SENATE ORDER ON DEPARTMENTAL AND AGENCY CONTRACTS LISTING RELATING TO THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2014 TO 31 DECEMBER 2014 Pursuant to the Senate Order on departmental and agency contracts the following table sets out contracts entered into by the CrimTrac Agency (CrimTrac) which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more and which: a. have not been fully performed as at 31/12/2014 or b. that have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 31/12/2014. A number of the contracts in the table contain mutual confidentiality provisions that are designed to protect the confidential information of the parties that may be obtained or generated in carrying out the contract. These are referred to as, ‘other requirements of confidentiality’ and require each party to seek written consent before disclosing any confidential information of the other party to a third party. The reasons for including such clauses include: • ordinary commercial prudence that requires protection of trade secrets, proprietary information, allocation of liability and the like, and/or • protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information. Unless there are other requirements of confidentiality, the column relating to the reasons for, ‘other requirements of confidentiality’ is left blank. Estimated cost of complying with this Order: $1108.64; Basis of method used to estimate the cost: average hourly rate of APS 6 x 10 hours and APS 5 x 15 hours, APS 4 x 3 hours. 1 Senate Order - Calendar Year Reporting 2014 (CrimTrac Agency) Contractor Purpose Amount (GST Incl) Start Date 496 Dickson Pty Ltd Lease of 496 Northbourne Avenue - Building and Rental $16,947,941.00 Ajilon Pty Ltd Contractor Ajilon Pty Ltd End Date Whether contract contains provisions requiring the parties to maintain confidentiality of any of its provisions (Y/N) Reason for Confidentiality Whether contract contains 'Other requirements of confidentiality' (Y/N) Reason for Confidentiality 25/08/2008 24/08/2018 N N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information obtained during performance of the Contract. $105,705.60 20/10/2014 19/04/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Contractor $109,824.00 20/10/2014 19/04/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. AOT Group Limited WOAG Accommodation Arrangement $263,715.00 17/12/2012 30/12/2015 Australian Federal Police CETS revised MOU for CETS $3,080,428.92 3/07/2014 30/06/2018 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac and AFP confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. Australian Government Solicitor Legal Services $210,075.90 4/08/2014 31/12/2016 Y To protect any information about the contract from disclosure without prior written consent from CrimTrac Y To protect all CrimTrac and Supplier confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Business Aspect Pty Ltd Management Advisory Services $105,380.00 11/11/2014 15/01/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. 2 CA (Pacific) Pty Ltd CA Directory licenses $384,448.00 28/07/2014 26/07/2017 N Canberra Data Centres Provision of Data Centre Facilities and Power Charges $2,649,691.67 20/05/2014 8/05/2016 N Comcare Comcover Data#3 Limited Insurance Premium Renewal Insurance Premium Renewal Microsoft Software Assurance under the VSA II Arrangement $632,415.40 $114,918.65 $419,027.90 1/07/2014 1/07/2014 1/07/2013 Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior witten consent to disclosure. NDAs may be required by Supplier employees. Supplier must ensure that all confidential CrimTrac information is stored in a safe and secure manner N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac and Supplier information unless prior written consent to disclosure. Both parties may impose nondisclosure obligations on consent. NDAs may be required. N N/A N To protect all confidential information unless prior notice of consent is obtained or disclosure is required by law, parliament or the Department of Finance. NDAs may be required. Parties may at any time agree that certain additional information is confidential. Data#3 Limited IBM Blade Server hardware and network switching $1,010,449.00 13/06/2014 1/07/2014 N N/A N N/A Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd Sandpit and layer 2 switching hardware components $610,288.80 9/04/2014 N N/A N N/A Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall, software, support and implementation services $302,910.00 17/04/2014 16/04/2015 N N/A N N/A Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd ICT Managed Services $20,855,129.00 19/12/2014 4/01/2020 N Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac and Supplier information unless prior written consent to disclosure. Both parties may impose nondisclosure obligations on consent. NDAs may be required. 30/06/2015 30/06/2015 30/06/2014 8/04/2019 N/A N/A 3 Dialog Pty Ltd Contractor $222,640.00 8/12/2014 7/12/2015 N Dimension Data Australia Pty Ltd Red Hat Linux 3 year Support and Maintenance $143,583.79 31/05/2013 30/05/2016 N Dimension Data Australia Pty Ltd Fortigate Firewall Hardware and Software, Black Box Taps and Associated Support Services $237,169.23 30/07/2014 29/07/2019 N Dimension Data Australia Pty Ltd NetApp disk shelves, disks, support and maintenance $374,296.45 20/11/2014 19/01/2016 N Dimension Data Australia Pty Ltd EMC 12 month support and maintenance extension $531,463.90 1/02/2014 28/02/2015 N Dimension Data Australia Pty Ltd EMC 12 month support and maintenance extension $165,331.93 1/03/2014 28/02/2015 N Electroboard Solutions Pty Ltd Interactive Meeting solutions for conferencing facilities $135,063.50 12/09/2014 11/09/2017 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior written consent to disclosure. CrimTrac may impose non-disclosure obligations. NDAs may be required. N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior witten consent to disclosure. NDAs may be required by Supplier employees. Supplier must ensure that all confidential CrimTrac information is stored in a safe and secure manner N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior witten consent to disclosure. NDAs may be required by Supplier employees. Supplier must ensure that all confidential CrimTrac information is stored in a safe and secure manner N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac and Supplier information unless prior written consent to disclosure. CrimTrac may impose nondisclosure obligations. NDAs may be required. N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac and Supplier information unless prior written consent to disclosure. CrimTrac may impose nondisclosure obligations. NDAs may be required. N N/A N/A N/A 4 ERM Power Retail Pty Ltd WOAG Electricity for 496 Northbourne Ave, Dickson $288,000.00 1/07/2011 30/06/2015 N N/A Y Protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information Ernst Young Audit Services $1,140,000.00 4/08/2014 3/08/2017 Y To protect any information about the contract from disclosure without prior written consent from CrimTrac Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Ethan Group Pty Ltd Provision of 150 x Dell OptiPlex 9020 Mini Tower workstations $141,900.00 24/03/2014 24/03/2018 N N/A N N/A Excelerated Consulting Software Maintenance & Support - IBM COGNOS TM1 $267,000.00 19/10/2012 19/10/2014 N N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless agreed in writing. CrimTrac not to keep confidential contract information unless agreed in writing. NDAs may be required Forensic Technology WAI Inc. Supply and support of a national ballistic information system. $9,804,184.00 7/04/2014 30/07/2018 Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac and Supplier information unless prior written consent to disclosure. Both parties may impose nondisclosure obligations on consent. NDAs may be required. Fuji Xerox Australia Multi-function devices under the WOAG MOM arrangement $85,856.93 6/12/2011 6/12/2014 Fujitsu Australia Limited Data Archive Storage: Design, Implementation, Service and Maintenance Contract $7,433,198.00 Hays Accountancy Personnel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd Contractor $160,640.00 N N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior written consent to disclosure. CrimTrac may impose non-disclosure obligations. 19/12/2012 19/12/2015 N N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior written consent to disclosure. CrimTrac may impose non-disclosure obligations and disclosure limited. NDAs may be required. 28/01/2014 30/09/2014 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. 5 IBM Australia Ltd Renewal of IBM support and Licensing for MQ, Broker and Tivoli Applications. $1,984,302.96 1/12/2013 31/03/2015 N Infinite Consulting Pty Ltd Contractor $222,970.00 8/12/2014 7/12/2015 N Infinite Consulting Pty Ltd Contractor $367,400.00 7/10/2014 6/10/2015 N Intersect Alliance Pty Ltd SNARE Annual License and Maintenance fees for 3 years $115,500.00 1/01/2013 31/12/2015 N Linked Training Group Pty Ltd Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Training Provider $259,633.00 4/02/2014 30/06/2014 Logica/CGI ICT Managed Services $29,822,064.15 1/07/2009 Maddocks Project Probity Services $140,287.50 1/08/2014 N/A N N/A N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. N/A Y CrimTrac to maintain Suppliers confidentiality. No protection for CrimTrac confidential information. N N/A Y To protect the confidential information of both parties, including the Official Information of CrimTrac, from disclosure without prior written authorisation. NDAs may be required. Exceptions to disclosure obligations include where disclosure is required by law or parliament. 31/03/2015 N N/A Y To protect all confidential information until it becomes public 31/12/2016 Y To protect any information about the contract from disclosure without prior written consent from CrimTrac Y To protect all CrimTrac and Supplier confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. 6 Microsoft Pty Ltd Microsoft Premier Support Services Agreement $371,398.50 1/07/2013 30/06/2016 N N/A N To protect all confidential information from disclosure without written consent for a period of 5-years after initial disclosure. Disclosure without consent may occur where compelled by law or where required in order to obtain legal advice, or after the 5 year period has lapsed. Each party shall take reasonable precautions to protect each others confidential information and will only disclose on a need-to-know basis. Morpho Australasia National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) Service Agreement $30,469,787.82 30/05/2011 30/05/2015 Y To protect any information about the contract from disclosure without prior written consent from CrimTrac Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior witten consent to disclosure. NDAs may be required by Supplier employees. Supplier must ensure that all confidential CrimTrac information is stored in a safe and secure manner Morpho Australasia Installation of hardware and disposal of hardware re NAFIS refresh $291,500.00 10/02/2014 2/06/2014 Y To protect any information about the contract from disclosure without prior written consent from CrimTrac Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior witten consent to disclosure. NDAs may be required by Supplier employees. Supplier must ensure that all confidential CrimTrac information is stored in a safe and secure manner Netapp Australia Pty Ltd Netapp Hardware, support and maintenance $990,917.31 20/12/2013 29/02/2016 N N/A N N/A Netapp Australia Pty Ltd Supply, Install and 36 Months Support and Maintenance of Shelves and Disks $613,721.06 23/05/2014 23/05/2017 N N/A N N/A Oakton Contracting Recruitment Project Management services. $134,750.00 21/05/2014 26/11/2014 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Oracle Corporation Australia Software & Maintenance Support Contract 3819077 $806,894.00 25/09/2009 25/09/2014 N N/A N N/A Oracle Corporation Australia Software & Maintenance Support Contract 3747426 $532,207.00 29/07/2009 29/07/2014 N N/A N N/A 7 Oracle Corporation Australia Co-Terming of existing contracts and renewal for Oracle Technical Support Services $483,392.40 21/05/2013 20/05/2014 N N/A N N/A Oracle Corporation Australia Software Update License and Support $497,894.19 16/05/2014 20/05/2015 N N/A N N/A Paxus Australia Pty Ltd Contractor $297,000.00 1/10/2014 30/06/2015 N Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Peoplebank Australia Ltd Contractor $454,720.00 1/07/2013 30/06/2015 N N/A Y Peoplebank Australia Ltd Contractor $495,880.00 1/07/2013 30/06/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Peoplebank Australia Ltd Contractor $539,000.00 1/07/2013 30/06/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Consultancy Services $867,748.53 2/09/2014 30/06/2015 Y To protect any information about the contract from disclosure without prior written consent from CrimTrac Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. Queensland Police IBIS Brasstrax 3D $184,897.36 19/08/2014 30/07/2018 N N/A Y To protect both parties confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or disclosure by law or parliament RPV Consultants Pty Ltd Contractor $406,560.00 3/02/2014 N Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. 30/06/2015 N/A N/A 8 RPV Consultants Pty Ltd Contractor $283,360.00 12/01/2015 11/01/2016 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. RPV Consultants Pty Ltd Contractor $279,312.00 7/10/2014 6/10/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. RPV Consultants Pty Ltd Contractor $283,360.00 1/07/2014 30/06/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. SNP Security 24x7 and ad-hoc guarding for 496 Northbourne Ave $731,000.00 1/06/2013 31/03/2015 N Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless prior written consent to disclosure. CrimTrac may impose non-disclosure obligations. NDAs may be required. Supplier must not claim that information disclosed under performance of the Contract is confidential. South Australia Police IBIS Brasstrax 3D $149,518.11 19/08/2014 30/07/2018 N Y To protect both parties confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or disclosure by law or parliament Southern Cross Computer Systems Microsoft VMWare $355,780.90 17/09/2012 16/09/2015 N N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac information unless agreed in writing. CrimTrac not to keep confidential contract information unless agreed in writing. NDAs may be required Talent International ACT Pty Ltd Contractor $262,548.00 19/08/2013 17/08/2014 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. N/A N/A 9 Talent International ACT Pty Ltd Contractor $211,922.00 24/02/2014 31/12/2014 N Talent International ACT Pty Ltd Contractor $264,000.00 1/01/2015 11/01/2016 N Talent International ACT Pty Ltd Contractor $277,200.00 7/10/2014 30/06/2015 Talent International ACT Pty Ltd Contractor $275,264.00 4/11/2014 Talent International ACT Pty Ltd Contractor $281,160.00 1/07/2014 TransACT Capital Communications Secondary Data Centre Ultra Care Cleaning Services Provision of Cleaning Services - 496 Northbourne Avenue Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. 16/11/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. 30/06/2015 N N/A Y To protect all CrimTrac confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or or disclosure by law or parliament. NDAs may be required. $16,050,255.16 11/09/2012 10/09/2023 N N/A Y To protect all confidential CrimTrac and Supplier information unless prior written consent to disclosure. Both parties may impose nondisclosure obligations on consent. NDAs may be required. $283,000.00 1/11/2013 N N/A Y To protect the confidential information of both parties, including the Official Information of CrimTrac, from disclosure without prior written authorisation. NDAs may be required. Exceptions to disclosure obligations include where disclosure is required by law or parliament. 31/10/2016 N/A 10 Verizon Australia Pty Ltd Internet Gateway Services $1,769,255.71 30/10/2013 30/10/2016 N N/A Y To protect the confidential information of both parties from disclosure without prior written authorisation. CrimTrac can require NDAs to be provided. Exceptions to disclosure obligations include where disclosure is required by law or parliament. Parties may at any time agree that certain additional information is confidential. WA Police Services Evaluation of Electronic processing of Police History Checks - Pilot Activity for Potential National Delivery $110,000.00 17/11/2014 17/11/2015 N N/A Y To protect both parties confidential information unless prior written consent is obtained or disclosure by law or parliament 11