accessing one source energy thru mother earth & father sky

Source Energy acts within our complementary dualistic, spacetime reality through the complementary processes of
generation and degeneration. Even as the generative process powers everything into being, its strength diminishes as
the degenerative process intensifies, so extinguishing all things as part of the cycle of life and death.
Mother Earth represents the female principle nurturing us with the life-generating aspect of Source Energy in
complement to the male principle.
Father Sky represents the male principle protecting us from the life-degenerating aspect of Source Energy in
complement to the female principle.
Complementary Dualism in Aboriginal Spirituality: Every person contains aspects of both the male principle and the
female principle. Where the female principle is at its strongest, the male principle is at its weakest, and vice versa. In
terms of the divine complimentary deities: Where Mother Earth is strongest in offering us nurture; Father Sky is the
weaker. Where Mother Earth is weakest in offering us protection; Father Sky is the stronger.
Our Divine Loving Parents: When Father Sky puts his loving arms around you, it’s to protect the purity of your spirit from
adversity; when Mother Earth puts her loving arms around you, it’s to nurture the continued growth of your pure spirit.
Mother Earth is ALPHA (Birth and First Beginning) and Father Sky is OMEGA (Death and Final Destiny):
We begin with the knowledge that OUR CONCEPTION was a joining of the FEMALE PRINCIPLE and
the MALE PRINCIPLE ---with each woman, as the spiritual manifestation of Mother Earth, being in
intimate conjugation with each man, as the spiritual manifestation of Father Sky. Mother Earth as
Nurturer, and Father Sky as Protector then continue to watch over all of us, in Complementary
Dualism, during the entire course of our life experiences as Their much beloved children.
Yet, it is the FEMALE PRINCIPLE, AS MOTHER EARTH whose womb is our home, that brings forth the
BIRTH of our life experience within Earth’s biosphere and bonds us with the entire living universe.
Moreover, the link between the female principle and birth goes all the way back, even beyond the
birth of our species, to the most distant past at the Big Bang: the birth of our universe. It is clear
that the female principle deeply connects us to our evolutionary past where everything that exists,
or has ever existed, finds its birth. Mother Earth stands for the PAST wherein lay the First
Beginning. Mother Earth is ALPHA.
And, it is the MALE PRINCIPLE, AS FATHER SKY in heaven with the ancestors, that seeks to guide us
even beyond our earthly death to our FINAL DESTINY in more distant “skies”. Moreover, the link
between the male principle and our destiny goes all the way forward, even beyond the end of the
Earth, to our most distant future: it guides us through all the possibilities that the universe might
happen to manifest. Father Sky stands for the FUTURE even beyond our Earthly death to our Final
Destiny. Father Sky is OMEGA.
When we rush headlong into our future, without the wisdom of Mother Earth reminding us of our
roots in the past and who we deeply are, the male principle becomes unbalanced and we destroy
ourselves. When we remain unchanged in our past, without the wisdom of Father Sky reminding
us of our future destiny to grow and spread out across the universe, the female principle becomes
unbalanced and we remain “in stasis” with the past to, eventually, die with the Earth.
* The “Complementary Duality from Essential Unity” Principle of both Science and Spirit.