capital Value VALUE Capital Value Full Owner Details This data is to be included as a separate worksheet in the formatted Excel output only This data will not appear in the text file as multiple rows may be required N/A Valuation Number Valuation Valuation Number VALUATION RECORD Number Given Name Surname Capacity N/A N/A N/A Given Name(s) Surname Capacity Given Names Surname Role Title OWNER GROUP ROLE OWNER GROUP ROLE OWNER GROUP ROLE LOTS Type SAILIS Type number(1) number(1) number(9) number(10) number(9) number(10) number(2) number(5) number(2) char(1) char(46) char(46) char(4) number(2) number(5) number(2) derived varchar2(100) varchar2(200) char(4) Comments Occupant level Display the Local Government Code which corresponds to above Land Use. Extract the latest proposed rating Site Value at the Occupant level Extract the latest proposed rating Capital Value at the Occupant level Repeat the Valuation Number for each Owner Capacity or role of owner i.e. Exec, Decd, etc. 4. LOTS Data Elements not required for SAILIS Extract Common Name Current Start Position LOTS Attribute LOTS Type SAILIS Type Secondary Zone Percentage Data Collection Unit (DCU) Property Location Indicator Rural Address 76 78 116 117 valn_second_zc.szcpercn valn_master.dcu valn_master.rurploci dl20_rural_prop.rurprop number(2) number(2) number(1) char(109) N/A N/A N/A N/A Pensioner Number Degree Remission Secondary Zone 359 369 392 valn_pen_det.pensno valn_pen_det.degrem valn_second_zc.zonecode char(10) number(3) char(10) N/A N/A N/A File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Comments Field not migrated. Field not migrated. Field not migrated. Field not migrated. All property address information in SAILIS is structured in AS5490 format. Field not migrated. DCSI now responsible Field not migrated. DCSI now responsible Field not migrated. Page: 6 of 11 5. Business Rules 1. Valuation Record Extract all Valuation Records for the required Local Government where: Record Status is Current or Proposed Current and, VR Type ID is SV or CV or SCV Extract all Valuation Records and where >1 Occupant exists for the proposed financial year, extract all corresponding Occupants. 2. Scheduling Schedule extract and report to run for each Local Government on the night of their corresponding GV Completion Date, (VALUATION.LGA_SCHEDULE_DATES.COMPLETION_DATE) Extract and report are also required on an adhoc basis as Local Governments often require updates towards the end of the financial year. When triggered from the SAILIS report menu, schedule for overnight processing and deliver to the required Local Governments as required. 3. Rating Value Where a Notional Site and/or Capital Value exists at the Valuation Record or Occupant level: Retrieve the Notional Site and/or Capital Value Where a Notional Site and/or Capital Value does not exist at the Valuation Record or Occupant level: Retrieve the Site and/or Capital Value 4. Plan and Title Extract the lowest Plan Number linked to the Valuation Record. Extract the lowest current Title linked to the lowest numbered Plan and Parcel for each Valuation Record. 5. Owner Address SAILIS structured address information will be standardised in the AS4590 format. Owner Addresses will be stored in one of four formats. Where Address Type is O – Other (Unstructured), the following will be extracted: Other Line 1 Other Line 2 Other Line 3 Other Line 4 Country Where Address Type is S – Street Address, the following will be extracted: Unit Type Unit Number Street Number Street Number To Street Type Street Suffix Suburb State Postcode File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 7 of 11 Where Address Type is C – Complex Address, the following will be extracted: Unit Type Unit Number Floor Level Type Floor Level Number Building Name Lot Number Street Number Street Number To Street Name Street Suffix Suburb State Postcode Where Address Type is P – Postal Address, the following will be extracted: Postal Type Postal Number Suburb State Postcode Any of the above fields which do not contain any data will not be extracted. Existing LOTS owner addresses will be migrated as Address Type O, owner addresses created within SAILIS may be of any type 6. Sort Order Order Extract by: Valuation Number in ascending order then by, Valuation Record details, Row Type = V then by, Occupant details, Row Type = O then by, Occupant ID in ascending order 7. Report Backup Report is to be backed up for a total of 90 days to allow LSG access if required File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 8 of 11 6. Report Formatting Rules 1. Worksheets Display Valuation Record details on worksheet one Display Occupant details on worksheet two 2. Field Concatenations Property Location – concatenate as per SAILIS UI address standards, Suburb is required as a separate column. Plan ID – <Plan Type><Plan Number> Title Reference – <Volume Type><Volume Number>“/”<Folio No> Owner Address – concatenate as per SAILIS UI address standards 3. Formatting Format worksheets to: Narrow Margins Arial font size 9 The ‘wrap text’ option is required for the following columns: Property Location Zone Abbreviated Owner Names Owner Address Parent Valuation Number Set the default print option to: A3 Landscape Scaling to fit all columns on one page Header row to repeat on each page 4. Discussion Points Alternative printing options are available such as displaying half the output on the front of a page and the balance on the back using the double sided print option. The Valuation Number would be repeated on the back page for use in manual searching and data can be reshuffled so the more commonly referred to fields are listed at the beginning. Columns can be removed or hidden if not required. Consider if all fields listed above are relevant. The current Gazettal List includes the following fields which at this time have not been included in the proposed SAILIS Valuation List: Heritage Indicator Allotment ID File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 9 of 11 7. Report Format Example Formatted_Excel_Val uation_List_Example.xlsx 8. Existing LOTS Extract Examples Open in WordPad 9. Existing LOTS Gazettal List (xml) File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 10 of 11 10. Existing LOTS Gazettal List (printable) File Ref: Document1 SE1031 – Local Government Valuation List Page: 11 of 11